Adding an "--auto-open" argument. This improves tool processing of the results, while still allowing to open the HTML file for easy use.
508 lines
19 KiB
508 lines
19 KiB
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pytest
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from freqtrade.commands import start_plot_dataframe, start_plot_profit
from freqtrade.configuration import TimeRange
from import history
from import create_cum_profit, load_backtest_data
from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException
from freqtrade.plot.plotting import (add_areas, add_indicators, add_profit, create_plotconfig,
generate_candlestick_graph, generate_plot_filename,
generate_profit_graph, init_plotscript, load_and_plot_trades,
plot_profit, plot_trades, store_plot_file)
from freqtrade.resolvers import StrategyResolver
from tests.conftest import get_args, log_has, log_has_re, patch_exchange
def fig_generating_mock(fig, *args, **kwargs):
""" Return Fig - used to mock add_indicators and plot_trades"""
return fig
def find_trace_in_fig_data(data, search_string: str):
matches = (d for d in data if == search_string)
return next(matches)
def generate_empty_figure():
return make_subplots(
row_width=[1, 1, 4],
def test_init_plotscript(default_conf, mocker, testdatadir):
default_conf['timerange'] = "20180110-20180112"
default_conf['trade_source'] = "file"
default_conf['timeframe'] = "5m"
default_conf["datadir"] = testdatadir
default_conf['exportfilename'] = testdatadir / "backtest-result_test.json"
supported_markets = ["TRX/BTC", "ADA/BTC"]
ret = init_plotscript(default_conf, supported_markets)
assert "ohlcv" in ret
assert "trades" in ret
assert "pairs" in ret
assert 'timerange' in ret
default_conf['pairs'] = ["TRX/BTC", "ADA/BTC"]
ret = init_plotscript(default_conf, supported_markets, 20)
assert "ohlcv" in ret
assert "TRX/BTC" in ret["ohlcv"]
assert "ADA/BTC" in ret["ohlcv"]
def test_add_indicators(default_conf, testdatadir, caplog):
timerange = TimeRange(None, 'line', 0, -1000)
data = history.load_pair_history(pair=pair, timeframe='1m',
datadir=testdatadir, timerange=timerange)
indicators1 = {"ema10": {}}
indicators2 = {"macd": {"color": "red"}}
default_conf.update({'strategy': 'DefaultStrategy'})
strategy = StrategyResolver.load_strategy(default_conf)
# Generate buy/sell signals and indicators
data = strategy.analyze_ticker(data, {'pair': pair})
fig = generate_empty_figure()
# Row 1
fig1 = add_indicators(fig=deepcopy(fig), row=1, indicators=indicators1, data=data)
figure = fig1.layout.figure
ema10 = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "ema10")
assert isinstance(ema10, go.Scatter)
assert ema10.yaxis == "y"
fig2 = add_indicators(fig=deepcopy(fig), row=3, indicators=indicators2, data=data)
figure = fig2.layout.figure
macd = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "macd")
assert isinstance(macd, go.Scatter)
assert macd.yaxis == "y3"
assert macd.line.color == "red"
# No indicator found
fig3 = add_indicators(fig=deepcopy(fig), row=3, indicators={'no_indicator': {}}, data=data)
assert fig == fig3
assert log_has_re(r'Indicator "no_indicator" ignored\..*', caplog)
def test_add_areas(default_conf, testdatadir, caplog):
timerange = TimeRange(None, 'line', 0, -1000)
data = history.load_pair_history(pair=pair, timeframe='1m',
datadir=testdatadir, timerange=timerange)
indicators = {"macd": {"color": "red",
"fill_color": "black",
"fill_to": "macdhist",
"fill_label": "MACD Fill"}}
ind_no_label = {"macd": {"fill_color": "red",
"fill_to": "macdhist"}}
ind_plain = {"macd": {"fill_to": "macdhist"}}
default_conf.update({'strategy': 'DefaultStrategy'})
strategy = StrategyResolver.load_strategy(default_conf)
# Generate buy/sell signals and indicators
data = strategy.analyze_ticker(data, {'pair': pair})
fig = generate_empty_figure()
# indicator mentioned in fill_to does not exist
fig1 = add_areas(fig, 1, data, {'ema10': {'fill_to': 'no_fill_indicator'}})
assert fig == fig1
