import json import re from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, PropertyMock from zipfile import ZipFile import arrow import pytest from freqtrade.commands import (start_convert_data, start_create_userdir, start_download_data, start_hyperopt_list, start_hyperopt_show, start_install_ui, start_list_data, start_list_exchanges, start_list_hyperopts, start_list_markets, start_list_strategies, start_list_timeframes, start_new_hyperopt, start_new_strategy, start_show_trades, start_test_pairlist, start_trading, start_webserver) from freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands import (clean_ui_subdir, download_and_install_ui, get_ui_download_url, read_ui_version) from freqtrade.configuration import setup_utils_configuration from freqtrade.enums import RunMode from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from tests.conftest import (create_mock_trades, get_args, log_has, log_has_re, patch_exchange, patched_configuration_load_config_file) from tests.conftest_trades import MOCK_TRADE_COUNT def test_setup_utils_configuration(): args = [ 'list-exchanges', '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', ] config = setup_utils_configuration(get_args(args), RunMode.OTHER) assert "exchange" in config assert config['dry_run'] is True assert config['exchange']['key'] == '' assert config['exchange']['secret'] == '' def test_start_trading_fail(mocker, caplog): mocker.patch("", MagicMock(side_effect=OperationalException)) mocker.patch("freqtrade.worker.Worker.__init__", MagicMock(return_value=None)) exitmock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.worker.Worker.exit", MagicMock()) args = [ 'trade', '-c', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json' ] start_trading(get_args(args)) assert exitmock.call_count == 1 exitmock.reset_mock() caplog.clear() mocker.patch("freqtrade.worker.Worker.__init__", MagicMock(side_effect=OperationalException)) start_trading(get_args(args)) assert exitmock.call_count == 0 assert log_has('Fatal exception!', caplog) def test_start_webserver(mocker, caplog): api_server_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.rpc.api_server.ApiServer", ) args = [ 'webserver', '-c', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json' ] start_webserver(get_args(args)) assert api_server_mock.call_count == 1 def test_list_exchanges(capsys): args = [ "list-exchanges", ] start_list_exchanges(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r"Exchanges available for Freqtrade.*", captured.out) assert".*binance.*", captured.out) assert".*bittrex.*", captured.out) # Test with --one-column args = [ "list-exchanges", "--one-column", ] start_list_exchanges(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^binance$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^bittrex$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) # Test with --all args = [ "list-exchanges", "--all", ] start_list_exchanges(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r"All exchanges supported by the ccxt library.*", captured.out) assert".*binance.*", captured.out) assert".*bittrex.*", captured.out) assert".*bitmex.*", captured.out) # Test with --one-column --all args = [ "list-exchanges", "--one-column", "--all", ] start_list_exchanges(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^binance$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^bittrex$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^bitmex$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) def test_list_timeframes(mocker, capsys): api_mock = MagicMock() api_mock.timeframes = {'1m': 'oneMin', '5m': 'fiveMin', '30m': 'thirtyMin', '1h': 'hour', '1d': 'day', } patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id='bittrex') args = [ "list-timeframes", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"This command requires a configured exchange.*"): start_list_timeframes(pargs) # Test with --config config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json args = [ "list-timeframes", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match("Timeframes available for the exchange `Bittrex`: " "1m, 5m, 30m, 1h, 1d", captured.out) # Test with --exchange bittrex args = [ "list-timeframes", "--exchange", "bittrex", ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match("Timeframes available for the exchange `Bittrex`: " "1m, 5m, 30m, 1h, 1d", captured.out) api_mock.timeframes = {'1m': '1m', '5m': '5m', '15m': '15m', '30m': '30m', '1h': '1h', '6h': '6h', '12h': '12h', '1d': '1d', '3d': '3d', } patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id='binance') # Test with --exchange binance args = [ "list-timeframes", "--exchange", "binance", ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match("Timeframes available for the exchange `Binance`: " "1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 6h, 12h, 1d, 3d", captured.out) # Test with --one-column args = [ "list-timeframes", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--one-column", ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^1m$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^5m$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^1h$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^1d$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) # Test with --exchange binance --one-column args = [ "list-timeframes", "--exchange", "binance", "--one-column", ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^1m$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^5m$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^1h$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^1d$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) def test_list_markets(mocker, markets, capsys): api_mock = MagicMock() = markets patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id='bittrex') # Test with no --config args = [ "list-markets", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"This command requires a configured exchange.*"): start_list_markets(pargs, False) # Test with --config config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 10 active markets: " "BLK/BTC, ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, NEO/BTC, " "TKN/BTC, XLTCUSDT, XRP/BTC.