import logging from enum import Enum # from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union import gym import numpy as np from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding from pandas import DataFrame import pandas as pd logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Actions(Enum): Neutral = 0 Long_enter = 1 Long_exit = 2 Short_enter = 3 Short_exit = 4 class Positions(Enum): Short = 0 Long = 1 Neutral = 0.5 def opposite(self): return Positions.Short if self == Positions.Long else Positions.Long def mean_over_std(x): std = np.std(x, ddof=1) mean = np.mean(x) return mean / std if std > 0 else 0 class Base5ActionRLEnv(gym.Env): """ Base class for a 5 action environment """ metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']} def __init__(self, df: DataFrame = DataFrame(), prices: DataFrame = DataFrame(), reward_kwargs: dict = {}, window_size=10, starting_point=True, id: str = 'baseenv-1', seed: int = 1): assert df.ndim == 2 = id self.seed(seed) self.reset_env(df, prices, window_size, reward_kwargs, starting_point) def reset_env(self, df, prices, window_size, reward_kwargs, starting_point=True): self.df = df self.signal_features = self.df self.prices = prices self.window_size = window_size self.starting_point = starting_point self.rr = reward_kwargs["rr"] self.profit_aim = reward_kwargs["profit_aim"] self.fee = 0.0015 # # spaces self.shape = (window_size, self.signal_features.shape[1] + 2) self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(Actions)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=self.shape, dtype=np.float32) # episode self._start_tick = self.window_size self._end_tick = len(self.prices) - 1 self._done = None self._current_tick = None self._last_trade_tick = None self._position = Positions.Neutral self._position_history = None self.total_reward = None self._total_profit = None self._first_rendering = None self.history = None self.trade_history = [] def seed(self, seed: int = 1): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def reset(self): self._done = False if self.starting_point is True: self._position_history = (self._start_tick * [None]) + [self._position] else: self._position_history = (self.window_size * [None]) + [self._position] self._current_tick = self._start_tick self._last_trade_tick = None self._position = Positions.Neutral self.total_reward = 0. self._total_profit = 1. # unit self._first_rendering = True self.history = {} self.trade_history = [] self.portfolio_log_returns = np.zeros(len(self.prices)) self._profits = [(self._start_tick, 1)] self.close_trade_profit = [] return self._get_observation() def step(self, action: int): self._done = False self._current_tick += 1 if self._current_tick == self._end_tick: self._done = True self.update_portfolio_log_returns(action) self._update_profit(action) step_reward = self.calculate_reward(action) self.total_reward += step_reward trade_type = None if self.is_tradesignal(action): # exclude 3 case not trade # Update position """ Action: Neutral, position: Long -> Close Long Action: Neutral, position: Short -> Close Short Action: Long, position: Neutral -> Open Long Action: Long, position: Short -> Close Short and Open Long Action: Short, position: Neutral -> Open Short Action: Short, position: Long -> Close Long and Open Short """ if action == Actions.Neutral.value: self._position = Positions.Neutral trade_type = "neutral" elif action == Actions.Long_enter.value: self._position = Positions.Long trade_type = "long" elif action == Actions.Short_enter.value: self._position = Positions.Short trade_type = "short" elif action == Actions.Long_exit.value: self._position = Positions.Neutral trade_type = "neutral" elif action == Actions.Short_exit.value: self._position = Positions.Neutral trade_type = "neutral" else: print("case not defined") # Update last trade tick self._last_trade_tick = self._current_tick if trade_type is not None: self.trade_history.append( {'price': self.current_price(), 'index': self._current_tick, 'type': trade_type}) if self._total_profit < 0.2: self._done = True self._position_history.append(self._position) info = dict( tick=self._current_tick, total_reward=self.total_reward, total_profit=self._total_profit, position=self._position.value ) observation = self._get_observation() self._update_history(info) return observation, step_reward, self._done, info def _get_observation(self): features_window = self.signal_features[( self._current_tick - self.window_size):self._current_tick] features_and_state = DataFrame(np.zeros((len(features_window), 2)), columns=['current_profit_pct', 'position'], index=features_window.index) features_and_state['current_profit_pct'] = self.get_unrealized_profit() features_and_state['position'] = self._position.value features_and_state = pd.concat([features_window, features_and_state], axis=1) return features_and_state def get_unrealized_profit(self): if self._last_trade_tick is None: return 0. if self._position == Positions.Neutral: return 0. elif self._position == Positions.Short: current_price = self.add_entry_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) last_trade_price = self.add_exit_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) return (last_trade_price - current_price) / last_trade_price elif self._position == Positions.Long: current_price = self.add_exit_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) last_trade_price = self.add_entry_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) return (current_price - last_trade_price) / last_trade_price else: return 0. def is_tradesignal(self, action: int): # trade signal """ not trade signal is : Action: Neutral, position: Neutral -> Nothing Action: Long, position: Long -> Hold Long Action: Short, position: Short -> Hold Short """ return not ((action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Neutral) or (action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Short_enter.