375 lines
13 KiB
375 lines
13 KiB
import Head from 'next/head'
import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import CreatableSelect from 'react-select/creatable';
import Select from 'react-select';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import allapps from '../../../public/list.json'
export async function getStaticPaths() {
let paths = allapps.apps.map(app => ({
params: {
app: [btoa(app.name)]
params: { app: null }
return {
fallback: false, // can also be true or 'blocking'
// `getStaticPaths` requires using `getStaticProps`
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const app = params.app
return {
// Passed to the page component as props
props: { app: app ?? null },
export default function AddApp({ app }) {
function friendlyUrl(url) {
// make the url lowercase
var encodedUrl = url.toString().toLowerCase();
// replace & with and
encodedUrl = encodedUrl.split(/\&+/).join("-and-")
// remove invalid characters
encodedUrl = encodedUrl.split(/[^a-z0-9]/).join("-");
// remove duplicates
encodedUrl = encodedUrl.split(/-+/).join("-");
// trim leading & trailing characters
encodedUrl = encodedUrl.trim('-');
return encodedUrl;
const downloadZip = () => {
var JSZip = require("jszip");
const zip = new JSZip()
const folder = zip.folder(application.friendly_name)
folder.file('app.json', JSON.stringify(application, null, 2))
if (icon) {
folder.file(application.image_src, icon.file)
else if (inlineImage) {
const promise = fetch(inlineImage).then(response => response.blob())
folder.file(application.image_src, promise)
zip.generateAsync({ type: "blob" })
.then(function (content) {
// Force down of the Zip file
saveAs(content, friendlyUrl(application.friendly_name) + '.zip');
const name = useRef(null);
const friendly_name = useRef(null);
const description = useRef(null);
const [categories, setCategories] = useState(null)
const [architecture, setArchitecture] = useState(null)
const [icon, setIcon] = useState(null)
const [ext, setExt] = useState('png')
const [inlineImage, setInlineImage] = useState(null)
const defaultState = {
friendly_name: null,
image_src: null,
description: null,
name: null,
cores: 1,
memory: 1024,
gpu_count: 0,
cpu_allocation_method: "Inherit",
docker_registry: "https://index.docker.io/v1/",
categories: [],
require_gpu: false,
enabled: true,
image_type: 'Container',
const [application, setApplication] = useState(defaultState)
const router = useRouter()
// const { app } = router.query
useEffect(() => {
if(app === null) {
description.current.value = ''
name.current.value = ''
friendly_name.current.value = ''
else if (app && app[0]) {
const appDetails = allapps.apps.find(el => el.name === atob(app[0]))
delete appDetails['sha']
description.current.value = appDetails.description
name.current.value = appDetails.name
friendly_name.current.value = appDetails.friendly_name
if (appDetails.categories) {
let catMap = []
appDetails.categories.map((e) => catMap.push({
label: e,
value: e,
if (appDetails.architecture) {
let archMap = []
appDetails.architecture.map((e) => archMap.push({
label: e,
value: e,
setInlineImage('../../icons/' + appDetails.image_src)
}, [app])
const displayApplication = () => {
return {
// categories: JSON.stringify(application.categories)
const customStyles = {
control: (base, state) => ({
background: "#f1f5f9",
borderRadius: '0.5rem',
borderColor: "#94a3b8"
multiValue: (styles, { data }) => {
return {
backgroundColor: '#dde6f1',
useEffect(() => {
if (application && application.friendly_name) {
const updateapp = {
updateapp.image_src = friendlyUrl(updateapp.friendly_name) + '.' + ext
}, [ext])
const updateCategories = (items) => {
const updateapp = {
updateapp.categories = items.map(cat => cat.value)
let catMap = []
updateapp.categories.map((e) => catMap.push({
label: e,
value: e,
const updateArchitecture = (items) => {
const updateapp = {
updateapp.architecture = items.map(arch => arch.value)
let archMap = []
updateapp.architecture.map((e) => archMap.push({
label: e,
value: e,
const handleChange = (event) => {
const updateapp = {
updateapp[event.target.name] = event.target.value
if (event.target.name === 'icon') {
delete updateapp.icon
value: event.target.value,
file: event.target.files[0]
setExt(event.target.value.substr(event.target.value.lastIndexOf('.') + 1))
// return
if (updateapp.friendly_name) {
updateapp.image_src = friendlyUrl(updateapp.friendly_name) + '.' + ext
const options = [
{ value: 'Browser', label: 'Browser' },
{ value: 'Communication', label: 'Communication' },
{ value: 'Desktop', label: 'Desktop' },
{ value: 'Development', label: 'Development' },
{ value: 'Games', label: 'Games' },
{ value: 'Multimedia', label: 'Multimedia' },
{ value: 'Office', label: 'Office' },
{ value: 'Privacy', label: 'Privacy' },
{ value: 'Productivity', label: 'Productivity' },
{ value: 'Remote Access', label: 'Remote Access' }
return (
<div className="">
<title>Kasm Apps</title>
<meta name="description" content="List of apps for Kasm Webspaces" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<div className='flex flex-col lg:flex-row w-full my-20 max-w-6xl text-sm rounded-xl overflow-hidden mx-auto'>
<div className='w-full lg:w-1/2 p-16 bg-slate-300'>
<h1 className='text-2xl font-medium mb-2'>Add Application</h1>
