1501 lines
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1501 lines
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Freqtrade is the main module of this bot. It contains the class Freqtrade()
import copy
import logging
import traceback
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from math import isclose
from threading import Lock
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
import arrow
from cachetools import TTLCache
from freqtrade import __version__, constants
from freqtrade.configuration import validate_config_consistency
from freqtrade.data.converter import order_book_to_dataframe
from freqtrade.data.dataprovider import DataProvider
from freqtrade.edge import Edge
from freqtrade.exceptions import (DependencyException, ExchangeError, InsufficientFundsError,
InvalidOrderException, PricingError)
from freqtrade.exchange import timeframe_to_minutes
from freqtrade.misc import safe_value_fallback, safe_value_fallback2
from freqtrade.pairlist.pairlistmanager import PairListManager
from freqtrade.persistence import Order, PairLocks, Trade, cleanup_db, init_db
from freqtrade.resolvers import ExchangeResolver, StrategyResolver
from freqtrade.rpc import RPCManager, RPCMessageType
from freqtrade.state import State
from freqtrade.strategy.interface import IStrategy, SellType
from freqtrade.strategy.strategy_wrapper import strategy_safe_wrapper
from freqtrade.wallets import Wallets
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FreqtradeBot:
Freqtrade is the main class of the bot.
This is from here the bot start its logic.
def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
Init all variables and objects the bot needs to work
:param config: configuration dict, you can use Configuration.get_config()
to get the config dict.
logger.info('Starting freqtrade %s', __version__)
# Init bot state
self.state = State.STOPPED
# Init objects
self.config = config
# Cache values for 1800 to avoid frequent polling of the exchange for prices
# Caching only applies to RPC methods, so prices for open trades are still
# refreshed once every iteration.
self._sell_rate_cache: TTLCache = TTLCache(maxsize=100, ttl=1800)
self._buy_rate_cache: TTLCache = TTLCache(maxsize=100, ttl=1800)
self.strategy: IStrategy = StrategyResolver.load_strategy(self.config)
# Check config consistency here since strategies can set certain options
self.exchange = ExchangeResolver.load_exchange(self.config['exchange']['name'], self.config)
init_db(self.config.get('db_url', None), clean_open_orders=self.config['dry_run'])
self.wallets = Wallets(self.config, self.exchange)
PairLocks.timeframe = self.config['timeframe']
self.pairlists = PairListManager(self.exchange, self.config)
self.dataprovider = DataProvider(self.config, self.exchange, self.pairlists)
# Attach Dataprovider to Strategy baseclass
IStrategy.dp = self.dataprovider
# Attach Wallets to Strategy baseclass
IStrategy.wallets = self.wallets
# Initializing Edge only if enabled
self.edge = Edge(self.config, self.exchange, self.strategy) if \
self.config.get('edge', {}).get('enabled', False) else None
self.active_pair_whitelist = self._refresh_active_whitelist()
# Set initial bot state from config
initial_state = self.config.get('initial_state')
self.state = State[initial_state.upper()] if initial_state else State.STOPPED
# RPC runs in separate threads, can start handling external commands just after
# initialization, even before Freqtradebot has a chance to start its throttling,
# so anything in the Freqtradebot instance should be ready (initialized), including
# the initial state of the bot.
# Keep this at the end of this initialization method.
self.rpc: RPCManager = RPCManager(self)
# Protect sell-logic from forcesell and viceversa
self._sell_lock = Lock()
def notify_status(self, msg: str) -> None:
Public method for users of this class (worker, etc.) to send notifications
via RPC about changes in the bot status.
'status': msg
def cleanup(self) -> None:
Cleanup pending resources on an already stopped bot
:return: None
logger.info('Cleaning up modules ...')
if self.config['cancel_open_orders_on_exit']:
def startup(self) -> None:
Called on startup and after reloading the bot - triggers notifications and
performs startup tasks
self.rpc.startup_messages(self.config, self.pairlists)
if not self.edge:
# Adjust stoploss if it was changed
# Only update open orders on startup
# This will update the database after the initial migration
def process(self) -> None:
Queries the persistence layer for open trades and handles them,
otherwise a new trade is created.
:return: True if one or more trades has been created or closed, False otherwise
# Check whether markets have to be reloaded and reload them when it's needed
# Query trades from persistence layer
trades = Trade.get_open_trades()
self.active_pair_whitelist = self._refresh_active_whitelist(trades)
# Refreshing candles
strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.bot_loop_start, supress_error=True)()
with self._sell_lock:
# Check and handle any timed out open orders
# Protect from collisions with forcesell.
# Without this, freqtrade my try to recreate stoploss_on_exchange orders
# while selling is in process, since telegram messages arrive in an different thread.
with self._sell_lock:
# First process current opened trades (positions)
# Then looking for buy opportunities
if self.get_free_open_trades():
def process_stopped(self) -> None:
Close all orders that were left open
if self.config['cancel_open_orders_on_exit']:
def check_for_open_trades(self):
Notify the user when the bot is stopped
and there are still open trades active.
open_trades = Trade.get_trades([Trade.is_open == 1]).all()
if len(open_trades) != 0:
msg = {
'status': f"{len(open_trades)} open trades active.\n\n"
f"Handle these trades manually on {self.exchange.name}, "
f"or '/start' the bot again and use '/stopbuy' "
f"to handle open trades gracefully. \n"
f"{'Trades are simulated.' if self.config['dry_run'] else ''}",
def _refresh_active_whitelist(self, trades: List[Trade] = []) -> List[str]:
Refresh active whitelist from pairlist or edge and extend it with
pairs that have open trades.
# Refresh whitelist
_whitelist = self.pairlists.whitelist
# Calculating Edge positioning
if self.edge:
_whitelist = self.edge.adjust(_whitelist)
if trades:
# Extend active-pair whitelist with pairs of open trades
# It ensures that candle (OHLCV) data are downloaded for open trades as well
_whitelist.extend([trade.pair for trade in trades if trade.pair not in _whitelist])
return _whitelist
def get_free_open_trades(self):
Return the number of free open trades slots or 0 if
max number of open trades reached
open_trades = len(Trade.get_open_trades())
return max(0, self.config['max_open_trades'] - open_trades)
def update_open_orders(self):
Updates open orders based on order list kept in the database.
