import ast import os import shutil from pathlib import Path import astor class StrategyUpdater: name_mapping = { 'ticker_interval': 'timeframe', 'buy': 'enter_long', 'sell': 'exit_long', 'buy_tag': 'enter_tag', 'sell_reason': 'exit_reason', 'sell_signal': 'exit_signal', 'custom_sell': 'custom_exit', 'force_sell': 'force_exit', 'emergency_sell': 'emergency_exit', # Strategy/config settings: 'use_sell_signal': 'use_exit_signal', 'sell_profit_only': 'exit_profit_only', 'sell_profit_offset': 'exit_profit_offset', 'ignore_roi_if_buy_signal': 'ignore_roi_if_entry_signal', 'forcebuy_enable': 'force_entry_enable', } function_mapping = { 'populate_buy_trend': 'populate_entry_trend', 'populate_sell_trend': 'populate_exit_trend', 'custom_sell': 'custom_exit', 'check_buy_timeout': 'check_entry_timeout', 'check_sell_timeout': 'check_exit_timeout', # '': '', } # order_time_in_force, order_types, unfilledtimeout otif_ot_unfilledtimeout = { 'buy': 'entry', 'sell': 'exit', } # create a dictionary that maps the old column names to the new ones rename_dict = {'buy': 'enter_long', 'sell': 'exit_long', 'buy_tag': 'enter_tag'} def start(self, config, strategy_obj: dict) -> None: """ Run strategy updater It updates a strategy to v3 with the help of the ast-module :return: None """ source_file = strategy_obj['location'] strategies_backup_folder = Path.joinpath(config['user_data_dir'], "strategies_orig_updater") target_file = Path.joinpath(strategies_backup_folder, strategy_obj['location_rel']) # read the file with open(source_file, 'r') as f: old_code = if not strategies_backup_folder.is_dir(): os.makedirs(strategies_backup_folder) # backup original # => currently no date after the filename, # could get overridden pretty fast if this is fired twice! # The folder is always the same and the file name too (currently). shutil.copy(source_file, target_file) # update the code new_code = self.update_code(old_code) # write the modified code to the destination folder with open(source_file, 'w') as f: f.write(new_code) # define the function to update the code def update_code(self, code): # parse the code into an AST tree = ast.parse(code) # use the AST to update the code updated_code = self.modify_ast(tree) # return the modified code without executing it return updated_code # function that uses the ast module to update the code def modify_ast(self, tree): # noqa # use the visitor to update the names and functions in the AST NameUpdater().visit(tree) # first fix the comments, so it understands "\n" properly inside multi line comments. ast.fix_missing_locations(tree) ast.increment_lineno(tree, n=1) # generate the new code from the updated AST # without indent {} parameters would just be written straight one after the other. return astor.to_source(tree) # Here we go through each respective node, slice, elt, key ... to replace outdated entries. class NameUpdater(ast.NodeTransformer): def generic_visit(self, node): # space is not yet transferred from buy/sell to entry/exit and thereby has to be skipped. if isinstance(node, ast.keyword): if node.arg == "space": return node # from here on this is the original function. for field, old_value in ast.iter_fields(node): if isinstance(old_value, list): new_values = [] for value in old_value: if isinstance(value, ast.AST): value = self.visit(value) if value is None: continue elif not isinstance(value, ast.AST): new_values.extend(value) continue new_values.append(value) old_value[:] = new_values elif isinstance(old_value, ast.AST): new_node = self.visit(old_value) if new_node is None: delattr(node, field) else: setattr(node, field, new_node) return node def visit_Expr(self, node): if hasattr(node.value, "left") and hasattr(node.value.left, "id"): = self.check_dict(StrategyUpdater.name_mapping, self.visit(node.value) return node # Renames an element if contained inside a dictionary. @staticmethod def check_dict(current_dict: dict, element: str): if element in current_dict: element = current_dict[element] return element def visit_arguments(self, node): if isinstance(node.args, list): for arg in node.args: arg.arg = self.check_dict(StrategyUpdater.name_mapping, arg.arg) return node def visit_Name(self, node): # if the name is in the mapping, update it = self.check_dict(StrategyUpdater.name_mapping, return node def visit_Import(self, node): # do not update the names in import statements return node def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): # if hasattr(node, "module"): # if node.module == "freqtrade.strategy.hyper": # node.module = "freqtrade.strategy" return node def visit_If(self, node: ast.If): for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(node): self.visit(child) return node def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): = self.check_dict(StrategyUpdater.function_mapping, self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_Attribute(self, node): if ( isinstance(node.value, ast.Name) and == 'trades' and node.attr == 'nr_of_successful_buys' ): node.attr = 'nr_of_successful_entries' return node def visit_ClassDef(self, node): # check if the class is derived from IStrategy if any(isinstance(base, ast.Name) and == 'IStrategy' for base in node.bases): # check if the INTERFACE_VERSION variable exists has_interface_version = any( isinstance(child, ast.Assign) and isinstance(child.targets[0], ast.Name) and child.targets[0].id == 'INTERFACE_VERSION' for child in node.body ) # if the INTERFACE_VERSION variable does not exist, add it as the first child if not has_interface_version: node.body.insert(0, ast.parse('INTERFACE_VERSION = 3').body[0]) # otherwise, update its value to 3 else: for child in node.body: if ( isinstance(child, ast.Assign) and isinstance(child.targets[0], ast.Name) and child.targets[0].id == 'INTERFACE_VERSION' ): child.value = ast.parse('3').body[0].value self.generic_visit(node) return node def visit_Subscript(self, node): if isinstance(node.slice, ast.Constant): if node.slice.value in StrategyUpdater.rename_dict: # Replace the slice attributes with the values from rename_dict node.slice.value = StrategyUpdater.rename_dict[node.slice.value] if hasattr(node.slice, "elts"): self.visit_elts(node.slice.elts) if hasattr(node.slice, "value"): if hasattr(node.slice.value, "elts"): self.visit_elts(node.slice.value.elts) return node # elts can have elts (technically recursively) def visit_elts(self, elts): if isinstance(elts, list): for elt in elts: self.visit_elt(elt) else: self.visit_elt(elts) return elts # sub function again needed since the structure itself is highly flexible ... def visit_elt(self, elt): if isinstance(elt, ast.Constant) and elt.value in StrategyUpdater.rename_dict: elt.value = StrategyUpdater.rename_dict[elt.value] if hasattr(elt, "elts"): self.visit_elts(elt.elts) if hasattr(elt, "args"): if isinstance(elt.args, ast.arguments): self.visit_elts(elt.args) else: for arg in elt.args: self.visit_elts(arg) return elt def visit_Constant(self, node): node.value = self.check_dict(StrategyUpdater.otif_ot_unfilledtimeout, node.value) node.value = self.check_dict(StrategyUpdater.name_mapping, node.value) return node