import collections import json import logging import re import shutil import threading from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple # import pickle as pk import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame # from freqtrade.freqai.data_kitchen import FreqaiDataKitchen logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FreqaiDataDrawer: """ Class aimed at holding all pair models/info in memory for better inferencing/retrainig/saving /loading to/from disk. This object remains persistent throughout live/dry, unlike FreqaiDataKitchen, which is reinstantiated for each coin. """ def __init__(self, full_path: Path, config: dict, follow_mode: bool = False): self.config = config self.freqai_info = config.get("freqai", {}) # dictionary holding all pair metadata necessary to load in from disk self.pair_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} # dictionary holding all actively inferenced models in memory given a model filename self.model_dictionary: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.model_return_values: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.pair_data_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.historic_data: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.historic_predictions: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.follower_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.full_path = full_path self.follow_mode = follow_mode if follow_mode: self.create_follower_dict() self.load_drawer_from_disk() self.load_historic_predictions_from_disk() self.training_queue: Dict[str, int] = {} self.history_lock = threading.Lock() def load_drawer_from_disk(self): """ Locate and load a previously saved data drawer full of all pair model metadata in present model folder. :returns: exists: bool = whether or not the drawer was located """ exists = Path(self.full_path / str("pair_dictionary.json")).resolve().exists() if exists: with open(self.full_path / str("pair_dictionary.json"), "r") as fp: self.pair_dict = json.load(fp) elif not self.follow_mode:"Could not find existing datadrawer, starting from scratch") else: logger.warning( f"Follower could not find pair_dictionary at {self.full_path} " "sending null values back to strategy" ) return exists def load_historic_predictions_from_disk(self): """ Locate and load a previously saved historic predictions. :returns: exists: bool = whether or not the drawer was located """ exists = Path(self.full_path / str("historic_predictions.json")).resolve().exists() if exists: with open(self.full_path / str("historic_predictions.json"), "r") as fp: self.pair_dict = json.load(fp)"Found existing historic predictions at {self.full_path}, but beware of " "that statistics may be inaccurate if the bot has been offline for " "an extended period of time.") elif not self.follow_mode:"Could not find existing historic_predictions, starting from scratch") else: logger.warning( f"Follower could not find historic predictions at {self.full_path} " "sending null values back to strategy" ) return exists def save_drawer_to_disk(self): """ Save data drawer full of all pair model metadata in present model folder. """ with open(self.full_path / str("pair_dictionary.json"), "w") as fp: json.dump(self.pair_dict, fp, default=self.np_encoder) def save_historic_predictions_to_disk(self): """ Save data drawer full of all pair model metadata in present model folder. """ with open(self.full_path / str("historic_predictions.json"), "w") as fp: json.dump(self.historic_predictions, fp, default=self.np_encoder) def save_follower_dict_to_disk(self): """ Save follower dictionary to disk (used by strategy for persistent prediction targets) """ follower_name = self.config.get("bot_name", "follower1") with open( self.full_path / str("follower_dictionary-" + follower_name + ".json"), "w" ) as fp: json.dump(self.follower_dict, fp, default=self.np_encoder) def create_follower_dict(self): """ Create or dictionary for each follower to maintain unique persistent prediction targets """ follower_name = self.config.get("bot_name", "follower1") whitelist_pairs = self.config.get("exchange", {}).get("pair_whitelist") exists = ( Path(self.full_path / str("follower_dictionary-" + follower_name + ".json")) .resolve() .exists() ) if exists:"Found an existing follower dictionary") for pair in whitelist_pairs: self.follower_dict[pair] = {} with open( self.full_path / str("follower_dictionary-" + follower_name + ".json"), "w" ) as fp: json.dump(self.follower_dict, fp, default=self.np_encoder) def np_encoder(self, object): if isinstance(object, np.generic): return object.item() def get_pair_dict_info(self, pair: str) -> Tuple[str, int, bool, bool]: """ Locate and load existing model metadata from persistent storage. If not located, create a new one and append the current pair to it and prepare it for its first training :params: metadata: dict = strategy furnished pair metadata :returns: model_filename: str = unique filename used for loading persistent objects from disk trained_timestamp: int = the last time the coin was trained coin_first: bool = If the coin is fresh without metadata return_null_array: bool = Follower could not find pair metadata """ pair_in_dict = self.pair_dict.get(pair) data_path_set = self.pair_dict.get(pair, {}).get("data_path", None) return_null_array = False if pair_in_dict: model_filename = self.pair_dict[pair]["model_filename"] trained_timestamp = self.pair_dict[pair]["trained_timestamp"] coin_first = self.pair_dict[pair]["first"] elif not self.follow_mode: self.pair_dict[pair] = {} model_filename = self.pair_dict[pair]["model_filename"] = "" coin_first = self.pair_dict[pair]["first"] = True trained_timestamp = self.pair_dict[pair]["trained_timestamp"] = 0 self.pair_dict[pair]["priority"] = len(self.pair_dict) if not data_path_set and self.follow_mode: logger.warning( f"Follower could not find current pair {pair} in " f"pair_dictionary at path {self.full_path}, sending null values " "back to strategy." ) return_null_array = True return