# SQL Helper This page constains some help if you want to edit your sqlite db. ## Install sqlite3 **Ubuntu/Debian installation** ```bash sudo apt-get install sqlite3 ``` ## Open the DB ```bash sqlite3 .open <filepath> ``` ## Table structure ### List tables ```bash .tables ``` ### Display table structure ```bash .schema <table_name> ``` ### Trade table structure ```sql CREATE TABLE trades ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, exchange VARCHAR NOT NULL, pair VARCHAR NOT NULL, is_open BOOLEAN NOT NULL, fee FLOAT NOT NULL, open_rate FLOAT, close_rate FLOAT, close_profit FLOAT, stake_amount FLOAT NOT NULL, amount FLOAT, open_date DATETIME NOT NULL, close_date DATETIME, open_order_id VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY (id), CHECK (is_open IN (0, 1)) ); ``` ## Get all trades in the table ```sql SELECT * FROM trades; ``` ## Fix trade still open after a /forcesell ```sql UPDATE trades SET is_open=0, close_date=<close_date>, close_rate=<close_rate>, close_profit=close_rate/open_rate WHERE id=<trade_ID_to_update>; ``` **Example:** ```sql UPDATE trades SET is_open=0, close_date='2017-12-20 03:08:45.103418', close_rate=0.19638016, close_profit=0.0496 WHERE id=31; ``` ## Fix wrong fees in the table If your DB was created before [PR#200](https://github.com/gcarq/freqtrade/pull/200) was merged (before 12/23/17). ```sql UPDATE trades SET fee=0.0025 WHERE fee=0.005; ```