<div className='flex flex-col'>
<p className='mb-8 opacity-70'>This will help you generate the JSON file you need to upload to the App directory.</p>
<label className='mb-2 font-medium'>Icon</label>
<input type="file" name="icon" onChange={handleChange} className='mb-2 p-2 rounded-lg bg-slate-100 border border-solid border-slate-400' />
<p className='mb-6 opacity-70'>Select the image to use, image will be renamed when it's downloaded.</p>
<label className='mb-2 font-medium'>Friendly Name</label>
<input ref={friendly_name} name="friendly_name" onChange={handleChange} className='mb-2 p-2 rounded-lg bg-slate-100 border border-solid border-slate-400' />
<p className='mb-6 opacity-70'>This is the name that will show for users</p>
<label className='mb-2 font-medium'>Categories</label>
<p className='mb-6 mt-2 opacity-70'>You can select from the available option or create new ones.</p>
<label className='mb-2 font-medium'>Description</label>
<input ref={description} name="description" onChange={handleChange} className='mb-2 p-2 rounded-lg bg-slate-100 border border-solid border-slate-400' />
<p className='mb-6 opacity-70'>A short description about the application</p>
<label className='mb-2 font-medium'>Docker Image</label>
<input ref={name} name="name" onChange={handleChange} className='mb-2 p-2 rounded-lg bg-slate-100 border border-solid border-slate-400' />
<p className='mb-6 opacity-70'>The docker image to use, i.e. <code className='text-xs p-1 px-2 rounded bg-white/40'>kasmweb/filezilla:develop</code></p>
<label className='mb-2 font-medium'>Architecture</label>
{ value: 'amd64', label: 'amd64' },
{ value: 'arm64', label: 'arm64' },
<p className='mb-6 mt-2 opacity-70'>You can select from the available option or create new ones.</p>
<div className='w-full lg:w-1/2 p-16 bg-slate-100'>
<App app={application} icon={icon} inlineImage={inlineImage} />
<pre className='my-8 overflow-y-auto text-xs'>{JSON.stringify(displayApplication(), null, 2)}</pre>
<button onClick={downloadZip} className='p-4 relative z-10 px-5 bg-cyan-700 border-t border-white/20 border-solid hover:bg-slate-900 transition m-2 rounded items-center text-white/70 flex cursor-pointer'>Download</button>
function App({ app, icon, inlineImage }) {
const [showDescription, setShowDescription] = useState(false);
let srcBlob = null
if (icon) {
const blob = new Blob([icon.file])
srcBlob = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
app.image_src = srcBlob
const installButton = () => {
return <button className={"text-xs w-full p-4 py-1 rounded-lg flex justify-center items-center bg-blue-500 font-bold text-white"}>Install</button>
const editButton = () => {
return <div className="text-xs text-color w-full p-4 py-1 rounded-lg bg-black/5 flex justify-center items-center">Edit</div>
const official = () => {
const appExists = false
return (
<div className={"rounded-xl group w-full shadow max-w-xs relative overflow-hidden h-[100px] border border-solid flex flex-col justify-between bg-slate-300 border-slate-400/50"}>
<div className={"absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 h-[200px] transition-all" + (showDescription ? ' -translate-y-1/2' : '')}>
<div onClick={() => setShowDescription(true)} className={"h-[100px] p-4 relative overflow-hidden cursor-pointer"}>
<img className="h-[90px] group-hover:scale-150 transition-all absolute left-2 top-1" src={app.image_src} onError={(e) => {
if ( inlineImage !== null) { e.target.src = inlineImage }}} alt={app.friendly_name} />
<div className="flex-col pl-28">
<div className="font-bold">{app.friendly_name || 'Friendly Name'}</div>
<div className="text-xs mb-2 flex gap-2">{process.env.name || 'Unknown'} <span>{official()}</span></div>
<div className=" h-8"></div>
<div className="absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 bg-slate-400/20 h-8 text-[10px] flex items-center justify-center">
{app.architecture && app.architecture.map((arch, index) => (
<span key={'arch' + index} className="p-2 py-0 m-[1px] inline-block rounded bg-slate-400/70">{arch}</span>
{app.categories.map((cat, index) => (
<span key={'cat' + index} className="p-2 py-0 m-[1px] inline-block rounded bg-slate-300/90">{cat}</span>
{appExists && appExists.enabled === true && appExists.available === false && (
<div className="absolute inset-0 flex justify-center items-center bg-slate-600/70 text-white"><i className="fa fa-spinner fa-spin mr-3"></i> Installing</div>
<div className="h-[100px] text-xs relative p-2 pl-4 flex">
<button className="absolute right-2 top-2 bg-slate-100 rounded-full flex justify-center items-center h-6 w-6" onClick={() => setShowDescription(false)}>
<svg style={{ height: '14px' }} xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 320 512"><path d="M310.6 150.6c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.8 0-45.3s-32.8-12.5-45.3 0L160 210.7 54.6 105.4c-12.5-12.5-32.8-12.5-45.3 0s-12.5 32.8 0 45.3L114.7 256 9.4 361.4c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.8 12.5 45.3 0L160 301.3 265.4 406.6c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0s12.5-32.8 0-45.3L205.3 256 310.6 150.6z" /></svg>
<div className="flex flex-col flex-grow"><div className="font-bold">{app.friendly_name}</div> {app.description}</div>
<div className="flex flex-col justify-end gap-1">