
384 lines
12 KiB

# pragma pylint: disable=W0603
""" Cryptocurrency Exchanges support """
import logging
from random import randint
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional
import ccxt
import arrow
from freqtrade import OperationalException, DependencyException, NetworkException
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Current selected exchange
_API: ccxt.Exchange = None
_CONF: dict = {}
# Holds all open sell orders for dry_run
_DRY_RUN_OPEN_ORDERS: Dict[str, Any] = {}
# Urls to exchange markets, insert quote and base with .format()
ccxt.bittrex.__name__: '/Market/Index?MarketName={quote}-{base}',
ccxt.binance.__name__: '/tradeDetail.html?symbol={base}_{quote}'
def retrier(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
count = kwargs.pop('count', API_RETRY_COUNT)
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except (NetworkException, DependencyException) as ex:
logger.warning('%s returned exception: "%s"', f, ex)
if count > 0:
count -= 1
kwargs.update({'count': count})
logger.warning('retrying %s still for %s times', f, count)
return wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
raise OperationalException('Giving up retrying: %s', f)
return wrapper
def init_ccxt(exchange_config: dict) -> ccxt.Exchange:
Initialize ccxt with given config and return valid
ccxt instance.
:param config: config to use
:return: ccxt
# Find matching class for the given exchange name
name = exchange_config['name']
if name not in ccxt.exchanges:
raise OperationalException('Exchange {} is not supported'.format(name))
api = getattr(ccxt, name.lower())({
'apiKey': exchange_config.get('key'),
'secret': exchange_config.get('secret'),
'password': exchange_config.get('password'),
'uid': exchange_config.get('uid', ''),
'enableRateLimit': True,
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
raise OperationalException('Exchange {} is not supported'.format(name))
return api
def init(config: dict) -> None:
Initializes this module with the given config,
it does basic validation whether the specified
exchange and pairs are valid.
:param config: config to use
:return: None
global _CONF, _API
if config['dry_run']:'Instance is running with dry_run enabled')
exchange_config = config['exchange']
_API = init_ccxt(exchange_config)'Using Exchange "%s"', get_name())
# Check if all pairs are available
def validate_pairs(pairs: List[str]) -> None:
Checks if all given pairs are tradable on the current exchange.
Raises OperationalException if one pair is not available.
:param pairs: list of pairs
:return: None
markets = _API.load_markets()
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
logger.warning('Unable to validate pairs (assuming they are correct). Reason: %s', e)
stake_cur = _CONF['stake_currency']
for pair in pairs:
# Note: ccxt has BaseCurrency/QuoteCurrency format for pairs
# TODO: add a support for having coins in BTC/USDT format
if not pair.endswith(stake_cur):
raise OperationalException(
'Pair {} not compatible with stake_currency: {}'.format(pair, stake_cur)
if pair not in markets:
raise OperationalException(
'Pair {} is not available at {}'.format(pair, get_name()))
def exchange_has(endpoint: str) -> bool:
Checks if exchange implements a specific API endpoint.
Wrapper around ccxt 'has' attribute
:param endpoint: Name of endpoint (e.g. 'fetchOHLCV', 'fetchTickers')
:return: bool
return endpoint in _API.has and _API.has[endpoint]
def buy(pair: str, rate: float, amount: float) -> Dict:
if _CONF['dry_run']:
order_id = 'dry_run_buy_{}'.format(randint(0, 10**6))
_DRY_RUN_OPEN_ORDERS[order_id] = {
'pair': pair,
'price': rate,
'amount': amount,
'type': 'limit',
'side': 'buy',
'remaining': 0.0,
'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(),
'status': 'closed'
return {'id': order_id}
return _API.create_limit_buy_order(pair, amount, rate)
except ccxt.InsufficientFunds as e:
raise DependencyException(
'Insufficient funds to create limit buy order on market {}.'
'Tried to buy amount {} at rate {} (total {}).'
'Message: {}'.format(pair, amount, rate, rate*amount, e)
except ccxt.InvalidOrder as e:
raise DependencyException(
'Could not create limit buy order on market {}.'
'Tried to buy amount {} at rate {} (total {}).'