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Short_enter.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or # (action == Actions.Short_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Short_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Short_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Neutral) or (action == Actions.Long_enter.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Long_enter.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or # (action == Actions.Long_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Long_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Long_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Neutral)) def _is_trade(self, action: Actions): return ((action == Actions.Long_enter.value and self._position == Positions.Neutral) or (action == Actions.Short_enter.value and self._position == Positions.Neutral)) def is_hold(self, action): return ((action == Actions.Short_enter.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Long_enter.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Neutral)) def add_entry_fee(self, price): return price * (1 + self.fee) def add_exit_fee(self, price): return price / (1 + self.fee) def _update_history(self, info): if not self.history: self.history = {key: [] for key in info.keys()} for key, value in info.items(): self.history[key].append(value) def get_sharpe_ratio(self): return mean_over_std(self.get_portfolio_log_returns()) def calculate_reward(self, action): if self._last_trade_tick is None: return 0. # close long if action == Actions.Long_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Long: last_trade_price = self.add_entry_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) current_price = self.add_exit_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) factor = 1 if self.close_trade_profit and self.close_trade_profit[-1] > self.profit_aim * self.rr: factor = 2 return float((np.log(current_price) - np.log(last_trade_price)) * factor) # close short if action == Actions.Short_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Short: last_trade_price = self.add_exit_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) current_price = self.add_entry_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) factor = 1 if self.close_trade_profit and self.close_trade_profit[-1] > self.profit_aim * self.rr: factor = 2 return float(np.log(last_trade_price) - np.log(current_price) * factor) return 0. def _update_profit(self, action): # if self._is_trade(action) or self._done: if self._is_trade(action) or self._done: pnl = self.get_unrealized_profit() if self._position == Positions.Long: self._total_profit = self._total_profit + self._total_profit * pnl self._profits.append((self._current_tick, self._total_profit)) self.close_trade_profit.append(pnl) if self._position == Positions.Short: self._total_profit = self._total_profit + self._total_profit * pnl self._profits.append((self._current_tick, self._total_profit)) self.close_trade_profit.append(pnl) def most_recent_return(self, action: int): """ We support Long, Neutral and Short positions. Return is generated from rising prices in Long and falling prices in Short positions. The actions Sell/Buy or Hold during a Long position trigger the sell/buy-fee. """ # Long positions if self._position == Positions.Long: current_price = self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open previous_price = self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick - 1].open if (self._position_history[self._current_tick - 1] == Positions.Short or self._position_history[self._current_tick - 1] == Positions.Neutral): previous_price = self.add_entry_fee(previous_price) return np.log(current_price) - np.log(previous_price) # Short positions if self._position == Positions.Short: current_price = self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open previous_price = self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick - 1].open if (self._position_history[self._current_tick - 1] == Positions.Long or self._position_history[self._current_tick - 1] == Positions.Neutral): previous_price = self.add_exit_fee(previous_price) return np.log(previous_price) - np.log(current_price) return 0 def get_portfolio_log_returns(self): return self.portfolio_log_returns[1:self._current_tick + 1] def update_portfolio_log_returns(self, action): self.portfolio_log_returns[self._current_tick] = self.most_recent_return(action) def current_price(self) -> float: return self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open def prev_price(self) -> float: return self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick - 1].open def sharpe_ratio(self): if len(self.close_trade_profit) == 0: return 0. returns = np.array(self.close_trade_profit) reward = (np.mean(returns) - 0. + 1e-9) / (np.std(returns) + 1e-9) return reward