""" This module contains the configuration class """ import json from argparse import Namespace from typing import Dict, Any from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, validate from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError, best_match from freqtrade.constants import Constants from freqtrade.logger import Logger class Configuration(object): """ Class to read and init the bot configuration Reuse this class for the bot, backtesting, hyperopt and every script that required configuration """ def __init__(self, args: Namespace) -> None: self.args = args self.logging = Logger(__name__) self.logger = self.logging.get_logger() self.config = None def load_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load the bot configuration :return: Configuration dictionary """ self.logger.info('Using config: %s ...', self.args.config) config = self._load_config_file(self.args.config) # Add the strategy file to use config.update({'strategy': self.args.strategy}) # Load Common configuration config = self._load_common_config(config) # Load Backtesting config = self._load_backtesting_config(config) # Load Hyperopt config = self._load_hyperopt_config(config) return config def _load_config_file(self, path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Loads a config file from the given path :param path: path as str :return: configuration as dictionary """ try: with open(path) as file: conf = json.load(file) except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.critical( 'Config file "%s" not found. Please create your config file', path ) exit(0) if 'internals' not in conf: conf['internals'] = {} self.logger.info('Validating configuration ...') return self._validate_config(conf) def _load_common_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load common configuration :return: configuration as dictionary """ # Log level if 'loglevel' in self.args and self.args.loglevel: config.update({'loglevel': self.args.loglevel}) self.logging.set_level(self.args.loglevel) self.logger.info('Log level set at %s', config['loglevel']) # Add dynamic_whitelist if found if 'dynamic_whitelist' in self.args and self.args.dynamic_whitelist: config.update({'dynamic_whitelist': self.args.dynamic_whitelist}) self.logger.info( 'Parameter --dynamic-whitelist detected. ' 'Using dynamically generated whitelist. ' '(not applicable with Backtesting and Hyperopt)' ) # Add dry_run_db if found and the bot in dry run if self.args.dry_run_db and config.get('dry_run', False): config.update({'dry_run_db': True}) self.logger.info('Parameter --dry-run-db detected ...') if config.get('dry_run_db', False): if config.get('dry_run', False): self.logger.info('Dry_run will use the DB file: "tradesv3.dry_run.sqlite"') else: self.logger.info('Dry run is disabled. (--dry_run_db ignored)') return config def _load_backtesting_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load Backtesting configuration :return: configuration as dictionary """ # If -i/--ticker-interval is used we override the configuration parameter # (that will override the strategy configuration) if 'ticker_interval' in self.args and self.args.ticker_interval: config.update({'ticker_interval': self.args.ticker_interval}) self.logger.info('Parameter -i/--ticker-interval detected ...') self.logger.info('Using ticker_interval: %d ...', config.get('ticker_interval')) # If -l/--live is used we add it to the configuration if 'live' in self.args and self.args.live: config.update({'live': True}) self.logger.info('Parameter -l/--live detected ...') # If --realistic-simulation is used we add it to the configuration if 'realistic_simulation' in self.args and self.args.realistic_simulation: config.update({'realistic_simulation': True}) self.logger.info('Parameter --realistic-simulation detected ...') self.logger.info('Using max_open_trades: %s ...', config.get('max_open_trades')) # If --timerange is used we add it to the configuration if 'timerange' in self.args and self.args.timerange: config.update({'timerange': self.args.timerange}) self.logger.info('Parameter --timerange detected: %s ...', self.args.timerange) # If --datadir is used we add it to the configuration if 'datadir' in self.args and self.args.datadir: config.update({'datadir': self.args.datadir}) self.logger.info('Parameter --datadir detected: %s ...', self.args.datadir) # If -r/--refresh-pairs-cached is used we add it to the configuration if 'refresh_pairs' in self.args and self.args.refresh_pairs: config.update({'refresh_pairs': True}) self.logger.info('Parameter -r/--refresh-pairs-cached detected ...') # If --export is used we add it to the configuration if 'export' in self.args and self.args.export: config.update({'export': self.args.export}) self.logger.info('Parameter --export detected: %s ...', self.args.export) return config def _load_hyperopt_config(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract information for sys.argv and load Hyperopt configuration :return: configuration as dictionary """ # If --realistic-simulation is used we add it to the configuration if 'epochs' in self.args and self.args.epochs: config.update({'epochs': self.args.epochs}) self.logger.info('Parameter --epochs detected ...') self.logger.info('Will run Hyperopt with for %s epochs ...', config.get('epochs')) # If --mongodb is used we add it to the configuration if 'mongodb' in self.args and self.args.mongodb: config.update({'mongodb': self.args.mongodb}) self.logger.info('Parameter --use-mongodb detected ...') # If --spaces is used we add it to the configuration if 'spaces' in self.args and self.args.spaces: config.update({'spaces': self.args.spaces}) self.logger.info('Parameter -s/--spaces detected: %s', config.get('spaces')) return config def _validate_config(self, conf: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Validate the configuration follow the Config Schema :param conf: Config in JSON format :return: Returns the config if valid, otherwise throw an exception """ try: validate(conf, Constants.CONF_SCHEMA) return conf except ValidationError as exception: self.logger.fatal( 'Invalid configuration. See config.json.example. Reason: %s', exception ) raise ValidationError( best_match(Draft4Validator(Constants.CONF_SCHEMA).iter_errors(conf)).message ) def get_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the config. Use this method to get the bot config :return: Dict: Bot config """ if self.config is None: self.config = self.load_config() return self.config