#!/usr/bin/env python3 import copy import json import logging import sys import time import traceback from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Optional import arrow import requests from cachetools import cached, TTLCache from freqtrade import (DependencyException, OperationalException, __version__, exchange, persistence, rpc) from freqtrade.analyze import get_signal from freqtrade.fiat_convert import CryptoToFiatConverter from freqtrade.misc import (State, get_state, load_config, parse_args, throttle, update_state) from freqtrade.persistence import Trade from freqtrade.strategy.strategy import Strategy logger = logging.getLogger('freqtrade') _CONF = {} def refresh_whitelist(whitelist: List[str]) -> List[str]: """ Check wallet health and remove pair from whitelist if necessary :param whitelist: the sorted list (based on BaseVolume) of pairs the user might want to trade :return: the list of pairs the user wants to trade without the one unavailable or black_listed """ sanitized_whitelist = whitelist health = exchange.get_wallet_health() known_pairs = set() for status in health: pair = '{}_{}'.format(_CONF['stake_currency'], status['Currency']) # pair is not int the generated dynamic market, or in the blacklist ... ignore it if pair not in whitelist or pair in _CONF['exchange'].get('pair_blacklist', []): continue # else the pair is valid known_pairs.add(pair) # Market is not active if not status['IsActive']: sanitized_whitelist.remove(pair) logger.info( 'Ignoring %s from whitelist (reason: %s).', pair, status.get('Notice') or 'wallet is not active' ) # We need to remove pairs that are unknown final_list = [x for x in sanitized_whitelist if x in known_pairs] return final_list def _process(interval: int, nb_assets: Optional[int] = 0) -> bool: """ Queries the persistence layer for open trades and handles them, otherwise a new trade is created. :param: nb_assets: the maximum number of pairs to be traded at the same time :return: True if a trade has been created or closed, False otherwise """ state_changed = False try: # Refresh whitelist based on wallet maintenance sanitized_list = refresh_whitelist( gen_pair_whitelist( _CONF['stake_currency'] ) if nb_assets else _CONF['exchange']['pair_whitelist'] ) # Keep only the subsets of pairs wanted (up to nb_assets) final_list = sanitized_list[:nb_assets] if nb_assets else sanitized_list _CONF['exchange']['pair_whitelist'] = final_list # Query trades from persistence layer trades = Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).all() if len(trades) < _CONF['max_open_trades']: try: # Create entity and execute trade state_changed = create_trade(float(_CONF['stake_amount']), interval) if not state_changed: logger.info( 'Checked all whitelisted currencies. ' 'Found no suitable entry positions for buying. Will keep looking ...' ) except DependencyException as exception: logger.warning('Unable to create trade: %s', exception) for trade in trades: # Get order details for actual price per unit if trade.open_order_id: # Update trade with order values logger.info('Got open order for %s', trade) trade.update(exchange.get_order(trade.open_order_id)) if trade.is_open and trade.open_order_id is None: # Check if we can sell our current pair state_changed = handle_trade(trade, interval) or state_changed if 'unfilledtimeout' in _CONF: # Check and handle any timed out open orders check_handle_timedout(_CONF['unfilledtimeout']) Trade.session.flush() except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, json.JSONDecodeError) as error: logger.warning( 'Got %s in _process(), retrying in 30 seconds...', error ) time.sleep(30) except OperationalException: rpc.send_msg('*Status:* Got OperationalException:\n```\n{traceback}```{hint}'.format( traceback=traceback.format_exc(), hint='Issue `/start` if you think it is safe to restart.' )) logger.exception('Got OperationalException. Stopping trader ...') update_state(State.STOPPED) return state_changed def check_handle_timedout(timeoutvalue: int) -> None: """ Check if any orders are timed out and cancel if neccessary :param timeoutvalue: Number of minutes until order is considered timed out :return: None """ timeoutthreashold = arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-timeoutvalue).datetime for trade in Trade.query.filter(Trade.open_order_id.isnot(None)).all(): try: order = exchange.get_order(trade.open_order_id) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: logger.info('Cannot query order for %s due to %s', trade, traceback.format_exc()) continue ordertime = arrow.get(order['opened']) # Check if trade is still actually open if int(order['remaining']) == 0: continue if order['type'] == "LIMIT_BUY" and ordertime < timeoutthreashold: # Buy timeout - cancel order exchange.cancel_order(trade.open_order_id) if order['remaining'] == order['amount']: # if trade is not partially completed, just delete the trade Trade.session.delete(trade) Trade.session.flush() logger.info('Buy order timeout for %s.', trade) rpc.send_msg('*Timeout:* Unfilled buy order for {} cancelled'.format( trade.pair.replace('_', '/'))) else: # if trade is partially complete, edit the stake details for the trade # and close the order trade.amount = order['amount'] - order['remaining'] trade.stake_amount = trade.amount * trade.open_rate trade.open_order_id = None logger.info('Partial buy order timeout for %s.', trade) rpc.send_msg('*Timeout:* Remaining buy order for {} cancelled'.format( trade.pair.replace('_', '/'))) elif order['type'] == "LIMIT_SELL" and ordertime < timeoutthreashold: # Sell timeout - cancel order and update trade if order['remaining'] == order['amount']: # if trade is not partially completed, just cancel the trade exchange.cancel_order(trade.open_order_id) trade.close_rate = None trade.close_profit = None trade.close_date = None trade.is_open = True trade.open_order_id = None rpc.send_msg('*Timeout:* Unfilled sell order for {} cancelled'.format( trade.pair.replace('_', '/'))) logger.info('Sell order timeout for %s.', trade) return True else: # TODO: figure out how to handle partially complete sell orders pass def execute_sell(trade: Trade, limit: float) -> None: """ Executes a limit sell for the given trade and limit :param trade: Trade instance :param limit: limit rate for the sell order :return: None """ # Execute sell and update trade record order_id = exchange.sell(str(trade.pair), limit, trade.amount) trade.open_order_id = order_id fmt_exp_profit = round(trade.calc_profit_percent(rate=limit) * 100, 2) profit_trade = trade.calc_profit(rate=limit) current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair, False)['bid'] profit = trade.calc_profit_percent(current_rate) message = """*{exchange}:* Selling *Current Pair:* [{pair}]({pair_url}) *Limit:* `{limit}` *Amount:* `{amount}` *Open Rate:* `{open_rate:.8f}` *Current Rate:* `{current_rate:.8f}` *Profit:* `{profit:.2f}%` """.format( exchange=trade.exchange, pair=trade.pair, pair_url=exchange.get_pair_detail_url(trade.pair), limit=limit, open_rate=trade.open_rate, current_rate=current_rate, amount=round(trade.amount, 8), profit=round(profit * 100, 2), ) # For regular case, when the configuration exists if 'stake_currency' in _CONF and 'fiat_display_currency' in _CONF: fiat_converter = CryptoToFiatConverter() profit_fiat = fiat_converter.convert_amount( profit_trade, _CONF['stake_currency'], _CONF['fiat_display_currency'] ) message += '` ({gain}: {profit_percent:.2f}%, {profit_coin:.8f} {coin}`' \ '` / {profit_fiat:.3f} {fiat})`'.format( gain="profit" if fmt_exp_profit > 0 else "loss", profit_percent=fmt_exp_profit, profit_coin=profit_trade, coin=_CONF['stake_currency'], profit_fiat=profit_fiat, fiat=_CONF['fiat_display_currency'], ) # Because telegram._forcesell does not have the configuration # Ignore the FIAT value and does not show the stake_currency as well else: message += '` ({gain}: {profit_percent:.2f}%, {profit_coin:.8f})`'.format( gain="profit" if fmt_exp_profit > 0 else "loss", profit_percent=fmt_exp_profit, profit_coin=profit_trade ) # Send the message rpc.send_msg(message) Trade.session.flush() def min_roi_reached(trade: Trade, current_rate: float, current_time: datetime) -> bool: """ Based an earlier trade and current price and ROI configuration, decides whether bot should sell :return True if bot should sell at current rate """ strategy = Strategy() current_profit = trade.calc_profit_percent(current_rate) if strategy.stoploss is not None and current_profit < float(strategy.stoploss): logger.debug('Stop loss hit.') return True # Check if time matches and current rate is above threshold time_diff = (current_time - trade.open_date).total_seconds() / 60 for duration, threshold in sorted(strategy.minimal_roi.items()): if time_diff > float(duration) and current_profit > threshold: return True logger.debug('Threshold not reached. (cur_profit: %1.2f%%)', float(current_profit) * 100.0) return False def handle_trade(trade: Trade, interval: int) -> bool: """ Sells the current pair if the threshold is reached and updates the trade record. :return: True if trade has been sold, False otherwise """ if not trade.is_open: raise ValueError('attempt to handle closed trade: {}'.format(trade)) logger.debug('Handling %s ...', trade) current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair)['bid'] (buy, sell) = (False, False) if _CONF.get('experimental', {}).get('use_sell_signal'): (buy, sell) = get_signal(trade.pair, interval) # Check if minimal roi has been reached and no longer in buy conditions (avoiding a fee) if not buy and min_roi_reached(trade, current_rate, datetime.utcnow()): logger.debug('Executing sell due to ROI ...') execute_sell(trade, current_rate) return True # Experimental: Check if the trade is profitable before selling it (avoid selling at loss) if _CONF.get('experimental', {}).get('sell_profit_only', False): logger.debug('Checking if trade is profitable ...') if not buy and trade.calc_profit(rate=current_rate) <= 0: return False if sell and not buy: logger.debug('Executing sell due to sell signal ...') execute_sell(trade, current_rate) return True return False def get_target_bid(ticker: Dict[str, float]) -> float: """ Calculates bid target between current ask price and last price """ if ticker['ask'] < ticker['last']: return ticker['ask'] balance = _CONF['bid_strategy']['ask_last_balance'] return ticker['ask'] + balance * (ticker['last'] - ticker['ask']) def create_trade(stake_amount: float, interval: int) -> bool: """ Checks the implemented trading