# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring import json import logging from datetime import datetime from functools import reduce from unittest.mock import MagicMock import arrow import pytest from jsonschema import validate from sqlalchemy import create_engine from telegram import Chat, Message, Update from freqtrade.analyze import Analyze from freqtrade.constants import Constants from freqtrade.freqtradebot import FreqtradeBot logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.INFO) def log_has(line, logs): # caplog mocker returns log as a tuple: ('freqtrade.analyze', logging.WARNING, 'foobar') # and we want to match line against foobar in the tuple return reduce(lambda a, b: a or b, filter(lambda x: x[2] == line, logs), False) # Functions for recurrent object patching def get_patched_freqtradebot(mocker, config) -> FreqtradeBot: """ This function patch _init_modules() to not call dependencies :param mocker: a Mocker object to apply patches :param config: Config to pass to the bot :return: None """ mocker.patch('freqtrade.fiat_convert.Market', {'price_usd': 12345.0}) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.Analyze', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.RPCManager', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.persistence.init', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.exchange.init', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.RPCManager._init', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.RPCManager.send_msg', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.Analyze.get_signal', MagicMock()) return FreqtradeBot(config, create_engine('sqlite://')) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def default_conf(): """ Returns validated configuration suitable for most tests """ configuration = { "max_open_trades": 1, "stake_currency": "BTC", "stake_amount": 0.001, "fiat_display_currency": "USD", "ticker_interval": '5m', "dry_run": True, "minimal_roi": { "40": 0.0, "30": 0.01, "20": 0.02, "0": 0.04 }, "stoploss": -0.10, "unfilledtimeout": 600, "bid_strategy": { "ask_last_balance": 0.0 }, "exchange": { "name": "bittrex", "enabled": True, "key": "key", "secret": "secret", "pair_whitelist": [ "ETH/BTC", "TKN/BTC", "TRST/BTC", "SWT/BTC", "BCC/BTC" ] }, "telegram": { "enabled": True, "token": "token", "chat_id": "0" }, "initial_state": "running", "loglevel": logging.DEBUG } validate(configuration, Constants.CONF_SCHEMA) return configuration @pytest.fixture def update(): _update = Update(0) _update.message = Message(0, 0, datetime.utcnow(), Chat(0, 0)) return _update @pytest.fixture def ticker(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 0.00001098, 'ask': 0.00001099, 'last': 0.00001098, }) @pytest.fixture def ticker_sell_up(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 0.00001172, 'ask': 0.00001173, 'last': 0.00001172, }) @pytest.fixture def ticker_sell_down(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 0.00001044, 'ask': 0.00001043, 'last': 0.00001044, }) @pytest.fixture def markets(): return MagicMock(return_value=[ { 'id': 'ethbtc', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'base': 'ETH', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 1000, }, 'price': 500000, 'cost': 500000, }, 'info': '', }, { 'id': 'tknbtc', 'symbol': 'TKN/BTC', 'base': 'TKN', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 1000, }, 'price': 500000, 'cost': 500000, }, 'info': '', }, { 'id': 'blkbtc', 'symbol': 'BLK/BTC', 'base': 'BLK', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 1000, }, 'price': 500000, 'cost': 500000, }, 'info': '', } ]) @pytest.fixture def markets_empty(): return MagicMock(return_value=[]) @pytest.fixture def limit_buy_order(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_buy', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'pair': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'price': 0.00001099, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'remaining': 0.0, 'status': 'closed' } @pytest.fixture def limit_buy_order_old(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_buy_old', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'pair': 'mocked', 'datetime': str(arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).datetime), 'price': 0.00001099, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'remaining': 90.99181073, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture def limit_sell_order_old(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_sell_old', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'sell', 'pair': 'ETH/BTC', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).isoformat(), 'price': 0.00001099, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'remaining': 90.99181073, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture def limit_buy_order_old_partial(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_buy_old_partial', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'pair': 'ETH/BTC', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).isoformat(), 'price': 0.00001099, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'remaining': 67.99181073, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture def limit_sell_order(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_sell', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'sell', 'pair': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'price': 0.00001173, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'remaining': 0.0, 'status': 'closed' } @pytest.fixture def ticker_history(): return [ [ 1511686200000, # unix timestamp ms 8.794e-05, # open 8.948e-05, # high 8.794e-05, # low 8.88e-05, # close 0.0877869, # volume (in quote currency) ], [ 1511686500000, 8.88e-05, 8.942e-05, 8.88e-05, 8.893e-05, 0.05874751, ], [ 1511686800, 8.891e-05, 8.893e-05, 8.875e-05, 8.877e-05, 0.7039405 ] ] @pytest.fixture def tickers(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'ETH/BTC': { 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'timestamp': 1522014806207, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.207Z', 'high': 0.061697, 'low': 0.060531, 'bid': 0.061588, 'bidVolume': 3.321, 'ask': 0.061655, 'askVolume': 0.212, 'vwap': 0.06105296, 'open': 0.060809, 'close': 0.060761, 'first': None, 'last': 0.061588, 'change': 1.281, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 111649.001, 'quoteVolume': 6816.50176926, 'info': {} }, 'TKN/BTC': { 'symbol': 'TKN/BTC', 'timestamp': 1522014806169, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.169Z', 'high': 0.01885, 'low': 0.018497, 'bid': 0.018799, 'bidVolume': 8.38, 'ask': 0.018802, 'askVolume': 15.0, 'vwap': 0.01869197, 'open': 0.018585, 'close': 0.018573, 'baseVolume': 81058.66, 'quoteVolume': 2247.48374509, }, 'BLK/BTC': { 'symbol': 'BLK/BTC', 'timestamp': 1522014806072, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.720Z', 'high': 0.007745, 'low': 0.007512, 'bid': 0.007729, 'bidVolume': 0.01, 'ask': 0.007743, 'askVolume': 21.37, 'vwap': 0.00761466, 'open': 0.007653, 'close': 0.007652, 'first': None, 'last': 0.007743, 'change': 1.176, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 295152.26, 'quoteVolume': 1515.14631229, 'info': {} }, 'ETH/USDT': { 'symbol': 'ETH/USDT', 'timestamp': 1522014804118, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:24.118Z', 'high': 530.88, 'low': 512.0, 'bid': 529.73, 'bidVolume': 0.2, 'ask': 530.21, 'askVolume': 0.2464, 'vwap': 521.02438405, 'open': 527.27, 'close': 528.42, 'first': None, 'last': 530.21, 'change': 0.558, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 72300.0659, 'quoteVolume': 37670097.3022171, 'info': {} }, 'TKN/USDT': { 'symbol': 'TKN/USDT', 'timestamp': 1522014806198, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.198Z', 'high': 8718.0, 'low': 8365.77, 'bid': 8603.64, 'bidVolume': 0.15846, 'ask': 8603.67, 'askVolume': 0.069147, 'vwap': 8536.35621697, 'open': 8680.0, 'close': 8680.0, 'first': None, 'last': 8603.67, 'change': -0.879, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 30414.604298, 'quoteVolume': 259629896.48584127, 'info': {} }, 'BLK/USDT': { 'symbol': 'BLK/USDT', 'timestamp': 1522014806145, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.145Z', 'high': 66.95, 'low': 63.38, 'bid': 66.473, 'bidVolume': 4.968, 'ask': 66.54, 'askVolume': 2.704, 'vwap': 65.0526901, 'open': 66.43, 'close': 66.383, 'first': None, 'last': 66.5, 'change': 0.105, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 294106.204, 'quoteVolume': 19132399.743954, 'info': {} } }) @pytest.fixture def result(): with open('freqtrade/tests/testdata/UNITTEST_BTC-1m.json') as data_file: return Analyze.parse_ticker_dataframe(json.load(data_file)) # FIX: # Create an fixture/function # that inserts a trade of some type and open-status # return the open-order-id # See tests in rpc/main that could use this