# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring, protected-access, C0103

import json
import os
import uuid
from shutil import copyfile

from freqtrade import optimize
from freqtrade.misc import file_dump_json
from freqtrade.optimize.__init__ import make_testdata_path, download_pairs, \
    download_backtesting_testdata, load_tickerdata_file, trim_tickerlist
from freqtrade.tests.conftest import log_has

# Change this if modifying BTC_UNITEST testdatafile

def _backup_file(file: str, copy_file: bool = False) -> None:
    Backup existing file to avoid deleting the user file
    :param file: complete path to the file
    :param touch_file: create an empty file in replacement
    :return: None
    file_swp = file + '.swp'
    if os.path.isfile(file):
        os.rename(file, file_swp)

        if copy_file:
            copyfile(file_swp, file)

def _clean_test_file(file: str) -> None:
    Backup existing file to avoid deleting the user file
    :param file: complete path to the file
    :return: None
    file_swp = file + '.swp'
    # 1. Delete file from the test
    if os.path.isfile(file):

    # 2. Rollback to the initial file
    if os.path.isfile(file_swp):
        os.rename(file_swp, file)

def test_load_data_30min_ticker(ticker_history, mocker, caplog) -> None:
    Test load_data() with 30 min ticker
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.get_ticker_history', return_value=ticker_history)

    file = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_UNITTEST-30.json'
    _backup_file(file, copy_file=True)
    optimize.load_data(None, pairs=['BTC_UNITTEST'], ticker_interval=30)
    assert os.path.isfile(file) is True
    assert not log_has('Download the pair: "BTC_ETH", Interval: 30 min', caplog.record_tuples)

def test_load_data_5min_ticker(ticker_history, mocker, caplog) -> None:
    Test load_data() with 5 min ticker
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.get_ticker_history', return_value=ticker_history)

    file = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_ETH-5.json'
    _backup_file(file, copy_file=True)
    optimize.load_data(None, pairs=['BTC_ETH'], ticker_interval=5)
    assert os.path.isfile(file) is True
    assert not log_has('Download the pair: "BTC_ETH", Interval: 5 min', caplog.record_tuples)

def test_load_data_1min_ticker(ticker_history, mocker, caplog) -> None:
    Test load_data() with 1 min ticker
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.get_ticker_history', return_value=ticker_history)

    file = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_ETH-1.json'
    _backup_file(file, copy_file=True)
    optimize.load_data(None, ticker_interval=1, pairs=['BTC_ETH'])
    assert os.path.isfile(file) is True
    assert not log_has('Download the pair: "BTC_ETH", Interval: 1 min', caplog.record_tuples)

def test_load_data_with_new_pair_1min(ticker_history, mocker, caplog) -> None:
    Test load_data() with 1 min ticker
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.get_ticker_history', return_value=ticker_history)

    file = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_MEME-1.json'
    optimize.load_data(None, ticker_interval=1, pairs=['BTC_MEME'])
    assert os.path.isfile(file) is True
    assert log_has('Download the pair: "BTC_MEME", Interval: 1 min', caplog.record_tuples)

def test_testdata_path() -> None:
    assert os.path.join('freqtrade', 'tests', 'testdata') in make_testdata_path(None)

def test_download_pairs(ticker_history, mocker) -> None:
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.__init__.get_ticker_history', return_value=ticker_history)

    file1_1 = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_MEME-1.json'
    file1_5 = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_MEME-5.json'
    file2_1 = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_CFI-1.json'
    file2_5 = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_CFI-5.json'


    assert os.path.isfile(file1_1) is False
    assert os.path.isfile(file2_1) is False

    assert download_pairs(None, pairs=['BTC-MEME', 'BTC-CFI'], ticker_interval=1) is True

    assert os.path.isfile(file1_1) is True
    assert os.path.isfile(file2_1) is True

    # clean files freshly downloaded

    assert os.path.isfile(file1_5) is False
    assert os.path.isfile(file2_5) is False

    assert download_pairs(None, pairs=['BTC-MEME', 'BTC-CFI'], ticker_interval=5) is True

    assert os.path.isfile(file1_5) is True
    assert os.path.isfile(file2_5) is True