assert log_has_re(r'fill_to: "no_fill_indicator" ignored\..*', caplog)
# indicator does not exist
fig2 = add_areas(fig, 1, data, {'no_indicator': {'fill_to': 'ema10'}})
assert fig == fig2
assert log_has_re(r'Indicator "no_indicator" ignored\..*', caplog)
# everythin given in plot config, row 3
fig3 = add_areas(fig, 3, data, indicators)
figure = fig3.layout.figure
fill_macd = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "MACD Fill")
assert isinstance(fill_macd, go.Scatter)
assert fill_macd.yaxis == "y3"
assert fill_macd.fillcolor == "black"
# label missing, row 1
fig4 = add_areas(fig, 1, data, ind_no_label)
figure = fig4.layout.figure
fill_macd = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "macd<>macdhist")
assert isinstance(fill_macd, go.Scatter)
assert fill_macd.yaxis == "y"
assert fill_macd.fillcolor == "red"
# fit_to only
fig5 = add_areas(fig, 1, data, ind_plain)
figure = fig5.layout.figure
fill_macd = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "macd<>macdhist")
assert isinstance(fill_macd, go.Scatter)
assert fill_macd.yaxis == "y"
def test_plot_trades(testdatadir, caplog):
fig1 = generate_empty_figure()
# nothing happens when no trades are available
fig = plot_trades(fig1, None)
assert fig == fig1
assert log_has("No trades found.", caplog)
pair = "ADA/BTC"
filename = testdatadir / "backtest-result_test.json"
trades = load_backtest_data(filename)
trades = trades.loc[trades['pair'] == pair]
fig = plot_trades(fig, trades)
figure = fig1.layout.figure
# Check buys - color, should be in first graph, ...
trade_buy = find_trace_in_fig_data(, 'Trade buy')
assert isinstance(trade_buy, go.Scatter)
assert trade_buy.yaxis == 'y'
assert len(trades) == len(trade_buy.x)
assert trade_buy.marker.color == 'cyan'
assert trade_buy.marker.symbol == 'circle-open'
assert trade_buy.text[0] == '4.0%, roi, 15 min'
trade_sell = find_trace_in_fig_data(, 'Sell - Profit')
assert isinstance(trade_sell, go.Scatter)
assert trade_sell.yaxis == 'y'
assert len(trades.loc[trades['profit_ratio'] > 0]) == len(trade_sell.x)
assert trade_sell.marker.color == 'green'
assert trade_sell.marker.symbol == 'square-open'
assert trade_sell.text[0] == '4.0%, roi, 15 min'
trade_sell_loss = find_trace_in_fig_data(, 'Sell - Loss')
assert isinstance(trade_sell_loss, go.Scatter)
assert trade_sell_loss.yaxis == 'y'
assert len(trades.loc[trades['profit_ratio'] <= 0]) == len(trade_sell_loss.x)
assert trade_sell_loss.marker.color == 'red'
assert trade_sell_loss.marker.symbol == 'square-open'
assert trade_sell_loss.text[5] == '-10.4%, stop_loss, 720 min'
def test_generate_candlestick_graph_no_signals_no_trades(default_conf, mocker, testdatadir, caplog):
row_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.plot.plotting.add_indicators',
trades_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.plot.plotting.plot_trades',
timerange = TimeRange(None, 'line', 0, -1000)
data = history.load_pair_history(pair=pair, timeframe='1m',
datadir=testdatadir, timerange=timerange)
data['buy'] = 0
data['sell'] = 0
indicators1 = []
indicators2 = []
fig = generate_candlestick_graph(pair=pair, data=data, trades=None,
indicators1=indicators1, indicators2=indicators2)
assert isinstance(fig, go.Figure)
assert fig.layout.title.text == pair
figure = fig.layout.figure
assert len( == 2
# Candlesticks are plotted first
candles = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Price")
assert isinstance(candles, go.Candlestick)
volume = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Volume")
assert isinstance(volume, go.Bar)
assert row_mock.call_count == 2
assert trades_mock.call_count == 1
assert log_has("No buy-signals found.", caplog)
assert log_has("No sell-signals found.", caplog)
def test_generate_candlestick_graph_no_trades(default_conf, mocker, testdatadir):
row_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.plot.plotting.add_indicators',
trades_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.plot.plotting.plot_trades',
timerange = TimeRange(None, 'line', 0, -1000)
