#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This script generates json files with pairs history data """ import arrow import json import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List from freqtrade.configuration import Arguments, TimeRange from freqtrade.configuration import ARGS_DOWNLOADER from freqtrade.configuration import Configuration from freqtrade.configuration.check_exchange import check_exchange from freqtrade.data.history import download_pair_history from freqtrade.exchange import Exchange from freqtrade.misc import deep_merge_dicts import logging logger = logging.getLogger('download_backtest_data') DEFAULT_DL_PATH = 'user_data/data' arguments = Arguments(sys.argv[1:], 'Download backtest data') arguments.build_args(ARGS_DOWNLOADER) # Do not read the default config if config is not specified # in the command line options explicitely args = arguments.parse_args(no_default_config=True) # Use bittrex as default exchange exchange_name = args.exchange or 'bittrex' pairs: List = [] configuration = Configuration(args) config: Dict[str, Any] = {} if args.config: # Now expecting a list of config filenames here, not a string for path in args.config: logger.info(f"Using config: {path}...") # Merge config options, overwriting old values config = deep_merge_dicts(configuration._load_config_file(path), config) config['stake_currency'] = '' # Ensure we do not use Exchange credentials config['exchange']['dry_run'] = True config['exchange']['key'] = '' config['exchange']['secret'] = '' pairs = config['exchange']['pair_whitelist'] if config.get('ticker_interval'): timeframes = args.timeframes or [config.get('ticker_interval')] else: timeframes = args.timeframes or ['1m', '5m'] else: config = { 'stake_currency': '', 'dry_run': True, 'exchange': { 'name': exchange_name, 'key': '', 'secret': '', 'pair_whitelist': [], 'ccxt_async_config': { 'enableRateLimit': True, 'rateLimit': 200 } } } timeframes = args.timeframes or ['1m', '5m'] configuration._load_logging_config(config) if args.config and args.exchange: logger.warning("The --exchange option is ignored, " "using exchange settings from the configuration file.") # Check if the exchange set by the user is supported check_exchange(config) configuration._load_datadir_config(config) dl_path = Path(config['datadir']) pairs_file = Path(args.pairs_file) if args.pairs_file else dl_path.joinpath('pairs.json') if not pairs or args.pairs_file: logger.info(f'Reading pairs file "{pairs_file}".') # Download pairs from the pairs file if no config is specified # or if pairs file is specified explicitely if not pairs_file.exists(): sys.exit(f'No pairs file found with path "{pairs_file}".') with pairs_file.open() as file: pairs = list(set(json.load(file))) pairs.sort() timerange = TimeRange() if args.days: time_since = arrow.utcnow().shift(days=-args.days).strftime("%Y%m%d") timerange = arguments.parse_timerange(f'{time_since}-') logger.info(f'About to download pairs: {pairs}, intervals: {timeframes} to {dl_path}') pairs_not_available = [] try: # Init exchange exchange = Exchange(config) for pair in pairs: if pair not in exchange._api.markets: pairs_not_available.append(pair) logger.info(f"Skipping pair {pair}...") continue for ticker_interval in timeframes: pair_print = pair.replace('/', '_') filename = f'{pair_print}-{ticker_interval}.json' dl_file = dl_path.joinpath(filename) if args.erase and dl_file.exists(): logger.info( f'Deleting existing data for pair {pair}, interval {ticker_interval}.') dl_file.unlink() logger.info(f'Downloading pair {pair}, interval {ticker_interval}.') download_pair_history(datadir=dl_path, exchange=exchange, pair=pair, ticker_interval=str(ticker_interval), timerange=timerange) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit("SIGINT received, aborting ...") finally: if pairs_not_available: logger.info( f"Pairs [{','.join(pairs_not_available)}] not available " f"on exchange {config['exchange']['name']}.")