# pragma pylint: disable=W0603 """ Edge positioning package """ import logging from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple import arrow import numpy as np import utils_find_1st as utf1st from pandas import DataFrame from freqtrade.configuration import TimeRange from freqtrade.constants import DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT, UNLIMITED_STAKE_AMOUNT from freqtrade.data.history import get_timerange, load_data, refresh_data from freqtrade.enums import RunMode, ExitType from freqtrade.enums.candletype import CandleType from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from freqtrade.exchange.exchange import timeframe_to_seconds from freqtrade.plugins.pairlist.pairlist_helpers import expand_pairlist from freqtrade.strategy.interface import IStrategy logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PairInfo(NamedTuple): stoploss: float winrate: float risk_reward_ratio: float required_risk_reward: float expectancy: float nb_trades: int avg_trade_duration: float class Edge: """ Calculates Win Rate, Risk Reward Ratio, Expectancy against historical data for a give set of markets and a strategy it then adjusts stoploss and position size accordingly and force it into the strategy Author: https://github.com/mishaker """ config: Dict = {} _cached_pairs: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Keeps a list of pairs def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any], exchange, strategy) -> None: self.config = config self.exchange = exchange self.strategy: IStrategy = strategy self.edge_config = self.config.get('edge', {}) self._cached_pairs: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Keeps a list of pairs self._final_pairs: list = [] # checking max_open_trades. it should be -1 as with Edge # the number of trades is determined by position size if self.config['max_open_trades'] != float('inf'): logger.critical('max_open_trades should be -1 in config !') if self.config['stake_amount'] != UNLIMITED_STAKE_AMOUNT: raise OperationalException('Edge works only with unlimited stake amount') self._capital_ratio: float = self.config['tradable_balance_ratio'] self._allowed_risk: float = self.edge_config.get('allowed_risk') self._since_number_of_days: int = self.edge_config.get('calculate_since_number_of_days', 14) self._last_updated: int = 0 # Timestamp of pairs last updated time self._refresh_pairs = True self._stoploss_range_min = float(self.edge_config.get('stoploss_range_min', -0.01)) self._stoploss_range_max = float(self.edge_config.get('stoploss_range_max', -0.05)) self._stoploss_range_step = float(self.edge_config.get('stoploss_range_step', -0.001)) # calculating stoploss range self._stoploss_range = np.arange( self._stoploss_range_min, self._stoploss_range_max, self._stoploss_range_step ) self._timerange: TimeRange = TimeRange.parse_timerange("%s-" % arrow.now().shift( days=-1 * self._since_number_of_days).format('YYYYMMDD')) if config.get('fee'): self.fee = config['fee'] else: try: self.fee = self.exchange.get_fee(symbol=expand_pairlist( self.config['exchange']['pair_whitelist'], list(self.exchange.markets))[0]) except IndexError: self.fee = None def calculate(self, pairs: List[str]) -> bool: if self.fee is None and pairs: self.fee = self.exchange.get_fee(pairs[0]) heartbeat = self.edge_config.get('process_throttle_secs') if (self._last_updated > 0) and ( self._last_updated + heartbeat > arrow.utcnow().int_timestamp): return False data: Dict[str, Any] = {} logger.info('Using stake_currency: %s ...', self.config['stake_currency']) logger.info('Using local backtesting data (using whitelist in given config) ...') if self._refresh_pairs: timerange_startup = deepcopy(self._timerange) timerange_startup.subtract_start(timeframe_to_seconds( self.strategy.timeframe) * self.strategy.startup_candle_count) refresh_data( datadir=self.config['datadir'], pairs=pairs, exchange=self.exchange, timeframe=self.strategy.timeframe, timerange=timerange_startup, data_format=self.config.get('dataformat_ohlcv', 'json'), candle_type=self.config.get('candle_type_def', CandleType.SPOT), ) # Download informative pairs