""" Definition of cli arguments used in arguments.py """ from argparse import SUPPRESS, ArgumentTypeError from freqtrade import __version__, constants from freqtrade.constants import HYPEROPT_LOSS_BUILTIN def check_int_positive(value: str) -> int: try: uint = int(value) if uint <= 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ArgumentTypeError( f"{value} is invalid for this parameter, should be a positive integer value" ) return uint def check_int_nonzero(value: str) -> int: try: uint = int(value) if uint == 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ArgumentTypeError( f"{value} is invalid for this parameter, should be a non-zero integer value" ) return uint class Arg: # Optional CLI arguments def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.cli = args self.kwargs = kwargs # List of available command line options AVAILABLE_CLI_OPTIONS = { # Common options "verbosity": Arg( '-v', '--verbose', help='Verbose mode (-vv for more, -vvv to get all messages).', action='count', default=0, ), "logfile": Arg( '--logfile', help="Log to the file specified. Special values are: 'syslog', 'journald'. " "See the documentation for more details.", metavar='FILE', ), "version": Arg( '-V', '--version', action='version', version=f'%(prog)s {__version__}', ), "config": Arg( '-c', '--config', help=f'Specify configuration file (default: `userdir/{constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG}` ' f'or `config.json` whichever exists). ' f'Multiple --config options may be used. ' f'Can be set to `-` to read config from stdin.', action='append', metavar='PATH', ), "datadir": Arg( '-d', '--datadir', help='Path to directory with historical backtesting data.', metavar='PATH', ), "user_data_dir": Arg( '--userdir', '--user-data-dir', help='Path to userdata directory.', metavar='PATH', ), "reset": Arg( '--reset', help='Reset sample files to their original state.', action='store_true', ), "recursive_strategy_search": Arg( '--recursive-strategy-search', help='Recursively search for a strategy in the strategies folder.', action='store_true', ), # Main options "strategy": Arg( '-s', '--strategy', help='Specify strategy class name which will be used by the bot.', metavar='NAME', ), "strategy_path": Arg( '--strategy-path', help='Specify additional strategy lookup path.', metavar='PATH', ), "db_url": Arg( '--db-url', help=f'Override trades database URL, this is useful in custom deployments ' f'(default: `{constants.DEFAULT_DB_PROD_URL}` for Live Run mode, ' f'`{constants.DEFAULT_DB_DRYRUN_URL}` for Dry Run).', metavar='PATH', ), "sd_notify": Arg( '--sd-notify', help='Notify systemd service manager.', action='store_true', ), "dry_run": Arg( '--dry-run', help='Enforce dry-run for trading (removes Exchange secrets and simulates trades).', action='store_true', ), "dry_run_wallet": Arg( '--dry-run-wallet', '--starting-balance', help='Starting balance, used for backtesting / hyperopt and dry-runs.', type=float, ), # Optimize common "timeframe": Arg( '-i', '--timeframe', help='Specify timeframe (`1m`, `5m`, `30m`, `1h`, `1d`).', ), "timerange": Arg( '--timerange', help='Specify what timerange of data to use.', ), "max_open_trades": Arg( '--max-open-trades', help='Override the value of the `max_open_trades` configuration setting.', type=int, metavar='INT', ), "stake_amount": Arg( '--stake-amount', help='Override the value of the `stake_amount` configuration setting.', ), # Backtesting "timeframe_detail": Arg( '--timeframe-detail', help='Specify detail timeframe for backtesting (`1m`, `5m`, `30m`, `1h`, `1d`).', ), "position_stacking": Arg( '--eps', '--enable-position-stacking', help='Allow buying the same pair multiple times (position stacking).', action='store_true', default=False, ), "use_max_market_positions": Arg( '--dmmp', '--disable-max-market-positions', help='Disable applying `max_open_trades` during backtest ' '(same as setting `max_open_trades` to a very high number).', action='store_false', default=True, ), "backtest_show_pair_list": Arg( '--show-pair-list', help='Show backtesting pairlist sorted by profit.', action='store_true', default=False, ), "enable_protections": Arg( '--enable-protections', '--enableprotections', help='Enable protections for backtesting.' 'Will slow backtesting down by a considerable amount, but will include ' 'configured protections', action='store_true', default=False, ), "strategy_list": Arg( '--strategy-list', help='Provide a space-separated list of strategies to backtest. ' 'Please note that timeframe needs to be set either in config ' 'or via command line. When using this together with `--export trades`, ' 'the strategy-name is injected into the filename ' '(so `backtest-data.json` becomes `backtest-data-SampleStrategy.json`', nargs='+', ), "export": Arg( '--export', help='Export backtest results (default: trades).', choices=constants.EXPORT_OPTIONS, ), "exportfilename": Arg( "--export-filename", "--backtest-filename", help="Use this filename for backtest results." "Requires `--export` to be set as well. " "Example: `--export-filename=user_data/backtest_results/backtest_today.json`", metavar="PATH", ), "disableparamexport": Arg( '--disable-param-export', help="Disable