108 lines
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108 lines
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site_name: Freqtrade
site_url: https://www.freqtrade.io/
repo_url: https://github.com/freqtrade/freqtrade
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- Home: index.md
- Quickstart with Docker: docker_quickstart.md
- Installation:
- Linux/MacOS/Raspberry: installation.md
- Windows: windows_installation.md
- Freqtrade Basics: bot-basics.md
- Configuration: configuration.md
- Strategy Customization: strategy-customization.md
- Strategy Callbacks: strategy-callbacks.md
- Stoploss: stoploss.md
- Plugins: plugins.md
- Start the bot: bot-usage.md
- Control the bot:
- Telegram: telegram-usage.md
- REST API & FreqUI: rest-api.md
- Web Hook: webhook-config.md
- Data Downloading: data-download.md
- Backtesting: backtesting.md
- Hyperopt: hyperopt.md
- FreqAI:
- Introduction: freqai.md
- Configuration: freqai-configuration.md
- Parameter table: freqai-parameter-table.md
- Feature engineering: freqai-feature-engineering.md
- Running FreqAI: freqai-running.md
- Reinforcement Learning: freqai-reinforcement-learning.md
- Developer guide: freqai-developers.md
- Short / Leverage: leverage.md
- Utility Sub-commands: utils.md
- Plotting: plotting.md
- Exchange-specific Notes: exchanges.md
- Data Analysis:
- Jupyter Notebooks: data-analysis.md
- Strategy analysis: strategy_analysis_example.md
- Backtest analysis: advanced-backtesting.md
- Advanced Topics:
- Advanced Post-installation Tasks: advanced-setup.md
- Trade Object: trade-object.md
- Advanced Strategy: strategy-advanced.md
- Advanced Hyperopt: advanced-hyperopt.md
- Producer/Consumer mode: producer-consumer.md
- Edge Positioning: edge.md
- Sandbox Testing: sandbox-testing.md
- FAQ: faq.md
- SQL Cheat-sheet: sql_cheatsheet.md
- Strategy migration: strategy_migration.md
- Updating Freqtrade: updating.md
- Deprecated Features: deprecated.md
- Contributors Guide: developer.md
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