2022-09-18 19:36:11 +02:00

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Performance pair list filter
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List
import pandas as pd
from freqtrade.constants import Config
from freqtrade.persistence import Trade
from freqtrade.plugins.pairlist.IPairList import IPairList
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PerformanceFilter(IPairList):
def __init__(self, exchange, pairlistmanager,
config: Config, pairlistconfig: Dict[str, Any],
pairlist_pos: int) -> None:
super().__init__(exchange, pairlistmanager, config, pairlistconfig, pairlist_pos)
self._minutes = pairlistconfig.get('minutes', 0)
self._min_profit = pairlistconfig.get('min_profit')
def needstickers(self) -> bool:
Boolean property defining if tickers are necessary.
If no Pairlist requires tickers, an empty List is passed
as tickers argument to filter_pairlist
return False
def short_desc(self) -> str:
Short allowlist method description - used for startup-messages
return f"{} - Sorting pairs by performance."
def filter_pairlist(self, pairlist: List[str], tickers: Dict) -> List[str]:
Filters and sorts pairlist and returns the allowlist again.
Called on each bot iteration - please use internal caching if necessary
:param pairlist: pairlist to filter or sort
:param tickers: Tickers (from exchange.get_tickers()). May be cached.
:return: new allowlist
# Get the trading performance for pairs from database
performance = pd.DataFrame(Trade.get_overall_performance(self._minutes))
except AttributeError:
# Performancefilter does not work in backtesting.
self.log_once("PerformanceFilter is not available in this mode.", logger.warning)
return pairlist
# Skip performance-based sorting if no performance data is available
if len(performance) == 0:
return pairlist
# Get pairlist from performance dataframe values
list_df = pd.DataFrame({'pair': pairlist})
list_df['prior_idx'] = list_df.index
# Set initial value for pairs with no trades to 0
# Sort the list using:
# - primarily performance (high to low)
# - then count (low to high, so as to favor same performance with fewer trades)
# - then pair name alphametically
sorted_df = list_df.merge(performance, on='pair', how='left')\
.fillna(0).sort_values(by=['count', 'prior_idx'], ascending=True)\
.sort_values(by=['profit_ratio'], ascending=False)
if self._min_profit is not None:
removed = sorted_df[sorted_df['profit_ratio'] < self._min_profit]
for _, row in removed.iterrows():
f"Removing pair {row['pair']} since {row['profit_ratio']} is "
f"below {self._min_profit}",
sorted_df = sorted_df[sorted_df['profit_ratio'] >= self._min_profit]
pairlist = sorted_df['pair'].tolist()
return pairlist