Mainly updates the state of orders - but may also close trades
orders = Order.get_open_orders()
logger.info(f"Updating {len(orders)} open orders.")
for order in orders:
fo = self.exchange.fetch_order_or_stoploss_order(order.order_id, order.ft_pair,
order.ft_order_side == 'stoploss')
self.update_trade_state(order.trade, order.order_id, fo)
except ExchangeError as e:
logger.warning(f"Error updating Order {order.order_id} due to {e}")
def update_closed_trades_without_assigned_fees(self):
Update closed trades without close fees assigned.
Only acts when Orders are in the database, otherwise the last orderid is unknown.
trades: List[Trade] = Trade.get_sold_trades_without_assigned_fees()
for trade in trades:
if not trade.is_open and not trade.fee_updated('sell'):
# Get sell fee
order = trade.select_order('sell', False)
if order:
logger.info(f"Updating sell-fee on trade {trade} for order {order.order_id}.")
self.update_trade_state(trade, order.order_id,
stoploss_order=order.ft_order_side == 'stoploss')
trades: List[Trade] = Trade.get_open_trades_without_assigned_fees()
for trade in trades:
if trade.is_open and not trade.fee_updated('buy'):
order = trade.select_order('buy', False)
if order:
logger.info(f"Updating buy-fee on trade {trade} for order {order.order_id}.")
self.update_trade_state(trade, order.order_id)
def handle_insufficient_funds(self, trade: Trade):
Determine if we ever opened a sell order for this trade.
If not, try update buy fees - otherwise "refind" the open order we obviously lost.
sell_order = trade.select_order('sell', None)
if sell_order:
def reupdate_buy_order_fees(self, trade: Trade):
Get buy order from database, and try to reupdate.
Handles trades where the initial fee-update did not work.
logger.info(f"Trying to reupdate buy fees for {trade}")
order = trade.select_order('buy', False)
if order:
logger.info(f"Updating buy-fee on trade {trade} for order {order.order_id}.")
self.update_trade_state(trade, order.order_id)
def refind_lost_order(self, trade):
Try refinding a lost trade.
Only used when InsufficientFunds appears on sell orders (stoploss or sell).
Tries to walk the stored orders and sell them off eventually.
logger.info(f"Trying to refind lost order for {trade}")
for order in trade.orders:
logger.info(f"Trying to refind {order}")
fo = None
if not order.ft_is_open:
logger.debug(f"Order {order} is no longer open.")
if order.ft_order_side == 'buy':
# Skip buy side - this is handled by reupdate_buy_order_fees
fo = self.exchange.fetch_order_or_stoploss_order(order.order_id, order.ft_pair,
order.ft_order_side == 'stoploss')
if order.ft_order_side == 'stoploss':
if fo and fo['status'] == 'open':
# Assume this as the open stoploss order
trade.stoploss_order_id = order.order_id
elif order.ft_order_side == 'sell':
if fo and fo['status'] == 'open':
# Assume this as the open order
trade.open_order_id = order.order_id
if fo:
logger.info(f"Found {order} for trade {trade}.jj")
self.update_trade_state(trade, order.order_id, fo,
stoploss_order=order.ft_order_side == 'stoploss')
except ExchangeError:
logger.warning(f"Error updating {order.order_id}.")
# BUY / enter positions / open trades logic and methods
def enter_positions(self) -> int:
Tries to execute buy orders for new trades (positions)
trades_created = 0
whitelist = copy.deepcopy(self.active_pair_whitelist)
if not whitelist:
logger.info("Active pair whitelist is empty.")
return trades_created
# Remove pairs for currently opened trades from the whitelist
for trade in Trade.get_open_trades():
if trade.pair in whitelist:
logger.debug('Ignoring %s in pair whitelist', trade.pair)
if not whitelist:
logger.info("No currency pair in active pair whitelist, "
"but checking to sell open trades.")
return trades_created
# Create entity and execute trade for each pair from whitelist
for pair in whitelist:
trades_created += self.create_trade(pair)
except DependencyException as exception:
logger.warning('Unable to create trade for %s: %s', pair, exception)
if not trades_created:
logger.debug("Found no buy signals for whitelisted currencies. "
"Trying again...")
return trades_created
def get_buy_rate(self, pair: str, refresh: bool) -> float:
Calculates bid target between current ask price and last price
:param pair: Pair to get rate for
:param refresh: allow cached data
:return: float: Price
if not refresh:
rate = self._buy_rate_cache.get(pair)
# Check if cache has been invalidated
if rate:
logger.debug(f"Using cached buy rate for {pair}.")
return rate
bid_strategy = self.config.get('bid_strategy', {})
if 'use_order_book' in bid_strategy and bid_strategy.get('use_order_book', False):
f"Getting price from order book {bid_strategy['price_side'].capitalize()} side."
order_book_top = bid_strategy.get('order_book_top', 1)
order_book = self.exchange.fetch_l2_order_book(pair, order_book_top)
logger.debug('order_book %s', order_book)
# top 1 = index 0
rate_from_l2 = order_book[f"{bid_strategy['price_side']}s"][order_book_top - 1][0]
except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
"Buy Price from orderbook could not be determined."
f"Orderbook: {order_book}"
raise PricingError from e
logger.info(f'...top {order_book_top} order book buy rate {rate_from_l2:.8f}')
used_rate = rate_from_l2
logger.info(f"Using Last {bid_strategy['price_side'].capitalize()} / Last Price")
ticker = self.exchange.fetch_ticker(pair)
ticker_rate = ticker[bid_strategy['price_side']]
if ticker['last'] and ticker_rate > ticker['last']:
balance = self.config['bid_strategy']['ask_last_balance']
ticker_rate = ticker_rate + balance * (ticker['last'] - ticker_rate)
used_rate = ticker_rate
self._buy_rate_cache[pair] = used_rate
return used_rate
def get_trade_stake_amount(self, pair: str) -> float:
Calculate stake amount for the trade
:return: float: Stake amount
:raise: DependencyException if the available stake amount is too low
stake_amount: float
# Ensure wallets are uptodate.
if self.edge:
stake_amount = self.edge.stake_amount(
stake_amount = self.config['stake_amount']
if stake_amount == constants.UNLIMITED_STAKE_AMOUNT:
stake_amount = self._calculate_unlimited_stake_amount()
return self._check_available_stake_amount(stake_amount)
def _get_available_stake_amount(self) -> float:
Return the total currently available balance in stake currency,
respecting tradable_balance_ratio.
