# Contributing ## Contribute to freqtrade Feel like our bot is missing a feature? We welcome your pull requests! Few pointers for contributions: - Create your PR against the `develop` branch, not `master`. - New features need to contain unit tests and must be PEP8 conformant (max-line-length = 100). If you are unsure, discuss the feature on our [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/highfrequencybot/shared_invite/enQtMjQ5NTM0OTYzMzY3LWMxYzE3M2MxNDdjMGM3ZTYwNzFjMGIwZGRjNTc3ZGU3MGE3NzdmZGMwNmU3NDM5ZTNmM2Y3NjRiNzk4NmM4OGE) or in a [issue](https://github.com/freqtrade/freqtrade/issues) before a PR. **Before sending the PR:** ## 1. Run unit tests All unit tests must pass. If a unit test is broken, change your code to make it pass. It means you have introduced a regression. ### Test the whole project ```bash pytest freqtrade ``` ### Test only one file ```bash pytest freqtrade/tests/test_.py ``` ### Test only one method from one file ```bash pytest freqtrade/tests/test_.py::test_ ``` ## 2. Test if your code is PEP8 compliant ### Install packages ```bash pip3.6 install flake8 coveralls ``` ### Run Flake8 ```bash flake8 freqtrade ``` We receive a lot of code that fails the `flake8` checks. To help with that, we encourage you to install the git pre-commit hook that will warn you when you try to commit code that fails these checks. Guide for installing them is [here](http://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/using-hooks.html). ## 3. Test if all type-hints are correct ### Install packages ``` bash pip3.6 install mypy ``` ### Run mypy ``` bash mypy freqtrade ```