2018-01-12 18:36:12 -08:00

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This page explains how to prepare your environment for running the bot.

To understand how to set up the bot please read the Bot Configuration page.

Table of Contents

Automatic Installation - Docker

Start by downloading Docker for your platform:

Once you have Docker installed, simply create the config file (e.g. config.json) and then create a Docker image for freqtrade using the Dockerfile in this repo.

1. Prepare the Bot

1.1. Clone the git repository

git clone

1.2. (Optional) Checkout the develop branch

git checkout develop

1.3. Go into the new directory

cd freqtrade

1.4. Copy config.json.example to config.json

cat config.json.example >> config.json

To edit the config please refer to the Bot Configuration page.

1.5. Create your database file (optional - the bot will create it if it is missing)

# For Production
touch tradesv3.sqlite

# For Dry-Run
touch tradesv3.dryrun.sqlite

2. Build the Docker image

cd freqtrade
docker build -t freqtrade .

For security reasons, your configuration file will not be included in the image, you will need to bind mount it. It is also advised to bind mount an SQLite database file (see the "5. Run a restartable docker image" section) to keep it between updates.

3. Verify the Docker image

After the build process you can verify that the image was created with:

docker images

4. Run the Docker image

You can run a one-off container that is immediately deleted upon exiting with the following command (config.json must be in the current working directory):

docker run --rm -v `pwd`/config.json:/freqtrade/config.json -it freqtrade

In this example, the database will be created inside the docker instance and will be lost when you will refresh your image.

5. Run a restartable docker image

To run a restartable instance in the background (feel free to place your configuration and database files wherever it feels comfortable on your filesystem).

5.1. Move your config file and database

mkdir ~/.freqtrade
mv config.json ~/.freqtrade
mv tradesv3.sqlite ~/.freqtrade

5.2. Run the docker image

docker run -d \
  --name freqtrade \
  -v ~/.freqtrade/config.json:/freqtrade/config.json \
  -v ~/.freqtrade/tradesv3.sqlite:/freqtrade/tradesv3.sqlite \

If you are using dry_run=True it's not necessary to mount tradesv3.sqlite, but you can mount tradesv3.dryrun.sqlite if you plan to use the dry run mode with the param --dry-run-db.

6. Monitor your Docker instance

You can then use the following commands to monitor and manage your container:

docker logs freqtrade
docker logs -f freqtrade
docker restart freqtrade
docker stop freqtrade
docker start freqtrade

You do not need to rebuild the image for configuration changes, it will suffice to edit config.json and restart the container.

Custom Installation

We've included/collected install instructions for Ubuntu 16.04, MacOS, and Windows. These are guidelines and your success may vary with other distros.


Click each one for install guide:

Linux - Ubuntu 16.04

1. Install Python 3.6, Git, and wget

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-venv build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config make wget git

2. Install TA-Lib

Official webpage:

tar xvzf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz
cd ta-lib
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install
cd ..
rm -rf ./ta-lib*

3. [Optional] Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB if you plan to optimize your strategy with Hyperopt.

sudo apt-get install mongodb-org

Complete tutorial from Digital Ocean: How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04.

4. Install FreqTrade

Clone the git repository:

git clone

Optionally checkout the develop branch:

git checkout develop

5. Configure freqtrade as a systemd service

From the freqtrade repo... copy freqtrade.service to your systemd user directory (usually ~/.config/systemd/user) and update WorkingDirectory and ExecStart to match your setup.

After that you can start the daemon with:

systemctl --user start freqtrade

For this to be persistent (run when user is logged out) you'll need to enable linger for your freqtrade user.

sudo loginctl enable-linger "$USER"

MacOS Installation

1. Install Python 3.6, git, wget and ta-lib

brew install python3 git wget ta-lib

2. [Optional] Install MongoDB

Install MongoDB if you plan to optimize your strategy with Hyperopt.

curl -O
tar -zxvf mongodb-osx-ssl-x86_64-3.4.10.tgz
mkdir -p <path_freqtrade>/env/mongodb
cp -R -n mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.10/ <path_freqtrade>/env/mongodb
export PATH=<path_freqtrade>/env/mongodb/bin:$PATH

3. Install FreqTrade

Clone the git repository:

git clone

Optionally checkout the develop branch:

git checkout develop


We recommend that Windows users use Docker as this will work much easier and smoother (also more secure).

Install freqtrade

#copy paste config.json to \path\freqtrade-develop\freqtrade
>cd \path\freqtrade-develop
>python -m venv .env
>cd .env\Scripts
>cd \path\freqtrade-develop
>pip install -r requirements.txt
>pip install -e .
>cd freqtrade

Thanks Owdr for the commands. Source: Issue #222

First Step

cd freqtrade
cp config.json.example config.json

To edit the config please refer to Bot Configuration.

5. Setup your Python virtual environment (virtualenv)

python3.6 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt
pip3.6 install -e .

6. Run the Bot

If this is the first time you run the bot, ensure you are running it in Dry-run "dry_run": true, otherwise it will start to buy and sell coins.

python3.6 ./freqtrade/ -c config.json

Next Step

Now you have an environment ready, the next step is Bot Configuration...