#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Simple command line client for Testing/debugging a Freqtrade bot's message websocket Should not import anything from freqtrade, so it can be used as a standalone script. """ import argparse import asyncio import logging import socket import sys import time from pathlib import Path import orjson import pandas import rapidjson import websockets from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta logger = logging.getLogger("WebSocketClient") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_logging(filename: str): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', handlers=[ logging.FileHandler(filename), logging.StreamHandler() ] ) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', help='Specify configuration file (default: %(default)s). ', dest='config', type=str, metavar='PATH', default='config.json' ) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--logfile', help='The filename to log to.', dest='logfile', type=str, default='ws_client.log' ) args = parser.parse_args() return vars(args) def load_config(configfile): file = Path(configfile) if file.is_file(): with file.open("r") as f: config = rapidjson.load(f, parse_mode=rapidjson.PM_COMMENTS | rapidjson.PM_TRAILING_COMMAS) return config else: logger.warning(f"Could not load config file {file}.") sys.exit(1) def readable_timedelta(delta): """ Convert a dateutil.relativedelta to a readable format :param delta: A dateutil.relativedelta :returns: The readable time difference string """ attrs = ['years', 'months', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'microseconds'] return ", ".join([ '%d %s' % (getattr(delta, attr), attr if getattr(delta, attr) > 1 else attr[:-1]) for attr in attrs if getattr(delta, attr) ]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def json_serialize(message): """ Serialize a message to JSON using orjson :param message: The message to serialize """ return str(orjson.dumps(message), "utf-8") def json_deserialize(message): """ Deserialize JSON to a dict :param message: The message to deserialize """ def json_to_dataframe(data: str) -> pandas.DataFrame: dataframe = pandas.read_json(data, orient='split') if 'date' in dataframe.columns: dataframe['date'] = pandas.to_datetime(dataframe['date'], unit='ms', utc=True) return dataframe def _json_object_hook(z): if z.get('__type__') == 'dataframe': return json_to_dataframe(z.get('__value__')) return z return rapidjson.loads(message, object_hook=_json_object_hook) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ClientProtocol: logger = logging.getLogger("WebSocketClient.Protocol") _MESSAGE_COUNT = 0 _LAST_RECEIVED_AT = 0 # The epoch we received a message most recently async def on_connect(self, websocket): # On connection we have to send our initial requests initial_requests = [ { "type": "subscribe", # The subscribe request should always be first "data": ["analyzed_df", "whitelist"] # The message types we want }, { "type": "whitelist", "data": None, }, { "type": "analyzed_df", "data": {"limit": 1500} } ] for request in initial_requests: await websocket.send(json_serialize(request)) async def on_message(self, websocket, name, message): deserialized = json_deserialize(message) message_size = sys.getsizeof(message) message_type = deserialized.get('type') message_data = deserialized.get('data') self.logger.info( f"Received message of type {message_type} [{message_size} bytes] @ [{name}]" ) time_difference = self._calculate_time_difference() if self._MESSAGE_COUNT > 0: self.logger.info(f"Time since last message: {time_difference}") message_handler = getattr(self, f"_handle_{message_type}", None) or self._handle_default await message_handler(name, message_type, message_data) self._MESSAGE_COUNT += 1 self.logger.info(f"[{self._MESSAGE_COUNT}] total messages..") self.logger.info("-" * 80) def _calculate_time_difference(self): old_last_received_at = self._LAST_RECEIVED_AT self._LAST_RECEIVED_AT = time.time() * 1000 time_delta = relativedelta(microseconds=(self._LAST_RECEIVED_AT - old_last_received_at)) return readable_timedelta(time_delta) async def _handle_whitelist(self, name, type, data): self.logger.info(data) async def _handle_analyzed_df(self, name, type, data): key, la, df = data['key'], data['la'], data['df'] if not df.empty: columns = ", ".join([str(column) for column in df.columns]) self.logger.info(key) self.logger.info(f"Last analyzed datetime: {la}") self.logger.info(f"Latest candle datetime: {df.iloc[-1]['date']}") self.logger.info(f"DataFrame length: {len(df)}") self.logger.info(f"DataFrame columns: {columns}") else: self.logger.info("Empty DataFrame") async def _handle_default(self, name, type, data): self.logger.info("Unkown message of type {type} received...") self.logger.info(data) async def create_client( host, port, token, name='default', protocol=ClientProtocol(), sleep_time=10, ping_timeout=10, wait_timeout=30, **kwargs ): """ Create a websocket client and listen for messages :param host: The host :param port: The port :param token: The websocket auth token :param name: The name of the producer :param **kwargs: Any extra kwargs passed to websockets.connect """ while 1: try: websocket_url = f"ws://{host}:{port}/api/v1/message/ws?token={token}" logger.info(f"Attempting to connect to {name} @ {host}:{port}") async with websockets.connect(websocket_url, **kwargs) as ws: logger.info("Connection successful...") await protocol.on_connect(ws) # Now listen for messages while 1: try: message = await asyncio.wait_for( ws.recv(), timeout=wait_timeout ) await protocol.on_message(ws, name, message) except ( asyncio.TimeoutError, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed ): # Try pinging try: pong = ws.ping() await asyncio.wait_for( pong, timeout=ping_timeout ) logger.info("Connection still alive...") continue except asyncio.TimeoutError: logger.error(f"Ping timed out, retrying in {sleep_time}s") await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time) break except ( socket.gaierror, ConnectionRefusedError, websockets.exceptions.InvalidStatusCode, websockets.exceptions.InvalidMessage ) as e: logger.error(f"Connection Refused - {e} retrying in {sleep_time}s") await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time) continue except ( websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError, websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK ): # Just keep trying to connect again indefinitely await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time) continue except Exception as e: # An unforseen error has occurred, log and try reconnecting again logger.error("Unexpected error has occurred:") logger.exception(e) await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time) continue # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- async def _main(args): setup_logging(args['logfile']) config = load_config(args['config']) emc_config = config.get('external_message_consumer', {}) producers = emc_config.get('producers', []) producer = producers[0] wait_timeout = emc_config.get('wait_timeout', 300) ping_timeout = emc_config.get('ping_timeout', 10) sleep_time = emc_config.get('sleep_time', 10) message_size_limit = (emc_config.get('message_size_limit', 8) << 20) await create_client( producer['host'], producer['port'], producer['ws_token'], producer['name'], sleep_time=sleep_time, ping_timeout=ping_timeout, wait_timeout=wait_timeout, max_size=message_size_limit ) def main(): args = parse_args() try: asyncio.run(_main(args)) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info("Exiting...") if __name__ == "__main__": main()