#!/bin/sh DEFAULT=$(git remote show origin | sed -n '/HEAD branch/s/.*: //p') mkdir base cat > base/index.html << EOF EOF touch base/.nojekyll # Generating documentation for each other branch in a subdirectory echo "All branches:" echo "$(git branch --remotes --format '%(refname:lstrip=3)' | grep -Ev '^(HEAD|develop|gh-pages)$')" for BRANCH in $(git branch --remotes --format '%(refname:lstrip=3)' | grep -Ev '^(HEAD|develop|gh-pages)$'); do SANITIZED_BRANCH="$(echo $BRANCH | sed 's/\//_/g')" echo "$SANITIZED_BRANCH" >> base/versions.txt git checkout $BRANCH node processing cp -a public/. process sed -i "s/1.1/$SANITIZED_BRANCH/" site/next.config.js npm run deploy --prefix site cp -a process/. public/ # Have to run it again because the deploy wipes the file and folders out rm -rf process sed -i "s/$SANITIZED_BRANCH/1.1/" site/next.config.js # Set it back to 1.1 so it can be changed again on the next loop mv public base/$SANITIZED_BRANCH cp base/$SANITIZED_BRANCH/favicon.ico base/favicon.ico done mv base public