Calculated as
<open_trade stakes> + free amount ) * tradable_balance_ratio - <open_trade stakes>
val_tied_up = Trade.total_open_trades_stakes()
# Ensure <tradable_balance_ratio>% is used from the overall balance
# Otherwise we'd risk lowering stakes with each open trade.
# (tied up + current free) * ratio) - tied up
available_amount = ((val_tied_up + self.wallets.get_free(self.config['stake_currency'])) *
self.config['tradable_balance_ratio']) - val_tied_up
return available_amount
def _calculate_unlimited_stake_amount(self) -> float:
Calculate stake amount for "unlimited" stake amount
:return: 0 if max number of trades reached, else stake_amount to use.
free_open_trades = self.get_free_open_trades()
if not free_open_trades:
return 0
available_amount = self._get_available_stake_amount()
return available_amount / free_open_trades
def _check_available_stake_amount(self, stake_amount: float) -> float:
Check if stake amount can be fulfilled with the available balance
for the stake currency
:return: float: Stake amount
available_amount = self._get_available_stake_amount()
if self.config['amend_last_stake_amount']:
# Remaining amount needs to be at least stake_amount * last_stake_amount_min_ratio
# Otherwise the remaining amount is too low to trade.
if available_amount > (stake_amount * self.config['last_stake_amount_min_ratio']):
stake_amount = min(stake_amount, available_amount)
stake_amount = 0
if available_amount < stake_amount:
raise DependencyException(
f"Available balance ({available_amount} {self.config['stake_currency']}) is "
f"lower than stake amount ({stake_amount} {self.config['stake_currency']})"
return stake_amount
def _get_min_pair_stake_amount(self, pair: str, price: float) -> Optional[float]:
market = self.exchange.markets[pair]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Can't get market information for symbol {pair}")
if 'limits' not in market:
return None
min_stake_amounts = []
limits = market['limits']
if ('cost' in limits and 'min' in limits['cost']
and limits['cost']['min'] is not None):
if ('amount' in limits and 'min' in limits['amount']
and limits['amount']['min'] is not None):
min_stake_amounts.append(limits['amount']['min'] * price)
if not min_stake_amounts:
return None
# reserve some percent defined in config (5% default) + stoploss
amount_reserve_percent = 1.0 - self.config.get('amount_reserve_percent',
amount_reserve_percent += self.strategy.stoploss
# it should not be more than 50%
amount_reserve_percent = max(amount_reserve_percent, 0.5)
# The value returned should satisfy both limits: for amount (base currency) and
# for cost (quote, stake currency), so max() is used here.
# See also #2575 at github.
return max(min_stake_amounts) / amount_reserve_percent
def create_trade(self, pair: str) -> bool:
Check the implemented trading strategy for buy signals.
If the pair triggers the buy signal a new trade record gets created
and the buy-order opening the trade gets issued towards the exchange.
:return: True if a trade has been created.
logger.debug(f"create_trade for pair {pair}")
analyzed_df, _ = self.dataprovider.get_analyzed_dataframe(pair, self.strategy.timeframe)
if self.strategy.is_pair_locked(
pair, analyzed_df.iloc[-1]['date'] if len(analyzed_df) > 0 else None):
logger.info(f"Pair {pair} is currently locked.")
return False
# get_free_open_trades is checked before create_trade is called
# but it is still used here to prevent opening too many trades within one iteration
if not self.get_free_open_trades():
logger.debug(f"Can't open a new trade for {pair}: max number of trades is reached.")
return False
# running get_signal on historical data fetched
(buy, sell) = self.strategy.get_signal(pair, self.strategy.timeframe, analyzed_df)
if buy and not sell:
stake_amount = self.get_trade_stake_amount(pair)
if not stake_amount:
logger.debug(f"Stake amount is 0, ignoring possible trade for {pair}.")
return False
logger.info(f"Buy signal found: about create a new trade with stake_amount: "
f"{stake_amount} ...")
bid_check_dom = self.config.get('bid_strategy', {}).get('check_depth_of_market', {})
if ((bid_check_dom.get('enabled', False)) and
(bid_check_dom.get('bids_to_ask_delta', 0) > 0)):
if self._check_depth_of_market_buy(pair, bid_check_dom):
logger.info(f'Executing Buy for {pair}.')
return self.execute_buy(pair, stake_amount)
return False
logger.info(f'Executing Buy for {pair}')
return self.execute_buy(pair, stake_amount)
return False
def _check_depth_of_market_buy(self, pair: str, conf: Dict) -> bool:
Checks depth of market before executing a buy
conf_bids_to_ask_delta = conf.get('bids_to_ask_delta', 0)
logger.info(f"Checking depth of market for {pair} ...")
order_book = self.exchange.fetch_l2_order_book(pair, 1000)
order_book_data_frame = order_book_to_dataframe(order_book['bids'], order_book['asks'])
order_book_bids = order_book_data_frame['b_size'].sum()
order_book_asks = order_book_data_frame['a_size'].sum()
bids_ask_delta = order_book_bids / order_book_asks
f"Bids: {order_book_bids}, Asks: {order_book_asks}, Delta: {bids_ask_delta}, "
f"Bid Price: {order_book['bids'][0][0]}, Ask Price: {order_book['asks'][0][0]}, "
f"Immediate Bid Quantity: {order_book['bids'][0][1]}, "
f"Immediate Ask Quantity: {order_book['asks'][0][1]}."