too res = defaultdict(list) for pair, timeframe, _ in self.strategy.gather_informative_pairs(): res[timeframe].append(pair) for timeframe, inf_pairs in res.items(): timerange_startup = deepcopy(self._timerange) timerange_startup.subtract_start(timeframe_to_seconds( timeframe) * self.strategy.startup_candle_count) refresh_data( datadir=self.config['datadir'], pairs=inf_pairs, exchange=self.exchange, timeframe=timeframe, timerange=timerange_startup, data_format=self.config.get('dataformat_ohlcv', 'json'), candle_type=self.config.get('candle_type_def', CandleType.SPOT), ) data = load_data( datadir=self.config['datadir'], pairs=pairs, timeframe=self.strategy.timeframe, timerange=self._timerange, startup_candles=self.strategy.startup_candle_count, data_format=self.config.get('dataformat_ohlcv', 'json'), candle_type=self.config.get('candle_type_def', CandleType.SPOT), ) if not data: # Reinitializing cached pairs self._cached_pairs = {} logger.critical("No data found. Edge is stopped ...") return False # Fake run-mode to Edge prior_rm = self.config['runmode'] self.config['runmode'] = RunMode.EDGE preprocessed = self.strategy.advise_all_indicators(data) self.config['runmode'] = prior_rm # Print timeframe min_date, max_date = get_timerange(preprocessed) logger.info(f'Measuring data from {min_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)} ' f'up to {max_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)} ' f'({(max_date - min_date).days} days)..') # TODO: Should edge support shorts? needs to be investigated further # * (add enter_short exit_short) headers = ['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'enter_long', 'exit_long'] trades: list = [] for pair, pair_data in preprocessed.items(): # Sorting dataframe by date and reset index pair_data = pair_data.sort_values(by=['date']) pair_data = pair_data.reset_index(drop=True) df_analyzed = self.strategy.advise_exit( dataframe=self.strategy.advise_entry( dataframe=pair_data, metadata={'pair': pair} ), metadata={'pair': pair} )[headers].copy() trades += self._find_trades_for_stoploss_range(df_analyzed, pair, self._stoploss_range) # If no trade found then exit if len(trades) == 0: logger.info("No trades found.") return False # Fill missing, calculable columns, profit, duration , abs etc. trades_df = self._fill_calculable_fields(DataFrame(trades)) self._cached_pairs = self._process_expectancy(trades_df) self._last_updated = arrow.utcnow().int_timestamp return True def stake_amount(self, pair: str, free_capital: float, total_capital: float, capital_in_trade: float) -> float: stoploss = self.stoploss(pair) available_capital = (total_capital + capital_in_trade) * self._capital_ratio allowed_capital_at_risk = available_capital * self._allowed_risk max_position_size = abs(allowed_capital_at_risk / stoploss) # Position size must be below available capital. position_size = min(min(max_position_size, free_capital), available_capital) if pair in self._cached_pairs: logger.info( 'winrate: %s, expectancy: %s, position size: %s, pair: %s,' ' capital in trade: %s, free capital: %s, total capital: %s,' ' stoploss: %s, available capital: %s.', self._cached_pairs[pair].winrate, self._cached_pairs[pair].expectancy, position_size, pair, capital_in_trade, free_capital, total_capital, stoploss, available_capital ) return round(position_size, 15) def stoploss(self, pair: str) -> float: if pair in self._cached_pairs: return self._cached_pairs[pair].stoploss else: logger.warning(f'Tried to access stoploss of non-existing pair {pair}, ' 'strategy stoploss is returned instead.') return self.strategy.stoploss def adjust(self, pairs: List[str]) -> list: """ Filters out and sorts "pairs" according to Edge calculated pairs """ final = [] for pair, info in self._cached_pairs.items(): if ( info.expectancy > float(self.edge_config.get('minimum_expectancy', 0.2)) and info.winrate > float(self.edge_config.get('minimum_winrate', 0.60)) and pair in pairs ): final.append(pair) if self._final_pairs != final: self._final_pairs = final if self._final_pairs: logger.info( 'Minimum expectancy and minimum winrate are met only for %s,' ' so