# Development Help This page is intended for developers of FreqTrade, people who want to contribute to the FreqTrade codebase or documentation, or people who want to understand the source code of the application they're running. All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements and ideas are welcome. We [track issues](https://github.com/freqtrade/freqtrade/issues) on [GitHub](https://github.com) and also have a dev channel in [slack](https://join.slack.com/t/highfrequencybot/shared_invite/enQtMjQ5NTM0OTYzMzY3LWMxYzE3M2MxNDdjMGM3ZTYwNzFjMGIwZGRjNTc3ZGU3MGE3NzdmZGMwNmU3NDM5ZTNmM2Y3NjRiNzk4NmM4OGE) where you can ask questions. ## Module ### Dynamic Pairlist You have a great idea for a new pair selection algorithm you would like to try out? Great. Hopefully you also want to contribute this back upstream. Whatever your motivations are - This should get you off the ground in trying to develop a new Pairlist provider. First of all, have a look at the [VolumePairList](https://github.com/freqtrade/freqtrade/blob/develop/freqtrade/pairlist/VolumePairList.py) provider, and best copy this file with a name of your new Pairlist Provider. This is a simple provider, which however serves as a good example on how to start developing. Next, modify the classname of the provider (ideally align this with the Filename). The base-class provides the an instance of the bot (`self._freqtrade`), as well as the configuration (`self._config`), and initiates both `_blacklist` and `_whitelist`. ```python self._freqtrade = freqtrade self._config = config self._whitelist = self._config['exchange']['pair_whitelist'] self._blacklist = self._config['exchange'].get('pair_blacklist', []) ``` Now, let's step through the methods which require actions: #### configuration Configuration for PairListProvider is done in the bot configuration file in the element `"pairlist"`. This Pairlist-object may contain a `"config"` dict with additional configurations for the configured pairlist. By convention, `"number_assets"` is used to specify the maximum number of pairs to keep in the whitelist. Please follow this to ensure a consistent user experience. Additional elements can be configured as needed. `VolumePairList` uses `"sort_key"` to specify the sorting value - however feel free to specify whatever is necessary for your great algorithm to be successfull and dynamic. #### short_desc Returns a description used for Telegram messages. This should coutain the name of the Provider, as well as a short description containing the number of assets. Please follow the format `"PairlistName - top/bottom X pairs"`. #### refresh_pairlist Override this method and run all calculations needed in this method. This is called with each iteration of the bot - so consider implementing caching for compute/network heavy calculations. Assign the resulting whiteslist to `self._whitelist` and `self._blacklist` respectively. These will then be used to run the bot in this iteration. Pairs with open trades will be added to the whitelist to have the sell-methods run correctly. Please also run `self._validate_whitelist(pairs)` and to check and remove pairs with inactive markets. This function is available in the Parent class (`StaticPairList`) and should ideally not be overwritten. ##### sample ``` python def refresh_pairlist(self) -> None: # Generate dynamic whitelist pairs = self._gen_pair_whitelist(self._config['stake_currency'], self._sort_key) # Validate whitelist to only have active market pairs self._whitelist = self._validate_whitelist(pairs)[:self._number_pairs] ``` #### _gen_pair_whitelist This is a simple method used by `VolumePairList` - however serves as a good example. It implements caching (`@cached(TTLCache(maxsize=1, ttl=1800))`) as well as a configuration option to allow different (but similar) strategies to work with the same PairListProvider.