# pragma pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init

This module load custom strategies
import logging
import tempfile
from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode
from collections import OrderedDict
from inspect import getfullargspec
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional

from freqtrade import constants
from freqtrade.resolvers import IResolver
from freqtrade.strategy import import_strategy
from freqtrade.strategy.interface import IStrategy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class StrategyResolver(IResolver):
    This class contains all the logic to load custom strategy class

    __slots__ = ['strategy']

    def __init__(self, config: Optional[Dict] = None) -> None:
        Load the custom class from config parameter
        :param config: configuration dictionary or None
        config = config or {}

        # Verify the strategy is in the configuration, otherwise fallback to the default strategy
        strategy_name = config.get('strategy') or constants.DEFAULT_STRATEGY
        self.strategy: IStrategy = self._load_strategy(strategy_name,

        # make sure experimental dict is available
        if 'experimental' not in config:
            config['experimental'] = {}

        # Set attributes
        # Check if we need to override configuration
        # (Attribute name,                              default, experimental)
        attributes = [("minimal_roi",                     {"0": 10.0}, False),
                      ("ticker_interval",                 None,        False),
                      ("stoploss",                        None,        False),
                      ("trailing_stop",                   None,        False),
                      ("trailing_stop_positive",          None,        False),
                      ("trailing_stop_positive_offset",   0.0,         False),
                      ("trailing_only_offset_is_reached", None,        False),
                      ("process_only_new_candles",        None,        False),
                      ("order_types",                     None,        False),
                      ("order_time_in_force",             None,        False),
                      ("stake_currency",                  None,        False),
                      ("stake_amount",                    None,        False),
                      ("use_sell_signal",                 False,       True),
                      ("sell_profit_only",                False,       True),
                      ("ignore_roi_if_buy_signal",        False,       True),
        for attribute, default, experimental in attributes:
            if experimental:
                self._override_attribute_helper(config['experimental'], attribute, default)
                self._override_attribute_helper(config, attribute, default)

        # Loop this list again to have output combined
        for attribute, _, exp in attributes:
            if exp and attribute in config['experimental']:
                logger.info("Strategy using %s: %s", attribute, config['experimental'][attribute])
            elif attribute in config:
                logger.info("Strategy using %s: %s", attribute, config[attribute])

        # Sort and apply type conversions
        self.strategy.minimal_roi = OrderedDict(sorted(
            {int(key): value for (key, value) in self.strategy.minimal_roi.items()}.items(),
            key=lambda t: t[0]))
        self.strategy.stoploss = float(self.strategy.stoploss)


    def _override_attribute_helper(self, config, attribute: str, default):
        Override attributes in the strategy.
        - Configuration
        - Strategy
        - default (if not None)
        if attribute in config:
            setattr(self.strategy, attribute, config[attribute])
            logger.info("Override strategy '%s' with value in config file: %s.",
                        attribute, config[attribute])
        elif hasattr(self.strategy, attribute):
            config[attribute] = getattr(self.strategy, attribute)
        # Explicitly check for None here as other "falsy" values are possible
        elif default is not None:
            setattr(self.strategy, attribute, default)
            config[attribute] = default

    def _strategy_sanity_validations(self):
        if not all(k in self.strategy.order_types for k in constants.REQUIRED_ORDERTYPES):
            raise ImportError(f"Impossible to load Strategy '{self.strategy.__class__.__name__}'. "
                              f"Order-types mapping is incomplete.")

        if not all(k in self.strategy.order_time_in_force for k in constants.REQUIRED_ORDERTIF):
            raise ImportError(f"Impossible to load Strategy '{self.strategy.__class__.__name__}'. "
                              f"Order-time-in-force mapping is incomplete.")

    def _load_strategy(
            self, strategy_name: str, config: dict, extra_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> IStrategy:
        Search and loads the specified strategy.
        :param strategy_name: name of the module to import
        :param config: configuration for the strategy
        :param extra_dir: additional directory to search for the given strategy
        :return: Strategy instance or None
        current_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath('strategy').resolve()

        abs_paths = [

        if extra_dir:
            # Add extra strategy directory on top of search paths
            abs_paths.insert(0, Path(extra_dir).resolve())

        if ":" in strategy_name:
            logger.info("loading base64 endocded strategy")
            strat = strategy_name.split(":")

            if len(strat) == 2:
                temp = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp("freq", "strategy"))
                name = strat[0] + ".py"


                strategy_name = strat[0]

                # register temp path with the bot
                abs_paths.insert(0, temp.resolve())

        for _path in abs_paths:
                strategy = self._search_object(directory=_path, object_type=IStrategy,
                                               object_name=strategy_name, kwargs={'config': config})
                if strategy:
                    logger.info("Using resolved strategy %s from '%s'", strategy_name, _path)
                    strategy._populate_fun_len = len(
                    strategy._buy_fun_len = len(getfullargspec(strategy.populate_buy_trend).args)
                    strategy._sell_fun_len = len(getfullargspec(strategy.populate_sell_trend).args)
                        return import_strategy(strategy, config=config)
                    except TypeError as e:
                            f"Impossible to load strategy '{strategy}' from {_path}. Error: {e}")
            except FileNotFoundError:
                logger.warning('Path "%s" does not exist', _path.relative_to(Path.cwd()))

        raise ImportError(
            f"Impossible to load Strategy '{strategy_name}'. This class does not exist"
            " or contains Python code errors"