2019-11-25 15:43:09 +01:00

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Configure the bot

Freqtrade has many configurable features and possibilities. By default, these settings are configured via the configuration file (see below).

The Freqtrade configuration file

The bot uses a set of configuration parameters during its operation that all together conform the bot configuration. It normally reads its configuration from a file (Freqtrade configuration file).

Per default, the bot loads the configuration from the config.json file, located in the current working directory.

You can specify a different configuration file used by the bot with the -c/--config command line option.

In some advanced use cases, multiple configuration files can be specified and used by the bot or the bot can read its configuration parameters from the process standard input stream.

If you used the Quick start method for installing the bot, the installation script should have already created the default configuration file (config.json) for you.

If default configuration file is not created we recommend you to copy and use the config.json.example as a template for your bot configuration.

The Freqtrade configuration file is to be written in the JSON format.

Additionally to the standard JSON syntax, you may use one-line // ... and multi-line /* ... */ comments in your configuration files and trailing commas in the lists of parameters.

Do not worry if you are not familiar with JSON format -- simply open the configuration file with an editor of your choice, make some changes to the parameters you need, save your changes and, finally, restart the bot or, if it was previously stopped, run it again with the changes you made to the configuration. The bot validates syntax of the configuration file at startup and will warn you if you made any errors editing it, pointing out problematic lines.

Configuration parameters

The table below will list all configuration parameters available.

Freqtrade can also load many options via command line (CLI) arguments (check out the commands --help output for details). The prevelance for all Options is as follows:

  • CLI arguments override any other option
  • Configuration files are used in sequence (last file wins), and override Strategy configurations.
  • Strategy configurations are only used if they are not set via configuration or via command line arguments. These options are market with Strategy Override in the below table.

Mandatory parameters are marked as Required, which means that they are required to be set in one of the possible ways.