'Message: {}'.format(pair, amount, rate, rate*amount, e)
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not place buy order due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e)
def sell(pair: str, rate: float, amount: float) -> Dict:
if _CONF['dry_run']:
order_id = 'dry_run_sell_{}'.format(randint(0, 10**6))
_DRY_RUN_OPEN_ORDERS[order_id] = {
'pair': pair,
'price': rate,
'amount': amount,
'type': 'limit',
'side': 'sell',
'remaining': 0.0,
'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(),
'status': 'closed'
return {'id': order_id}
return _API.create_limit_sell_order(pair, amount, rate)
except ccxt.InsufficientFunds as e:
raise DependencyException(
'Insufficient funds to create limit sell order on market {}.'
'Tried to sell amount {} at rate {} (total {}).'
'Message: {}'.format(pair, amount, rate, rate*amount, e)
except ccxt.InvalidOrder as e:
raise DependencyException(
'Could not create limit sell order on market {}.'
'Tried to sell amount {} at rate {} (total {}).'
'Message: {}'.format(pair, amount, rate, rate*amount, e)
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not place sell order due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e)
def get_balance(currency: str) -> float:
if _CONF['dry_run']:
return 999.9
# ccxt exception is already handled by get_balances
balances = get_balances()
return balances[currency]['free']
def get_balances() -> dict:
if _CONF['dry_run']:
return {}
balances = _API.fetch_balance()
# Remove additional info from ccxt results
balances.pop("info", None)
balances.pop("free", None)
balances.pop("total", None)
balances.pop("used", None)
return balances
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not get balance due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e)
def get_tickers() -> Dict:
return _API.fetch_tickers()
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not load tickers due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e)
except ccxt.NotSupported as e:
raise OperationalException(
'Exchange {} does not support fetching tickers in batch.'
'Message: {}'.format(, e)
# TODO: remove refresh argument, keeping it to keep track of where it was intended to be used
def get_ticker(pair: str, refresh: Optional[bool] = True) -> dict:
return _API.fetch_ticker(pair)
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not load tickers due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e)
def get_ticker_history(pair: str, tick_interval: str, since: Optional[int] = None) -> List[Dict]:
# download data until it reaches today now time
# it looks as if some exchanges return cached data
# and update it with some delay so 10 mins interval is added
data = []
while not since or since < arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-10).timestamp * 1000:
data_part = _API.fetch_ohlcv(pair, timeframe=tick_interval, since=since)
if not data_part:
break'Downloaded data for time range [%s, %s]',
arrow.get(data_part[0][0] / 1000).format(),
arrow.get(data_part[-1][0] / 1000).format())
since = data[-1][0] + 1
return data
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not load ticker history due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException('Could not fetch ticker data. Msg: {}'.format(e))
except ccxt.NotSupported as e:
raise OperationalException(
'Exchange {} does not support fetching historical candlestick data.'
'Message: {}'.format(, e)
def cancel_order(order_id: str, pair: str) -> None:
if _CONF['dry_run']:
return _API.cancel_order(order_id, pair)
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not get order due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.InvalidOrder as e:
raise DependencyException(
'Could not cancel order. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e)
def get_order(order_id: str, pair: str) -> Dict:
if _CONF['dry_run']:
order = _DRY_RUN_OPEN_ORDERS[order_id]
'id': order_id
return order
return _API.fetch_order(order_id, pair)
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not get order due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.InvalidOrder as e:
raise DependencyException(
'Could not get order. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e)
def get_pair_detail_url(pair: str) -> str:
url_base = _API.urls.get('www')
base, quote = pair.split('/')
return url_base + _EXCHANGE_URLS[].format(base=base, quote=quote)
except KeyError:
logger.warning('Could not get exchange url for %s', get_name())
return ""
def get_markets() -> List[dict]:
return _API.fetch_markets()
except ccxt.NetworkError as e:
raise NetworkException(
'Could not load markets due to networking error. Message: {}'.format(e)
except ccxt.BaseError as e:
raise OperationalException(e)
def get_name() -> str:
def get_id() -> str:
def get_fee(symbol='ETH/BTC', type='', side='', amount=1,
price=1, taker_or_maker='maker') -> float:
# validate that markets are loaded before trying to get fee
if is None or len( == 0:
return _API.calculate_fee(symbol=symbol, type=type, side=side, amount=amount,
price=price, takerOrMaker=taker_or_maker)['rate']