""" This module contains the configuration class """ import json import logging import os import sys from argparse import Namespace from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, validators from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError, best_match from freqtrade import OperationalException, constants from freqtrade.exchange import (is_exchange_bad, is_exchange_available, is_exchange_officially_supported, available_exchanges) from freqtrade.misc import deep_merge_dicts from freqtrade.state import RunMode logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def set_loggers(log_level: int = 0) -> None: """ Set the logger level for Third party libs :return: None """ logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.INFO if log_level <= 1 else logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.INFO if log_level <= 1 else logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('ccxt.base.exchange').setLevel( logging.INFO if log_level <= 2 else logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('telegram').setLevel(logging.INFO) def _extend_with_default(validator_class): validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS["properties"] def set_defaults(validator, properties, instance, schema): for prop, subschema in properties.items(): if "default" in subschema: instance.setdefault(prop, subschema["default"]) for error in validate_properties( validator, properties, instance, schema, ): yield error return validators.extend( validator_class, {"properties": set_defaults}, ) ValidatorWithDefaults = _extend_with_default(Draft4Validator) class Configuration(object): """ Class to read and init the bot configuration Reuse this class for the bot, backtesting, hyperopt and every script that required configuration """ def __init__(self, args: Namespace, runmode: RunMode = None) -> None: self.args = args self.config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None self.runmode = runmode def load_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load the bot configuration :return: Configuration dictionary """ config: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Now expecting a list of config filenames here, not a string for path in self.args.config: logger.info('Using config: %s ...', path) # Merge config options, overwriting old values config = deep_merge_dicts(self._load_config_file(path), config) if 'internals' not in config: config['internals'] = {} logger.info('Validating configuration ...') self._validate_config_schema(config) self._validate_config_consistency(config) # Set strategy if not specified in config and or if it's non default if self.args.strategy != constants.DEFAULT_STRATEGY or not config.get('strategy'): config.update({'strategy': self.args.strategy}) if self.args.strategy_path: config.update({'strategy_path': self.args.strategy_path}) # Load Common configuration config = self._load_common_config(config) # Load Optimize configurations config = self._load_optimize_config(config) # Add plotting options if available config = self._load_plot_config(config) # Set runmode if not self.runmode: # Handle real mode, infer dry/live from config self.runmode = RunMode.DRY_RUN if config.get('dry_run', True) else RunMode.LIVE config.update({'runmode': self.runmode}) return config def _load_config_file(self, path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Loads a config file from the given path :param path: path as str :return: configuration as dictionary """ try: with open(path) as file: conf = json.load(file) except FileNotFoundError: raise OperationalException( f'Config file "{path}" not found!' ' Please create a config file or check whether it exists.') return conf def _load_logging_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load logging configuration: the --loglevel, --logfile options """ # Log level if 'loglevel' in self.args and self.args.loglevel: config.update({'verbosity': self.args.loglevel}) else: config.update({'verbosity': 0}) # Log to stdout, not stderr log_handlers: List[logging.Handler] = [logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)] if 'logfile' in self.args and self.args.logfile: config.update({'logfile': self.args.logfile}) # Allow setting this as either configuration or argument if 'logfile' in config: log_handlers.append(RotatingFileHandler(config['logfile'], maxBytes=1024 * 1024, # 1Mb backupCount=10)) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO if config['verbosity'] < 1 else logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', handlers=log_handlers ) set_loggers(config['verbosity']) logger.info('Verbosity set to %s', config['verbosity']) def _load_common_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load common configuration :return: configuration as dictionary """ self._load_logging_config(config) # Support for sd_notify if self.args.sd_notify: config['internals'].update({'sd_notify': True}) # Add dynamic_whitelist if