data = history.load_pair_history(pair=pair, timeframe='1m',
datadir=testdatadir, timerange=timerange)
default_conf.update({'strategy': 'DefaultStrategy'})
strategy = StrategyResolver.load_strategy(default_conf)
# Generate buy/sell signals and indicators
data = strategy.analyze_ticker(data, {'pair': pair})
indicators1 = []
indicators2 = []
fig = generate_candlestick_graph(pair=pair, data=data, trades=None,
indicators1=indicators1, indicators2=indicators2)
assert isinstance(fig, go.Figure)
assert fig.layout.title.text == pair
figure = fig.layout.figure
assert len( == 6
# Candlesticks are plotted first
candles = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Price")
assert isinstance(candles, go.Candlestick)
volume = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Volume")
assert isinstance(volume, go.Bar)
buy = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "buy")
assert isinstance(buy, go.Scatter)
# All buy-signals should be plotted
assert int( == len(buy.x)
sell = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "sell")
assert isinstance(sell, go.Scatter)
# All buy-signals should be plotted
assert int(data.sell.sum()) == len(sell.x)
assert find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Bollinger Band")
assert row_mock.call_count == 2
assert trades_mock.call_count == 1
def test_generate_Plot_filename():
fn = generate_plot_filename("UNITTEST/BTC", "5m")
assert fn == "freqtrade-plot-UNITTEST_BTC-5m.html"
def test_generate_plot_file(mocker, caplog):
fig = generate_empty_figure()
plot_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.plot.plotting.plot", MagicMock())
store_plot_file(fig, filename="freqtrade-plot-UNITTEST_BTC-5m.html",
expected_fn = str(Path("user_data/plot/freqtrade-plot-UNITTEST_BTC-5m.html"))
assert plot_mock.call_count == 1
assert plot_mock.call_args[0][0] == fig
assert (plot_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['filename']
== expected_fn)
assert log_has(f"Stored plot as {expected_fn}",
def test_add_profit(testdatadir):
filename = testdatadir / "backtest-result_test.json"
bt_data = load_backtest_data(filename)
timerange = TimeRange.parse_timerange("20180110-20180112")
df = history.load_pair_history(pair="TRX/BTC", timeframe='5m',
datadir=testdatadir, timerange=timerange)
fig = generate_empty_figure()
cum_profits = create_cum_profit(df.set_index('date'),
bt_data[bt_data["pair"] == 'TRX/BTC'],
"cum_profits", timeframe="5m")
fig1 = add_profit(fig, row=2, data=cum_profits, column='cum_profits', name='Profits')
figure = fig1.layout.figure
profits = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Profits")
assert isinstance(profits, go.Scatter)
assert profits.yaxis == "y2"
def test_generate_profit_graph(testdatadir):
filename = testdatadir / "backtest-result_test.json"
trades = load_backtest_data(filename)
timerange = TimeRange.parse_timerange("20180110-20180112")
pairs = ["TRX/BTC", "XLM/BTC"]
trades = trades[trades['close_date'] < pd.Timestamp('2018-01-12', tz='UTC')]
data = history.load_data(datadir=testdatadir,
trades = trades[trades['pair'].isin(pairs)]
fig = generate_profit_graph(pairs, data, trades, timeframe="5m", stake_currency='BTC')
assert isinstance(fig, go.Figure)
assert fig.layout.title.text == "Freqtrade Profit plot"
assert fig.layout.yaxis.title.text == "Price"
assert fig.layout.yaxis2.title.text == "Profit BTC"
assert fig.layout.yaxis3.title.text == "Profit BTC"
figure = fig.layout.figure
assert len( == 5
avgclose = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Avg close price")
assert isinstance(avgclose, go.Scatter)
profit = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Profit")
assert isinstance(profit, go.Scatter)
profit = find_trace_in_fig_data(, "Max drawdown 10.45%")
assert isinstance(profit, go.Scatter)
for pair in pairs:
profit_pair = find_trace_in_fig_data(, f"Profit {pair}")
assert isinstance(profit_pair, go.Scatter)
with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"No trades found.*"):