other pairs are filtered out.', self._final_pairs ) else: logger.info( 'Edge removed all pairs as no pair with minimum expectancy ' 'and minimum winrate was found !' ) return self._final_pairs def accepted_pairs(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ return a list of accepted pairs along with their winrate, expectancy and stoploss """ final = [] for pair, info in self._cached_pairs.items(): if (info.expectancy > float(self.edge_config.get('minimum_expectancy', 0.2)) and info.winrate > float(self.edge_config.get('minimum_winrate', 0.60))): final.append({ 'Pair': pair, 'Winrate': info.winrate, 'Expectancy': info.expectancy, 'Stoploss': info.stoploss, }) return final def _fill_calculable_fields(self, result: DataFrame) -> DataFrame: """ The result frame contains a number of columns that are calculable from other columns. These are left blank till all rows are added, to be populated in single vector calls. Columns to be populated are: - Profit - trade duration - profit abs :param result Dataframe :return: result Dataframe """ # We set stake amount to an arbitrary amount, as it doesn't change the calculation. # All returned values are relative, they are defined as ratios. stake = 0.015 result['trade_duration'] = result['close_date'] - result['open_date'] result['trade_duration'] = result['trade_duration'].map( lambda x: int(x.total_seconds() / 60)) # Spends, Takes, Profit, Absolute Profit # Buy Price result['buy_vol'] = stake / result['open_rate'] # How many target are we buying result['buy_fee'] = stake * self.fee result['buy_spend'] = stake + result['buy_fee'] # How much we're spending # Sell price result['sell_sum'] = result['buy_vol'] * result['close_rate'] result['sell_fee'] = result['sell_sum'] * self.fee result['sell_take'] = result['sell_sum'] - result['sell_fee'] # profit_ratio result['profit_ratio'] = (result['sell_take'] - result['buy_spend']) / result['buy_spend'] # Absolute profit result['profit_abs'] = result['sell_take'] - result['buy_spend'] return result def _process_expectancy(self, results: DataFrame) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ This calculates WinRate, Required Risk Reward, Risk Reward and Expectancy of all pairs The calculation will be done per pair and per strategy. """ # Removing pairs having less than min_trades_number min_trades_number = self.edge_config.get('min_trade_number', 10) results = results.groupby(['pair', 'stoploss']).filter(lambda x: len(x) > min_trades_number) ################################### # Removing outliers (Only Pumps) from the dataset # The method to detect outliers is to calculate standard deviation # Then every value more than (standard deviation + 2*average) is out (pump) # # Removing Pumps if self.edge_config.get('remove_pumps', False): results = results[results['profit_abs'] < 2 * results['profit_abs'].std() + results['profit_abs'].mean()] ########################################################################## # Removing trades having a duration more than X minutes (set in config) max_trade_duration = self.edge_config.get('max_trade_duration_minute', 1440) results = results[results.trade_duration < max_trade_duration] ####################################################################### if results.empty: return {} groupby_aggregator = { 'profit_abs': [ ('nb_trades', 'count'), # number of all trades ('profit_sum', lambda x: x[x > 0].sum()), # cumulative profit of all winning trades ('loss_sum', lambda x: abs(x[x < 0].sum())), # cumulative loss of all losing trades ('nb_win_trades', lambda x: x[x > 0].count()) # number of winning trades ], 'trade_duration': [('avg_trade_duration', 'mean')] } # Group by (pair and stoploss) by applying above aggregator df = results.groupby(['pair', 'stoploss'])[['profit_abs', 'trade_duration']].agg( groupby_aggregator).reset_index(col_level=1) # Dropping level 0 as we don't need it df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(0) # Calculating number of losing trades, average win and average loss df['nb_loss_trades'] = df['nb_trades'] - df['nb_win_trades'] df['average_win'] = np.where(df['nb_win_trades'] == 0, 