import logging from datetime import timedelta import arrow from telegram.error import NetworkError from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Updater from telegram import ParseMode, Bot, Update from wrapt import synchronized from persistence import Trade, Session from exchange import get_exchange_api from utils import get_conf # Remove noisy log messages logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('telegram').setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _updater = None conf = get_conf() api_wrapper = get_exchange_api(conf) def authorized_only(command_handler): """ Decorator to check if the message comes from the correct chat_id :param command_handler: Telegram CommandHandler :return: decorated function """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): bot, update = args[0], args[1] if not isinstance(bot, Bot) or not isinstance(update, Update): raise ValueError('Received invalid Arguments: {}'.format(*args)) chat_id = int(conf['telegram']['chat_id']) if int(update.message.chat_id) == chat_id:'Executing handler: {} for chat_id: {}'.format(command_handler.__name__, chat_id)) return command_handler(*args, **kwargs) else:'Rejected unauthorized message from: {}'.format(update.message.chat_id)) return wrapper class TelegramHandler(object): @staticmethod @authorized_only def _status(bot, update): """ Handler for /status. Returns the current TradeThread status :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ # Fetch open trade trades = Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).all() from main import get_instance if not get_instance().is_alive(): TelegramHandler.send_msg('*Status:* `trader stopped`', bot=bot) elif not trades: TelegramHandler.send_msg('*Status:* `no active order`', bot=bot) else: for trade in trades: # calculate profit and send message to user current_rate = api_wrapper.get_ticker(trade.pair)['bid'] current_profit = 100 * ((current_rate - trade.open_rate) / trade.open_rate) orders = api_wrapper.get_open_orders(trade.pair) orders = [o for o in orders if o['id'] == trade.open_order_id] order = orders[0] if orders else None message = """ *Trade ID:* `{trade_id}` *Current Pair:* [{pair}]({pair}) *Open Since:* `{date}` *Amount:* `{amount}` *Open Rate:* `{open_rate}` *Close Rate:* `{close_rate}` *Current Rate:* `{current_rate}` *Close Profit:* `{close_profit}` *Current Profit:* `{current_profit}%` *Open Order:* `{open_order}` """.format(, pair=trade.pair.replace('_', '-'), date=arrow.get(trade.open_date).humanize(), open_rate=trade.open_rate, close_rate=trade.close_rate, current_rate=current_rate, amount=round(trade.amount, 8), close_profit='{}%'.format(round(trade.close_profit, 2)) if trade.close_profit else None, current_profit=round(current_profit, 2), open_order='{} ({})'.format(order['remaining'], order['type']) if order else None, ) TelegramHandler.send_msg(message, bot=bot) @staticmethod @authorized_only def _profit(bot, update): """ Handler for /profit. Returns a cumulative profit statistics. :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ trades = Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(False)).all() trade_count = len(trades) profit_amount = sum((t.close_profit / 100) * t.btc_amount for t in trades) profit = sum(t.close_profit for t in trades) avg_stake_amount = sum(t.btc_amount for t in trades) / float(trade_count) durations_hours = [(t.close_date - t.open_date).total_seconds() / 3600.0 for t in trades] avg_duration = sum(durations_hours) / float(len(durations_hours)) markdown_msg = """ *ROI:* `{profit_btc} BTC ({profit}%)` *Trade Count:* `{trade_count}` *First Trade completed:* `{first_trade_date}` *Latest Trade completed:* `{latest_trade_date}` *Avg. Stake Amount:* `{avg_open_amount} BTC` *Avg. Duration:* `{avg_duration}` """.format( profit_btc=round(profit_amount, 8), profit=round(profit, 2), trade_count=trade_count, first_trade_date=arrow.get(trades[0].open_date).humanize(), latest_trade_date=arrow.get(trades[-1].open_date).humanize(), avg_open_amount=round(avg_stake_amount, 8), avg_duration=str(timedelta(hours=avg_duration)).split('.')[0], ) TelegramHandler.send_msg(markdown_msg, bot=bot) @staticmethod @authorized_only def _start(bot, update): """ Handler for /start. Starts TradeThread :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ from main import get_instance if get_instance().is_alive(): TelegramHandler.send_msg('*Status:* `already running`', bot=bot) else: get_instance(recreate=True).start() @staticmethod @authorized_only def _stop(bot, update): """ Handler for /stop. Stops TradeThread :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ from main import get_instance, stop_instance if get_instance().is_alive(): TelegramHandler.send_msg('`Stopping trader ...`', bot=bot) stop_instance() else: TelegramHandler.send_msg('*Status:* `already stopped`', bot=bot) @staticmethod @authorized_only def _cancel(bot, update): """ Handler for /cancel. Cancels the open order for the current Trade. :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ # TODO: make compatible with max_open_orders TelegramHandler.send_msg('`Currently not implemented`') return trade = Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).first() if not trade: TelegramHandler.send_msg('`There is no open trade`') return order_id = trade.open_order_id if not order_id: TelegramHandler.send_msg('`There is no open order`') return api_wrapper.cancel_order(order_id) trade.open_order_id = None trade.close_rate = None trade.close_date = None trade.close_profit = None Session.flush() TelegramHandler.send_msg('*Order cancelled:* `{}`'.format(order_id), bot=bot)'Order cancelled: (order_id: {})'.format(order_id)) @staticmethod @synchronized def get_updater(conf): """ Returns the current telegram updater instantiates a new one :param conf: :return: telegram.ext.Updater """ global _updater if not _updater: _updater = Updater(token=conf['telegram']['token'], workers=0) return _updater @staticmethod def listen(): """ Registers all known command handlers and starts polling for message updates :return: None """ # Register command handler and start telegram message polling handles = [ CommandHandler('status', TelegramHandler._status), CommandHandler('profit', TelegramHandler._profit), CommandHandler('start', TelegramHandler._start), CommandHandler('stop', TelegramHandler._stop), CommandHandler('cancel', TelegramHandler._cancel), ] for handle in handles: TelegramHandler.get_updater(conf).dispatcher.add_handler(handle) TelegramHandler.get_updater(conf).start_polling(clean=True, bootstrap_retries=3)'TelegramHandler is listening for following commands: {}' .format([h.command for h in handles])) @staticmethod def send_msg(msg, bot=None, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN): """ Send given markdown message :param msg: message :param bot: alternative bot :param parse_mode: telegram parse mode :return: None """ if conf['telegram'].get('enabled', False): try: bot = bot or TelegramHandler.get_updater(conf).bot try: bot.send_message(conf['telegram']['chat_id'], msg, parse_mode=parse_mode) except NetworkError as e: # Sometimes the telegram server resets the current connection, # if this is the case we send the message again. logger.warning('Got Telegram NetworkError: {}! trying one more time'.format(e.message)) bot.send_message(conf['telegram']['chat_id'], msg, parse_mode=parse_mode) except Exception: logger.exception('Exception occurred within Telegram API')