if bids_ask_delta >= conf_bids_to_ask_delta:
logger.info(f"Bids to asks delta for {pair} DOES satisfy condition.")
return True
logger.info(f"Bids to asks delta for {pair} does not satisfy condition.")
return False
def execute_buy(self, pair: str, stake_amount: float, price: Optional[float] = None) -> bool:
Executes a limit buy for the given pair
:param pair: pair for which we want to create a LIMIT_BUY
:return: True if a buy order is created, false if it fails.
time_in_force = self.strategy.order_time_in_force['buy']
if price:
buy_limit_requested = price
# Calculate price
buy_limit_requested = self.get_buy_rate(pair, True)
if not buy_limit_requested:
raise PricingError('Could not determine buy price.')
min_stake_amount = self._get_min_pair_stake_amount(pair, buy_limit_requested)
if min_stake_amount is not None and min_stake_amount > stake_amount:
f"Can't open a new trade for {pair}: stake amount "
f"is too small ({stake_amount} < {min_stake_amount})"
return False
amount = stake_amount / buy_limit_requested
order_type = self.strategy.order_types['buy']
if not strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.confirm_trade_entry, default_retval=True)(
pair=pair, order_type=order_type, amount=amount, rate=buy_limit_requested,
logger.info(f"User requested abortion of buying {pair}")
return False
amount = self.exchange.amount_to_precision(pair, amount)
order = self.exchange.buy(pair=pair, ordertype=order_type,
amount=amount, rate=buy_limit_requested,
order_obj = Order.parse_from_ccxt_object(order, pair, 'buy')
order_id = order['id']
order_status = order.get('status', None)
# we assume the order is executed at the price requested
buy_limit_filled_price = buy_limit_requested
amount_requested = amount
if order_status == 'expired' or order_status == 'rejected':
order_tif = self.strategy.order_time_in_force['buy']
# return false if the order is not filled
if float(order['filled']) == 0:
logger.warning('Buy %s order with time in force %s for %s is %s by %s.'
' zero amount is fulfilled.',
order_tif, order_type, pair, order_status, self.exchange.name)
return False
# the order is partially fulfilled
# in case of IOC orders we can check immediately
# if the order is fulfilled fully or partially
logger.warning('Buy %s order with time in force %s for %s is %s by %s.'
' %s amount fulfilled out of %s (%s remaining which is canceled).',
order_tif, order_type, pair, order_status, self.exchange.name,
order['filled'], order['amount'], order['remaining']
stake_amount = order['cost']
amount = safe_value_fallback(order, 'filled', 'amount')
buy_limit_filled_price = safe_value_fallback(order, 'average', 'price')
# in case of FOK the order may be filled immediately and fully
elif order_status == 'closed':
stake_amount = order['cost']
amount = safe_value_fallback(order, 'filled', 'amount')
buy_limit_filled_price = safe_value_fallback(order, 'average', 'price')
# Fee is applied twice because we make a LIMIT_BUY and LIMIT_SELL
fee = self.exchange.get_fee(symbol=pair, taker_or_maker='maker')
trade = Trade(
# Update fees if order is closed
if order_status == 'closed':
self.update_trade_state(trade, order_id, order)
# Updating wallets
self._notify_buy(trade, order_type)
return True
def _notify_buy(self, trade: Trade, order_type: str) -> None:
Sends rpc notification when a buy occured.
msg = {
'trade_id': trade.id,
'type': RPCMessageType.BUY_NOTIFICATION,
'exchange': self.exchange.name.capitalize(),
'pair': trade.pair,
'limit': trade.open_rate,
'order_type': order_type,
'stake_amount': trade.stake_amount,
'stake_currency': self.config['stake_currency'],
'fiat_currency': self.config.get('fiat_display_currency', None),
'amount': trade.amount,
'open_date': trade.open_date or datetime.utcnow(),
'current_rate': trade.open_rate_requested,
# Send the message
def _notify_buy_cancel(self, trade: Trade, order_type: str, reason: str) -> None:
Sends rpc notification when a buy cancel occured.
current_rate = self.get_buy_rate(trade.pair, False)
msg = {
'trade_id': trade.id,
'exchange': self.exchange.name.capitalize(),
'pair': trade.pair,
'limit': trade.open_rate,
'order_type': order_type,
'stake_amount': trade.stake_amount,
'stake_currency': self.config['stake_currency'],
'fiat_currency': self.config.get('fiat_display_currency', None),
'amount': trade.amount,
'open_date': trade.open_date,
'current_rate': current_rate,
'reason': reason,
# Send the message
# SELL / exit positions / close trades logic and methods
def exit_positions(self, trades: List[Any]) -> int:
Tries to execute sell orders for open trades (positions)
trades_closed = 0
for trade in trades:
if (self.strategy.order_types.get('stoploss_on_exchange') and
trades_closed += 1
# Check if we can sell our current pair
if trade.open_order_id is None and trade.is_open and self.handle_trade(trade):
trades_closed += 1
except DependencyException as exception:
logger.warning('Unable to sell trade %s: %s', trade.pair, exception)
# Updating wallets if any trade occured
if trades_closed:
return trades_closed
def _order_book_gen(self, pair: str, side: str, order_book_max: int = 1,
order_book_min: int = 1):
Helper generator to query orderbook in loop (used for early sell-order placing)
order_book = self.exchange.fetch_l2_order_book(pair, order_book_max)
for i in range(order_book_min, order_book_max + 1):
yield order_book[side][i - 1][0]
def get_sell_rate(self, pair: str, refresh: bool) -> float:
Get sell rate - either using ticker bid or first bid based on orderbook
The orderbook portion is only used for rpc messaging, which would otherwise fail
for BitMex (has no bid/ask in fetch_ticker)
or remain static in any other case since it's not updating.
