""" This module manages replicate mode communication """ import asyncio import logging import secrets import socket from threading import Thread from typing import Any, Coroutine, Dict, Union import websockets from fastapi import Depends from fastapi import WebSocket as FastAPIWebSocket from fastapi import WebSocketDisconnect, status from freqtrade.enums import LeaderMessageType, ReplicateModeType, RPCMessageType from freqtrade.rpc import RPC, RPCHandler from freqtrade.rpc.replicate.channel import ChannelManager from freqtrade.rpc.replicate.thread_queue import Queue as ThreadedQueue from freqtrade.rpc.replicate.utils import is_websocket_alive logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ReplicateController(RPCHandler): """ This class handles all websocket communication """ def __init__( self, rpc: RPC, config: Dict[str, Any], api_server: Union[Any, None] = None ) -> None: """ Init the ReplicateRPC class, and init the super class RPCHandler :param rpc: instance of RPC Helper class :param config: Configuration object :return: None """ super().__init__(rpc, config) self.api_server = api_server if not self.api_server: raise RuntimeError("The API server must be enabled for replicate to work") self._loop = None self._running = False self._thread = None self._queue = None self.channel_manager = ChannelManager() self.replicate_config = config.get('replicate', {}) # What the config should look like # "replicate": { # "enabled": true, # "mode": "follower", # "leaders": [ # { # "url": "ws://localhost:8080/replicate/ws", # "token": "test" # } # ] # } # "replicate": { # "enabled": true, # "mode": "leader", # "api_key": "test" # } self.mode = ReplicateModeType[self.replicate_config.get('mode', 'leader').lower()] self.leaders_list = self.replicate_config.get('leaders', []) self.push_throttle_secs = self.replicate_config.get('push_throttle_secs', 1) self.reply_timeout = self.replicate_config.get('follower_reply_timeout', 10) self.ping_timeout = self.replicate_config.get('follower_ping_timeout', 2) self.sleep_time = self.replicate_config.get('follower_sleep_time', 1) if self.mode == ReplicateModeType.follower and len(self.leaders_list) == 0: raise ValueError("You must specify at least 1 leader in follower mode.") # This is only used by the leader, the followers use the tokens specified # in each of the leaders # If you do not specify an API key in the config, one will be randomly # generated and logged on startup default_api_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) self.secret_api_key = self.replicate_config.get('api_key', default_api_key) self.start_threaded_loop() if self.mode == ReplicateModeType.follower: self.start_follower_mode() elif self.mode == ReplicateModeType.leader: self.start_leader_mode() def start_threaded_loop(self): """ Start the main internal loop in another thread to run coroutines """ self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() if not self._thread: self._thread = Thread(target=self._loop.run_forever) self._thread.start() self._running = True else: raise RuntimeError("A loop is already running") def submit_coroutine(self, coroutine: Coroutine): """ Submit a coroutine to the threaded loop """ if not self._running: raise RuntimeError("Cannot schedule new futures after shutdown") if not self._loop or not self._loop.is_running(): raise RuntimeError("Loop must be started before any function can" " be submitted") logger.debug(f"Running coroutine {repr(coroutine)} in loop") try: return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coroutine, self._loop) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error running coroutine - {str(e)}") return None def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Cleanup pending module resources. """ if self._thread: if self._loop.is_running(): self._running = False # Tell all coroutines submitted to the loop they're cancelled pending = asyncio.all_tasks(loop=self._loop) for task in pending: task.cancel() self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.channel_manager.disconnect_all) # This must be called threadsafe, otherwise would not work self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._loop.stop) self._thread.join() def send_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Push message through """ if msg["type"] == RPCMessageType.EMIT_DATA: self._send_message( { "type": msg["data_type"], "content": msg["data"] } ) # ----------------------- LEADER LOGIC ------------------------------ def start_leader_mode(self): """ Register the endpoint and start the leader loop """ logger.info("Running rpc.replicate in Leader mode") logger.info("-" * 15) logger.info(f"API_KEY: {self.secret_api_key}") logger.info("-" * 15) self.register_leader_endpoint() self.submit_coroutine(self.leader_loop()) async def leader_loop(self): """ Main leader coroutine At the moment this just broadcasts data that's in the queue to the followers """ try: await self._broadcast_queue_data() except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception occurred in leader loop: ") logger.exception(e) def _send_message(self, data: Dict[Any, Any]): """ Add data to the internal queue to be broadcasted. This func will block if the queue is full. This is meant to be called in the main thread. """ if