# Pair cannot be empty - so it's an empty dataframe.
generate_profit_graph(pairs, data, trades.loc[trades['pair'].isnull()], timeframe="5m",
def test_start_plot_dataframe(mocker):
aup = mocker.patch("freqtrade.plot.plotting.load_and_plot_trades", MagicMock())
args = [
"--config", "config_bittrex.json.example",
"--pairs", "ETH/BTC"
assert aup.call_count == 1
called_config = aup.call_args_list[0][0][0]
assert "pairs" in called_config
assert called_config['pairs'] == ["ETH/BTC"]
def test_load_and_plot_trades(default_conf, mocker, caplog, testdatadir):
default_conf['trade_source'] = 'file'
default_conf["datadir"] = testdatadir
default_conf['exportfilename'] = testdatadir / "backtest-result_test.json"
default_conf['indicators1'] = ["sma5", "ema10"]
default_conf['indicators2'] = ["macd"]
default_conf['pairs'] = ["ETH/BTC", "LTC/BTC"]
candle_mock = MagicMock()
store_mock = MagicMock()
# Both mocks should be called once per pair
assert candle_mock.call_count == 2
assert store_mock.call_count == 2
assert candle_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['indicators1'] == ['sma5', 'ema10']
assert candle_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['indicators2'] == ['macd']
assert log_has("End of plotting process. 2 plots generated", caplog)
def test_start_plot_profit(mocker):
aup = mocker.patch("freqtrade.plot.plotting.plot_profit", MagicMock())
args = [
"--config", "config_bittrex.json.example",
"--pairs", "ETH/BTC"
assert aup.call_count == 1
called_config = aup.call_args_list[0][0][0]
assert "pairs" in called_config
assert called_config['pairs'] == ["ETH/BTC"]
def test_start_plot_profit_error(mocker):
args = [
'--pairs', 'ETH/BTC'
argsp = get_args(args)
# Make sure we use no config. Details: #2241
# not resetting config causes random failures if config.json exists
argsp['config'] = []
with pytest.raises(OperationalException):
def test_plot_profit(default_conf, mocker, testdatadir):
default_conf['trade_source'] = 'file'
default_conf['datadir'] = testdatadir
default_conf['exportfilename'] = testdatadir / 'backtest-result_test_nofile.json'
default_conf['pairs'] = ['ETH/BTC', 'LTC/BTC']
profit_mock = MagicMock()
store_mock = MagicMock()
with pytest.raises(OperationalException,
match=r"No trades found, cannot generate Profit-plot.*"):
default_conf['exportfilename'] = testdatadir / "backtest-result_test.json"
# Plot-profit generates one combined plot
assert profit_mock.call_count == 1
assert store_mock.call_count == 1
assert profit_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0] == default_conf['pairs']
assert store_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['auto_open'] is False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ind1,ind2,plot_conf,exp", [
# No indicators, use plot_conf
([], [], {},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}, 'ema5': {}},
'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}, 'macdsignal': {}}}}),
# use indicators
(['sma', 'ema3'], ['macd'], {},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}}, 'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}}}}),
# only main_plot - adds empty subplots
([], [], {'main_plot': {'sma': {}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {}}),
# Main and subplots
([], [], {'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}}),
# no main_plot, adds empty main_plot
([], [], {'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}}),
# indicator 1 / 2 should have prevelance
(['sma', 'ema3'], ['macd'],
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}}, 'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}}}}
# indicator 1 - overrides plot_config main_plot
(['sma', 'ema3'], [],
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}}
# indicator 2 - overrides plot_config subplots
([], ['macd', 'macd_signal'],
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}, 'macd_signal': {}}}}
def test_create_plotconfig(ind1, ind2, plot_conf, exp):
res = create_plotconfig(ind1, ind2, plot_conf)
assert 'main_plot' in res
assert 'subplots' in res
assert isinstance(res['main_plot'], dict)
assert isinstance(res['subplots'], dict)
assert res == exp