model_filename, trained_timestamp, coin_first, return_null_array def set_pair_dict_info(self, metadata: dict) -> None: pair_in_dict = self.pair_dict.get(metadata["pair"]) if pair_in_dict: return else: self.pair_dict[metadata["pair"]] = {} self.pair_dict[metadata["pair"]]["model_filename"] = "" self.pair_dict[metadata["pair"]]["first"] = True self.pair_dict[metadata["pair"]]["trained_timestamp"] = 0 self.pair_dict[metadata["pair"]]["priority"] = len(self.pair_dict) return def pair_to_end_of_training_queue(self, pair: str) -> None: # march all pairs up in the queue for p in self.pair_dict: self.pair_dict[p]["priority"] -= 1 # send pair to end of queue self.pair_dict[pair]["priority"] = len(self.pair_dict) def set_initial_return_values(self, pair: str, dk, pred_df, do_preds) -> None: """ Set the initial return values to a persistent dataframe. This avoids needing to repredict on historical candles, and also stores historical predictions despite retrainings (so stored predictions are true predictions, not just inferencing on trained data) """ # dynamic df returned to strategy and plotted in frequi mrv_df = self.model_return_values[pair] = pd.DataFrame() for label in dk.label_list: mrv_df[label] = pred_df[label] mrv_df[f"{label}_mean"] =["labels_mean"][label] mrv_df[f"{label}_std"] =["labels_std"][label] if self.freqai_info.get("feature_parameters", {}).get("DI_threshold", 0) > 0: mrv_df["DI_values"] = dk.DI_values mrv_df["do_predict"] = do_preds def append_model_predictions(self, pair: str, predictions, do_preds, dk, len_df) -> None: # strat seems to feed us variable sized dataframes - and since we are trying to build our # own return array in the same shape, we need to figure out how the size has changed # and adapt our stored/returned info accordingly. length_difference = len(self.model_return_values[pair]) - len_df i = 0 if length_difference == 0: i = 1 elif length_difference > 0: i = length_difference + 1 df = self.model_return_values[pair] = self.model_return_values[pair].shift(-i) hp_df = self.historic_predictions[pair] # here are some pandas hula hoops to accommodate the possibility of a series # or dataframe depending number of labels requested by user nan_df = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=hp_df.index[-2:] + 2, columns=hp_df.columns) hp_df = pd.concat([hp_df, nan_df], ignore_index=True, axis=0) hp_df = pd.concat([hp_df, nan_df[-2:-1]], axis=0) for label in dk.label_list: df[label].iloc[-1] = predictions[label].iloc[-1] df[f"{label}_mean"].iloc[-1] =["labels_mean"][label] df[f"{label}_std"].iloc[-1] =["labels_std"][label] # df['prediction'].iloc[-1] = predictions[-1] df["do_predict"].iloc[-1] = do_preds[-1] if self.freqai_info.get("feature_parameters", {}).get("DI_threshold", 0) > 0: df["DI_values"].iloc[-1] = dk.DI_values[-1] # append the new predictions to persistent storage hp_df.iloc[-1] = df[label].iloc[-1] if length_difference < 0: prepend_df = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((abs(length_difference) - 1, len(df.columns))), columns=df.columns ) df = pd.concat([prepend_df, df], axis=0) def attach_return_values_to_return_dataframe(self, pair: str, dataframe) -> DataFrame: """ Attach the return values to the strat dataframe :params: dataframe: DataFrame = strat dataframe :returns: dataframe: DataFrame = strat dataframe with return values attached """ df = self.model_return_values[pair] to_keep = [col for col in dataframe.columns if not col.startswith("&")] dataframe = pd.concat([dataframe[to_keep], df], axis=1) return dataframe def return_null_values_to_strategy(self, dataframe: DataFrame, dk) -> None: """ Build 0 filled dataframe to return to strategy """ dk.find_features(dataframe) for label in dk.label_list: dataframe[label] = 0 dataframe[f"{label}_mean"] = 0 dataframe[f"{label}_std"] = 0 # dataframe['prediction'] = 0 dataframe["do_predict"] = 0 if self.freqai_info.get("feature_parameters", {}).get("DI_threshold", 0) > 0: dataframe["DI_value"] = 0 dk.return_dataframe = dataframe def purge_old_models(self) -> None: model_folders = [x for x in self.full_path.iterdir() if x.is_dir()] pattern = re.compile(r"sub-train-(\w+)(\d{10})") delete_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} for dir in model_folders: result = pattern.match(str( if result is None: break coin = timestamp = if coin not in delete_dict: delete_dict[coin] = {} delete_dict[coin]["num_folders"] = 1 delete_dict[coin]["timestamps"] = {int(timestamp): dir} else: delete_dict[coin]["num_folders"] += 1 delete_dict[coin]["timestamps"][int(timestamp)] = dir for coin in delete_dict: if delete_dict[coin]["num_folders"] > 2: sorted_dict = collections.OrderedDict( sorted(delete_dict[coin]["timestamps"].items()) ) num_delete = len(sorted_dict) - 2 deleted = 0 for k, v in sorted_dict.items(): if deleted >= num_delete: break"Freqai purging old model file {v}") shutil.rmtree(v) deleted += 1 def update_follower_metadata(self): # follower needs to load from disk to get any changes made by leader to pair_dict self.load_drawer_from_disk() if self.config.get("freqai", {}).get("purge_old_models", False): self.purge_old_models() # to be used if we want to send predictions directly to the follower instead of forcing # follower to load models and inference # def save_model_return_values_to_disk(self) -> None: # with open(self.full_path / str('model_return_values.json'), "w") as fp: # json.dump(self.model_return_values, fp, default=self.np_encoder) # def load_model_return_values_from_disk(self, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen) -> FreqaiDataKitchen: # exists = Path(self.full_path / str('model_return_values.json')).resolve().exists() # if exists: # with open(self.full_path / str('model_return_values.json'), "r") as fp: # self.model_return_values = json.load(fp) # elif not self.follow_mode: #"Could not find existing datadrawer, starting from scratch") # else: # logger.warning(f'Follower could not find pair_dictionary at {self.full_path} ' # 'sending null values back to strategy') # return exists, dk