\n" in captured.out) patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id="binance") # Test with --exchange args = [ "list-markets", "--exchange", "binance" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_markets(pargs, False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match("\nExchange Binance has 10 active markets:\n", captured.out) patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id="bittrex") # Test with --all: all markets args = [ "list-markets", "--all", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 12 markets: " "BLK/BTC, BTT/BTC, ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, LTC/USDT, NEO/BTC, " "TKN/BTC, XLTCUSDT, XRP/BTC.\n" in captured.out) # Test list-pairs subcommand: active pairs args = [ "list-pairs", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), True) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 9 active pairs: " "BLK/BTC, ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, NEO/BTC, TKN/BTC, XRP/BTC.\n" in captured.out) # Test list-pairs subcommand with --all: all pairs args = [ "list-pairs", "--all", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), True) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 11 pairs: " "BLK/BTC, BTT/BTC, ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, LTC/USDT, NEO/BTC, " "TKN/BTC, XRP/BTC.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=ETH, LTC args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--base", "ETH", "LTC", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 6 active markets with ETH, LTC as base currencies: " "ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=LTC args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--base", "LTC", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 4 active markets with LTC as base currency: " "LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, quote=USDT, USD args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--quote", "USDT", "USD", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 3 active markets with USDT, USD as quote currencies: " "ETH/USDT, LTC/USD, XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, quote=USDT args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--quote", "USDT", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 2 active markets with USDT as quote currency: " "ETH/USDT, XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=LTC, quote=USDT args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "USDT", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 1 active market with LTC as base currency and " "with USDT as quote currency: XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active pairs, base=LTC, quote=USDT args = [ "list-pairs", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "USD", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), True) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 1 active pair with LTC as base currency and " "with USD as quote currency: LTC/USD.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=LTC, quote=USDT, NONEXISTENT args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "USDT", "NONEXISTENT", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 1 active market with LTC as base currency and " "with USDT, NONEXISTENT as quote currencies: XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=LTC, quote=NONEXISTENT args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "NONEXISTENT", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 0 active markets with LTC as base currency and " "with NONEXISTENT as quote currency.\n" in captured.out) # Test tabular output args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 10 active markets:\n" in captured.out) # Test tabular output, no markets found args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "NONEXISTENT", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Bittrex has 0 active markets with LTC as base currency and " "with NONEXISTENT as quote currency.\n" in captured.out) # Test --print-json args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--print-json" ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ('["BLK/BTC","ETH/BTC","ETH/USDT","LTC/BTC","LTC/ETH","LTC/USD","NEO/BTC",' '"TKN/BTC","XLTCUSDT","XRP/BTC"]' in captured.out) # Test --print-csv args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--print-csv" ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Id,Symbol,Base,Quote,Active,Is pair" in captured.out) assert ("blkbtc,BLK/BTC,BLK,BTC,True,True" in captured.out) assert ("USD-LTC,LTC/USD,LTC,USD,True,True" in captured.out) # Test --one-column args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--one-column" ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^BLK/BTC$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^LTC/USD$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) mocker.patch('', PropertyMock(side_effect=ValueError)) # Test --one-column args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', "--one-column" ] with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"Cannot get markets.*"): start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) def test_create_datadir_failed(caplog): args = [ "create-userdir", ] with pytest.raises(SystemExit): start_create_userdir(get_args(args)) assert log_has("`create-userdir` requires --userdir to be set.", caplog) def test_create_datadir(caplog, mocker): cud = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.create_userdata_dir", MagicMock()) csf = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.copy_sample_files", MagicMock()) args = [ "create-userdir", "--userdir", "/temp/freqtrade/test" ] start_create_userdir(get_args(args)) assert cud.call_count == 1 assert csf.call_count == 1 def test_start_new_strategy(mocker, caplog): wt_mock = mocker.patch.object(Path, "write_text", MagicMock()) mocker.patch.object(Path, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) args = [ "new-strategy", "--strategy", "CoolNewStrategy" ] start_new_strategy(get_args(args)) assert wt_mock.call_count == 1 assert "CoolNewStrategy" in wt_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0] assert log_has_re("Writing strategy to .