# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring,W0212,W0603 import json import logging import os import pickle import signal import sys from math import exp from operator import itemgetter from typing import Dict, Any from hyperopt import STATUS_FAIL, STATUS_OK, Trials, fmin, space_eval, tpe from hyperopt.mongoexp import MongoTrials from pandas import DataFrame # Monkey patch config from freqtrade import main # noqa; noqa from freqtrade import exchange, misc, optimize from freqtrade.exchange import Bittrex from freqtrade.misc import load_config from freqtrade.optimize import backtesting from freqtrade.optimize.backtesting import backtest from freqtrade.strategy.strategy import Strategy from user_data.hyperopt_conf import hyperopt_optimize_conf # Remove noisy log messages logging.getLogger('hyperopt.mongoexp').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('hyperopt.tpe').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # set TARGET_TRADES to suit your number concurrent trades so its realistic to the number of days TARGET_TRADES = 600 TOTAL_TRIES = 0 _CURRENT_TRIES = 0 CURRENT_BEST_LOSS = 100 # max average trade duration in minutes # if eval ends with higher value, we consider it a failed eval MAX_ACCEPTED_TRADE_DURATION = 300 # this is expexted avg profit * expected trade count # for example 3.5%, 1100 trades, EXPECTED_MAX_PROFIT = 3.85 # check that the reported Σ% values do not exceed this! EXPECTED_MAX_PROFIT = 3.0 # Configuration and data used by hyperopt PROCESSED = None # optimize.preprocess(optimize.load_data()) OPTIMIZE_CONFIG = hyperopt_optimize_conf() # Hyperopt Trials TRIALS_FILE = os.path.join('user_data', 'hyperopt_trials.pickle') TRIALS = Trials() main._CONF = OPTIMIZE_CONFIG def save_trials(trials, trials_path=TRIALS_FILE): """Save hyperopt trials to file""" logger.info('Saving Trials to \'{}\''.format(trials_path)) pickle.dump(trials, open(trials_path, 'wb')) def read_trials(trials_path=TRIALS_FILE): """Read hyperopt trials file""" logger.info('Reading Trials from \'{}\''.format(trials_path)) trials = pickle.load(open(trials_path, 'rb')) os.remove(trials_path) return trials def log_trials_result(trials): vals = json.dumps(trials.best_trial['misc']['vals'], indent=4) results = trials.best_trial['result']['result'] logger.info('Best result:\n%s\nwith values:\n%s', results, vals) def log_results(results): """ log results if it is better than any previous evaluation """ global CURRENT_BEST_LOSS if results['loss'] < CURRENT_BEST_LOSS: CURRENT_BEST_LOSS = results['loss'] logger.info('{:5d}/{}: {}. Loss {:.5f}'.format( results['current_tries'], results['total_tries'], results['result'], results['loss'])) else: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() def calculate_loss(total_profit: float, trade_count: int, trade_duration: float): """ objective function, returns smaller number for more optimal results """ trade_loss = 1 - 0.25 * exp(-(trade_count - TARGET_TRADES) ** 2 / 10 ** 5.8) profit_loss = max(0, 1 - total_profit / EXPECTED_MAX_PROFIT) duration_loss = 0.4 * min(trade_duration / MAX_ACCEPTED_TRADE_DURATION, 1) return trade_loss + profit_loss + duration_loss def generate_roi_table(params) -> Dict[int, float]: roi_table = {} roi_table[0] = params['roi_p1'] + params['roi_p2'] + params['roi_p3'] roi_table[params['roi_t3']] = params['roi_p1'] + params['roi_p2'] roi_table[params['roi_t3'] + params['roi_t2']] = params['roi_p1'] roi_table[params['roi_t3'] + params['roi_t2'] + params['roi_t1']] = 0 return roi_table def has_space(spaces, space): if space in spaces or 'all' in spaces: return True return False def hyperopt_space(selected_spaces: str, strategy) -> Dict[str, Any]: spaces = {} if has_space(selected_spaces, 'buy'): spaces = {**spaces, **strategy.indicator_space()} if has_space(selected_spaces, 'roi'): spaces = {**spaces, **strategy.roi_space()} if has_space(selected_spaces, 'stoploss'): spaces = {**spaces, **strategy.stoploss_space()} return spaces def generate_optimizer(args, strategy): def