Command Description
max_open_trades Required. Number of trades open your bot will have. If -1 then it is ignored (i.e. potentially unlimited open trades)
stake_currency Required. Crypto-currency used for trading. Strategy Override.
stake_amount Required. Amount of crypto-currency your bot will use for each trade. Per default, the bot will use (0.05 BTC x 3) = 0.15 BTC in total will be always engaged. Set it to "unlimited" to allow the bot to use all available balance. Strategy Override.
amount_reserve_percent Reserve some amount in min pair stake amount. The bot will reserve amount_reserve_percent + stop-loss value when calculating min pair stake amount in order to avoid possible trade refusals.
Defaults to 0.05 (5%).
ticker_interval The ticker interval to use (1min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour or 1 day). Default is 5 minutes. Strategy Override.
fiat_display_currency Fiat currency used to show your profits. More information below.
dry_run Required. Define if the bot must be in Dry-run or production mode.
Defaults to true.
dry_run_wallet Overrides the default amount of 999.9 stake currency units in the wallet used by the bot running in the Dry Run mode if you need it for any reason.
process_only_new_candles Enable processing of indicators only when new candles arrive. If false each loop populates the indicators, this will mean the same candle is processed many times creating system load but can be useful of your strategy depends on tick data not only candle. Strategy Override.
Defaults to false.
minimal_roi Required. Set the threshold in percent the bot will use to sell a trade. More information below. Strategy Override.
stoploss Required. Value of the stoploss in percent used by the bot. More information below. More details in the stoploss documentation. Strategy Override.
trailing_stop Enables trailing stop-loss (based on stoploss in either configuration or strategy file). More details in the stoploss documentation. Strategy Override.
trailing_stop_positive Changes stop-loss once profit has been reached. More details in the stoploss documentation. Strategy Override.
trailing_stop_positive_offset Offset on when to apply trailing_stop_positive. Percentage value which should be positive. More details in the stoploss documentation. Strategy Override.
Defaults to 0.0 (no offset).
trailing_only_offset_is_reached Only apply trailing stoploss when the offset is reached. stoploss documentation. Strategy Override.
Defaults to false. Required. How long (in minutes) the bot will wait for an unfilled buy order to complete, after which the order will be cancelled.
unfilledtimeout.sell Required. How long (in minutes) the bot will wait for an unfilled sell order to complete, after which the order will be cancelled.
bid_strategy.ask_last_balance Required. Set the bidding price. More information below.
bid_strategy.use_order_book Enable buying using the rates in Order Book Bids.
bid_strategy.order_book_top Bot will use the top N rate in Order Book Bids. I.e. a value of 2 will allow the bot to pick the 2nd bid rate in Order Book Bids. Defaults to 1.
bid_strategy. check_depth_of_market.enabled Does not buy if the difference of buy orders and sell orders is met in Order Book.
Defaults to false.
bid_strategy. check_depth_of_market.bids_to_ask_delta The % difference of buy orders and sell orders found in Order Book. A value lesser than 1 means sell orders is greater, while value greater than 1 means buy orders is higher. Defaults to 0.
ask_strategy.use_order_book Enable selling of open trades using Order Book Asks.
ask_strategy.order_book_min Bot will scan from the top min to max Order Book Asks searching for a profitable rate.
Defaults to 1.
ask_strategy.order_book_max Bot will scan from the top min to max Order Book Asks searching for a profitable rate.
Defaults to 1.
ask_strategy.use_sell_signal Use sell signals produced by the strategy in addition to the minimal_roi. Strategy Override.
Defaults to true.
ask_strategy.sell_profit_only Wait until the bot makes a positive profit before taking a sell decision. Strategy Override.
Defaults to false.
ask_strategy.ignore_roi_if_buy_signal Do not sell if the buy signal is still active. This setting takes preference over minimal_roi and use_sell_signal. Strategy Override.
Defaults to false.
order_types Configure order-types depending on the action ("buy", "sell", "stoploss", "stoploss_on_exchange"). More information below. Strategy Override.
order_time_in_force Configure time in force for buy and sell orders. More information below. Strategy Override. Required. Name of the exchange class to use. List below.
exchange.sandbox Use the 'sandbox' version of the exchange, where the exchange provides a sandbox for risk-free integration. See here in more details.
exchange.key API key to use for the exchange. Only required when you are in production mode. Keep it in secrete, do not disclose publicly.
exchange.secret API secret to use for the exchange. Only required when you are in production mode. Keep it in secrete, do not disclose publicly.
exchange.password API password to use for the exchange. Only required when you are in production mode and for exchanges that use password for API requests. Keep it in secrete, do not disclose publicly.
exchange.pair_whitelist List of pairs to use by the bot for trading and to check for potential trades during backtesting. Not used by VolumePairList (see below).
exchange.pair_blacklist List of pairs the bot must absolutely avoid for trading and backtesting (see below).
exchange.ccxt_config Additional CCXT parameters passed to the regular ccxt instance. Parameters may differ from exchange to exchange and are documented in the ccxt documentation
exchange.ccxt_async_config Additional CCXT parameters passed to the async ccxt instance. Parameters may differ from exchange to exchange and are documented in the ccxt documentation
exchange.markets_refresh_interval The interval in minutes in which markets are reloaded.
Defaults to 60 minutes.
edge.* Please refer to edge configuration document for detailed explanation.
experimental.block_bad_exchanges Block exchanges known to not work with freqtrade. Leave on default unless you want to test if that exchange works now.
Defaults to true.
pairlists Define one or more pairlists to be used. More information below.
Defaults to StaticPairList.
telegram.enabled Enable the usage of Telegram.
telegram.token Your Telegram bot token. Only required if telegram.enabled is true. Keep it in secrete, do not disclose publicly.
telegram.chat_id Your personal Telegram account id. Only required if telegram.enabled is true. Keep it in secrete, do not disclose publicly.
webhook.enabled Enable usage of Webhook notifications
webhook.url URL for the webhook. Only required if webhook.enabled is true. See the webhook documentation for more details.
webhook.webhookbuy Payload to send on buy. Only required if webhook.enabled is true. See the webhook documentationV for more details.
webhook.webhooksell Payload to send on sell. Only required if webhook.enabled is true. See the webhook documentationV for more details.
webhook.webhookstatus Payload to send on status calls. Only required if webhook.enabled is true. See the webhook documentationV for more details.
db_url Declares database URL to use. NOTE: This defaults to sqlite:// if dry_run is True, and to sqlite:///tradesv3.sqlite for production instances.
initial_state Defines the initial application state. More information below.
Defaults to stopped.
forcebuy_enable Enables the RPC Commands to force a buy. More information below.
strategy Required Defines Strategy class to use. Recommended to set via --strategy NAME.
strategy_path Adds an additional strategy lookup path (must be a directory).
internals.process_throttle_secs Set the process throttle. Value in second.
Defaults to 5 seconds.
internals.heartbeat_interval Print heartbeat message every X seconds. Set to 0 to disable heartbeat messages.
Defaults to 60 seconds.
internals.sd_notify Enables use of the sd_notify protocol to tell systemd service manager about changes in the bot state and issue keep-alive pings. See here for more details.
logfile Specify Logfile. Uses a rolling strategy of 10 files, with 1Mb per file.
user_data_dir Directory containing user data.
Defaults to ./user_data/.

