197 lines
5.4 KiB
197 lines
5.4 KiB
# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring,C0103
import argparse
import json
import time
from copy import deepcopy
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import datetime
import pytest
from jsonschema import ValidationError
from freqtrade.analyze import parse_ticker_dataframe
from freqtrade.misc import (common_args_parser, file_dump_json, load_config,
parse_args, parse_timerange, throttle, datesarray_to_datetimearray)
def test_throttle():
def func():
return 42
start = time.time()
result = throttle(func, min_secs=0.1)
end = time.time()
assert result == 42
assert end - start > 0.1
result = throttle(func, min_secs=-1)
assert result == 42
def test_throttle_with_assets():
def func(nb_assets=-1):
return nb_assets
result = throttle(func, min_secs=0.1, nb_assets=666)
assert result == 666
result = throttle(func, min_secs=0.1)
assert result == -1
# Parse common command-line-arguments. Used for all tools
def test_parse_args_none():
args = common_args_parser('')
assert isinstance(args, argparse.ArgumentParser)
def test_parse_args_defaults():
args = parse_args([], '')
assert args.config == 'config.json'
assert args.dynamic_whitelist is None
assert args.loglevel == 20
def test_parse_args_config():
args = parse_args(['-c', '/dev/null'], '')
assert args.config == '/dev/null'
args = parse_args(['--config', '/dev/null'], '')
assert args.config == '/dev/null'
def test_parse_args_verbose():
args = parse_args(['-v'], '')
assert args.loglevel == 10
args = parse_args(['--verbose'], '')
assert args.loglevel == 10
def test_parse_args_version():
with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match=r'0'):
parse_args(['--version'], '')
def test_parse_args_invalid():
with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match=r'2'):
parse_args(['-c'], '')
# Parse command-line-arguments
# used for main, backtesting and hyperopt
def test_parse_args_dynamic_whitelist():
args = parse_args(['--dynamic-whitelist'], '')
assert args.dynamic_whitelist == 20
def test_parse_args_dynamic_whitelist_10():
args = parse_args(['--dynamic-whitelist', '10'], '')
assert args.dynamic_whitelist == 10
def test_parse_args_dynamic_whitelist_invalid_values():
with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match=r'2'):
parse_args(['--dynamic-whitelist', 'abc'], '')
def test_parse_args_backtesting_invalid():
with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match=r'2'):
parse_args(['backtesting --ticker-interval'], '')
with pytest.raises(SystemExit, match=r'2'):
parse_args(['backtesting --ticker-interval', 'abc'], '')
def test_parse_args_backtesting_custom():
args = [
'-c', 'test_conf.json',
'--ticker-interval', '1',
call_args = parse_args(args, '')
assert call_args.config == 'test_conf.json'
assert call_args.live is True
assert call_args.loglevel == 20
assert call_args.subparser == 'backtesting'
assert call_args.func is not None
assert call_args.ticker_interval == 1
assert call_args.refresh_pairs is True
def test_parse_args_hyperopt_custom():
args = ['-c', 'test_conf.json', 'hyperopt', '--epochs', '20']
call_args = parse_args(args, '')
assert call_args.config == 'test_conf.json'
assert call_args.epochs == 20
assert call_args.loglevel == 20
assert call_args.subparser == 'hyperopt'
assert call_args.func is not None
def test_file_dump_json(mocker):
file_open = mocker.patch('freqtrade.misc.open', MagicMock())
json_dump = mocker.patch('json.dump', MagicMock())
file_dump_json('somefile', [1, 2, 3])
assert file_open.call_count == 1
assert json_dump.call_count == 1
def test_parse_timerange_incorrect():
assert ((None, 'line'), None, -200) == parse_timerange('-200')
assert (('line', None), 200, None) == parse_timerange('200-')
with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r'Incorrect syntax.*'):
def test_load_config(default_conf, mocker):
file_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.misc.open', mocker.mock_open(
validated_conf = load_config('somefile')
assert file_mock.call_count == 1
assert validated_conf.items() >= default_conf.items()
def test_load_config_invalid_pair(default_conf, mocker):
conf = deepcopy(default_conf)
with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=r'.*does not match.*'):
def test_load_config_missing_attributes(default_conf, mocker):
conf = deepcopy(default_conf)
with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=r'.*\'exchange\' is a required property.*'):
def test_datesarray_to_datetimearray(ticker_history):
dataframes = parse_ticker_dataframe(ticker_history)
dates = datesarray_to_datetimearray(dataframes['date'])
assert isinstance(dates[0], datetime.datetime)
assert dates[0].year == 2017
assert dates[0].month == 11
assert dates[0].day == 26
assert dates[0].hour == 8
assert dates[0].minute == 50
date_len = len(dates)
assert date_len == 3