optimizer(params): global _CURRENT_TRIES if has_space(args.spaces, 'roi'): strategy.minimal_roi = generate_roi_table(params) if has_space(args.spaces, 'buy'): backtesting.populate_buy_trend = strategy.buy_strategy_generator(params) if has_space(args.spaces, 'stoploss'): strategy.stoploss = params['stoploss'] results = backtest({'stake_amount': OPTIMIZE_CONFIG['stake_amount'], 'processed': PROCESSED, 'realistic': args.realistic_simulation, }) result_explanation = format_results(results) total_profit = results.profit_percent.sum() trade_count = len(results.index) trade_duration = results.duration.mean() if trade_count == 0 or trade_duration > MAX_ACCEPTED_TRADE_DURATION: print('.', end='') return { 'status': STATUS_FAIL, 'loss': float('inf') } loss = calculate_loss(total_profit, trade_count, trade_duration) _CURRENT_TRIES += 1 log_results({ 'loss': loss, 'current_tries': _CURRENT_TRIES, 'total_tries': TOTAL_TRIES, 'result': result_explanation, }) return { 'loss': loss, 'status': STATUS_OK, 'result': result_explanation, } return optimizer def format_results(results: DataFrame): return ('{:6d} trades. Avg profit {: 5.2f}%. ' 'Total profit {: 11.8f} BTC ({:.4f}Σ%). Avg duration {:5.1f} mins.').format( len(results.index), results.profit_percent.mean() * 100.0, results.profit_BTC.sum(), results.profit_percent.sum(), results.duration.mean(), ) def start(args): global TOTAL_TRIES, PROCESSED, TRIALS, _CURRENT_TRIES TOTAL_TRIES = args.epochs exchange._API = Bittrex({'key': '', 'secret': ''}) # Initialize logger logging.basicConfig( level=args.loglevel, format='\n%(message)s', ) logger.info('Using config: %s ...', args.config) config = load_config(args.config) pairs = config['exchange']['pair_whitelist'] # If -i/--ticker-interval is use we override the configuration parameter # (that will override the strategy configuration) if args.ticker_interval: config.update({'ticker_interval': args.ticker_interval}) # init the strategy to use config.update({'strategy': args.strategy}) strategy = Strategy() strategy.init(config) timerange = misc.parse_timerange(args.timerange) data = optimize.load_data(args.datadir, pairs=pairs, ticker_interval=strategy.ticker_interval, timerange=timerange) if has_space(args.spaces, 'buy'): optimize.populate_indicators = strategy.populate_indicators PROCESSED = optimize.tickerdata_to_dataframe(data) if args.mongodb: logger.info('Using mongodb ...') logger.info('Start scripts/start-mongodb.sh and start-hyperopt-worker.sh manually!') db_name = 'freqtrade_hyperopt' TRIALS = MongoTrials('mongo://{}/jobs'.format(db_name), exp_key='exp1') else: logger.info('Preparing Trials..') signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # read trials file if we have one if os.path.exists(TRIALS_FILE): TRIALS = read_trials() _CURRENT_TRIES = len(TRIALS.results) TOTAL_TRIES = TOTAL_TRIES + _CURRENT_TRIES logger.info( 'Continuing with trials. Current: {}, Total: {}' .format(_CURRENT_TRIES, TOTAL_TRIES)) try: best_parameters = fmin( fn=generate_optimizer(args, strategy), space=hyperopt_space(args.spaces, strategy), algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=TOTAL_TRIES, trials=TRIALS ) results = sorted(TRIALS.results, key=itemgetter('loss')) best_result = results[0]['result'] except ValueError: best_parameters = {} best_result = 'Sorry, Hyperopt was not able to find good parameters. Please ' \ 'try with more epochs (param: -e).' # Improve best parameter logging display if best_parameters: best_parameters = space_eval( hyperopt_space(args.spaces, strategy), best_parameters ) logger.info('Best parameters:\n%s', json.dumps(best_parameters, indent=4)) if 'roi_t1' in best_parameters: logger.info('ROI table:\n%s', generate_roi_table(best_parameters)) logger.info('Best Result:\n%s', best_result) # Store trials result to file to resume next time save_trials(TRIALS) def signal_handler(sig, frame): """Hyperopt SIGINT handler""" logger.info('Hyperopt received {}'.format(signal.Signals(sig).name)) save_trials(TRIALS) log_trials_result(TRIALS) sys.exit(0)