2018-12-04 20:24:45 +01:00

108 lines
4.1 KiB

Static List provider
Provides lists as configured in config.json
import logging
from typing import List
from cachetools import TTLCache, cached
from freqtrade.pairlist.StaticPairList import StaticPairList
from freqtrade import OperationalException
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SORT_VALUES = ['askVolume', 'bidVolume', 'quoteVolume']
class VolumePairList(StaticPairList):
def __init__(self, freqtrade, config: dict) -> None:
self._freqtrade = freqtrade
self._config = config
self._whitelistconf = self._config.get('pairlist', {}).get('config')
self._whitelist = self._config['exchange']['pair_whitelist']
self._blacklist = self._config['exchange'].get('pair_blacklist', [])
self._number_pairs = self._whitelistconf['number_assets']
self._sort_key = self._whitelistconf.get('sort_key', 'quoteVolume')
if not'fetchTickers'):
raise OperationalException(
'Exchange does not support dynamic whitelist.'
'Please edit your config and restart the bot'
if not self.validate_keys(self._sort_key):
raise OperationalException(
f'key {self._sort_key} not in {SORT_VALUES}')
# self.refresh_whitelist()
def validate_keys(self, key):
return key in SORT_VALUES
def short_desc(self) -> str:
Short whitelist method description - used for startup-messages
-> Please overwrite in subclasses
return f"{} - top {self._whitelistconf['number_assets']} volume pairs."
def refresh_whitelist(self) -> None:
Refreshes whitelist and assigns it to self._whitelist
# Generate dynamic whitelist
pairs = self._gen_pair_whitelist(self._config['stake_currency'], self._sort_key)
# Validate whitelist to only have active market pairs
self._whitelist = self._validate_whitelist(pairs)[:self._number_pairs]
@cached(TTLCache(maxsize=1, ttl=1800))
def _gen_pair_whitelist(self, base_currency: str, key: str) -> List[str]:
Updates the whitelist with with a dynamically generated list
:param base_currency: base currency as str
:param key: sort key (defaults to 'quoteVolume')
:return: List of pairs
tickers =
# check length so that we make sure that '/' is actually in the string
tickers = [v for k, v in tickers.items()
if len(k.split('/')) == 2 and k.split('/')[1] == base_currency]
sorted_tickers = sorted(tickers, reverse=True, key=lambda t: t[key])
pairs = [s['symbol'] for s in sorted_tickers]
return pairs
def _validate_whitelist(self, whitelist: List[str]) -> List[str]:
Check available markets and remove pair from whitelist if necessary
:param whitelist: the sorted list (based on BaseVolume) of pairs the user might want to
:return: the list of pairs the user wants to trade without the one unavailable or
sanitized_whitelist = whitelist
markets =
# Filter to markets in stake currency
markets = [m for m in markets if m['quote'] == self._config['stake_currency']]
known_pairs = set()
for market in markets:
pair = market['symbol']
# pair is not int the generated dynamic market, or in the blacklist ... ignore it
if pair not in whitelist or pair in self.blacklist:
# else the pair is valid
# Market is not active
if not market['active']:
'Ignoring %s from whitelist. Market is not active.',
# We need to remove pairs that are unknown
return [x for x in sanitized_whitelist if x in known_pairs]