0.0, df['profit_sum'] / df['nb_win_trades']) df['average_loss'] = np.where(df['nb_loss_trades'] == 0, 0.0, df['loss_sum'] / df['nb_loss_trades']) # Win rate = number of profitable trades / number of trades df['winrate'] = df['nb_win_trades'] / df['nb_trades'] # risk_reward_ratio = average win / average loss df['risk_reward_ratio'] = df['average_win'] / df['average_loss'] # required_risk_reward = (1 / winrate) - 1 df['required_risk_reward'] = (1 / df['winrate']) - 1 # expectancy = (risk_reward_ratio * winrate) - (lossrate) df['expectancy'] = (df['risk_reward_ratio'] * df['winrate']) - (1 - df['winrate']) # sort by expectancy and stoploss df = df.sort_values(by=['expectancy', 'stoploss'], ascending=False).groupby( 'pair').first().sort_values(by=['expectancy'], ascending=False).reset_index() final = {} for x in df.itertuples(): final[x.pair] = PairInfo( x.stoploss, x.winrate, x.risk_reward_ratio, x.required_risk_reward, x.expectancy, x.nb_trades, x.avg_trade_duration ) # Returning a list of pairs in order of "expectancy" return final def _find_trades_for_stoploss_range(self, df, pair, stoploss_range): buy_column = df['enter_long'].values sell_column = df['exit_long'].values date_column = df['date'].values ohlc_columns = df[['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']].values result: list = [] for stoploss in stoploss_range: result += self._detect_next_stop_or_sell_point( buy_column, sell_column, date_column, ohlc_columns, round(stoploss, 6), pair ) return result def _detect_next_stop_or_sell_point(self, buy_column, sell_column, date_column, ohlc_columns, stoploss, pair): """ Iterate through ohlc_columns in order to find the next trade Next trade opens from the first buy signal noticed to The sell or stoploss signal after it. It then cuts OHLC, buy_column, sell_column and date_column. Cut from (the exit trade index) + 1. Author: https://github.com/mishaker """ result: list = [] start_point = 0 while True: open_trade_index = utf1st.find_1st(buy_column, 1, utf1st.cmp_equal) # Return empty if we don't find trade entry (i.e. buy==1) or # we find a buy but at the end of array if open_trade_index == -1 or open_trade_index == len(buy_column) - 1: break else: # When a buy signal is seen, # trade opens in reality on the next candle open_trade_index += 1 open_price = ohlc_columns[open_trade_index, 0] stop_price = (open_price * (stoploss + 1)) # Searching for the index where stoploss is hit stop_index = utf1st.find_1st( ohlc_columns[open_trade_index:, 2], stop_price, utf1st.cmp_smaller) # If we don't find it then we assume stop_index will be far in future (infinite number) if stop_index == -1: stop_index = float('inf') # Searching for the index where sell is hit sell_index = utf1st.find_1st(sell_column[open_trade_index:], 1, utf1st.cmp_equal) # If we don't find it then we assume sell_index will be far in future (infinite number) if sell_index == -1: sell_index = float('inf') # Check if we don't find any stop or sell point (in that case trade remains open) # It is not interesting for Edge to consider it so we simply ignore the trade # And stop iterating there is no more entry if stop_index == sell_index == float('inf'): break if stop_index <= sell_index: exit_index = open_trade_index + stop_index exit_type = ExitType.STOP_LOSS exit_price = stop_price elif stop_index > sell_index: # If exit is SELL then we exit at the next candle exit_index = open_trade_index + sell_index + 1 # Check if we have the next candle if len(ohlc_columns) - 1 < exit_index: break exit_type = ExitType.SELL_SIGNAL exit_price = ohlc_columns[exit_index, 0] trade = {'pair': pair, 'stoploss': stoploss, 'profit_ratio': '', 'profit_abs': '', 'open_date': date_column[open_trade_index], 'close_date': date_column[exit_index], 'trade_duration': '', 'open_rate': round(open_price, 15), 'close_rate': round(exit_price, 15), 'exit_type': exit_type } result.append(trade) # Giving a view of exit_index till the end of array buy_column = buy_column[exit_index:] sell_column = sell_column[exit_index:] date_column = date_column[exit_index:] ohlc_columns = ohlc_columns[exit_index:] start_point += exit_index return result