#!/bin/sh # The below assumes a correctly setup docker buildx environment # Replace / with _ to create a valid tag TAG=$(echo "${BRANCH_NAME}" | sed -e "s/\//_/g") PI_PLATFORM="linux/arm/v7" echo "Running for ${TAG}" CACHE_TAG=freqtradeorg/freqtrade_cache:${TAG}_cache # Add commit and commit_message to docker container echo "${GITHUB_SHA}" > freqtrade_commit if [ "${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}" = "schedule" ]; then echo "event ${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}: full rebuild - skipping cache" docker buildx build \ --cache-to=type=registry,ref=${CACHE_TAG} \ -f Dockerfile.armhf \ --platform ${PI_PLATFORM} \ -t ${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} --push . else echo "event ${GITHUB_EVENT_NAME}: building with cache" # Pull last build to avoid rebuilding the whole image # docker pull --platform ${PI_PLATFORM} ${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} docker buildx build \ --cache-from=type=registry,ref=${CACHE_TAG} \ --cache-to=type=registry,ref=${CACHE_TAG} \ -f Dockerfile.armhf \ --platform ${PI_PLATFORM} \ -t ${IMAGE_NAME}:${TAG} --push . fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "failed building image" return 1 fi