Portainer video scripts
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2021-03-30 15:50:57 -06:00
Traefik+SSL+Portainer+Charmed ok to commit 2021-03-29 18:36:05 -06:00
comparison script comparison 2021-03-28 23:32:05 -06:00
Deployment commit ok 2021-03-30 15:50:57 -06:00
michael bingel michael bingel 2021-03-28 23:31:30 -06:00
README.md readme 2021-03-28 22:59:02 -06:00
Traefik+Charmed Kube traefik 2021-03-28 23:01:33 -06:00
treafik pv.yaml first 2021-03-28 23:45:49 -06:00

Portainer Video Scritps

This is the repository of scripts of the videos that I will generate of Portainer content.