found if 'dynamic_whitelist' in self.args and self.args.dynamic_whitelist: # Update to volumePairList (the previous default) config['pairlist'] = {'method': 'VolumePairList', 'config': {'number_assets': self.args.dynamic_whitelist} } logger.warning( 'Parameter --dynamic-whitelist has been deprecated, ' 'and will be completely replaced by the whitelist dict in the future. ' 'For now: using dynamically generated whitelist based on VolumePairList. ' '(not applicable with Backtesting and Hyperopt)' ) if self.args.db_url and self.args.db_url != constants.DEFAULT_DB_PROD_URL: config.update({'db_url': self.args.db_url}) logger.info('Parameter --db-url detected ...') if config.get('dry_run', False): logger.info('Dry run is enabled') if config.get('db_url') in [None, constants.DEFAULT_DB_PROD_URL]: # Default to in-memory db for dry_run if not specified config['db_url'] = constants.DEFAULT_DB_DRYRUN_URL else: if not config.get('db_url', None): config['db_url'] = constants.DEFAULT_DB_PROD_URL logger.info('Dry run is disabled') if config.get('forcebuy_enable', False): logger.warning('`forcebuy` RPC message enabled.') # Setting max_open_trades to infinite if -1 if config.get('max_open_trades') == -1: config['max_open_trades'] = float('inf') logger.info(f'Using DB: "{config["db_url"]}"') # Check if the exchange set by the user is supported self.check_exchange(config) return config def _create_datadir(self, config: Dict[str, Any], datadir: Optional[str] = None) -> str: if not datadir: # set datadir exchange_name = config.get('exchange', {}).get('name').lower() datadir = os.path.join('user_data', 'data', exchange_name) if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) logger.info(f'Created data directory: {datadir}') return datadir def _args_to_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any], argname: str, logstring: str, logfun: Optional[Callable] = None) -> None: """ :param config: Configuration dictionary :param argname: Argumentname in self.args - will be copied to config dict. :param logstring: Logging String :param logfun: logfun is applied to the configuration entry before passing that entry to the log string using .format(). sample: logfun=len (prints the length of the found configuration instead of the content) """ if argname in self.args and getattr(self.args, argname): config.update({argname: getattr(self.args, argname)}) if logfun: logger.info(logstring.format(logfun(config[argname]))) else: logger.info(logstring.format(config[argname])) def _load_datadir_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load datadir configuration: the --datadir option """ if 'datadir' in self.args and self.args.datadir: config.update({'datadir': self._create_datadir(config, self.args.datadir)}) else: config.update({'datadir': self._create_datadir(config, None)}) logger.info('Using data folder: %s ...', config.get('datadir')) def _load_optimize_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load Optimize configuration :return: configuration as dictionary """ # This will override the strategy configuration self._args_to_config(config, argname='ticker_interval', logstring='Parameter -i/--ticker-interval detected ... ' 'Using ticker_interval: {} ...') self._args_to_config(config, argname='live', logstring='Parameter -l/--live detected ...') self._args_to_config(config, argname='position_stacking', logstring='Parameter --enable-position-stacking detected ...') if 'use_max_market_positions' in self.args and not self.args.use_max_market_positions: config.update({'use_max_market_positions': False}) logger.info('Parameter --disable-max-market-positions detected ...') logger.info('max_open_trades set to unlimited ...') elif 'max_open_trades' in self.args and self.args.max_open_trades: config.update({'max_open_trades': self.args.max_open_trades}) logger.info('Parameter --max_open_trades detected, ' 'overriding max_open_trades to: %s ...', config.get('max_open_trades')) else: logger.info('Using max_open_trades: %s ...', config.get('max_open_trades')) self._args_to_config(config, argname='stake_amount', logstring='Parameter --stake_amount detected, ' 'overriding stake_amount to: {} ...') self._args_to_config(config, argname='timerange', logstring='Parameter --timerange detected: {} ...') self._load_datadir_config(config) self._args_to_config(config, argname='refresh_pairs', logstring='Parameter -r/--refresh-pairs-cached detected ...') self._args_to_config(config, argname='strategy_list', logstring='Using strategy list of {} Strategies', logfun=len) self._args_to_config(config, argname='ticker_interval', logstring='Overriding ticker interval with Command line argument') self._args_to_config(config, argname='export', logstring='Parameter --export detected: {} ...') self._args_to_config(config, argname='exportfilename', logstring='Storing backtest results to {} ...') # Edge section: if 'stoploss_range' in self.args and self.args.stoploss_range: txt_range = eval(self.args.stoploss_range) config['edge'].update({'stoploss_range_min': txt_range[0]}) config['edge'].update({'stoploss_range_max': txt_range[1]}) config['edge'].update({'stoploss_range_step': txt_range[2]}) logger.info('Parameter --stoplosses detected: %s ...', self.args.stoploss_range) # Hyperopt section self._args_to_config(config, argname='hyperopt', logstring='Using Hyperopt file {}') self._args_to_config(config, argname='epochs', logstring='Parameter --epochs detected ... ' 'Will run Hyperopt with for {} epochs ...' ) self._args_to_config(config, argname='spaces', logstring='Parameter -s/--spaces detected: {}') self._args_to_config(config, argname='print_all', logstring='Parameter --print-all detected ...') self._args_to_config(config, argname='hyperopt_jobs', logstring='Parameter -j/--job-workers detected: {}') self._args_to_config(config, argname='hyperopt_random_state', logstring='Parameter --random-state detected: {}') self._args_to_config(config, argname='hyperopt_min_trades', logstring='Parameter --min-trades detected: {}') return config def _load_plot_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract information for sys.argv Plotting configuration :return: configuration as dictionary """ self._args_to_config(config, argname='pairs', logstring='Using pairs {}') self._args_to_config(config, argname='indicators1', logstring='Using indicators1: {}') self._args_to_config(config, argname='indicators2', logstring='Using indicators2: {}') self._args_to_config(config, argname='plot_limit', logstring='Limiting plot to: {}') return config def _validate_config_schema(self, conf: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Validate the configuration follow the Config Schema :param conf: Config in JSON format :return: Returns the config if valid, otherwise throw an exception """ try: ValidatorWithDefaults(constants.CONF_SCHEMA).validate(conf) return conf except ValidationError as exception: logger.critical( 'Invalid configuration. See config.json.example. Reason: %s', exception ) raise ValidationError( best_match(Draft4Validator(constants.CONF_SCHEMA).iter_errors(conf)).message ) def _validate_config_consistency(self, conf: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Validate the configuration consistency :param conf: Config in JSON format :return: Returns None if everything is ok, otherwise throw an OperationalException """ # validating trailing stoploss self._validate_trailing_stoploss(conf) def _validate_trailing_stoploss(self, conf: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # Skip if trailing stoploss is not activated if not conf.get('trailing_stop', False): return tsl_positive = float(conf.get('trailing_stop_positive', 0)) tsl_offset = float(conf.get('trailing_stop_positive_offset', 0)) tsl_only_offset = conf.get('trailing_only_offset_is_reached', False) if tsl_only_offset: if tsl_positive == 0.0: raise OperationalException( f'The config trailing_only_offset_is_reached needs ' 'trailing_stop_positive_offset to be more than 0 in your config.') if tsl_positive > 0 and 0 < tsl_offset <= tsl_positive: raise OperationalException( f'The config trailing_stop_positive_offset needs ' 'to be greater than trailing_stop_positive_offset in your config.') def get_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the config. Use this method to get the bot config :return: Dict: Bot config """ if self.config is None: self.config = self.load_config() return self.config def check_exchange(self, config: Dict[str, Any], check_for_bad: bool = True) -> bool: """ Check if the exchange name in the config file is supported by Freqtrade :param check_for_bad: if True, check the exchange against the list of known 'bad' exchanges :return: False if exchange is 'bad', i.e. is known to work with the bot with critical issues or does not work at all, crashes, etc. True otherwise. raises an exception if the exchange if not supported by ccxt and thus is not known for the Freqtrade at all. """ logger.info("Checking exchange...") exchange = config.get('exchange', {}).get('name').lower() if not is_exchange_available(exchange): raise OperationalException( f'Exchange "{exchange}" is not supported by ccxt ' f'and therefore not available for the bot.\n' f'The following exchanges are supported by ccxt: ' f'{", ".join(available_exchanges())}' ) if check_for_bad and is_exchange_bad(exchange): logger.warning(f'Exchange "{exchange}" is known to not work with the bot yet. ' f'Use it only for development and testing purposes.') return False if is_exchange_officially_supported(exchange): logger.info(f'Exchange "{exchange}" is officially supported ' f'by the Freqtrade development team.') else: logger.warning(f'Exchange "{exchange}" is supported by ccxt ' f'and therefore available for the bot but not officially supported ' f'by the Freqtrade development team. ' f'It may work flawlessly (please report back) or have serious issues. ' f'Use it at your own discretion.') return True