indicator(s) for a randomly picked pair, if one pair triggers the buy_signal a new trade record gets created :param stake_amount: amount of btc to spend :return: True if a trade object has been created and persisted, False otherwise """ logger.info( 'Checking buy signals to create a new trade with stake_amount: %f ...', stake_amount ) whitelist = copy.deepcopy(_CONF['exchange']['pair_whitelist']) # Check if stake_amount is fulfilled if exchange.get_balance(_CONF['stake_currency']) < stake_amount: raise DependencyException( 'stake amount is not fulfilled (currency={})'.format(_CONF['stake_currency']) ) # Remove currently opened and latest pairs from whitelist for trade in Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).all(): if trade.pair in whitelist: whitelist.remove(trade.pair) logger.debug('Ignoring %s in pair whitelist', trade.pair) if not whitelist: raise DependencyException('No pair in whitelist') # Pick pair based on StochRSI buy signals for _pair in whitelist: (buy, sell) = get_signal(_pair, interval) if buy and not sell: pair = _pair break else: return False # Calculate amount buy_limit = get_target_bid(exchange.get_ticker(pair)) amount = stake_amount / buy_limit order_id = exchange.buy(pair, buy_limit, amount) fiat_converter = CryptoToFiatConverter() stake_amount_fiat = fiat_converter.convert_amount( stake_amount, _CONF['stake_currency'], _CONF['fiat_display_currency'] ) # Create trade entity and return rpc.send_msg('*{}:* Buying [{}]({}) with limit `{:.8f} ({:.6f} {}, {:.3f} {})` '.format( exchange.get_name().upper(), pair.replace('_', '/'), exchange.get_pair_detail_url(pair), buy_limit, stake_amount, _CONF['stake_currency'], stake_amount_fiat, _CONF['fiat_display_currency'] )) # Fee is applied twice because we make a LIMIT_BUY and LIMIT_SELL trade = Trade( pair=pair, stake_amount=stake_amount, amount=amount, fee=exchange.get_fee(), open_rate=buy_limit, open_date=datetime.utcnow(), exchange=exchange.get_name().upper(), open_order_id=order_id ) Trade.session.add(trade) Trade.session.flush() return True def init(config: dict, db_url: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Initializes all modules and updates the config :param config: config as dict :param db_url: database connector string for sqlalchemy (Optional) :return: None """ # Initialize all modules rpc.init(config) persistence.init(config, db_url) exchange.init(config) strategy = Strategy() strategy.init(config) # Set initial application state initial_state = config.get('initial_state') if initial_state: update_state(State[initial_state.upper()]) else: update_state(State.STOPPED) @cached(TTLCache(maxsize=1, ttl=1800)) def gen_pair_whitelist(base_currency: str, key: str = 'BaseVolume') -> List[str]: """ Updates the whitelist with with a dynamically generated list :param base_currency: base currency as str :param key: sort key (defaults to 'BaseVolume') :return: List of pairs """ summaries = sorted( (s for s in exchange.get_market_summaries() if s['MarketName'].startswith(base_currency)), key=lambda s: s.get(key) or 0.0, reverse=True ) return [s['MarketName'].replace('-', '_') for s in summaries] def cleanup() -> None: """ Cleanup the application state und finish all pending tasks :return: None """ rpc.send_msg('*Status:* `Stopping trader...`') logger.info('Stopping trader and cleaning up modules...') update_state(State.STOPPED) persistence.cleanup() rpc.cleanup() exit(0) def main(sysargv=sys.argv[1:]) -> None: """ Loads and validates the config and handles the main loop :return: None """ global _CONF args = parse_args(sysargv, 'Simple High Frequency Trading Bot for crypto currencies') # A subcommand has been issued if hasattr(args, 'func'): args.func(args) exit(0) # Initialize logger logging.basicConfig( level=args.loglevel, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', ) logger.info( 'Starting freqtrade %s (loglevel=%s)', __version__, logging.getLevelName(args.loglevel) ) # Load and validate configuration _CONF = load_config(args.config) # Add the strategy file to use _CONF.update({'strategy': args.strategy}) # Initialize all modules and start main loop if args.dynamic_whitelist: logger.info('Using dynamically generated whitelist. (--dynamic-whitelist detected)') # If the user ask for Dry run with a local DB instead of memory if args.dry_run_db: if _CONF.get('dry_run', False): _CONF.update({'dry_run_db': True}) logger.info( 'Dry_run will use the DB file: "tradesv3.dry_run.sqlite". (--dry_run_db detected)' ) else: logger.info('Dry run is disabled. (--dry_run_db ignored)') try: init(_CONF) old_state = None while True: new_state = get_state() # Log state transition if new_state != old_state: rpc.send_msg('*Status:* `{}`'.format(new_state.name.lower())) logger.info('Changing state to: %s', new_state.name) if new_state == State.STOPPED: time.sleep(1) elif new_state == State.RUNNING: throttle( _process, min_secs=_CONF['internals'].get('process_throttle_secs', 10), nb_assets=args.dynamic_whitelist, interval=int(_CONF.get('ticker_interval', 5)) ) old_state = new_state except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info('Got SIGINT, aborting ...') except BaseException: logger.exception('Got fatal exception!') finally: cleanup() if __name__ == '__main__': main()