automatic hyperopt parameter export.", action='store_true', ), "fee": Arg( '--fee', help='Specify fee ratio. Will be applied twice (on trade entry and exit).', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "backtest_breakdown": Arg( '--breakdown', help='Show backtesting breakdown per [day, week, month].', nargs='+', choices=constants.BACKTEST_BREAKDOWNS ), "backtest_cache": Arg( '--cache', help='Load a cached backtest result no older than specified age (default: %(default)s).', default=constants.BACKTEST_CACHE_DEFAULT, choices=constants.BACKTEST_CACHE_AGE, ), # Edge "stoploss_range": Arg( '--stoplosses', help='Defines a range of stoploss values against which edge will assess the strategy. ' 'The format is "min,max,step" (without any space). ' 'Example: `--stoplosses=-0.01,-0.1,-0.001`', ), # Hyperopt "hyperopt": Arg( '--hyperopt', help=SUPPRESS, metavar='NAME', required=False, ), "hyperopt_path": Arg( '--hyperopt-path', help='Specify additional lookup path for Hyperopt Loss functions.', metavar='PATH', ), "epochs": Arg( '-e', '--epochs', help='Specify number of epochs (default: %(default)d).', type=check_int_positive, metavar='INT', default=constants.HYPEROPT_EPOCH, ), "spaces": Arg( '--spaces', help='Specify which parameters to hyperopt. Space-separated list.', choices=['all', 'buy', 'sell', 'roi', 'stoploss', 'trailing', 'protection', 'default'], nargs='+', default='default', ), "print_all": Arg( '--print-all', help='Print all results, not only the best ones.', action='store_true', default=False, ), "print_colorized": Arg( '--no-color', help='Disable colorization of hyperopt results. May be useful if you are ' 'redirecting output to a file.', action='store_false', default=True, ), "print_json": Arg( '--print-json', help='Print output in JSON format.', action='store_true', default=False, ), "export_csv": Arg( '--export-csv', help='Export to CSV-File.' ' This will disable table print.' ' Example: --export-csv hyperopt.csv', metavar='FILE', ), "hyperopt_jobs": Arg( '-j', '--job-workers', help='The number of concurrently running jobs for hyperoptimization ' '(hyperopt worker processes). ' 'If -1 (default), all CPUs are used, for -2, all CPUs but one are used, etc. ' 'If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all.', type=int, metavar='JOBS', default=-1, ), "hyperopt_random_state": Arg( '--random-state', help='Set random state to some positive integer for reproducible hyperopt results.', type=check_int_positive, metavar='INT', ), "hyperopt_min_trades": Arg( '--min-trades', help="Set minimal desired number of trades for evaluations in the hyperopt " "optimization path (default: 1).", type=check_int_positive, metavar='INT', default=1, ), "hyperopt_loss": Arg( '--hyperopt-loss', '--hyperoptloss', help='Specify the class name of the hyperopt loss function class (IHyperOptLoss). ' 'Different functions can generate completely different results, ' 'since the target for optimization is different. Built-in Hyperopt-loss-functions are: ' f'{", ".join(HYPEROPT_LOSS_BUILTIN)}', metavar='NAME', ), "hyperoptexportfilename": Arg( '--hyperopt-filename', help='Hyperopt result filename.' 'Example: `--hyperopt-filename=hyperopt_results_2020-09-27_16-20-48.pickle`', metavar='FILENAME', ), # List exchanges "print_one_column": Arg( '-1', '--one-column', help='Print output in one column.', action='store_true', ), "list_exchanges_all": Arg( '-a', '--all', help='Print all exchanges known to the ccxt library.', action='store_true', ), # List pairs / markets "list_pairs_all": Arg( '-a', '--all', help='Print all pairs or market symbols. By default only active ' 'ones are shown.', action='store_true', ), "print_list": Arg( '--print-list', help='Print list of pairs or market symbols. By default data is ' 'printed in the tabular format.', action='store_true', ), "list_pairs_print_json": Arg( '--print-json', help='Print list of pairs or market symbols in JSON format.', action='store_true', default=False, ), "print_csv": Arg( '--print-csv', help='Print exchange pair or market data in the csv format.', action='store_true', ), "quote_currencies": Arg( '--quote', help='Specify quote currency(-ies). Space-separated list.', nargs='+', metavar='QUOTE_CURRENCY', ), "base_currencies": Arg( '--base', help='Specify base currency(-ies). Space-separated list.', nargs='+', metavar='BASE_CURRENCY', ), # Script options "pairs": Arg( '-p', '--pairs', help='Limit command to these pairs. Pairs are space-separated.', nargs='+', ), # Download data "pairs_file": Arg( '--pairs-file', help='File containing a list of pairs to download.', metavar='FILE', ), "days": Arg( '--days', help='Download data for given number of days.', type=check_int_positive, metavar='INT', ), "include_inactive": Arg( '--include-inactive-pairs', help='Also download data from inactive pairs.', action='store_true', ), "new_pairs_days": Arg( '--new-pairs-days', help='Download data of new pairs for given number of days. Default: `%(default)s`.', type=check_int_positive, metavar='INT', ), "download_trades": Arg( '--dl-trades', help='Download trades instead of OHLCV data. The bot will resample trades to the ' 'desired timeframe as specified