""" Freqtrade bot """ __version__ = '2021.8' if __version__ == 'develop': try: import subprocess __version__ = 'develop-' + subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'log', '--format="%h"', '-n 1'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode("utf-8").rstrip().strip('"') # from datetime import datetime # last_release = subprocess.check_output( # ['git', 'tag'] # ).decode('utf-8').split()[-1].split(".") # # Releases are in the format "2020.1" - we increment the latest version for dev. # prefix = f"{last_release[0]}.{int(last_release[1]) + 1}" # dev_version = int(datetime.now().timestamp() // 1000) # __version__ = f"{prefix}.dev{dev_version}" # subprocess.check_output( # ['git', 'log', '--format="%h"', '-n 1'], # stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode("utf-8").rstrip().strip('"') except Exception: # git not available, ignore try: # Try Fallback to freqtrade_commit file (created by CI while building docker image) from pathlib import Path versionfile = Path('./freqtrade_commit') if versionfile.is_file(): __version__ = f"docker-{versionfile.read_text()[:8]}" except Exception: pass