:param pair: Pair to get rate for
:param refresh: allow cached data
:return: Bid rate
if not refresh:
rate = self._sell_rate_cache.get(pair)
# Check if cache has been invalidated
if rate:
logger.debug(f"Using cached sell rate for {pair}.")
return rate
ask_strategy = self.config.get('ask_strategy', {})
if ask_strategy.get('use_order_book', False):
# This code is only used for notifications, selling uses the generator directly
f"Getting price from order book {ask_strategy['price_side'].capitalize()} side."
rate = next(self._order_book_gen(pair, f"{ask_strategy['price_side']}s"))
except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
logger.warning("Sell Price at location from orderbook could not be determined.")
raise PricingError from e
rate = self.exchange.fetch_ticker(pair)[ask_strategy['price_side']]
if rate is None:
raise PricingError(f"Sell-Rate for {pair} was empty.")
self._sell_rate_cache[pair] = rate
return rate
def handle_trade(self, trade: Trade) -> bool:
Sells the current pair if the threshold is reached and updates the trade record.
:return: True if trade has been sold, False otherwise
if not trade.is_open:
raise DependencyException(f'Attempt to handle closed trade: {trade}')
logger.debug('Handling %s ...', trade)
(buy, sell) = (False, False)
config_ask_strategy = self.config.get('ask_strategy', {})
if (config_ask_strategy.get('use_sell_signal', True) or
config_ask_strategy.get('ignore_roi_if_buy_signal', False)):
analyzed_df, _ = self.dataprovider.get_analyzed_dataframe(trade.pair,
(buy, sell) = self.strategy.get_signal(trade.pair, self.strategy.timeframe, analyzed_df)
if config_ask_strategy.get('use_order_book', False):
order_book_min = config_ask_strategy.get('order_book_min', 1)
order_book_max = config_ask_strategy.get('order_book_max', 1)
logger.debug(f'Using order book between {order_book_min} and {order_book_max} '
f'for selling {trade.pair}...')
order_book = self._order_book_gen(trade.pair, f"{config_ask_strategy['price_side']}s",
for i in range(order_book_min, order_book_max + 1):
sell_rate = next(order_book)
except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
f"Sell Price at location {i} from orderbook could not be determined."
raise PricingError from e
logger.debug(f" order book {config_ask_strategy['price_side']} top {i}: "
# Assign sell-rate to cache - otherwise sell-rate is never updated in the cache,
# resulting in outdated RPC messages
self._sell_rate_cache[trade.pair] = sell_rate
if self._check_and_execute_sell(trade, sell_rate, buy, sell):
return True
logger.debug('checking sell')
sell_rate = self.get_sell_rate(trade.pair, True)
if self._check_and_execute_sell(trade, sell_rate, buy, sell):
return True
logger.debug('Found no sell signal for %s.', trade)
return False
def create_stoploss_order(self, trade: Trade, stop_price: float) -> bool:
Abstracts creating stoploss orders from the logic.
Handles errors and updates the trade database object.
Force-sells the pair (using EmergencySell reason) in case of Problems creating the order.
:return: True if the order succeeded, and False in case of problems.
stoploss_order = self.exchange.stoploss(pair=trade.pair, amount=trade.amount,
order_obj = Order.parse_from_ccxt_object(stoploss_order, trade.pair, 'stoploss')
trade.stoploss_order_id = str(stoploss_order['id'])
return True
except InsufficientFundsError as e:
logger.warning(f"Unable to place stoploss order {e}.")
# Try to figure out what went wrong
except InvalidOrderException as e:
trade.stoploss_order_id = None
logger.error(f'Unable to place a stoploss order on exchange. {e}')
logger.warning('Selling the trade forcefully')
self.execute_sell(trade, trade.stop_loss, sell_reason=SellType.EMERGENCY_SELL)
except ExchangeError:
trade.stoploss_order_id = None
logger.exception('Unable to place a stoploss order on exchange.')
return False
def handle_stoploss_on_exchange(self, trade: Trade) -> bool:
Check if trade is fulfilled in which case the stoploss
on exchange should be added immediately if stoploss on exchange
is enabled.
logger.debug('Handling stoploss on exchange %s ...', trade)
stoploss_order = None
# First we check if there is already a stoploss on exchange
stoploss_order = self.exchange.fetch_stoploss_order(
trade.stoploss_order_id, trade.pair) if trade.stoploss_order_id else None
except InvalidOrderException as exception:
logger.warning('Unable to fetch stoploss order: %s', exception)
if stoploss_order:
# We check if stoploss order is fulfilled
if stoploss_order and stoploss_order['status'] in ('closed', 'triggered'):
trade.sell_reason = SellType.STOPLOSS_ON_EXCHANGE.value
self.update_trade_state(trade, trade.stoploss_order_id, stoploss_order,
# Lock pair for one candle to prevent immediate rebuys
self.strategy.lock_pair(trade.pair, datetime.now(timezone.utc),
reason='Auto lock')
self._notify_sell(trade, "stoploss")
return True
if trade.open_order_id or not trade.is_open:
# Trade has an open Buy or Sell order, Stoploss-handling can't happen in this case
# as the Amount on the exchange is tied up in another trade.
# The trade can be closed already (sell-order fill confirmation came in this iteration)
return False
# If buy order is fulfilled but there is no stoploss, we add a stoploss on exchange
if not stoploss_order:
stoploss = self.edge.stoploss(pair=trade.pair) if self.edge else self.strategy.stoploss
stop_price = trade.open_rate * (1 + stoploss)
if self.create_stoploss_order(trade=trade, stop_price=stop_price):
trade.stoploss_last_update = datetime.utcnow()
return False
# If stoploss order is canceled for some reason we add it
if stoploss_order and stoploss_order['status'] in ('canceled', 'cancelled'):
if self.create_stoploss_order(trade=trade, stop_price=trade.stop_loss):
return False
trade.stoploss_order_id = None
logger.warning('Stoploss order was cancelled, but unable to recreate one.')
