""" ExternalMessageConsumer module Main purpose is to connect to external bot's message websocket to consume data from it """ import asyncio import logging import socket from threading import Thread from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, TypedDict import websockets from pydantic import ValidationError from freqtrade.data.dataprovider import DataProvider from freqtrade.enums import RPCMessageType from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from freqtrade.misc import remove_entry_exit_signals from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.ws import WebSocketChannel from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.ws_schemas import (WSAnalyzedDFMessage, WSAnalyzedDFRequest, WSMessageSchema, WSRequestSchema, WSSubscribeRequest, WSWhitelistMessage, WSWhitelistRequest) if TYPE_CHECKING: import websockets.connect class Producer(TypedDict): name: str host: str port: int ws_token: str logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExternalMessageConsumer: """ The main controller class for consuming external messages from other freqtrade bot's """ def __init__( self, config: Dict[str, Any], dataprovider: DataProvider ): self._config = config self._dp = dataprovider self._running = False self._thread = None self._loop = None self._main_task = None self._sub_tasks = None self._emc_config = self._config.get('external_message_consumer', {}) self.enabled = self._emc_config.get('enabled', False) self.producers: List[Producer] = self._emc_config.get('producers', []) self.wait_timeout = self._emc_config.get('wait_timeout', 300) # in seconds self.ping_timeout = self._emc_config.get('ping_timeout', 10) # in seconds self.sleep_time = self._emc_config.get('sleep_time', 10) # in seconds # The amount of candles per dataframe on the initial request self.initial_candle_limit = self._emc_config.get('initial_candle_limit', 1500) # Message size limit, in megabytes. Default 8mb, Use bitwise operator << 20 to convert # as the websockets client expects bytes. self.message_size_limit = (self._emc_config.get('message_size_limit', 8) << 20) self.validate_config() # Setting these explicitly as they probably shouldn't be changed by a user # Unless we somehow integrate this with the strategy to allow creating # callbacks for the messages self.topics = [RPCMessageType.WHITELIST, RPCMessageType.ANALYZED_DF] # Allow setting data for each initial request self._initial_requests: List[WSRequestSchema] = [ WSSubscribeRequest(data=self.topics), WSWhitelistRequest(), WSAnalyzedDFRequest() ] # Specify which function to use for which RPCMessageType self._message_handlers: Dict[str, Callable[[str, WSMessageSchema], None]] = { RPCMessageType.WHITELIST: self._consume_whitelist_message, RPCMessageType.ANALYZED_DF: self._consume_analyzed_df_message, } self.start() def validate_config(self): """ Make sure values are what they are supposed to be """ if self.enabled and len(self.producers) < 1: raise OperationalException("You must specify at least 1 Producer to connect to.") if self.enabled and self._config.get('process_only_new_candles', True): # Warning here or require it? logger.warning("To receive best performance with external data, " "please set `process_only_new_candles` to False") def start(self): """ Start the main internal loop in another thread to run coroutines """ if self._thread and self._loop: return logger.info("Starting ExternalMessageConsumer") self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self._thread = Thread(target=self._loop.run_forever) self._running = True self._thread.start() self._main_task = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._main(), loop=self._loop) def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the loop, thread, and tasks """ if self._thread and self._loop: logger.info("Stopping ExternalMessageConsumer") self._running = False if self._sub_tasks: # Cancel sub tasks for task in self._sub_tasks: task.cancel() if self._main_task: # Cancel the main task self._main_task.cancel() self._thread.join() self._thread = None self._loop = None self._sub_tasks = None self._main_task = None async def _main(self): """ The main task coroutine """ lock = asyncio.Lock() try: # Create a connection to each producer self._sub_tasks = [ self._loop.create_task(self._handle_producer_connection(producer, lock)) for producer in self.producers ] await asyncio.gather(*self._sub_tasks) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass finally: # Stop the loop once we are done self._loop.stop() async def _handle_producer_connection(self, producer: Producer, lock: asyncio.Lock): """ Main connection loop for the consumer :param producer: Dictionary containing producer info :param lock: An asyncio Lock """ try: await self._create_connection(producer, lock) except asyncio.CancelledError: # Exit silently