Parameters in the strategy

The following parameters can be set in either configuration file or strategy. Values set in the configuration file always overwrite values set in the strategy.

  • minimal_roi
  • ticker_interval
  • stoploss
  • trailing_stop
  • trailing_stop_positive
  • trailing_stop_positive_offset
  • trailing_only_offset_is_reached
  • process_only_new_candles
  • order_types
  • order_time_in_force
  • stake_currency
  • stake_amount
  • use_sell_signal (ask_strategy)
  • sell_profit_only (ask_strategy)
  • ignore_roi_if_buy_signal (ask_strategy)

Understand stake_amount

The stake_amount configuration parameter is an amount of crypto-currency your bot will use for each trade. The minimal value is 0.0005. If there is not enough crypto-currency in the account an exception is generated. To allow the bot to trade all the available stake_currency in your account set

"stake_amount" : "unlimited",

In this case a trade amount is calclulated as:

currency_balance / (max_open_trades - current_open_trades)

Understand minimal_roi

The minimal_roi configuration parameter is a JSON object where the key is a duration in minutes and the value is the minimum ROI in percent. See the example below:

"minimal_roi": {
    "40": 0.0,    # Sell after 40 minutes if the profit is not negative
    "30": 0.01,   # Sell after 30 minutes if there is at least 1% profit
    "20": 0.02,   # Sell after 20 minutes if there is at least 2% profit
    "0":  0.04    # Sell immediately if there is at least 4% profit

Most of the strategy files already include the optimal minimal_roi value. This parameter can be set in either Strategy or Configuration file. If you use it in the configuration file, it will override the minimal_roi value from the strategy file. If it is not set in either Strategy or Configuration, a default of 1000% {"0": 10} is used, and minimal roi is disabled unless your trade generates 1000% profit.

Understand stoploss

Go to the stoploss documentation for more details.

Understand trailing stoploss

Go to the trailing stoploss Documentation for details on trailing stoploss.

Understand initial_state

The initial_state configuration parameter is an optional field that defines the initial application state. Possible values are running or stopped. (default=running) If the value is stopped the bot has to be started with /start first.

Understand forcebuy_enable

The forcebuy_enable configuration parameter enables the usage of forcebuy commands via Telegram. This is disabled for security reasons by default, and will show a warning message on startup if enabled. For example, you can send /forcebuy ETH/BTC Telegram command when this feature if enabled to the bot, who then buys the pair and holds it until a regular sell-signal (ROI, stoploss, /forcesell) appears.