as --timeframes/-t.', action='store_true', ), "format_from": Arg( '--format-from', help='Source format for data conversion.', choices=constants.AVAILABLE_DATAHANDLERS, required=True, ), "format_to": Arg( '--format-to', help='Destination format for data conversion.', choices=constants.AVAILABLE_DATAHANDLERS, required=True, ), "dataformat_ohlcv": Arg( '--data-format-ohlcv', help='Storage format for downloaded candle (OHLCV) data. (default: `json`).', choices=constants.AVAILABLE_DATAHANDLERS, ), "dataformat_trades": Arg( '--data-format-trades', help='Storage format for downloaded trades data. (default: `jsongz`).', choices=constants.AVAILABLE_DATAHANDLERS, ), "exchange": Arg( '--exchange', help=f'Exchange name (default: `{constants.DEFAULT_EXCHANGE}`). ' f'Only valid if no config is provided.', ), "timeframes": Arg( '-t', '--timeframes', help='Specify which tickers to download. Space-separated list. ' 'Default: `1m 5m`.', choices=['1m', '3m', '5m', '15m', '30m', '1h', '2h', '4h', '6h', '8h', '12h', '1d', '3d', '1w', '2w', '1M', '1y'], default=['1m', '5m'], nargs='+', ), "erase": Arg( '--erase', help='Clean all existing data for the selected exchange/pairs/timeframes.', action='store_true', ), "erase_ui_only": Arg( '--erase', help="Clean UI folder, don't download new version.", action='store_true', default=False, ), "ui_version": Arg( '--ui-version', help=('Specify a specific version of FreqUI to install. ' 'Not specifying this installs the latest version.'), type=str, ), # Templating options "template": Arg( '--template', help='Use a template which is either `minimal`, ' '`full` (containing multiple sample indicators) or `advanced`. Default: `%(default)s`.', choices=['full', 'minimal', 'advanced'], default='full', ), # Plot dataframe "indicators1": Arg( '--indicators1', help='Set indicators from your strategy you want in the first row of the graph. ' "Space-separated list. Example: `ema3 ema5`. Default: `['sma', 'ema3', 'ema5']`.", nargs='+', ), "indicators2": Arg( '--indicators2', help='Set indicators from your strategy you want in the third row of the graph. ' "Space-separated list. Example: `fastd fastk`. Default: `['macd', 'macdsignal']`.", nargs='+', ), "plot_limit": Arg( '--plot-limit', help='Specify tick limit for plotting. Notice: too high values cause huge files. ' 'Default: %(default)s.', type=check_int_positive, metavar='INT', default=750, ), "plot_auto_open": Arg( '--auto-open', help='Automatically open generated plot.', action='store_true', ), "no_trades": Arg( '--no-trades', help='Skip using trades from backtesting file and DB.', action='store_true', ), "trade_source": Arg( '--trade-source', help='Specify the source for trades (Can be DB or file (backtest file)) ' 'Default: %(default)s', choices=["DB", "file"], default="file", ), "trade_ids": Arg( '--trade-ids', help='Specify the list of trade ids.', nargs='+', ), # hyperopt-list, hyperopt-show "hyperopt_list_profitable": Arg( '--profitable', help='Select only profitable epochs.', action='store_true', ), "hyperopt_list_best": Arg( '--best', help='Select only best epochs.', action='store_true', ), "hyperopt_list_min_trades": Arg( '--min-trades', help='Select epochs with more than INT trades.', type=check_int_positive, metavar='INT', ), "hyperopt_list_max_trades": Arg( '--max-trades', help='Select epochs with less than INT trades.', type=check_int_positive, metavar='INT', ), "hyperopt_list_min_avg_time": Arg( '--min-avg-time', help='Select epochs above average time.', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "hyperopt_list_max_avg_time": Arg( '--max-avg-time', help='Select epochs below average time.', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "hyperopt_list_min_avg_profit": Arg( '--min-avg-profit', help='Select epochs above average profit.', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "hyperopt_list_max_avg_profit": Arg( '--max-avg-profit', help='Select epochs below average profit.', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "hyperopt_list_min_total_profit": Arg( '--min-total-profit', help='Select epochs above total profit.', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "hyperopt_list_max_total_profit": Arg( '--max-total-profit', help='Select epochs below total profit.', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "hyperopt_list_min_objective": Arg( '--min-objective', help='Select epochs above objective.', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "hyperopt_list_max_objective": Arg( '--max-objective', help='Select epochs below objective.', type=float, metavar='FLOAT', ), "hyperopt_list_no_details": Arg( '--no-details', help='Do not print best epoch details.', action='store_true', ), "hyperopt_show_index": Arg( '-n', '--index', help='Specify the index of the epoch to print details for.', type=check_int_nonzero, metavar='INT', ), "hyperopt_show_no_header": Arg( '--no-header', help='Do not print epoch details header.', action='store_true', ), "hyperopt_ignore_missing_space": Arg( "--ignore-missing-spaces", "--ignore-unparameterized-spaces", help=("Suppress errors for any requested Hyperopt spaces " "that do not contain any parameters."), action="store_true", ), }