# Finally we check if stoploss on exchange should be moved up because of trailing.
if stoploss_order and self.config.get('trailing_stop', False):
# if trailing stoploss is enabled we check if stoploss value has changed
# in which case we cancel stoploss order and put another one with new
# value immediately
self.handle_trailing_stoploss_on_exchange(trade, stoploss_order)
return False
def handle_trailing_stoploss_on_exchange(self, trade: Trade, order: dict) -> None:
Check to see if stoploss on exchange should be updated
in case of trailing stoploss on exchange
:param Trade: Corresponding Trade
:param order: Current on exchange stoploss order
:return: None
if self.exchange.stoploss_adjust(trade.stop_loss, order):
# we check if the update is neccesary
update_beat = self.strategy.order_types.get('stoploss_on_exchange_interval', 60)
if (datetime.utcnow() - trade.stoploss_last_update).total_seconds() >= update_beat:
# cancelling the current stoploss on exchange first
logger.info(f"Cancelling current stoploss on exchange for pair {trade.pair} "
f"(orderid:{order['id']}) in order to add another one ...")
co = self.exchange.cancel_stoploss_order(order['id'], trade.pair)
except InvalidOrderException:
logger.exception(f"Could not cancel stoploss order {order['id']} "
f"for pair {trade.pair}")
# Create new stoploss order
if not self.create_stoploss_order(trade=trade, stop_price=trade.stop_loss):
logger.warning(f"Could not create trailing stoploss order "
f"for pair {trade.pair}.")
def _check_and_execute_sell(self, trade: Trade, sell_rate: float,
buy: bool, sell: bool) -> bool:
Check and execute sell
should_sell = self.strategy.should_sell(
trade, sell_rate, datetime.utcnow(), buy, sell,
force_stoploss=self.edge.stoploss(trade.pair) if self.edge else 0
if should_sell.sell_flag:
logger.info(f'Executing Sell for {trade.pair}. Reason: {should_sell.sell_type}')
self.execute_sell(trade, sell_rate, should_sell.sell_type)
return True
return False
def _check_timed_out(self, side: str, order: dict) -> bool:
Check if timeout is active, and if the order is still open and timed out
timeout = self.config.get('unfilledtimeout', {}).get(side)
ordertime = arrow.get(order['datetime']).datetime
if timeout is not None:
timeout_threshold = arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-timeout).datetime
return (order['status'] == 'open' and order['side'] == side
and ordertime < timeout_threshold)
return False
def check_handle_timedout(self) -> None:
Check if any orders are timed out and cancel if neccessary
:param timeoutvalue: Number of minutes until order is considered timed out
:return: None
for trade in Trade.get_open_order_trades():
if not trade.open_order_id:
order = self.exchange.fetch_order(trade.open_order_id, trade.pair)
except (ExchangeError):
logger.info('Cannot query order for %s due to %s', trade, traceback.format_exc())
fully_cancelled = self.update_trade_state(trade, trade.open_order_id, order)
if (order['side'] == 'buy' and (order['status'] == 'open' or fully_cancelled) and (
or self._check_timed_out('buy', order)
or strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.check_buy_timeout,
self.handle_cancel_buy(trade, order, constants.CANCEL_REASON['TIMEOUT'])
elif (order['side'] == 'sell' and (order['status'] == 'open' or fully_cancelled) and (
or self._check_timed_out('sell', order)
or strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.check_sell_timeout,
self.handle_cancel_sell(trade, order, constants.CANCEL_REASON['TIMEOUT'])
def cancel_all_open_orders(self) -> None:
Cancel all orders that are currently open
:return: None
for trade in Trade.get_open_order_trades():
order = self.exchange.fetch_order(trade.open_order_id, trade.pair)
except (ExchangeError):
logger.info('Cannot query order for %s due to %s', trade, traceback.format_exc())
if order['side'] == 'buy':
self.handle_cancel_buy(trade, order, constants.CANCEL_REASON['ALL_CANCELLED'])
elif order['side'] == 'sell':
self.handle_cancel_sell(trade, order, constants.CANCEL_REASON['ALL_CANCELLED'])
def handle_cancel_buy(self, trade: Trade, order: Dict, reason: str) -> bool:
Buy cancel - cancel order
:return: True if order was fully cancelled
was_trade_fully_canceled = False
# Cancelled orders may have the status of 'canceled' or 'closed'
if order['status'] not in ('canceled', 'closed'):
corder = self.exchange.cancel_order_with_result(trade.open_order_id, trade.pair,
# Avoid race condition where the order could not be cancelled coz its already filled.
# Simply bailing here is the only safe way - as this order will then be
# handled in the next iteration.
if corder.get('status') not in ('canceled', 'closed'):
logger.warning(f"Order {trade.open_order_id} for {trade.pair} not cancelled.")
return False
# Order was cancelled already, so we can reuse the existing dict
corder = order
logger.info('Buy order %s for %s.', reason, trade)
# Using filled to determine the filled amount
filled_amount = safe_value_fallback2(corder, order, 'filled', 'filled')
if isclose(filled_amount, 0.0, abs_tol=constants.MATH_CLOSE_PREC):
logger.info('Buy order fully cancelled. Removing %s from database.', trade)
# if trade is not partially completed, just delete the trade
was_trade_fully_canceled = True
reason += f", {constants.CANCEL_REASON['FULLY_CANCELLED']}"