pass async def _create_connection(self, producer: Producer, lock: asyncio.Lock): """ Actually creates and handles the websocket connection, pinging on timeout and handling connection errors. :param producer: Dictionary containing producer info :param lock: An asyncio Lock """ while self._running: try: host, port = producer['host'], producer['port'] token = producer['ws_token'] name = producer['name'] ws_url = f"ws://{host}:{port}/api/v1/message/ws?token={token}" # This will raise InvalidURI if the url is bad async with websockets.connect(ws_url, max_size=self.message_size_limit) as ws: channel = WebSocketChannel(ws, channel_id=name) logger.info(f"Producer connection success - {channel}") # Now request the initial data from this Producer for request in self._initial_requests: await channel.send( request.dict(exclude_none=True) ) # Now receive data, if none is within the time limit, ping await self._receive_messages(channel, producer, lock) except (websockets.exceptions.InvalidURI, ValueError) as e: logger.error(f"{ws_url} is an invalid WebSocket URL - {e}") break except ( socket.gaierror, ConnectionRefusedError, websockets.exceptions.InvalidStatusCode, websockets.exceptions.InvalidMessage ) as e: logger.error(f"Connection Refused - {e} retrying in {self.sleep_time}s") await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time) continue except ( websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK ): # Just keep trying to connect again indefinitely await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time) continue except Exception as e: # An unforseen error has occurred, log and continue logger.error("Unexpected error has occurred:") logger.exception(e) continue async def _receive_messages( self, channel: WebSocketChannel, producer: Producer, lock: asyncio.Lock ): """ Loop to handle receiving messages from a Producer :param channel: The WebSocketChannel object for the WebSocket :param producer: Dictionary containing producer info :param lock: An asyncio Lock """ while self._running: try: message = await asyncio.wait_for( channel.recv(), timeout=self.wait_timeout ) try: async with lock: # Handle the message self.handle_producer_message(producer, message) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Error handling producer message: {e}") except (asyncio.TimeoutError, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed): # We haven't received data yet. Check the connection and continue. try: # ping ping = await channel.ping() await asyncio.wait_for(ping, timeout=self.ping_timeout) logger.debug(f"Connection to {channel} still alive...") continue except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Ping error {channel} - retrying in {self.sleep_time}s") logger.debug(e, exc_info=e) await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time) break def handle_producer_message(self, producer: Producer, message: Dict[str, Any]): """ Handles external messages from a Producer """ producer_name = producer.get('name', 'default') try: producer_message = WSMessageSchema.parse_obj(message) except ValidationError as e: logger.error(f"Invalid message from `{producer_name}`: {e}") return if not producer_message.data: logger.error(f"Empty message received from `{producer_name}`") return logger.info(f"Received message of type `{producer_message.type}` from `{producer_name}`") message_handler = self._message_handlers.get(producer_message.type) if not message_handler: logger.info(f"Received unhandled message: `{producer_message.data}`, ignoring...") return message_handler(producer_name, producer_message) def _consume_whitelist_message(self, producer_name: str, message: WSMessageSchema): try: # Validate the message whitelist_message = WSWhitelistMessage.parse_obj(message) except ValidationError as e: logger.error(f"Invalid message from `{producer_name}`: {e}") return # Add the pairlist data to the DataProvider self._dp._set_producer_pairs(whitelist_message.data, producer_name=producer_name) logger.debug(f"Consumed message from `{producer_name}` of type `RPCMessageType.WHITELIST`") def _consume_analyzed_df_message(self, producer_name: str, message: WSMessageSchema): try: df_message = WSAnalyzedDFMessage.parse_obj(message) except ValidationError as e: logger.error(f"Invalid message from `{producer_name}`: {e}") return key = df_message.data.key df = df_message.data.df la = df_message.data.la pair, timeframe, candle_type = key # If set, remove the Entry and Exit signals from the Producer if self._emc_config.get('remove_entry_exit_signals', False): df = remove_entry_exit_signals(df) # Add the dataframe to the dataprovider self._dp._add_external_df(pair, df, last_analyzed=la, timeframe=timeframe, candle_type=candle_type, producer_name=producer_name) logger.debug( f"Consumed message from `{producer_name}` of type `RPCMessageType.ANALYZED_DF`")