{ "db_url": "sqlite:///follower.db", "strategy": "SampleStrategy", "max_open_trades": 3, "stake_currency": "USDT", "stake_amount": 100, "tradable_balance_ratio": 0.99, "fiat_display_currency": "USD", "dry_run": true, "cancel_open_orders_on_exit": false, "trading_mode": "spot", "margin_mode": "", "unfilledtimeout": { "entry": 10, "exit": 10, "exit_timeout_count": 0, "unit": "minutes" }, "entry_pricing": { "price_side": "same", "use_order_book": true, "order_book_top": 1, "price_last_balance": 0.0, "check_depth_of_market": { "enabled": false, "bids_to_ask_delta": 1 } }, "exit_pricing":{ "price_side": "same", "use_order_book": true, "order_book_top": 1 }, "exchange": { "name": "kucoin", "key": "", "secret": "", "password": "", "ccxt_config": {}, "ccxt_async_config": {}, "pair_whitelist": [ ], "pair_blacklist": [ ] }, "pairlists": [ { "method": "ExternalPairList", // ExternalPairList is required in follower mode "number_assets": 5, // We can limit the amount of pairs to use from the leaders } ], "telegram": { "enabled": false, "token": "", "chat_id": "" }, "api_server": { "enabled": true, "listen_ip_address": "", "listen_port": 8081, "verbosity": "error", "enable_openapi": false, "jwt_secret_key": "fcc24d31d6581ad2c90c3fc438c8a8b2ccce1393126959934568707f0bd2d647", "CORS_origins": [], "username": "freqtrader", "password": "testing123" }, "external_signal": { "enabled": true, "mode": "follower", "leaders": [ { "url": "ws://localhost:8080/signals/ws", "api_token": "testtoken" } ], "wait_data_policy": "all", // ['all', 'first', none] defaults to all "remove_signals_analyzed_df": true, // Remove entry/exit signals from Leader df, Defaults to false }, "bot_name": "freqtrade", "initial_state": "running", "force_entry_enable": false, "internals": { "process_throttle_secs": 5, } }