import logging import flask from flask import request, jsonify logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MyApiApp(flask.Flask): def __init__(self, import_name): """ Contains common rest routes and resource that do not need to access to rpc.rpc functionality """ super(MyApiApp, self).__init__(import_name) """ Registers flask app URLs that are not calls to functionality in rpc.rpc. :return: """ self.before_request(self.my_preprocessing) self.register_error_handler(404, self.page_not_found) self.add_url_rule('/', 'hello', view_func=self.hello, methods=['GET']) self.add_url_rule('/stop_api', 'stop_api', view_func=self.stop_api, methods=['GET']) def my_preprocessing(self): # Do stuff to flask.request pass def page_not_found(self, error): # Return "404 not found", 404. return jsonify({'status': 'error', 'reason': '''There's no API call for %s''' % request.base_url, 'code': 404}), 404 def hello(self): """ None critical but helpful default index page. That lists URLs added to the flask server. This may be deprecated at any time. :return: index.html """ rest_cmds = 'Commands implemented:
' \ 'Show 7 days of stats' \ '
' \ 'Stop the Trade thread' \ '
' \ 'Start the Traded thread' \ '
' \ ' 404 page does not exist' \ '
' \ '
' \ 'Shut down the api server - be sure' return rest_cmds def stop_api(self): """ For calling shutdown_api_server over via api server HTTP""" self.shutdown_api_server() return 'Api Server shutting down... ' def shutdown_api_server(self): """ Stop the running flask application Records the shutdown in :return: """ func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running the Flask Werkzeug Server') if func is not None:'Stopping the Local Rest Server') func() return