import logging from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import Any import numpy as np import pandas as pd from freqtrade.configuration import TimeRange from import DataProvider from import refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from import timeframe_to_seconds from import market_is_active from freqtrade.freqai.data_kitchen import FreqaiDataKitchen from freqtrade.plugins.pairlist.pairlist_helpers import dynamic_expand_pairlist logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def download_all_data_for_training(dp: DataProvider, config: dict) -> None: """ Called only once upon start of bot to download the necessary data for populating indicators and training the model. :param timerange: TimeRange = The full data timerange for populating the indicators and training the model. :param dp: DataProvider instance attached to the strategy """ if dp._exchange is None: raise OperationalException('No exchange object found.') markets = [p for p, m in if market_is_active(m) or config.get('include_inactive')] all_pairs = dynamic_expand_pairlist(config, markets) timerange = get_required_data_timerange(config) new_pairs_days = int((timerange.stopts - timerange.startts) / 86400) refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data( dp._exchange, pairs=all_pairs, timeframes=config["freqai"]["feature_parameters"].get("include_timeframes"), datadir=config["datadir"], timerange=timerange, new_pairs_days=new_pairs_days, erase=False, data_format=config.get("dataformat_ohlcv", "json"), trading_mode=config.get("trading_mode", "spot"), prepend=config.get("prepend_data", False), ) def get_required_data_timerange( config: dict ) -> TimeRange: """ Used to compute the required data download time range for auto data-download in FreqAI """ time = timeframes = config["freqai"]["feature_parameters"].get("include_timeframes") max_tf_seconds = 0 for tf in timeframes: secs = timeframe_to_seconds(tf) if secs > max_tf_seconds: max_tf_seconds = secs startup_candles = config.get('startup_candle_count', 0) indicator_periods = config["freqai"]["feature_parameters"]["indicator_periods_candles"] # factor the max_period as a factor of safety. max_period = int(max(startup_candles, max(indicator_periods)) * 1.5) config['startup_candle_count'] = max_period'FreqAI auto-downloader using {max_period} startup candles.') additional_seconds = max_period * max_tf_seconds startts = int( time - config["freqai"].get("train_period_days", 0) * 86400 - additional_seconds ) stopts = int(time) data_load_timerange = TimeRange('date', 'date', startts, stopts) return data_load_timerange # Keep below for when we wish to download heterogeneously lengthed data for FreqAI. # def download_all_data_for_training(dp: DataProvider, config: dict) -> None: # """ # Called only once upon start of bot to download the necessary data for # populating indicators and training a FreqAI model. # :param timerange: TimeRange = The full data timerange for populating the indicators # and training the model. # :param dp: DataProvider instance attached to the strategy # """ # if dp._exchange is not None: # markets = [p for p, m in if market_is_active(m) # or config.get('include_inactive')] # else: # # This should not occur: # raise OperationalException('No exchange object found.') # all_pairs = dynamic_expand_pairlist(config, markets) # if not dp._exchange: # # Not realistic - this is only called in live mode. # raise OperationalException("Dataprovider did not have an exchange attached.") # time = # for tf in config["freqai"]["feature_parameters"].get("include_timeframes"): # timerange = TimeRange() # timerange.startts = int(time) # timerange.stopts = int(time) # startup_candles = dp.get_required_startup(str(tf)) # tf_seconds = timeframe_to_seconds(str(tf)) # timerange.subtract_start(tf_seconds * startup_candles) # new_pairs_days = int((timerange.stopts - timerange.startts) / 86400) # # FIXME: now that we are looping on `refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data`, the function # # redownloads the funding rate for each pair. # refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data( # dp._exchange, # pairs=all_pairs, # timeframes=[tf], # datadir=config["datadir"], # timerange=timerange, # new_pairs_days=new_pairs_days, # erase=False, # data_format=config.get("dataformat_ohlcv", "json"), # trading_mode=config.get("trading_mode", "spot"), # prepend=config.get("prepend_data", False), # ) def plot_feature_importance(model: Any, pair: str, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen, count_max: int = 25) -> None: """ Plot Best and worst features by importance for a single sub-train. :param model: Any = A model which was `fit` using a common library such as catboost or lightgbm :param pair: str = pair e.g. BTC/USD :param dk: FreqaiDataKitchen = non-persistent data container for current coin/loop :param count_max: int = the amount of features to be loaded per column """ from freqtrade.plot.plotting import go, make_subplots, store_plot_file # Extract feature importance from model models = {} if 'FreqaiMultiOutputRegressor' in str(model.__class__): for estimator, label in zip(model.estimators_, dk.label_list): models[label] = estimator else: models[dk.label_list[0]] for label in models: mdl = models[label] if "catboost.core" in str(mdl.__class__): feature_importance = mdl.get_feature_importance() elif "lightgbm.sklearn" or "xgb" in str(mdl.__class__): feature_importance = mdl.feature_importances_ else:'Model type not support for generating feature importances.') return # Data preparation fi_df = pd.DataFrame({ "feature_names": np.array(dk.training_features_list), "feature_importance": np.array(feature_importance) }) fi_df_top = fi_df.nlargest(count_max, "feature_importance")[::-1] fi_df_worst = fi_df.nsmallest(count_max, "feature_importance")[::-1] # Plotting def add_feature_trace(fig, fi_df, col): return fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=fi_df["feature_importance"], y=fi_df["feature_names"], orientation='h', showlegend=False ), row=1, col=col ) fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, horizontal_spacing=0.5) fig = add_feature_trace(fig, fi_df_top, 1) fig = add_feature_trace(fig, fi_df_worst, 2) fig.update_layout(title_text=f"Best and worst features by importance {pair}") store_plot_file(fig, f"{dk.model_filename}-{label}.html", dk.data_path, include_plotlyjs="cdn")