This can be dangerous with some strategies, so use with care.

See the telegram documentation for details on usage.

Understand process_throttle_secs

The process_throttle_secs configuration parameter is an optional field that defines in seconds how long the bot should wait before asking the strategy if we should buy or a sell an asset. After each wait period, the strategy is asked again for every opened trade wether or not we should sell, and for all the remaining pairs (either the dynamic list of pairs or the static list of pairs) if we should buy.

Understand ask_last_balance

The ask_last_balance configuration parameter sets the bidding price. Value 0.0 will use ask price, 1.0 will use the last price and values between those interpolate between ask and last price. Using ask price will guarantee quick success in bid, but bot will also end up paying more then would probably have been necessary.

Understand order_types

The order_types configuration parameter maps actions (buy, sell, stoploss) to order-types (market, limit, ...) as well as configures stoploss to be on the exchange and defines stoploss on exchange update interval in seconds.

This allows to buy using limit orders, sell using limit-orders, and create stoplosses using using market orders. It also allows to set the stoploss "on exchange" which means stoploss order would be placed immediately once the buy order is fulfilled. If stoploss_on_exchange and trailing_stop are both set, then the bot will use stoploss_on_exchange_interval to check and update the stoploss on exchange periodically. order_types can be set in the configuration file or in the strategy. order_types set in the configuration file overwrites values set in the strategy as a whole, so you need to configure the whole order_types dictionary in one place.

If this is configured, the following 4 values (buy, sell, stoploss and stoploss_on_exchange) need to be present, otherwise the bot will fail to start.

emergencysell is an optional value, which defaults to market and is used when creating stoploss on exchange orders fails. The below is the default which is used if this is not configured in either strategy or configuration file.

Since stoploss_on_exchange uses limit orders, the exchange needs 2 prices, the stoploss_price and the Limit price. stoploss defines the stop-price - and limit should be slightly below this. This defaults to 0.99 / 1%. Calculation example: we bought the asset at 100$. Stop-price is 95$, then limit would be 95 * 0.99 = 94.05$ - so the stoploss will happen between 95$ and 94.05$.

Syntax for Strategy:

order_types = {
    "buy": "limit",
    "sell": "limit",
    "emergencysell": "market",
    "stoploss": "market",
    "stoploss_on_exchange": False,
    "stoploss_on_exchange_interval": 60,
    "stoploss_on_exchange_limit_ratio": 0.99,


"order_types": {
    "buy": "limit",
    "sell": "limit",
    "emergencysell": "market",
    "stoploss": "market",
    "stoploss_on_exchange": false,
    "stoploss_on_exchange_interval": 60

!!! Note Not all exchanges support "market" orders. The following message will be shown if your exchange does not support market orders: "Exchange <yourexchange> does not support market orders."

!!! Note Stoploss on exchange interval is not mandatory. Do not change its value if you are unsure of what you are doing. For more information about how stoploss works please refer to the stoploss documentation.

!!! Note If stoploss_on_exchange is enabled and the stoploss is cancelled manually on the exchange, then the bot will create a new order.

!!! Warning "Warning: stoploss_on_exchange failures" If stoploss on exchange creation fails for some reason, then an "emergency sell" is initiated. By default, this will sell the asset using a market order. The order-type for the emergency-sell can be changed by setting the emergencysell value in the order_types dictionary - however this is not advised.

Understand order_time_in_force

The order_time_in_force configuration parameter defines the policy by which the order is executed on the exchange. Three commonly used time in force are:

GTC (Good Till Canceled):

This is most of the time the default time in force. It means the order will remain on exchange till it is canceled by user. It can be fully or partially fulfilled. If partially fulfilled, the remaining will stay on the exchange till cancelled.

FOK (Full Or Kill):

It means if the order is not executed immediately AND fully then it is canceled by the exchange.