*", caplog) mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.setup_utils_configuration') mocker.patch.object(Path, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=True)) with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r".* already exists. Please choose another Strategy Name\."): start_new_strategy(get_args(args)) def test_start_new_strategy_no_arg(mocker, caplog): args = [ "new-strategy", ] with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match="`new-strategy` requires --strategy to be set."): start_new_strategy(get_args(args)) def test_start_new_hyperopt(mocker, caplog): wt_mock = mocker.patch.object(Path, "write_text", MagicMock()) mocker.patch.object(Path, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) args = [ "new-hyperopt", "--hyperopt", "CoolNewhyperopt" ] start_new_hyperopt(get_args(args)) assert wt_mock.call_count == 1 assert "CoolNewhyperopt" in wt_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0] assert log_has_re("Writing hyperopt to .*", caplog) mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.setup_utils_configuration') mocker.patch.object(Path, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=True)) with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r".* already exists. Please choose another Hyperopt Name\."): start_new_hyperopt(get_args(args)) def test_start_new_hyperopt_no_arg(mocker): args = [ "new-hyperopt", ] with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match="`new-hyperopt` requires --hyperopt to be set."): start_new_hyperopt(get_args(args)) def test_start_install_ui(mocker): clean_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.clean_ui_subdir') get_url_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.get_ui_download_url', return_value=('', '0.0.1')) download_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.download_and_install_ui') mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.read_ui_version', return_value=None) args = [ "install-ui", ] start_install_ui(get_args(args)) assert clean_mock.call_count == 1 assert get_url_mock.call_count == 1 assert download_mock.call_count == 1 clean_mock.reset_mock() get_url_mock.reset_mock() download_mock.reset_mock() args = [ "install-ui", "--erase", ] start_install_ui(get_args(args)) assert clean_mock.call_count == 1 assert get_url_mock.call_count == 1 assert download_mock.call_count == 0 def test_clean_ui_subdir(mocker, tmpdir, caplog): mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.is_dir", side_effect=[True, True]) mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.is_file", side_effect=[False, True]) rd_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.rmdir") ul_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.unlink") mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.glob", return_value=[Path('test1'), Path('test2'), Path('.gitkeep')]) folder = Path(tmpdir) / "uitests" clean_ui_subdir(folder) assert log_has("Removing UI directory content.", caplog) assert rd_mock.call_count == 1 assert ul_mock.call_count == 1 def test_download_and_install_ui(mocker, tmpdir): # Create zipfile requests_mock = MagicMock() file_like_object = BytesIO() with ZipFile(file_like_object, mode='w') as zipfile: for file in ('test1.txt', 'hello/', 'test2.txt'): zipfile.writestr(file, file) requests_mock.content = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.requests.get", return_value=requests_mock) mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.is_dir", side_effect=[True, False]) wb_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.write_bytes") folder = Path(tmpdir) / "uitests_dl" folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) assert read_ui_version(folder) is None download_and_install_ui(folder, '', '22') assert wb_mock.call_count == 2 assert read_ui_version(folder) == '22' def test_get_ui_download_url(mocker): response = MagicMock() response.json = MagicMock( side_effect=[[{'assets_url': 'http://whatever.json', 'name': '0.0.1'}], [{'browser_download_url': ''}]]) get_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.requests.get", return_value=response) x, last_version = get_ui_download_url() assert get_mock.call_count == 2 assert last_version == '0.0.1' assert x == '' def test_get_ui_download_url_direct(mocker): response = MagicMock() response.json = MagicMock( side_effect=[[{ 'assets_url': 'http://whatever.json', 'name': '0.0.1', 'assets': [{'browser_download_url': ''}]}]]) get_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.requests.get", return_value=response) x, last_version = get_ui_download_url() assert get_mock.call_count == 1 assert last_version == '0.0.1' assert x == '' def test_download_data_keyboardInterrupt(mocker, caplog, markets): dl_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data', MagicMock(side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt)) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch( '', PropertyMock(return_value=markets) ) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", ] with pytest.raises(SystemExit): start_download_data(get_args(args)) assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 def test_download_data_timerange(mocker, caplog, markets): dl_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch( '', PropertyMock(return_value=markets) ) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20", "--timerange", "20200101-" ] with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"--days and --timerange are mutually.