import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple import numpy as np import numpy.typing as npt import pandas as pd from pandas import DataFrame from abc import abstractmethod from freqtrade.freqai.data_kitchen import FreqaiDataKitchen from freqtrade.freqai.freqai_interface import IFreqaiModel from freqtrade.freqai.RL.Base5ActionRLEnv import Base5ActionRLEnv, Actions, Positions from freqtrade.persistence import Trade import torch.multiprocessing from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import EvalCallback from stable_baselines3.common.monitor import Monitor import torch as th from typing import Callable from stable_baselines3.common.utils import set_random_seed import gym logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) torch.multiprocessing.set_sharing_strategy('file_system') class BaseReinforcementLearningModel(IFreqaiModel): """ User created Reinforcement Learning Model prediction model. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(config=kwargs['config']) th.set_num_threads(self.freqai_info['rl_config'].get('thread_count', 4)) self.reward_params = self.freqai_info['rl_config']['model_reward_parameters'] self.train_env: Base5ActionRLEnv = None self.eval_env: Base5ActionRLEnv = None self.eval_callback: EvalCallback = None mod = __import__('stable_baselines3', fromlist=[ self.freqai_info['rl_config']['model_type']]) self.MODELCLASS = getattr(mod, self.freqai_info['rl_config']['model_type']) self.policy_type = self.freqai_info['rl_config']['policy_type'] def train( self, unfiltered_dataframe: DataFrame, pair: str, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen ) -> Any: """ Filter the training data and train a model to it. Train makes heavy use of the datakitchen for storing, saving, loading, and analyzing the data. :param unfiltered_dataframe: Full dataframe for the current training period :param metadata: pair metadata from strategy. :returns: :model: Trained model which can be used to inference (self.predict) """"--------------------Starting training " f"{pair} --------------------") # filter the features requested by user in the configuration file and elegantly handle NaNs features_filtered, labels_filtered = dk.filter_features( unfiltered_dataframe, dk.training_features_list, dk.label_list, training_filter=True, ) data_dictionary: Dict[str, Any] = dk.make_train_test_datasets( features_filtered, labels_filtered) dk.fit_labels() # useless for now, but just satiating append methods # normalize all data based on train_dataset only prices_train, prices_test = self.build_ohlc_price_dataframes(dk.data_dictionary, pair, dk) data_dictionary = dk.normalize_data(data_dictionary) # optional additional data cleaning/analysis self.data_cleaning_train(dk) f'Training model on {len(dk.data_dictionary["train_features"].columns)}' " features" )'Training model on {len(data_dictionary["train_features"])} data points') self.set_train_and_eval_environments(data_dictionary, prices_train, prices_test, dk) model = self.fit_rl(data_dictionary, dk)"--------------------done training {pair}--------------------") return model def set_train_and_eval_environments(self, data_dictionary, prices_train, prices_test, dk): """ User overrides this as shown here if they are using a custom MyRLEnv """ train_df = data_dictionary["train_features"] test_df = data_dictionary["test_features"] eval_freq = self.freqai_info["rl_config"]["eval_cycles"] * len(test_df) # environments if not self.train_env: self.train_env = MyRLEnv(df=train_df, prices=prices_train, window_size=self.CONV_WIDTH, reward_kwargs=self.reward_params) self.eval_env = Monitor(MyRLEnv(df=test_df, prices=prices_test, window_size=self.CONV_WIDTH, reward_kwargs=self.reward_params), ".") self.eval_callback = EvalCallback(self.eval_env, deterministic=True, render=False, eval_freq=eval_freq, best_model_save_path=dk.data_path) else: self.train_env.reset() self.eval_env.reset() self.train_env.reset_env(train_df, prices_train, self.CONV_WIDTH, self.reward_params) self.eval_env.reset_env(test_df, prices_test, self.CONV_WIDTH, self.reward_params) self.eval_callback.__init__(self.eval_env, deterministic=True, render=False, eval_freq=eval_freq, best_model_save_path=dk.data_path) @abstractmethod def fit_rl(self, data_dictionary: Dict[str, Any], dk: FreqaiDataKitchen): """ Agent customizations and abstract Reinforcement Learning customizations go in here. Abstract method, so this function must be overridden by user class. """ return def get_state_info(self, pair): open_trades = Trade.get_trades(trade_filter=Trade.is_open.is_(True)) market_side = 0.5 current_profit = 0 for trade in open_trades: if trade.pair == pair: current_value = trade.open_trade_value openrate = trade.open_rate if 'long' in trade.enter_tag: market_side = 1 else: market_side = 0 current_profit = current_value / openrate - 1 total_profit = 0 closed_trades = Trade.get_trades( trade_filter=[Trade.is_open.is_(False), Trade.pair == pair]) for trade in closed_trades: total_profit += trade.close_profit return market_side, current_profit, total_profit def predict( self, unfiltered_dataframe: DataFrame, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen, first: bool = False ) -> Tuple[DataFrame, npt.NDArray[np.int_]]: """ Filter the prediction features data and predict with it. :param: unfiltered_dataframe: Full dataframe for the current backtest period. :return: :pred_df: dataframe containing the predictions :do_predict: np.array of 1s and 0s to indicate places where freqai needed to remove data (NaNs) or felt uncertain about data (PCA and DI index) """ dk.find_features(unfiltered_dataframe) filtered_dataframe, _ = dk.filter_features( unfiltered_dataframe, dk.training_features_list, training_filter=False ) filtered_dataframe = dk.normalize_data_from_metadata(filtered_dataframe) dk.data_dictionary["prediction_features"] = filtered_dataframe # optional additional data cleaning/analysis self.data_cleaning_predict(dk, filtered_dataframe) pred_df = self.rl_model_predict( dk.data_dictionary["prediction_features"], dk, self.model) pred_df.fillna(0, inplace=True) return (pred_df, dk.do_predict) def rl_model_predict(self, dataframe: DataFrame, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen, model: Any) -> DataFrame: output = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(len(dataframe)), columns=dk.label_list) def _predict(window): market_side, current_profit, total_profit = self.get_state_info(dk.pair) observations = dataframe.iloc[window.index] observations['current_profit'] = current_profit observations['position'] = market_side res, _ = model.predict(observations, deterministic=True) return res output = output.rolling(window=self.CONV_WIDTH).apply(_predict) return output def build_ohlc_price_dataframes(self, data_dictionary: dict, pair: str, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen) -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]: """ Builds the train prices and test prices for the environment. """ coin = pair.split('/')[0] train_df = data_dictionary["train_features"] test_df = data_dictionary["test_features"] # price data for model training and evaluation tf = self.config['timeframe'] ohlc_list = [f'%-{coin}raw_open_{tf}', f'%-{coin}raw_low_{tf}', f'%-{coin}raw_high_{tf}', f'%-{coin}raw_close_{tf}'] rename_dict = {f'%-{coin}raw_open_{tf}': 'open', f'%-{coin}raw_low_{tf}': 'low', f'%-{coin}raw_high_{tf}': ' high', f'%-{coin}raw_close_{tf}': 'close'} prices_train = train_df.filter(ohlc_list, axis=1) prices_train.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True) prices_train.reset_index(drop=True) prices_test = test_df.filter(ohlc_list, axis=1) prices_test.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True) prices_test.reset_index(drop=True) return prices_train, prices_test # TODO take care of this appendage. Right now it needs to be called because FreqAI enforces it. # But FreqaiRL needs more objects passed to fit() (like DK) and we dont want to go refactor # all the other existing fit() functions to include dk argument. For now we instantiate and # leave it. def fit(self, data_dictionary: Dict[str, Any], pair: str = '') -> Any: return def make_env(env_id: str, rank: int, seed: int, train_df, price, reward_params, window_size, monitor=False) -> Callable: """ Utility function for multiprocessed env. :param env_id: (str) the environment ID :param num_env: (int) the number of environment you wish to have in subprocesses :param seed: (int) the inital seed for RNG :param rank: (int) index of the subprocess :return: (Callable) """ def _init() -> gym.Env: env = MyRLEnv(df=train_df, prices=price, window_size=window_size, reward_kwargs=reward_params, id=env_id, seed=seed + rank) if monitor: env = Monitor(env, ".") return env set_random_seed(seed) return _init class MyRLEnv(Base5ActionRLEnv): """ User can override any function in BaseRLEnv and gym.Env. Here the user Adds 5 actions. """ def calculate_reward(self, action): if self._last_trade_tick is None: return 0. # close long if action == Actions.Long_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Long: last_trade_price = self.add_buy_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) current_price = self.add_sell_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) return float(np.log(current_price) - np.log(last_trade_price)) if action == Actions.Long_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Long: if self.close_trade_profit[-1] > self.profit_aim * self.rr: last_trade_price = self.add_buy_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) current_price = self.add_sell_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) return float((np.log(current_price) - np.log(last_trade_price)) * 2) # close short if action == Actions.Short_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Short: last_trade_price = self.add_sell_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) current_price = self.add_buy_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) return float(np.log(last_trade_price) - np.log(current_price)) if action == Actions.Short_exit.value and self._position == Positions.Short: if self.close_trade_profit[-1] > self.profit_aim * self.rr: last_trade_price = self.add_sell_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) current_price = self.add_buy_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) return float((np.log(last_trade_price) - np.log(current_price)) * 2) return 0.