# if trade is partially complete, edit the stake details for the trade
# and close the order
# cancel_order may not contain the full order dict, so we need to fallback
# to the order dict aquired before cancelling.
# we need to fall back to the values from order if corder does not contain these keys.
trade.amount = filled_amount
trade.stake_amount = trade.amount * trade.open_rate
self.update_trade_state(trade, trade.open_order_id, corder)
trade.open_order_id = None
logger.info('Partial buy order timeout for %s.', trade)
reason += f", {constants.CANCEL_REASON['PARTIALLY_FILLED']}"
self._notify_buy_cancel(trade, order_type=self.strategy.order_types['buy'],
return was_trade_fully_canceled
def handle_cancel_sell(self, trade: Trade, order: Dict, reason: str) -> str:
Sell cancel - cancel order and update trade
:return: Reason for cancel
# if trade is not partially completed, just cancel the order
if order['remaining'] == order['amount'] or order.get('filled') == 0.0:
if not self.exchange.check_order_canceled_empty(order):
# if trade is not partially completed, just delete the order
self.exchange.cancel_order(trade.open_order_id, trade.pair)
except InvalidOrderException:
logger.exception(f"Could not cancel sell order {trade.open_order_id}")
return 'error cancelling order'
logger.info('Sell order %s for %s.', reason, trade)
logger.info('Sell order %s for %s.', reason, trade)
trade.close_rate = None
trade.close_rate_requested = None
trade.close_profit = None
trade.close_profit_abs = None
trade.close_date = None
trade.is_open = True
trade.open_order_id = None
# TODO: figure out how to handle partially complete sell orders
return reason
def _safe_sell_amount(self, pair: str, amount: float) -> float:
Get sellable amount.
Should be trade.amount - but will fall back to the available amount if necessary.
This should cover cases where get_real_amount() was not able to update the amount
for whatever reason.
:param pair: Pair we're trying to sell
:param amount: amount we expect to be available
:return: amount to sell
:raise: DependencyException: if available balance is not within 2% of the available amount.
# Update wallets to ensure amounts tied up in a stoploss is now free!
trade_base_currency = self.exchange.get_pair_base_currency(pair)
wallet_amount = self.wallets.get_free(trade_base_currency)
logger.debug(f"{pair} - Wallet: {wallet_amount} - Trade-amount: {amount}")
if wallet_amount >= amount:
return amount
elif wallet_amount > amount * 0.98:
logger.info(f"{pair} - Falling back to wallet-amount {wallet_amount} -> {amount}.")
return wallet_amount
raise DependencyException(
f"Not enough amount to sell. Trade-amount: {amount}, Wallet: {wallet_amount}")
def execute_sell(self, trade: Trade, limit: float, sell_reason: SellType) -> bool:
Executes a limit sell for the given trade and limit
:param trade: Trade instance
:param limit: limit rate for the sell order
:param sellreason: Reason the sell was triggered
:return: True if it succeeds (supported) False (not supported)
sell_type = 'sell'
if sell_reason in (SellType.STOP_LOSS, SellType.TRAILING_STOP_LOSS):
sell_type = 'stoploss'
# if stoploss is on exchange and we are on dry_run mode,
# we consider the sell price stop price
if self.config['dry_run'] and sell_type == 'stoploss' \
and self.strategy.order_types['stoploss_on_exchange']:
limit = trade.stop_loss
# First cancelling stoploss on exchange ...
if self.strategy.order_types.get('stoploss_on_exchange') and trade.stoploss_order_id:
self.exchange.cancel_stoploss_order(trade.stoploss_order_id, trade.pair)
except InvalidOrderException:
logger.exception(f"Could not cancel stoploss order {trade.stoploss_order_id}")
order_type = self.strategy.order_types[sell_type]
if sell_reason == SellType.EMERGENCY_SELL:
# Emergency sells (default to market!)
order_type = self.strategy.order_types.get("emergencysell", "market")
amount = self._safe_sell_amount(trade.pair, trade.amount)
time_in_force = self.strategy.order_time_in_force['sell']
if not strategy_safe_wrapper(self.strategy.confirm_trade_exit, default_retval=True)(
pair=trade.pair, trade=trade, order_type=order_type, amount=amount, rate=limit,
logger.info(f"User requested abortion of selling {trade.pair}")
return False
# Execute sell and update trade record
order = self.exchange.sell(pair=trade.pair,
amount=amount, rate=limit,
except InsufficientFundsError as e:
logger.warning(f"Unable to place order {e}.")
# Try to figure out what went wrong
return False
order_obj = Order.parse_from_ccxt_object(order, trade.pair, 'sell')
trade.open_order_id = order['id']
trade.close_rate_requested = limit
trade.sell_reason = sell_reason.value
# In case of market sell orders the order can be closed immediately
if order.get('status', 'unknown') == 'closed':
self.update_trade_state(trade, trade.open_order_id, order)
# Lock pair for one candle to prevent immediate rebuys
self.strategy.lock_pair(trade.pair, datetime.now(timezone.utc),
reason='Auto lock')
self._notify_sell(trade, order_type)
return True
def _notify_sell(self, trade: Trade, order_type: str) -> None:
Sends rpc notification when a sell occured.
profit_rate = trade.close_rate if trade.close_rate else trade.close_rate_requested
profit_trade = trade.calc_profit(rate=profit_rate)
# Use cached rates here - it was updated seconds ago.
current_rate = self.get_sell_rate(trade.pair, False)
profit_ratio = trade.calc_profit_ratio(profit_rate)
gain = "profit" if profit_ratio > 0 else "loss"
msg = {
'trade_id': trade.id,
'exchange': trade.exchange.capitalize(),
'pair': trade.pair,
'gain': gain,
'limit': profit_rate,
'order_type': order_type,
'amount': trade.amount,
'open_rate': trade.open_rate,
'current_rate': current_rate,
'profit_amount': profit_trade,
'profit_ratio': profit_ratio,
'sell_reason': trade.sell_reason,
'open_date': trade.open_date,
'close_date': trade.close_date or datetime.utcnow(),
'stake_currency': self.config['stake_currency'],
'fiat_currency': self.config.get('fiat_display_currency', None),
if 'fiat_display_currency' in self.config:
'fiat_currency': self.config['fiat_display_currency'],
# Send the message
def _notify_sell_cancel(self, trade: Trade, order_type: str, reason: str) -> None:
Sends rpc notification when a sell cancel occured.
