added working juju/ceph storage setup, add k8s to juju, bootstrap, add

models and deploy lma-light
This commit is contained in:
Anton Smith 2021-10-29 19:12:13 +02:00
parent f9423a368f
commit fb7f47d709
2 changed files with 56 additions and 3 deletions

ceph-osd.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
osd-devices: /dev/sda

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# lxd / maas issue. either upgrade lxd or maas to 3.1
sudo snap switch --channel=4.19/stable lxd
sudo snap refresh lxd
#get local interface name (this assumes a single default route is present)
export INTERFACE=$(ip route | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f 5)
export IP_ADDRESS=$(ip -4 addr show dev $INTERFACE | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}')
@ -38,8 +42,7 @@ maas admin vm-hosts create password=password type=lxd power_address=https://${
maas admin vm-hosts read | jq '.[] | select (.name=="proud-possum") | .name, .id'
# add a VM
#TODO use the variable for the VM host ID (below it is static 1)
maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=8192 architecture="amd64/generic" \
maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=8192 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:100(pool1)"
# Juju (note, this section requires manual intervention)
sudo snap install juju --classic
@ -48,4 +51,52 @@ juju add-cloud --local maas-cloud maas-cloud.yaml
juju add-credential maas-cloud
juju clouds --local
juju credentials
juju bootstrap maas-cloud
juju bootstrap maas-cloud
# fire up the juju gui to view the fun
juju gui
# get coffee
# get some storage going
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-mon
# add some machines for ceph-osd, 2 disks each
maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=2048 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:8(pool1),ceph:80(pool1)"
maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=2048 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:8(pool1),ceph:80(pool1)"
maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=2048 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:8(pool1),ceph:80(pool1)"
juju deploy --config ceph-osd.yaml cs:ceph-osd -n 3
juju add-relation ceph-mon ceph-osd
# add some machines for kubernetes-core
maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=4096 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:24(pool1)"
maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=4096 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:24(pool1)"
maas admin vm-host compose 1 cores=4 cpu_speed=300 memory=4096 architecture="amd64/generic" storage="main:24(pool1)"
# deploy kubernetes-core with juju
juju deploy kubernetes-core
# add the new kubernetes as a cloud to juju
mkdir ~/.kube
juju scp kubernetes-master/0:/home/ubuntu/config ~/.kube/config
# add storage relations
juju add-relation ceph-mon:admin kubernetes-master
juju add-relation ceph-mon:client kubernetes-master
# add k8s to juju
juju add-k8s my-k8s
juju bootstrap my-k8s
# add a model (k8s namespace) to the cluster
juju add-model k8s-model my-k8s
# add an LMA model to the cluster
juju add-model lma my-k8s
juju deploy lma-light --channel=edge --trust
#juju destroy-controller -y --destroy-all-models --destroy-storage maas-cloud-default