    # clean files freshly downloaded

def test_download_pairs_exception(ticker_history, mocker, caplog) -> None:
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.__init__.get_ticker_history', return_value=ticker_history)
                 side_effect=BaseException('File Error'))

    file1_1 = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_MEME-1.json'
    file1_5 = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_MEME-5.json'

    download_pairs(None, pairs=['BTC-MEME'], ticker_interval=1)
    # clean files freshly downloaded
    assert log_has('Failed to download the pair: "BTC-MEME", Interval: 1 min', caplog.record_tuples)

def test_download_backtesting_testdata(ticker_history, mocker) -> None:
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.__init__.get_ticker_history', return_value=ticker_history)

    # Download a 1 min ticker file
    file1 = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_XEL-1.json'
    download_backtesting_testdata(None, pair="BTC-XEL", interval=1)
    assert os.path.isfile(file1) is True

    # Download a 5 min ticker file
    file2 = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_STORJ-5.json'

    download_backtesting_testdata(None, pair="BTC-STORJ", interval=5)
    assert os.path.isfile(file2) is True

def test_download_backtesting_testdata2(mocker) -> None:
    tick = [{'T': 'bar'}, {'T': 'foo'}]
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.misc.file_dump_json', return_value=None)
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.__init__.get_ticker_history', return_value=tick)
    assert download_backtesting_testdata(None, pair="BTC-UNITEST", interval=1)
    assert download_backtesting_testdata(None, pair="BTC-UNITEST", interval=3)

def test_load_tickerdata_file() -> None:
    # 7 does not exist in either format.
    assert not load_tickerdata_file(None, 'BTC_UNITEST', 7)
    # 1 exists only as a .json
    tickerdata = load_tickerdata_file(None, 'BTC_UNITEST', 1)
    assert _BTC_UNITTEST_LENGTH == len(tickerdata)
    # 8 .json is empty and will fail if it's loaded. .json.gz is a copy of 1.json
    tickerdata = load_tickerdata_file(None, 'BTC_UNITEST', 8)
    assert _BTC_UNITTEST_LENGTH == len(tickerdata)

def test_init(default_conf, mocker) -> None:
    conf = {'exchange': {'pair_whitelist': []}}
    mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_optimize_conf', return_value=conf)
    assert {} == optimize.load_data(

def test_trim_tickerlist() -> None:
    with open('freqtrade/tests/testdata/BTC_ETH-1.json') as data_file:
        ticker_list = json.load(data_file)
    ticker_list_len = len(ticker_list)

    # Test the pattern ^(-\d+)$
    # This pattern remove X element from the beginning
    timerange = ((None, 'line'), None, 5)
    ticker = trim_tickerlist(ticker_list, timerange)
    ticker_len = len(ticker)

    assert ticker_list_len == ticker_len + 5
    assert ticker_list[0] is not ticker[0]  # The first element should be different
    assert ticker_list[-1] is ticker[-1]  # The last element must be the same

    # Test the pattern ^(\d+)-$
    # This pattern keep X element from the end
    timerange = (('line', None), 5, None)
    ticker = trim_tickerlist(ticker_list, timerange)
    ticker_len = len(ticker)

    assert ticker_len == 5
    assert ticker_list[0] is ticker[0]  # The first element must be the same
    assert ticker_list[-1] is not ticker[-1]  # The last element should be different

    # Test the pattern ^(\d+)-(\d+)$
    # This pattern extract a window
    timerange = (('index', 'index'), 5, 10)
    ticker = trim_tickerlist(ticker_list, timerange)
    ticker_len = len(ticker)

    assert ticker_len == 5
    assert ticker_list[0] is not ticker[0]  # The first element should be different
    assert ticker_list[5] is ticker[0]  # The list starts at the index 5
    assert ticker_list[9] is ticker[-1]  # The list ends at the index 9 (5 elements)

    # Test a wrong pattern
    # This pattern must return the list unchanged
    timerange = ((None, None), None, 5)
    ticker = trim_tickerlist(ticker_list, timerange)
    ticker_len = len(ticker)

    assert ticker_list_len == ticker_len

def test_file_dump_json() -> None:
    Test file_dump_json()
    :return: None
    file = 'freqtrade/tests/testdata/test_{id}.json'.format(id=str(uuid.uuid4()))
    data = {'bar': 'foo'}

    # check the file we will create does not exist
    assert os.path.isfile(file) is False

    # Create the Json file
    file_dump_json(file, data)

    # Check the file was create
    assert os.path.isfile(file) is True

    # Open the Json file created and test the data is in it
    with open(file) as data_file:
        json_from_file = json.load(data_file)

    assert 'bar' in json_from_file
    assert json_from_file['bar'] == 'foo'

    # Remove the file