*"): start_download_data(get_args(args)) assert dl_mock.call_count == 0 args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20", ] start_download_data(get_args(args)) assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 # 20days ago days_ago = arrow.get( assert dl_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['timerange'].startts == days_ago dl_mock.reset_mock() args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--timerange", "20200101-" ] start_download_data(get_args(args)) assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 assert dl_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['timerange'].startts == arrow.Arrow( 2020, 1, 1).int_timestamp def test_download_data_no_markets(mocker, caplog): dl_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker, id='binance') mocker.patch( '', PropertyMock(return_value={}) ) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20" ] start_download_data(get_args(args)) assert dl_mock.call_args[1]['timerange'].starttype == "date" assert log_has("Pairs [ETH/BTC,XRP/BTC] not available on exchange Binance.", caplog) def test_download_data_no_exchange(mocker, caplog): mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch( '', PropertyMock(return_value={}) ) args = [ "download-data", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"This command requires a configured exchange.*"): start_download_data(pargs) def test_download_data_no_pairs(mocker, caplog): mocker.patch.object(Path, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.refresh_backtest_ohlcv_data', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch( '', PropertyMock(return_value={}) ) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"Downloading data requires a list of pairs\..*"): start_download_data(pargs) def test_download_data_trades(mocker, caplog): dl_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.refresh_backtest_trades_data', MagicMock(return_value=[])) convert_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_trades_to_ohlcv', MagicMock(return_value=[])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch( '', PropertyMock(return_value={}) ) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "kraken", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20", "--dl-trades" ] start_download_data(get_args(args)) assert dl_mock.call_args[1]['timerange'].starttype == "date" assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 assert convert_mock.call_count == 1 def test_start_list_strategies(mocker, caplog, capsys): args = [ "list-strategies", "--strategy-path", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy" / "strats"), "-1" ] pargs = get_args(args) # pargs['config'] = None start_list_strategies(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "TestStrategyLegacyV1" in captured.out assert "" not in captured.out assert "DefaultStrategy" in captured.out # Test regular output args = [ "list-strategies", "--strategy-path", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy" / "strats"), '--no-color', ] pargs = get_args(args) # pargs['config'] = None start_list_strategies(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "TestStrategyLegacyV1" in captured.out assert "" in captured.out assert "DefaultStrategy" in captured.out def test_start_list_hyperopts(mocker, caplog, capsys): args = [ "list-hyperopts", "--hyperopt-path", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "optimize" / "hyperopts"), "-1" ] pargs = get_args(args) # pargs['config'] = None start_list_hyperopts(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "TestHyperoptLegacy" not in captured.out assert "" not in captured.out assert "DefaultHyperOpt" in captured.out assert "" not in captured.out # Test regular output args = [ "list-hyperopts", "--hyperopt-path", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "optimize" / "hyperopts"), ] pargs = get_args(args) # pargs['config'] = None start_list_hyperopts(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "TestHyperoptLegacy" not in captured.out assert "" not in captured.out assert "DefaultHyperOpt" in captured.out def test_start_test_pairlist(mocker, caplog, tickers, default_conf, capsys): patch_exchange(mocker, mock_markets=True) mocker.patch.multiple('', exchange_has=MagicMock(return_value=True), get_tickers=tickers, ) default_conf['pairlists'] = [ { "method": "VolumePairList", "number_assets": 5, "sort_key": "quoteVolume", }, {"method": "PrecisionFilter"}, {"method": "PriceFilter", "low_price_ratio": 0.02}, ] patched_configuration_load_config_file(mocker, default_conf) args = [ 'test-pairlist', '-c', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json' ] start_test_pairlist(get_args(args)) assert log_has_re(r"^Using resolved pairlist VolumePairList.*", caplog) assert log_has_re(r"^Using resolved pairlist PrecisionFilter.*", caplog) assert log_has_re(r"^Using resolved pairlist PriceFilter.*", caplog) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r"Pairs for .*", captured.out) assert re.match("['ETH/BTC', 'TKN/BTC', 'BLK/BTC', 'LTC/BTC', 'XRP/BTC']", captured.out) args = [ 'test-pairlist', '-c', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', '--one-column', ] start_test_pairlist(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r"ETH/BTC\nTKN/BTC\nBLK/BTC\nLTC/BTC\nXRP/BTC\n", captured.out) args = [ 'test-pairlist', '-c', 'config_examples/config_bittrex.example.json', '--print-json', ] start_test_pairlist(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() try: json_pairs = json.loads(captured.out) assert 'ETH/BTC' in json_pairs assert 'TKN/BTC' in json_pairs assert 'BLK/BTC' in json_pairs assert 'LTC/BTC' in json_pairs assert 'XRP/BTC' in json_pairs except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:'Expected well formed JSON, but failed to parse: {captured.out}') def test_hyperopt_list(mocker, capsys, caplog, saved_hyperopt_results, tmpdir): csv_file = Path(tmpdir) / "test.csv" mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_tools.HyperoptTools._test_hyperopt_results_exist', return_value=True ) def fake_iterator(*args, **kwargs): yield from [saved_hyperopt_results] mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_tools.HyperoptTools._read_results', side_effect=fake_iterator ) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 10/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--best", "--no-details", "--no-color", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 5/12", " 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-details", "--no-color", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-color", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 10/12", "Best result:", "Buy hyperspace params", "Sell hyperspace params", "ROI