import os import sys import traceback root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.path.append(root + '/python') import ccxt # noqa: E402 def style(s, style): return style + s + '\033[0m' def green(s): return style(s, '\033[92m') def blue(s): return style(s, '\033[94m') def yellow(s): return style(s, '\033[93m') def red(s): return style(s, '\033[91m') def pink(s): return style(s, '\033[95m') def bold(s): return style(s, '\033[1m') def underline(s): return style(s, '\033[4m') def dump(*args): print(' '.join([str(arg) for arg in args])) def print_supported_exchanges(): dump('Supported exchanges:', green(', '.join(ccxt.exchanges))) try: if len(sys.argv) < 2: dump("Usage: python " + sys.argv[0], green('id')) print_supported_exchanges() sys.exit(1) id = sys.argv[1] # get exchange id from command line arguments # check if the exchange is supported by ccxt exchange_found = id in ccxt.exchanges if exchange_found: dump('Instantiating', green(id), 'exchange') # instantiate the exchange by id exchange = getattr(ccxt, id)({ # 'proxy':'', }) # load all markets from the exchange markets = exchange.load_markets() # output a list of all market symbols dump(green(id), 'has', len(exchange.symbols), 'symbols:', exchange.symbols) tuples = list(ccxt.Exchange.keysort(markets).items()) # debug for (k, v) in tuples: print(v) # output a table of all markets dump(pink('{:<15} {:<15} {:<15} {:<15}'.format('id', 'symbol', 'base', 'quote'))) for (k, v) in tuples: dump('{:<15} {:<15} {:<15} {:<15}'.format(v['id'], v['symbol'], v['base'], v['quote'])) else: dump('Exchange ' + red(id) + ' not found') print_supported_exchanges() except Exception as e: dump('[' + type(e).__name__ + ']', str(e)) dump(traceback.format_exc()) dump("Usage: python " + sys.argv[0], green('id')) print_supported_exchanges() sys.exit(1)