import logging from ipaddress import IPv4Address from typing import Any, Dict import orjson import uvicorn from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from starlette.responses import JSONResponse from freqtrade.constants import Config from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.uvicorn_threaded import UvicornServer from import MessageStream from freqtrade.rpc.rpc import RPC, RPCException, RPCHandler logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FTJSONResponse(JSONResponse): media_type = "application/json" def render(self, content: Any) -> bytes: """ Use rapidjson for responses Handles NaN and Inf / -Inf in a javascript way by default. """ return orjson.dumps(content, option=orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY) class ApiServer(RPCHandler): __instance = None __initialized = False _rpc: RPC # Backtesting type: Backtesting _bt = None _bt_data = None _bt_timerange = None _bt_last_config: Config = {} _has_rpc: bool = False _bgtask_running: bool = False _config: Config = {} # Exchange - only available in webserver mode. _exchange = None # websocket message queue stuff # _ws_channel_manager = None # _ws_thread = None # _ws_loop = None _message_stream = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ This class is a singleton. We'll only have one instance of it around. """ if ApiServer.__instance is None: ApiServer.__instance = object.__new__(cls) ApiServer.__initialized = False return ApiServer.__instance def __init__(self, config: Config, standalone: bool = False) -> None: ApiServer._config = config if self.__initialized and (standalone or self._standalone): return self._standalone: bool = standalone self._server = None ApiServer.__initialized = True api_config = self._config['api_server'] # ApiServer._ws_channel_manager = ChannelManager() = FastAPI(title="Freqtrade API", docs_url='/docs' if api_config.get('enable_openapi', False) else None, redoc_url=None, default_response_class=FTJSONResponse, ) self.configure_app(, self._config) self.start_api() def add_rpc_handler(self, rpc: RPC): """ Attach rpc handler """ if not self._has_rpc: ApiServer._rpc = rpc ApiServer._has_rpc = True else: # This should not happen assuming we didn't mess up. raise OperationalException('RPC Handler already attached.') def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Cleanup pending module resources """ ApiServer._has_rpc = False del ApiServer._rpc if self._server and not self._standalone:"Stopping API Server") self._server.cleanup() # if self._ws_thread and self._ws_loop: #"Stopping API Server background tasks") # if self._ws_background_task: # # Cancel the queue task # self._ws_background_task.cancel() # self._ws_thread.join() # self._ws_thread = None # self._ws_loop = None # self._ws_background_task = None @classmethod def shutdown(cls): cls.__initialized = False del cls.__instance cls.__instance = None cls._has_rpc = False cls._rpc = None def send_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if ApiServer._message_stream: ApiServer._message_stream.publish(msg) def handle_rpc_exception(self, request, exc): logger.exception(f"API Error calling: {exc}") return JSONResponse( status_code=502, content={'error': f"Error querying {request.url.path}: {exc.message}"} ) def configure_app(self, app: FastAPI, config): from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_auth import http_basic_or_jwt_token, router_login from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_backtest import router as api_backtest from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_v1 import router as api_v1 from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_v1 import router_public as api_v1_public from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_ws import router as ws_router from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.web_ui import router_ui app.include_router(api_v1_public, prefix="/api/v1") app.include_router(api_v1, prefix="/api/v1", dependencies=[Depends(http_basic_or_jwt_token)], ) app.include_router(api_backtest, prefix="/api/v1", dependencies=[Depends(http_basic_or_jwt_token)], ) app.include_router(ws_router, prefix="/api/v1") app.include_router(router_login, prefix="/api/v1", tags=["auth"]) # UI Router MUST be last! app.include_router(router_ui, prefix='') app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=config['api_server'].get('CORS_origins', []), allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app.add_exception_handler(RPCException, self.handle_rpc_exception) app.add_event_handler( event_type="startup", func=self._api_startup_event ) app.add_event_handler( event_type="shutdown", func=self._api_shutdown_event ) async def _api_startup_event(self): if not ApiServer._message_stream: ApiServer._message_stream = MessageStream() async def _api_shutdown_event(self): if ApiServer._message_stream: ApiServer._message_stream = None # def start_message_queue(self): # if self._ws_thread: # return # # Create a new loop, as it'll be just for the background thread # self._ws_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() # # Start the thread # self._ws_thread = Thread(target=self._ws_loop.run_forever) # self._ws_thread.start() # # Finally, submit the coro to the thread # self._ws_background_task = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( # self._broadcast_queue_data(), loop=self._ws_loop) # async def _broadcast_queue_data(self): # # Instantiate the queue in this coroutine so it's attached to our loop # self._ws_queue = ThreadedQueue() # async_queue = self._ws_queue.async_q # try: # while True: # logger.debug("Getting queue messages...") # # Get data from queue # message: WSMessageSchemaType = await async_queue.get() # logger.debug(f"Found message of type: {message.get('type')}") # async_queue.task_done() # # Broadcast it # await self._ws_channel_manager.broadcast(message) # except asyncio.CancelledError: # pass # # For testing, shouldn't happen when stable # except Exception as e: # logger.exception(f"Exception happened in background task: {e}") # finally: # # Disconnect channels and stop the loop on cancel # await self._ws_channel_manager.disconnect_all() # self._ws_loop.stop() # # Avoid adding more items to the queue if they aren't # # going to get broadcasted. # self._ws_queue = None def start_api(self): """ Start API ... should be run in thread. """ rest_ip = self._config['api_server']['listen_ip_address'] rest_port = self._config['api_server']['listen_port']'Starting HTTP Server at {rest_ip}:{rest_port}') if not IPv4Address(rest_ip).is_loopback: logger.warning("SECURITY WARNING - Local Rest Server listening to external connections") logger.warning("SECURITY WARNING - This is insecure please set to your loopback," "e.g in config.json") if not self._config['api_server'].get('password'): logger.warning("SECURITY WARNING - No password for local REST Server defined. " "Please make sure that this is intentional!") if (self._config['api_server'].get('jwt_secret_key', 'super-secret') in ('super-secret, somethingrandom')): logger.warning("SECURITY WARNING - `jwt_secret_key` seems to be default." "Others may be able to log into your bot.")'Starting Local Rest Server.') verbosity = self._config['api_server'].get('verbosity', 'error') uvconfig = uvicorn.Config(, port=rest_port, host=rest_ip, use_colors=False, log_config=None, access_log=True if verbosity != 'error' else False, ws_ping_interval=None # We do this explicitly ourselves ) try: self._server = UvicornServer(uvconfig) if self._standalone: else: # self.start_message_queue() self._server.run_in_thread() except Exception: logger.exception("Api server failed to start.")