IOC (Immediate Or Canceled):

It is the same as FOK (above) except it can be partially fulfilled. The remaining part is automatically cancelled by the exchange.

The order_time_in_force parameter contains a dict with buy and sell time in force policy values. This can be set in the configuration file or in the strategy. Values set in the configuration file overwrites values set in the strategy.

The possible values are: gtc (default), fok or ioc.

"order_time_in_force": {
    "buy": "gtc",
    "sell": "gtc"

!!! Warning This is an ongoing work. For now it is supported only for binance and only for buy orders. Please don't change the default value unless you know what you are doing.

Exchange configuration

Freqtrade is based on CCXT library that supports over 100 cryptocurrency exchange markets and trading APIs. The complete up-to-date list can be found in the CCXT repo homepage. However, the bot was tested with only Bittrex and Binance.

The bot was tested with the following exchanges:

Feel free to test other exchanges and submit your PR to improve the bot.

Sample exchange configuration

A exchange configuration for "binance" would look as follows:

"exchange": {
    "name": "binance",
    "key": "your_exchange_key",
    "secret": "your_exchange_secret",
    "ccxt_config": {"enableRateLimit": true},
    "ccxt_async_config": {
        "enableRateLimit": true,
        "rateLimit": 200

This configuration enables binance, as well as rate limiting to avoid bans from the exchange. "rateLimit": 200 defines a wait-event of 0.2s between each call. This can also be completely disabled by setting "enableRateLimit" to false.

!!! Note Optimal settings for rate limiting depend on the exchange and the size of the whitelist, so an ideal parameter will vary on many other settings. We try to provide sensible defaults per exchange where possible, if you encounter bans please make sure that "enableRateLimit" is enabled and increase the "rateLimit" parameter step by step.

Advanced Freqtrade Exchange configuration

Advanced options can be configured using the _ft_has_params setting, which will override Defaults and exchange-specific behaviours.

Available options are listed in the exchange-class as _ft_has_default.

For example, to test the order type FOK with Kraken, and modify candle_limit to 200 (so you only get 200 candles per call):

"exchange": {
    "name": "kraken",
    "_ft_has_params": {
        "order_time_in_force": ["gtc", "fok"],
        "ohlcv_candle_limit": 200

!!! Warning Please make sure to fully understand the impacts of these settings before modifying them.

What values can be used for fiat_display_currency?

The fiat_display_currency configuration parameter sets the base currency to use for the conversion from coin to fiat in the bot Telegram reports.

The valid values are:

"AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY", "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS", "INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD", "ZAR", "USD"

In addition to fiat currencies, a range of cryto currencies are supported.

The valid values are:

"BTC", "ETH", "XRP", "LTC", "BCH", "USDT"


Pairlists define the list of pairs that the bot should trade. There are StaticPairList and dynamic Whitelists available.

PrecisionFilter and PriceFilter act as filters, removing low-value pairs.

All pairlists can be chained, and a combination of all pairlists will become your new whitelist. Pairlists are executed in the sequence they are configured. You should always configure either StaticPairList or DynamicPairList as starting pairlists.

Inactive markets and blacklisted pairs are always removed from the resulting pair_whitelist.

Available Pairlists

Static Pair List

By default, the StaticPairList method is used, which uses a statically defined pair whitelist from the configuration.

It uses configuration from exchange.pair_whitelist and exchange.pair_blacklist.

"pairlists": [
    {"method": "StaticPairList"}

Volume Pair List

VolumePairList selects number_assets top pairs based on sort_key, which can be one of askVolume, bidVolume and quoteVolume and defaults to quoteVolume.

VolumePairList considers outputs of previous pairlists unless it's the first configured pairlist, it does not consider pair_whitelist, but selects the top assets from all available markets (with matching stake-currency) on the exchange.

refresh_period allows setting the period (in seconds), at which the pairlist will be refreshed. Defaults to 1800s (30 minutes).

