""" This module contains the argument manager class """ import argparse import os import re import logging from typing import List from freqtrade import __version__ from freqtrade.constants import Constants class Arguments(object): """ Arguments Class. Manage the arguments received by the cli """ def __init__(self, args: List[str], description: str): self.args = args self.parsed_arg = None self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) self._common_args_parser() self._build_subcommands() def get_parsed_arg(self) -> List[str]: """ Return the list of arguments :return: List[str] List of arguments """ self.parsed_arg = self._parse_args() return self.parsed_arg def _parse_args(self) -> List[str]: """ Parses given arguments and returns an argparse Namespace instance. """ parsed_arg = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) return parsed_arg def _common_args_parser(self) -> None: """ Parses given common arguments and returns them as a parsed object. """ self.parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', help='be verbose', action='store_const', dest='loglevel', const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO, ) self.parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__), ) self.parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', help='specify configuration file (default: config.json)', dest='config', default='config.json', type=str, metavar='PATH', ) self.parser.add_argument( '--datadir', help='path to backtest data (default freqdata/tests/testdata)', dest='datadir', default=os.path.join('freqtrade', 'tests', 'testdata'), type=str, metavar='PATH', ) self.parser.add_argument( '-s', '--strategy', help='specify strategy file (default: freqtrade/strategy/default_strategy.py)', dest='strategy', default='default_strategy', type=str, metavar='PATH', ) self.parser.add_argument( '--dynamic-whitelist', help='dynamically generate and update whitelist \ based on 24h BaseVolume (Default 20 currencies)', # noqa dest='dynamic_whitelist', const=Constants.DYNAMIC_WHITELIST, type=int, metavar='INT', nargs='?', ) self.parser.add_argument( '--dry-run-db', help='Force dry run to use a local DB "tradesv3.dry_run.sqlite" \ instead of memory DB. Work only if dry_run is enabled.', action='store_true', dest='dry_run_db', ) @staticmethod def _backtesting_options(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: """ Parses given arguments for Backtesting scripts. """ parser.add_argument( '-l', '--live', action='store_true', dest='live', help='using live data', ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--ticker-interval', help='specify ticker interval in minutes (1, 5, 30, 60, 1440)', dest='ticker_interval', type=int, metavar='INT', ) parser.add_argument( '--realistic-simulation', help='uses max_open_trades from config to simulate real world limitations', action='store_true', dest='realistic_simulation', ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--refresh-pairs-cached', help='refresh the pairs files in tests/testdata with the latest data from Bittrex. \ Use it if you want to run your backtesting with up-to-date data.', action='store_true', dest='refresh_pairs', ) parser.add_argument( '--export', help='Export backtest results, argument are: trades\ Example --export=trades', type=str, default=None, dest='export', ) parser.add_argument( '--timerange', help='Specify what timerange of data to use.', default=None, type=str, dest='timerange', ) @staticmethod def _hyperopt_options(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: """ Parses given arguments for Hyperopt scripts. """ parser.add_argument( '-e', '--epochs', help='specify number of epochs (default: 100)', dest='epochs', default=Constants.HYPEROPT_EPOCH, type=int, metavar='INT', ) parser.add_argument( '--use-mongodb', help='parallelize evaluations with mongodb (requires mongod in PATH)', dest='mongodb', action='store_true', ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--ticker-interval', help='specify ticker interval in minutes (1, 5, 30, 60, 1440)', dest='ticker_interval', type=int, metavar='INT', ) parser.add_argument( '--timerange', help='Specify what timerange of data to use.', default=None, type=str, dest='timerange', ) def _build_subcommands(self) -> None: """ Builds and attaches all subcommands :return: None """ from freqtrade.optimize import backtesting, hyperopt subparsers = self.parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser') # Add backtesting subcommand backtesting_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('backtesting', help='backtesting module') backtesting_cmd.set_defaults(func=backtesting.start) self._backtesting_options(backtesting_cmd) # Add hyperopt subcommand hyperopt_cmd = subparsers.add_parser('hyperopt', help='hyperopt module') hyperopt_cmd.set_defaults(func=hyperopt.start) self._hyperopt_options(hyperopt_cmd) @staticmethod def parse_timerange(text: str) -> (List, int, int): """ Parse the value of the argument --timerange to determine what is the range desired :param text: value from --timerange :return: Start and End range period """ if text is None: return None syntax = [(r'^-(\d{8})$', (None, 'date')), (r'^(\d{8})-$', ('date', None)), (r'^(\d{8})-(\d{8})$', ('date', 'date')), (r'^(-\d+)$', (None, 'line')), (r'^(\d+)-$', ('line', None)), (r'^(\d+)-(\d+)$', ('index', 'index'))] for rex, stype in syntax: # Apply the regular expression to text match = re.match(rex, text) if match: # Regex has matched rvals = match.groups() index = 0 start = None stop = None if stype[0]: start = rvals[index] if stype[0] != 'date': start = int(start) index += 1 if stype[1]: stop = rvals[index] if stype[1] != 'date': stop = int(stop) return (stype, start, stop) raise Exception('Incorrect syntax for timerange "%s"' % text) def scripts_options(self): """ Parses given arguments for plot scripts. """ self.parser.add_argument( '-p', '--pair', help='Show profits for only this pairs. Pairs are comma-separated.', dest='pair', default=None )