Volume PairList provider

Provides lists as configured in config.json

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException
from freqtrade.pairlist.IPairList import IPairList

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SORT_VALUES = ['askVolume', 'bidVolume', 'quoteVolume']

class VolumePairList(IPairList):

    def __init__(self, exchange, pairlistmanager, config: Dict[str, Any], pairlistconfig: dict,
                 pairlist_pos: int) -> None:
        super().__init__(exchange, pairlistmanager, config, pairlistconfig, pairlist_pos)

        if 'number_assets' not in self._pairlistconfig:
            raise OperationalException(
                f'`number_assets` not specified. Please check your configuration '
                'for "pairlist.config.number_assets"')
        self._number_pairs = self._pairlistconfig['number_assets']
        self._sort_key = self._pairlistconfig.get('sort_key', 'quoteVolume')
        self._min_value = self._pairlistconfig.get('min_value', 0)
        self.refresh_period = self._pairlistconfig.get('refresh_period', 1800)

        if not self._exchange.exchange_has('fetchTickers'):
            raise OperationalException(
                'Exchange does not support dynamic whitelist.'
                'Please edit your config and restart the bot'
        if not self._validate_keys(self._sort_key):
            raise OperationalException(
                f'key {self._sort_key} not in {SORT_VALUES}')
        self._last_refresh = 0

    def needstickers(self) -> bool:
        Boolean property defining if tickers are necessary.
        If no Pairlist requries tickers, an empty List is passed
        as tickers argument to filter_pairlist
        return True

    def _validate_keys(self, key):
        return key in SORT_VALUES

    def short_desc(self) -> str:
        Short whitelist method description - used for startup-messages
        return f"{self.name} - top {self._pairlistconfig['number_assets']} volume pairs."

    def filter_pairlist(self, pairlist: List[str], tickers: Dict) -> List[str]:
        Filters and sorts pairlist and returns the whitelist again.
        Called on each bot iteration - please use internal caching if necessary
        :param pairlist: pairlist to filter or sort
        :param tickers: Tickers (from exchange.get_tickers()). May be cached.
        :return: new whitelist
        # Generate dynamic whitelist
        if self._last_refresh + self.refresh_period < datetime.now().timestamp():
            self._last_refresh = int(datetime.now().timestamp())
            return self._gen_pair_whitelist(pairlist,
            return pairlist

    def _gen_pair_whitelist(self, pairlist: List[str], tickers: Dict,
                            base_currency: str, key: str, min_val: int) -> List[str]:
        Updates the whitelist with with a dynamically generated list
        :param base_currency: base currency as str
        :param key: sort key (defaults to 'quoteVolume')
        :param tickers: Tickers (from exchange.get_tickers()).
        :return: List of pairs

        if self._pairlist_pos == 0:
            # If VolumePairList is the first in the list, use fresh pairlist
            # Check if pair quote currency equals to the stake currency.
            filtered_tickers = [v for k, v in tickers.items()
                                if (self._exchange.get_pair_quote_currency(k) == base_currency
                                    and v[key] is not None)]
            # If other pairlist is in front, use the incomming pairlist.
            filtered_tickers = [v for k, v in tickers.items() if k in pairlist]

        if min_val > 0:
            filtered_tickers = list(filter(lambda t: t[key] > min_val, filtered_tickers))

        sorted_tickers = sorted(filtered_tickers, reverse=True, key=lambda t: t[key])

        # Validate whitelist to only have active market pairs
        pairs = self._whitelist_for_active_markets([s['symbol'] for s in sorted_tickers])
        pairs = self._verify_blacklist(pairs, aswarning=False)
        # Limit to X number of pairs
        pairs = pairs[:self._number_pairs]
        logger.info(f"Searching {self._number_pairs} pairs: {pairs}")

        return pairs