# pragma pylint: disable=unused-argument, unused-variable, protected-access, invalid-name """ This module manage Telegram communication """ import logging from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List from tabulate import tabulate from telegram import Bot, ParseMode, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, Update from telegram.error import NetworkError, TelegramError from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Updater from freqtrade.__init__ import __version__ from freqtrade.rpc import RPC, RPCException, RPCMessageType from freqtrade.rpc.fiat_convert import CryptoToFiatConverter logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug('Included module rpc.telegram ...') def authorized_only(command_handler: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ Decorator to check if the message comes from the correct chat_id :param command_handler: Telegram CommandHandler :return: decorated function """ def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Decorator logic """ update = kwargs.get('update') or args[1] # Reject unauthorized messages chat_id = int(self._config['telegram']['chat_id']) if int(update.message.chat_id) != chat_id: logger.info( 'Rejected unauthorized message from: %s', update.message.chat_id ) return wrapper logger.info( 'Executing handler: %s for chat_id: %s', command_handler.__name__, chat_id ) try: return command_handler(self, *args, **kwargs) except BaseException: logger.exception('Exception occurred within Telegram module') return wrapper class Telegram(RPC): """ This class handles all telegram communication """ def __init__(self, freqtrade) -> None: """ Init the Telegram call, and init the super class RPC :param freqtrade: Instance of a freqtrade bot :return: None """ super().__init__(freqtrade) self._updater: Updater = None self._config = freqtrade.config self._init() if self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', None): self._fiat_converter = CryptoToFiatConverter() def _init(self) -> None: """ Initializes this module with the given config, registers all known command handlers and starts polling for message updates """ self._updater = Updater(token=self._config['telegram']['token'], workers=0) # Register command handler and start telegram message polling handles = [ CommandHandler('status', self._status), CommandHandler('profit', self._profit), CommandHandler('balance', self._balance), CommandHandler('start', self._start), CommandHandler('stop', self._stop), CommandHandler('forcesell', self._forcesell), CommandHandler('forcebuy', self._forcebuy), CommandHandler('performance', self._performance), CommandHandler('daily', self._daily), CommandHandler('count', self._count), CommandHandler('reload_conf', self._reload_conf), CommandHandler('stopbuy', self._stopbuy), CommandHandler('whitelist', self._whitelist), CommandHandler('blacklist', self._blacklist, pass_args=True), CommandHandler('edge', self._edge), CommandHandler('help', self._help), CommandHandler('version', self._version), ] for handle in handles: self._updater.dispatcher.add_handler(handle) self._updater.start_polling( clean=True, bootstrap_retries=-1, timeout=30, read_latency=60, ) logger.info( 'rpc.telegram is listening for following commands: %s', [h.command for h in handles] ) def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Stops all running telegram threads. :return: None """ self._updater.stop() def send_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Send a message to telegram channel """ if msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.BUY_NOTIFICATION: if self._fiat_converter: msg['stake_amount_fiat'] = self._fiat_converter.convert_amount( msg['stake_amount'], msg['stake_currency'], msg['fiat_currency']) else: msg['stake_amount_fiat'] = 0 message = ("*{exchange}:* Buying {pair}\n" "with limit `{limit:.8f}\n" "({stake_amount:.6f} {stake_currency}").format(**msg) if msg.get('fiat_currency', None): message += ",{stake_amount_fiat:.3f} {fiat_currency}".format(**msg) message += ")`" elif msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.SELL_NOTIFICATION: msg['amount'] = round(msg['amount'], 8) msg['profit_percent'] = round(msg['profit_percent'] * 100, 2) message = ("*{exchange}:* Selling {pair}\n" "*Limit:* `{limit:.8f}`\n" "*Amount:* `{amount:.8f}`\n" "*Open Rate:* `{open_rate:.8f}`\n" "*Current Rate:* `{current_rate:.8f}`\n" "*Sell Reason:* `{sell_reason}`\n" "*Profit:* `{profit_percent:.2f}%`").format(**msg) # Check if all sell properties are available. # This might not be the case if the message origin is triggered by /forcesell if (all(prop in msg for prop in ['gain', 'fiat_currency', 'stake_currency']) and self._fiat_converter): msg['profit_fiat'] = self._fiat_converter.convert_amount( msg['profit_amount'], msg['stake_currency'], msg['fiat_currency']) message += ('` ({gain}: {profit_amount:.8f} {stake_currency}`' '` / {profit_fiat:.3f} {fiat_currency})`').format(**msg) elif msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.STATUS_NOTIFICATION: message = '*Status:* `{status}`'.format(**msg) elif msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.WARNING_NOTIFICATION: message = '*Warning:* `{status}`'.format(**msg) elif msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION: message = '{status}'.format(**msg) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown message type: {}'.format(msg['type'])) self._send_msg(message) @authorized_only def _status(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /status. Returns the current TradeThread status :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ # Check if additional parameters are passed params = update.message.text.replace('/status', '').split(' ') \ if update.message.text else [] if 'table' in params: self._status_table(bot, update) return try: results = self._rpc_trade_status() # pre format data for result in results: result['date'] = result['date'].humanize() messages = [] for r in results: lines = [ "*Trade ID:* `{trade_id}` `(since {date})`", "*Current Pair:* {pair}", "*Amount:* `{amount}`", "*Open Rate:* `{open_rate:.8f}`", "*Close Rate:* `{close_rate}`" if r['close_rate'] else "", "*Current Rate:* `{current_rate:.8f}`", "*Close Profit:* `{close_profit}`" if r['close_profit'] else "", "*Current Profit:* `{current_profit:.2f}%`", "*Initial Stoploss:* `{initial_stop_loss:.8f}` " + ("`({initial_stop_loss_pct:.2f}%)`" if r['initial_stop_loss_pct'] else "") if r['stop_loss'] != r['initial_stop_loss'] else "", "*Stoploss:* `{stop_loss:.8f}` " + ("`({stop_loss_pct:.2f}%)`" if r['stop_loss_pct'] else ""), "*Open Order:* `{open_order}`" if r['open_order'] else "", ] messages.append("\n".join(filter(None, lines)).format(**r)) for msg in messages: self._send_msg(msg, bot=bot) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _status_table(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /status table. Returns the current TradeThread status in table format :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ try: df_statuses = self._rpc_status_table() message = tabulate(df_statuses, headers='keys', tablefmt='simple') self._send_msg(f"
", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _daily(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /daily Returns a daily profit (in BTC) over the last n days. :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ stake_cur = self._config['stake_currency'] fiat_disp_cur = self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', '') try: timescale = int(update.message.text.replace('/daily', '').strip()) except (TypeError, ValueError): timescale = 7 try: stats = self._rpc_daily_profit( timescale, stake_cur, fiat_disp_cur ) stats_tab = tabulate(stats, headers=[ 'Day', f'Profit {stake_cur}', f'Profit {fiat_disp_cur}' ], tablefmt='simple') message = f'Daily Profit over the last {timescale} days:\n
' self._send_msg(message, bot=bot, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _profit(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /profit. Returns a cumulative profit statistics. :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ stake_cur = self._config['stake_currency'] fiat_disp_cur = self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', '') try: stats = self._rpc_trade_statistics( stake_cur, fiat_disp_cur) profit_closed_coin = stats['profit_closed_coin'] profit_closed_percent = stats['profit_closed_percent'] profit_closed_fiat = stats['profit_closed_fiat'] profit_all_coin = stats['profit_all_coin'] profit_all_percent = stats['profit_all_percent'] profit_all_fiat = stats['profit_all_fiat'] trade_count = stats['trade_count'] first_trade_date = stats['first_trade_date'] latest_trade_date = stats['latest_trade_date'] avg_duration = stats['avg_duration'] best_pair = stats['best_pair'] best_rate = stats['best_rate'] # Message to display markdown_msg = "*ROI:* Close trades\n" \ f"∙ `{profit_closed_coin:.8f} {stake_cur} "\ f"({profit_closed_percent:.2f}%)`\n" \ f"∙ `{profit_closed_fiat:.3f} {fiat_disp_cur}`\n" \ f"*ROI:* All trades\n" \ f"∙ `{profit_all_coin:.8f} {stake_cur} ({profit_all_percent:.2f}%)`\n" \ f"∙ `{profit_all_fiat:.3f} {fiat_disp_cur}`\n" \ f"*Total Trade Count:* `{trade_count}`\n" \ f"*First Trade opened:* `{first_trade_date}`\n" \ f"*Latest Trade opened:* `{latest_trade_date}`\n" \ f"*Avg. Duration:* `{avg_duration}`\n" \ f"*Best Performing:* `{best_pair}: {best_rate:.2f}%`" self._send_msg(markdown_msg, bot=bot) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _balance(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /balance """ try: result = self._rpc_balance(self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', '')) output = '' for currency in result['currencies']: if currency['est_btc'] > 0.0001: output += "*{currency}:*\n" \ "\t`Available: {available: .8f}`\n" \ "\t`Balance: {balance: .8f}`\n" \ "\t`Pending: {pending: .8f}`\n" \ "\t`Est. BTC: {est_btc: .8f}`\n".format(**currency) else: output += "*{currency}:* not showing <1$ amount \n".format(**currency) output += "\n*Estimated Value*:\n" \ "\t`BTC: {total: .8f}`\n" \ "\t`{symbol}: {value: .2f}`\n".format(**result) self._send_msg(output, bot=bot) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _start(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /start. Starts TradeThread :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ msg = self._rpc_start() self._send_msg('Status: `{status}`'.format(**msg), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _stop(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /stop. Stops TradeThread :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ msg = self._rpc_stop() self._send_msg('Status: `{status}`'.format(**msg), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _reload_conf(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /reload_conf. Triggers a config file reload :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ msg = self._rpc_reload_conf() self._send_msg('Status: `{status}`'.format(**msg), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _stopbuy(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /stop_buy. Sets max_open_trades to 0 and gracefully sells all open trades :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ msg = self._rpc_stopbuy() self._send_msg('Status: `{status}`'.format(**msg), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _forcesell(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /forcesell . Sells the given trade at current price :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ trade_id = update.message.text.replace('/forcesell', '').strip() try: self._rpc_forcesell(trade_id) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _forcebuy(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /forcebuy . Buys a pair trade at the given or current price :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ message = update.message.text.replace('/forcebuy', '').strip().split() pair = message[0] price = float(message[1]) if len(message) > 1 else None try: self._rpc_forcebuy(pair, price) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _performance(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /performance. Shows a performance statistic from finished trades :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ try: trades = self._rpc_performance() stats = '\n'.join('{index}.\t{pair}\t{profit:.2f}% ({count})'.format( index=i + 1, pair=trade['pair'], profit=trade['profit'], count=trade['count'] ) for i, trade in enumerate(trades)) message = 'Performance:\n{}'.format(stats) self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _count(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /count. Returns the number of trades running :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ try: trades = self._rpc_count() message = tabulate({ 'current': [len(trades)], 'max': [self._config['max_open_trades']], 'total stake': [sum((trade.open_rate * trade.amount) for trade in trades)] }, headers=['current', 'max', 'total stake'], tablefmt='simple') message = "
".format(message) logger.debug(message) self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _whitelist(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /whitelist Shows the currently active whitelist """ try: whitelist = self._rpc_whitelist() message = f"Using whitelist `{whitelist['method']}` with {whitelist['length']} pairs\n" message += f"`{', '.join(whitelist['whitelist'])}`" logger.debug(message) self._send_msg(message) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _blacklist(self, bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> None: """ Handler for /blacklist Shows the currently active blacklist """ try: blacklist = self._rpc_blacklist(args) message = f"Blacklist contains {blacklist['length']} pairs\n" message += f"`{', '.join(blacklist['blacklist'])}`" logger.debug(message) self._send_msg(message) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _edge(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /edge Shows information related to Edge """ try: edge_pairs = self._rpc_edge() print(edge_pairs) edge_pairs_tab = tabulate(edge_pairs, headers='keys', tablefmt='simple') message = f'Edge only validated following pairs:\n
' self._send_msg(message, bot=bot, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except RPCException as e: self._send_msg(str(e), bot=bot) @authorized_only def _help(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /help. Show commands of the bot :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ forcebuy_text = "*/forcebuy []:* `Instantly buys the given pair. " \ "Optionally takes a rate at which to buy.` \n" message = "*/start:* `Starts the trader`\n" \ "*/stop:* `Stops the trader`\n" \ "*/status [table]:* `Lists all open trades`\n" \ " *table :* `will display trades in a table`\n" \ "*/profit:* `Lists cumulative profit from all finished trades`\n" \ "*/forcesell |all:* `Instantly sells the given trade or all trades, " \ "regardless of profit`\n" \ f"{forcebuy_text if self._config.get('forcebuy_enable', False) else '' }" \ "*/performance:* `Show performance of each finished trade grouped by pair`\n" \ "*/daily :* `Shows profit or loss per day, over the last n days`\n" \ "*/count:* `Show number of trades running compared to allowed number of trades`" \ "\n" \ "*/balance:* `Show account balance per currency`\n" \ "*/stopbuy:* `Stops buying, but handles open trades gracefully` \n" \ "*/reload_conf:* `Reload configuration file` \n" \ "*/whitelist:* `Show current whitelist` \n" \ "*/blacklist [pair]:* `Show current blacklist, or adds one or more pairs " \ "to the blacklist.` \n" \ "*/edge:* `Shows validated pairs by Edge if it is enabeld` \n" \ "*/help:* `This help message`\n" \ "*/version:* `Show version`" self._send_msg(message, bot=bot) @authorized_only def _version(self, bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /version. Show version information :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ self._send_msg('*Version:* `{}`'.format(__version__), bot=bot) def _send_msg(self, msg: str, bot: Bot = None, parse_mode: ParseMode = ParseMode.MARKDOWN) -> None: """ Send given markdown message :param msg: message :param bot: alternative bot :param parse_mode: telegram parse mode :return: None """ bot = bot or self._updater.bot keyboard = [['/daily', '/profit', '/balance'], ['/status', '/status table', '/performance'], ['/count', '/start', '/stop', '/help']] reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) try: try: bot.send_message( self._config['telegram']['chat_id'], text=msg, parse_mode=parse_mode, reply_markup=reply_markup ) except NetworkError as network_err: # Sometimes the telegram server resets the current connection, # if this is the case we send the message again. logger.warning( 'Telegram NetworkError: %s! Trying one more time.', network_err.message ) bot.send_message( self._config['telegram']['chat_id'], text=msg, parse_mode=parse_mode, reply_markup=reply_markup ) except TelegramError as telegram_err: logger.warning( 'TelegramError: %s! Giving up on that message.', telegram_err.message )