table", "Stoploss"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-trades", "20", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 3/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 9/12", " 11/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 8/12", " 10/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--max-trades", "20", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-avg-profit", "0.11", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 10/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--max-avg-profit", "0.10", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 4/12", " 10/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-total-profit", "0.4", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--max-total-profit", "0.4", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 4/12", " 10/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-objective", "0.1", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--max-objective", "0.1", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 4/12", " 10/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-avg-time", "2000", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--max-avg-time", "1500", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 6/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 7/12", " 8/12" " 9/12", " 10/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--export-csv", str(csv_file), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() log_has("CSV file created: test_file.csv", caplog) assert csv_file.is_file() line = csv_file.read_text() assert ('Best,1,2,-1.25%,-1.2222,-0.00125625,,-2.51,"3,930.0 m",0.43662' in line or "Best,1,2,-1.25%,-1.2222,-0.00125625,,-2.51,2 days 17:30:00,0.43662" in line) csv_file.unlink() def test_hyperopt_show(mocker, capsys, saved_hyperopt_results): mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_tools.HyperoptTools._test_hyperopt_results_exist', return_value=True ) def fake_iterator(*args, **kwargs): yield from [saved_hyperopt_results] mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_tools.HyperoptTools._read_results', side_effect=fake_iterator ) mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.hyperopt_commands.show_backtest_result') args = [ "hyperopt-show", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 12/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 10/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "-n", "1" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 1/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best", "-n", "2" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 5/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best", "-n", "-1" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 10/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best", "-n", "-4" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match="The index of the epoch to show should be greater than -4."): start_hyperopt_show(pargs) args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best", "-n", "4" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match="The index of the epoch to show should be less than 4."): start_hyperopt_show(pargs) def test_convert_data(mocker, testdatadir): ohlcv_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_ohlcv_format") trades_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_trades_format") args = [ "convert-data", "--format-from", "json", "--format-to", "jsongz", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_convert_data(pargs, True) assert trades_mock.call_count == 0 assert ohlcv_mock.call_count == 1 assert ohlcv_mock.call_args[1]['convert_from'] == 'json' assert ohlcv_mock.call_args[1]['convert_to'] == 'jsongz' assert ohlcv_mock.call_args[1]['erase'] is False def test_convert_data_trades(mocker, testdatadir): ohlcv_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_ohlcv_format") trades_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_trades_format") args = [ "convert-trade-data", "--format-from", "jsongz", "--format-to", "json", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_convert_data(pargs, False) assert ohlcv_mock.call_count == 0 assert trades_mock.call_count == 1 assert trades_mock.call_args[1]['convert_from'] == 'jsongz' assert trades_mock.call_args[1]['convert_to'] == 'json' assert trades_mock.call_args[1]['erase'] is False def test_start_list_data(testdatadir, capsys): args = [ "list-data", "--data-format-ohlcv", "json", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_data(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Found 17 pair / timeframe combinations." in captured.out assert "\n| Pair | Timeframe |\n" in captured.out assert "\n| UNITTEST/BTC | 1m, 5m, 8m, 30m |\n" in captured.out args = [ "list-data", "--data-format-ohlcv", "json", "--pairs", "XRP/ETH", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_data(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Found 2 pair / timeframe combinations." in captured.out assert "\n| Pair | Timeframe |\n" in captured.out assert "UNITTEST/BTC" not in captured.out assert "\n| XRP/ETH | 1m, 5m |\n" in captured.out @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_persistence") def test_show_trades(mocker, fee, capsys, caplog): mocker.patch("freqtrade.persistence.init_db") create_mock_trades(fee) args = [ "show-trades", "--db-url", "sqlite:///" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_show_trades(pargs) assert log_has(f"Printing {MOCK_TRADE_COUNT} Trades: ", caplog) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Trade(id=1" in captured.out assert "Trade(id=2" in captured.out assert "Trade(id=3" in captured.out args = [ "show-trades", "--db-url", "sqlite:///", "--print-json", "--trade-ids", "1", "2" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_show_trades(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert log_has("Printing 2 Trades: ", caplog) assert '"trade_id": 1' in captured.out assert '"trade_id": 2' in captured.out assert '"trade_id": 3' not in captured.out args = [ "show-trades", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"--db-url is required for this command."): start_show_trades(pargs)