import asyncio import logging from ipaddress import IPv4Address from typing import Any, Dict import orjson import uvicorn from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware # Look into alternatives from janus import Queue as ThreadedQueue from starlette.responses import JSONResponse from freqtrade.constants import Config from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.uvicorn_threaded import UvicornServer from import MessageStream from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.ws_schemas import WSMessageSchemaType from freqtrade.rpc.rpc import RPC, RPCException, RPCHandler logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FTJSONResponse(JSONResponse): media_type = "application/json" def render(self, content: Any) -> bytes: """ Use rapidjson for responses Handles NaN and Inf / -Inf in a javascript way by default. """ return orjson.dumps(content, option=orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY) class ApiServer(RPCHandler): __instance = None __initialized = False _rpc: RPC # Backtesting type: Backtesting _bt = None _bt_data = None _bt_timerange = None _bt_last_config: Config = {} _has_rpc: bool = False _bgtask_running: bool = False _config: Config = {} # Exchange - only available in webserver mode. _exchange = None # websocket message queue stuff # _ws_channel_manager = None # _ws_thread = None # _ws_loop = None _message_stream = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ This class is a singleton. We'll only have one instance of it around. """ if ApiServer.__instance is None: ApiServer.__instance = object.__new__(cls) ApiServer.__initialized = False return ApiServer.__instance def __init__(self, config: Config, standalone: bool = False) -> None: ApiServer._config = config if self.__initialized and (standalone or self._standalone): return self._standalone: bool = standalone self._server = None self._ws_queue = None self._ws_publisher_task = None ApiServer.__initialized = True api_config = self._config['api_server'] # ApiServer._ws_channel_manager = ChannelManager() = FastAPI(title="Freqtrade API", docs_url='/docs' if api_config.get('enable_openapi', False) else None, redoc_url=None, default_response_class=FTJSONResponse, ) self.configure_app(, self._config) self.start_api() def add_rpc_handler(self, rpc: RPC): """ Attach rpc handler """ if not self._has_rpc: ApiServer._rpc = rpc ApiServer._has_rpc = True else: # This should not happen assuming we didn't mess up. raise OperationalException('RPC Handler already attached.') def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Cleanup pending module resources """ ApiServer._has_rpc = False del ApiServer._rpc if self._server and not self._standalone:"Stopping API Server") self._server.cleanup() # if self._ws_thread and self._ws_loop: #"Stopping API Server background tasks") # if self._ws_background_task: # # Cancel the queue task # self._ws_background_task.cancel() # self._ws_thread.join() # self._ws_thread = None # self._ws_loop = None # self._ws_background_task = None @classmethod def shutdown(cls): cls.__initialized = False del cls.__instance cls.__instance = None cls._has_rpc = False cls._rpc = None def send_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if self._ws_queue: sync_q = self._ws_queue.sync_q sync_q.put(msg) def handle_rpc_exception(self, request, exc): logger.exception(f"API Error calling: {exc}") return JSONResponse( status_code=502, content={'error': f"Error querying {request.url.path}: {exc.message}"} ) def configure_app(self, app: FastAPI, config): from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_auth import http_basic_or_jwt_token, router_login from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_backtest import router as api_backtest from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_v1 import router as api_v1 from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_v1 import router_public as api_v1_public from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.api_ws import router as ws_router from freqtrade.rpc.api_server.web_ui import router_ui app.include_router(api_v1_public, prefix="/api/v1") app.include_router(api_v1, prefix="/api/v1", dependencies=[Depends(http_basic_or_jwt_token)], ) app.include_router(api_backtest, prefix="/api/v1", dependencies=[Depends(http_basic_or_jwt_token)], ) app.include_router(ws_router, prefix="/api/v1") app.include_router(router_login, prefix="/api/v1", tags=["auth"]) # UI Router MUST be last! app.include_router(router_ui, prefix='') app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=config['api_server'].get('CORS_origins', []), allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app.add_exception_handler(RPCException, self.handle_rpc_exception) app.add_event_handler( event_type="startup", func=self._api_startup_event ) app.add_event_handler( event_type="shutdown", func=self._api_shutdown_event ) async def _api_startup_event(self): if not ApiServer._message_stream: ApiServer._message_stream = MessageStream() if not self._ws_queue: self._ws_queue = ThreadedQueue() if not self._ws_publisher_task: self._ws_publisher_task = asyncio.create_task( self._publish_messages() ) async def _api_shutdown_event(self): if ApiServer._message_stream: ApiServer._message_stream = None if self._ws_queue: self._ws_queue = None if self._ws_publisher_task: self._ws_publisher_task.cancel() async def _publish_messages(self): """ Background task that reads messages from the queue and adds them to the message stream """ try: async_queue = self._ws_queue.async_q message_stream = ApiServer._message_stream while message_stream: message: WSMessageSchemaType = await async_queue.get() message_stream.publish(message) # Make sure to throttle how fast we # publish messages as some clients will be # slower than others await asyncio.sleep(0.01) async_queue.task_done() finally: self._ws_queue = None # def start_message_queue(self): # if self._ws_thread: # return # # Create a new loop, as it'll be just for the background thread # self._ws_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() # # Start the thread # self._ws_thread = Thread(target=self._ws_loop.run_forever) # self._ws_thread.start() # # Finally, submit the coro to the thread # self._ws_background_task = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( # self._broadcast_queue_data(), loop=self._ws_loop) # async def _broadcast_queue_data(self): # # Instantiate the queue in this coroutine so it's attached to our loop # self._ws_queue = ThreadedQueue() # async_queue = self._ws_queue.async_q # try: # while True: # logger.debug("Getting queue messages...") # # Get data from queue # message: WSMessageSchemaType = await async_queue.get() # logger.debug(f"Found message of type: {message.get('type')}") # async_queue.task_done() # # Broadcast it # await self._ws_channel_manager.broadcast(message) # except asyncio.CancelledError: # pass # # For testing, shouldn't happen when stable # except Exception as e: # logger.exception(f"Exception happened in background task: {e}") # finally: # # Disconnect channels and stop the loop on cancel # await self._ws_channel_manager.disconnect_all() # self._ws_loop.stop() # # Avoid adding more items to the queue if they aren't # # going to get broadcasted. # self._ws_queue = None def start_api(self): """ Start API ... should be run in thread. """ rest_ip = self._config['api_server']['listen_ip_address'] rest_port = self._config['api_server']['listen_port']'Starting HTTP Server at {rest_ip}:{rest_port}') if not IPv4Address(rest_ip).is_loopback: logger.warning("SECURITY WARNING - Local Rest Server listening to external connections") logger.warning("SECURITY WARNING - This is insecure please set to your loopback," "e.g in config.json") if not self._config['api_server'].get('password'): logger.warning("SECURITY WARNING - No password for local REST Server defined. " "Please make sure that this is intentional!") if (self._config['api_server'].get('jwt_secret_key', 'super-secret') in ('super-secret, somethingrandom')): logger.warning("SECURITY WARNING - `jwt_secret_key` seems to be default." "Others may be able to log into your bot.")'Starting Local Rest Server.') verbosity = self._config['api_server'].get('verbosity', 'error') uvconfig = uvicorn.Config(, port=rest_port, host=rest_ip, use_colors=False, log_config=None, access_log=True if verbosity != 'error' else False, ws_ping_interval=None # We do this explicitly ourselves ) try: self._server = UvicornServer(uvconfig) if self._standalone: else: # self.start_message_queue() self._server.run_in_thread() except Exception: logger.exception("Api server failed to start.")