self._queue: self._queue.put(data) else: logger.warning("Can not send data, leader loop has not started yet!") async def _broadcast_queue_data(self): """ Loop over queue data and broadcast it """ # Instantiate the queue in this coroutine so it's attached to our loop self._queue = ThreadedQueue() async_queue = self._queue.async_q try: while self._running: # Get data from queue data = await async_queue.get() # Broadcast it to everyone await self.channel_manager.broadcast(data) # Sleep await asyncio.sleep(self.push_throttle_secs) except asyncio.CancelledError: # Silently stop pass async def get_api_token( self, websocket: FastAPIWebSocket, token: Union[str, None] = None ): """ Extract the API key from query param. Must match the set secret_api_key or the websocket connection will be closed. """ if token == self.secret_api_key: return token else: logger.info("Denying websocket request...") await websocket.close(code=status.WS_1008_POLICY_VIOLATION) def register_leader_endpoint(self, path: str = "/replicate/ws"): """ Attach and start the main leader loop to the ApiServer :param path: The endpoint path """ if not self.api_server: raise RuntimeError("The leader needs the ApiServer to be active") # The endpoint function for running the main leader loop @self.api_server.app.websocket(path) async def leader_endpoint( websocket: FastAPIWebSocket, api_key: str = Depends(self.get_api_token) ): await self.leader_endpoint_loop(websocket) async def leader_endpoint_loop(self, websocket: FastAPIWebSocket): """ The WebSocket endpoint served by the ApiServer. This handles connections, and adding them to the channel manager. """ try: if is_websocket_alive(websocket): logger.info(f"Follower connected - {websocket.client}") channel = await self.channel_manager.on_connect(websocket) # Send initial data here # Keep connection open until explicitly closed, and sleep try: while not channel.is_closed(): await channel.recv() except WebSocketDisconnect: # Handle client disconnects logger.info(f"Follower disconnected - {websocket.client}") await self.channel_manager.on_disconnect(websocket) except Exception as e: logger.info(f"Follower connection failed - {websocket.client}") logger.exception(e) # Handle cases like - # RuntimeError('Cannot call "send" once a closed message has been sent') await self.channel_manager.on_disconnect(websocket) except Exception: logger.error(f"Failed to serve - {websocket.client}") await self.channel_manager.on_disconnect(websocket) # -------------------------------FOLLOWER LOGIC---------------------------- def start_follower_mode(self): """ Start the ReplicateController in Follower mode """ logger.info("Starting rpc.replicate in Follower mode") self.submit_coroutine(self.follower_loop()) async def follower_loop(self): """ Main follower coroutine This starts all of the leader connection coros """ try: await self._connect_to_leaders() except Exception as e: logger.error("Exception occurred in follower loop: ") logger.exception(e) async def _connect_to_leaders(self): rpc_lock = asyncio.Lock() logger.info("Starting connections to Leaders...") await asyncio.wait( [ self._handle_leader_connection(leader, rpc_lock) for leader in self.leaders_list ] ) async def _handle_leader_connection(self, leader, lock): """ Given a leader, connect and wait on data. If connection is lost, it will attempt to reconnect. """ url, token = leader["url"], leader["token"] websocket_url = f"{url}?token={token}" logger.info(f"Attempting to connect to leader at: {url}") # TODO: limit the amount of connection retries while True: try: async with websockets.connect(websocket_url) as ws: channel = await self.channel_manager.on_connect(ws) while True: try: data = await asyncio.wait_for( channel.recv(), timeout=self.reply_timeout ) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed): # We haven't received data yet. Just check the connection and continue. try: # ping ping = await channel.ping() await asyncio.wait_for(ping, timeout=self.ping_timeout) logger.info(f"Connection to {url} still alive...") continue except Exception: logger.info(f"Ping error {url} - retrying in {self.sleep_time}s") asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time) break with lock: # Should we have a lock here? await self._handle_leader_message(data) except socket.gaierror: logger.info(f"Socket error - retrying connection in {self.sleep_time}s") await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time) continue except ConnectionRefusedError: logger.info(f"Connection Refused - retrying connection in {self.sleep_time}s") await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_time) continue async def _handle_leader_message(self, message): type = message.get("type") message_type_handlers = { LeaderMessageType.Pairlist.value: self._handle_pairlist_message, LeaderMessageType.Dataframe.value: self._handle_dataframe_message } handler = message_type_handlers.get(type, self._handle_default_message) return await handler(message) async def _handle_default_message(self, message): logger.info(f"Default message handled: {message}") async def _handle_pairlist_message(self, message): logger.info(f"Pairlist message handled: {message}") async def _handle_dataframe_message(self, message): logger.info(f"Dataframe message handled: {message}")