# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring, invalid-name, pointless-string-statement from strategy_test_v2 import StrategyTestV2 from freqtrade.strategy import BooleanParameter, DecimalParameter, IntParameter, RealParameter class HyperoptableStrategyV2(StrategyTestV2): """ Default Strategy provided by freqtrade bot. Please do not modify this strategy, it's intended for internal use only. Please look at the SampleStrategy in the user_data/strategy directory or strategy repository https://github.com/freqtrade/freqtrade-strategies for samples and inspiration. """ buy_params = { 'buy_rsi': 35, # Intentionally not specified, so "default" is tested # 'buy_plusdi': 0.4 } sell_params = { 'sell_rsi': 74, 'sell_minusdi': 0.4 } buy_plusdi = RealParameter(low=0, high=1, default=0.5, space='buy') sell_rsi = IntParameter(low=50, high=100, default=70, space='sell') sell_minusdi = DecimalParameter(low=0, high=1, default=0.5001, decimals=3, space='sell', load=False) protection_enabled = BooleanParameter(default=True) protection_cooldown_lookback = IntParameter([0, 50], default=30) @property def protections(self): prot = [] if self.protection_enabled.value: prot.append({ "method": "CooldownPeriod", "stop_duration_candles": self.protection_cooldown_lookback.value }) return prot bot_loop_started = False def bot_loop_start(self): self.bot_loop_started = True def bot_start(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Parameters can also be defined here ... """ self.buy_rsi = IntParameter([0, 50], default=30, space='buy')