"pairlists": [{
        "method": "VolumePairList",
        "number_assets": 20,
        "sort_key": "quoteVolume",
        "refresh_period": 1800,

Precision Filter

Filters low-value coins which would not allow setting a stoploss.

Price Pair Filter

The PriceFilter allows filtering of pairs by price. Currently, only low_price_ratio is implemented, where a raise of 1 price unit (pip) is below the low_price_ratio ratio. This option is disabled by default, and will only apply if set to <> 0.

Calculation example:
Min price precision is 8 decimals. If price is 0.00000011 - one step would be 0.00000012 - which is almost 10% higher than the previous value.

These pairs are dangerous since it may be impossible to place the desired stoploss - and often result in high losses.

Full Pairlist example

The below example blacklists BNB/BTC, uses VolumePairList with 20 assets, sorting by quoteVolume and applies both PrecisionFilter and PriceFilter, filtering all assets where 1 priceunit is > 1%.

"exchange": {
    "pair_whitelist": [],
    "pair_blacklist": ["BNB/BTC"]
"pairlists": [
        "method": "VolumePairList",
        "number_assets": 20,
        "sort_key": "quoteVolume",
    {"method": "PrecisionFilter"},
    {"method": "PriceFilter", "low_price_ratio": 0.01}

Switch to Dry-run mode

We recommend starting the bot in the Dry-run mode to see how your bot will behave and what is the performance of your strategy. In the Dry-run mode the bot does not engage your money. It only runs a live simulation without creating trades on the exchange.

  1. Edit your config.json configuration file.
  2. Switch dry-run to true and specify db_url for a persistence database.
"dry_run": true,
"db_url": "sqlite:///tradesv3.dryrun.sqlite",
  1. Remove your Exchange API key and secrete (change them by empty values or fake credentials):
"exchange": {
        "name": "bittrex",
        "key": "key",
        "secret": "secret",

Once you will be happy with your bot performance running in the Dry-run mode, you can switch it to production mode.

Switch to production mode

In production mode, the bot will engage your money. Be careful, since a wrong strategy can lose all your money. Be aware of what you are doing when you run it in production mode.

To switch your bot in production mode

Edit your config.json file.

Switch dry-run to false and don't forget to adapt your database URL if set:

"dry_run": false,

Insert your Exchange API key (change them by fake api keys):

"exchange": {
        "name": "bittrex",
        "key": "af8ddd35195e9dc500b9a6f799f6f5c93d89193b",
        "secret": "08a9dc6db3d7b53e1acebd9275677f4b0a04f1a5",

!!! Note If you have an exchange API key yet, see our tutorial.

You should also make sure to read the Exchanges section of the documentation to be aware of potential configuration details specific to your exchange.

Using proxy with Freqtrade

To use a proxy with freqtrade, add the kwarg "aiohttp_trust_env"=true to the "ccxt_async_kwargs" dict in the exchange section of the configuration.

An example for this can be found in config_full.json.example

"ccxt_async_config": {
    "aiohttp_trust_env": true

Then, export your proxy settings using the variables "HTTP_PROXY" and "HTTPS_PROXY" set to the appropriate values

export HTTP_PROXY="http://addr:port"
export HTTPS_PROXY="http://addr:port"

Embedding Strategies

FreqTrade provides you with with an easy way to embed the strategy into your configuration file. This is done by utilizing BASE64 encoding and providing this string at the strategy configuration field, in your chosen config file.

Encoding a string as BASE64

This is a quick example, how to generate the BASE64 string in python

from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode

with open(file, 'r') as f:
    content =
content = urlsafe_b64encode(content.encode('utf-8'))

The variable 'content', will contain the strategy file in a BASE64 encoded form. Which can now be set in your configurations file as following

"strategy": "NameOfStrategy:BASE64String"

Please ensure that 'NameOfStrategy' is identical to the strategy name!

Next step

Now you have configured your config.json, the next step is to start your bot.