# Outlier detection Equity and crypto markets suffer from a high level of non-patterned noise in the form of outlier data points. FreqAI implements a variety of methods to identify such outliers and hence mitigate risk. ## Identifying outliers with the Dissimilarity Index (DI) The Dissimilarity Index (DI) aims to quantify the uncertainty associated with each prediction made by the model. The user can tell FreqAI to remove outlier data points from the training/test data sets using the DI by including the following statement in the config: ```json "freqai": { "feature_parameters" : { "DI_threshold": 1 } } ``` The DI allows predictions which are outliers (not existent in the model feature space) to be thrown out due to low levels of certainty. To do so, FreqAI measures the distance between each training data point (feature vector), $X_{a}$, and all other training data points: $$ d_{ab} = \sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^p(X_{a,j}-X_{b,j})^2} $$ where $d_{ab}$ is the distance between the normalized points $a$ and $b$, and $p$ is the number of features, i.e., the length of the vector $X$. The characteristic distance, $\overline{d}$, for a set of training data points is simply the mean of the average distances: $$ \overline{d} = \sum_{a=1}^n(\sum_{b=1}^n(d_{ab}/n)/n) $$ $\overline{d}$ quantifies the spread of the training data, which is compared to the distance between a new prediction feature vectors, $X_k$ and all the training data: $$ d_k = \arg \min d_{k,i} $$ This enables the estimation of the Dissimilarity Index as: $$ DI_k = d_k/\overline{d} $$ The user can tweak the DI through the `DI_threshold` to increase or decrease the extrapolation of the trained model. A higher `DI_threshold` means that the DI is more lenient and allows predictions further away from the training data to be used whilst a lower `DI_threshold` has the opposite effect and hence discards more predictions. Below is a figure that describes the DI for a 3D data set. ![DI](assets/freqai_DI.jpg) ## Identifying outliers using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) The user can tell FreqAI to remove outlier data points from the training/test data sets using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) by including the following statement in the config: ```json "freqai": { "feature_parameters" : { "use_SVM_to_remove_outliers": true } } ``` The SVM will be trained on the training data and any data point that the SVM deems to be beyond the feature space will be removed. FreqAI uses `sklearn.linear_model.SGDOneClassSVM` (details are available on scikit-learn's webpage [here](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.SGDOneClassSVM.html) (external website)) and the user can elect to provide additional parameters for the SVM, such as `shuffle`, and `nu`. The parameter `shuffle` is by default set to `False` to ensure consistent results. If it is set to `True`, running the SVM multiple times on the same data set might result in different outcomes due to `max_iter` being to low for the algorithm to reach the demanded `tol`. Increasing `max_iter` solves this issue but causes the procedure to take longer time. The parameter `nu`, *very* broadly, is the amount of data points that should be considered outliers and should be between 0 and 1. ## Identifying outliers with DBSCAN The user can configure FreqAI to use DBSCAN to cluster and remove outliers from the training/test data set or incoming outliers from predictions, by activating `use_DBSCAN_to_remove_outliers` in the config: ```json "freqai": { "feature_parameters" : { "use_DBSCAN_to_remove_outliers": true } } ``` DBSCAN is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm that clusters data without needing to know how many clusters there should be. Given a number of data points $N$, and a distance $\varepsilon$, DBSCAN clusters the data set by setting all data points that have $N-1$ other data points within a distance of $\varepsilon$ as *core points*. A data point that is within a distance of $\varepsilon$ from a *core point* but that does not have $N-1$ other data points within a distance of $\varepsilon$ from itself is considered an *edge point*. A cluster is then the collection of *core points* and *edge points*. Data points that have no other data points at a distance $<\varepsilon$ are considered outliers. The figure below shows a cluster with $N = 3$. ![dbscan](assets/freqai_dbscan.jpg) FreqAI uses `sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN` (details are available on scikit-learn's webpage [here](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN.html) (external website)) with `min_samples` ($N$) taken as 1/4 of the no. of time points in the feature set. `eps` ($\varepsilon$) is computed automatically as the elbow point in the *k-distance graph* computed from the nearest neighbors in the pairwise distances of all data points in the feature set.