if trade.sell_order_status == reason:
trade.sell_order_status = reason
profit_rate = trade.close_rate if trade.close_rate else trade.close_rate_requested
profit_trade = trade.calc_profit(rate=profit_rate)
current_rate = self.get_sell_rate(trade.pair, False)
profit_ratio = trade.calc_profit_ratio(profit_rate)
gain = "profit" if profit_ratio > 0 else "loss"
msg = {
'trade_id': trade.id,
'exchange': trade.exchange.capitalize(),
'pair': trade.pair,
'gain': gain,
'limit': profit_rate,
'order_type': order_type,
'amount': trade.amount,
'open_rate': trade.open_rate,
'current_rate': current_rate,
'profit_amount': profit_trade,
'profit_ratio': profit_ratio,
'sell_reason': trade.sell_reason,
'open_date': trade.open_date,
'close_date': trade.close_date,
'stake_currency': self.config['stake_currency'],
'fiat_currency': self.config.get('fiat_display_currency', None),
'reason': reason,
if 'fiat_display_currency' in self.config:
'fiat_currency': self.config['fiat_display_currency'],
# Send the message
# Common update trade state methods
def update_trade_state(self, trade: Trade, order_id: str, action_order: Dict[str, Any] = None,
stoploss_order: bool = False) -> bool:
Checks trades with open orders and updates the amount if necessary
Handles closing both buy and sell orders.
:param trade: Trade object of the trade we're analyzing
:param order_id: Order-id of the order we're analyzing
:param action_order: Already aquired order object
:return: True if order has been cancelled without being filled partially, False otherwise
if not order_id:
logger.warning(f'Orderid for trade {trade} is empty.')
return False
# Update trade with order values
logger.info('Found open order for %s', trade)
order = action_order or self.exchange.fetch_order_or_stoploss_order(order_id,
except InvalidOrderException as exception:
logger.warning('Unable to fetch order %s: %s', order_id, exception)
return False
# Try update amount (binance-fix)
new_amount = self.get_real_amount(trade, order)
if not isclose(safe_value_fallback(order, 'filled', 'amount'), new_amount,
order['amount'] = new_amount
order.pop('filled', None)
except DependencyException as exception:
logger.warning("Could not update trade amount: %s", exception)
if self.exchange.check_order_canceled_empty(order):
# Trade has been cancelled on exchange
# Handling of this will happen in check_handle_timeout.
return True
# Updating wallets when order is closed
if not trade.is_open:
return False
def apply_fee_conditional(self, trade: Trade, trade_base_currency: str,
amount: float, fee_abs: float) -> float:
Applies the fee to amount (either from Order or from Trades).
Can eat into dust if more than the required asset is available.
if fee_abs != 0 and self.wallets.get_free(trade_base_currency) >= amount:
# Eat into dust if we own more than base currency
logger.info(f"Fee amount for {trade} was in base currency - "
f"Eating Fee {fee_abs} into dust.")
elif fee_abs != 0:
real_amount = self.exchange.amount_to_precision(trade.pair, amount - fee_abs)
logger.info(f"Applying fee on amount for {trade} "
f"(from {amount} to {real_amount}).")
return real_amount
return amount
def get_real_amount(self, trade: Trade, order: Dict) -> float:
Detect and update trade fee.
Calls trade.update_fee() uppon correct detection.
Returns modified amount if the fee was taken from the destination currency.
Necessary for exchanges which charge fees in base currency (e.g. binance)
:return: identical (or new) amount for the trade
# Init variables
order_amount = safe_value_fallback(order, 'filled', 'amount')
# Only run for closed orders
if trade.fee_updated(order.get('side', '')) or order['status'] == 'open':
return order_amount
trade_base_currency = self.exchange.get_pair_base_currency(trade.pair)
# use fee from order-dict if possible
if self.exchange.order_has_fee(order):
fee_cost, fee_currency, fee_rate = self.exchange.extract_cost_curr_rate(order)
logger.info(f"Fee for Trade {trade} [{order.get('side')}]: "
f"{fee_cost:.8g} {fee_currency} - rate: {fee_rate}")
trade.update_fee(fee_cost, fee_currency, fee_rate, order.get('side', ''))
if trade_base_currency == fee_currency:
# Apply fee to amount
return self.apply_fee_conditional(trade, trade_base_currency,
amount=order_amount, fee_abs=fee_cost)
return order_amount
return self.fee_detection_from_trades(trade, order, order_amount)
def fee_detection_from_trades(self, trade: Trade, order: Dict, order_amount: float) -> float:
fee-detection fallback to Trades. Parses result of fetch_my_trades to get correct fee.
trades = self.exchange.get_trades_for_order(order['id'], trade.pair,
if len(trades) == 0:
logger.info("Applying fee on amount for %s failed: myTrade-Dict empty found", trade)
return order_amount
fee_currency = None
amount = 0
fee_abs = 0.0
fee_cost = 0.0
trade_base_currency = self.exchange.get_pair_base_currency(trade.pair)
fee_rate_array: List[float] = []
for exectrade in trades:
amount += exectrade['amount']
if self.exchange.order_has_fee(exectrade):
fee_cost_, fee_currency, fee_rate_ = self.exchange.extract_cost_curr_rate(exectrade)
fee_cost += fee_cost_
if fee_rate_ is not None:
# only applies if fee is in quote currency!
if trade_base_currency == fee_currency:
fee_abs += fee_cost_
# Ensure at least one trade was found:
if fee_currency:
# fee_rate should use mean
fee_rate = sum(fee_rate_array) / float(len(fee_rate_array)) if fee_rate_array else None
trade.update_fee(fee_cost, fee_currency, fee_rate, order.get('side', ''))
if not isclose(amount, order_amount, abs_tol=constants.MATH_CLOSE_PREC):
logger.warning(f"Amount {amount} does not match amount {trade.amount}")
raise DependencyException("Half bought? Amounts don't match")
if fee_abs != 0:
return self.apply_fee_conditional(trade, trade_base_currency,
amount=amount, fee_abs=fee_abs)
return amount