import logging import re import arrow from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pandas import DataFrame import sqlalchemy as sql # from sqlalchemy import and_, func, text from freqtrade.persistence import Trade from freqtrade.misc import State, get_state, update_state from freqtrade import exchange from freqtrade.fiat_convert import CryptoToFiatConverter from . import telegram logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _FIAT_CONVERT = CryptoToFiatConverter() REGISTERED_MODULES = [] def init(config: dict) -> None: """ Initializes all enabled rpc modules :param config: config to use :return: None """ if config['telegram'].get('enabled', False):'Enabling rpc.telegram ...') REGISTERED_MODULES.append('telegram') telegram.init(config) def cleanup() -> None: """ Stops all enabled rpc modules :return: None """ if 'telegram' in REGISTERED_MODULES: logger.debug('Cleaning up rpc.telegram ...') telegram.cleanup() def send_msg(msg: str) -> None: """ Send given markdown message to all registered rpc modules :param msg: message :return: None """ if 'telegram' in REGISTERED_MODULES: telegram.send_msg(msg) def shorten_date(_date): """ Trim the date so it fits on small screens """ new_date = re.sub('seconds?', 'sec', _date) new_date = re.sub('minutes?', 'min', new_date) new_date = re.sub('hours?', 'h', new_date) new_date = re.sub('days?', 'd', new_date) new_date = re.sub('^an?', '1', new_date) return new_date # # Below follows the RPC backend # it is prefixed with rpc_ # to raise awareness that it is # a remotely exposed function def rpc_trade_status(): # Fetch open trade trades = Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).all() if get_state() != State.RUNNING: return (True, '*Status:* `trader is not running`') elif not trades: return (True, '*Status:* `no active trade`') else: result = [] for trade in trades: order = None if trade.open_order_id: order = exchange.get_order(trade.open_order_id) # calculate profit and send message to user current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair, False)['bid'] current_profit = trade.calc_profit_percent(current_rate) fmt_close_profit = '{:.2f}%'.format( round(trade.close_profit * 100, 2) ) if trade.close_profit else None message = """ *Trade ID:* `{trade_id}` *Current Pair:* [{pair}]({market_url}) *Open Since:* `{date}` *Amount:* `{amount}` *Open Rate:* `{open_rate:.8f}` *Close Rate:* `{close_rate}` *Current Rate:* `{current_rate:.8f}` *Close Profit:* `{close_profit}` *Current Profit:* `{current_profit:.2f}%` *Open Order:* `{open_order}` """.format(, pair=trade.pair, market_url=exchange.get_pair_detail_url(trade.pair), date=arrow.get(trade.open_date).humanize(), open_rate=trade.open_rate, close_rate=trade.close_rate, current_rate=current_rate, amount=round(trade.amount, 8), close_profit=fmt_close_profit, current_profit=round(current_profit * 100, 2), open_order='({} rem={:.8f})'.format( order['type'], order['remaining'] ) if order else None, ) result.append(message) return (False, result) def rpc_status_table(): trades = Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).all() if get_state() != State.RUNNING: return (True, '*Status:* `trader is not running`') elif not trades: return (True, '*Status:* `no active order`') else: trades_list = [] for trade in trades: # calculate profit and send message to user current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair, False)['bid'] trades_list.append([, trade.pair, shorten_date(arrow.get(trade.open_date).humanize(only_distance=True)), '{:.2f}%'.format(100 * trade.calc_profit_percent(current_rate)) ]) columns = ['ID', 'Pair', 'Since', 'Profit'] df_statuses = DataFrame.from_records(trades_list, columns=columns) df_statuses = df_statuses.set_index(columns[0]) # The style used throughout is to return a tuple # consisting of (error_occured?, result) # Another approach would be to just return the # result, or raise error return (False, df_statuses) def rpc_daily_profit(timescale, stake_currency, fiat_display_currency): today = datetime.utcnow().date() profit_days = {} if not (isinstance(timescale, int) and timescale > 0): return (True, '*Daily [n]:* `must be an integer greater than 0`') fiat = _FIAT_CONVERT for day in range(0, timescale): profitday = today - timedelta(days=day) trades = Trade.query \ .filter(Trade.is_open.is_(False)) \ .filter(Trade.close_date >= profitday)\ .filter(Trade.close_date < (profitday + timedelta(days=1)))\ .order_by(Trade.close_date)\ .all() curdayprofit = sum(trade.calc_profit() for trade in trades) profit_days[profitday] = { 'amount': format(curdayprofit, '.8f'), 'trades': len(trades) } stats = [ [ key, '{value:.8f} {symbol}'.format( value=float(value['amount']), symbol=stake_currency ), '{value:.3f} {symbol}'.format( value=fiat.convert_amount( value['amount'], stake_currency, fiat_display_currency ), symbol=fiat_display_currency ), '{value} trade{s}'.format(value=value['trades'], s='' if value['trades'] < 2 else 's'), ] for key, value in profit_days.items() ] return (False, stats) def rpc_trade_statistics(stake_currency, fiat_display_currency) -> None: """ :return: cumulative profit statistics. """ trades = Trade.query.order_by( profit_all_coin = [] profit_all_percent = [] profit_closed_coin = [] profit_closed_percent = [] durations = [] for trade in trades: current_rate = None if not trade.open_rate: continue if trade.close_date: durations.append((trade.close_date - trade.open_date).total_seconds()) if not trade.is_open: profit_percent = trade.calc_profit_percent() profit_closed_coin.append(trade.calc_profit()) profit_closed_percent.append(profit_percent) else: # Get current rate current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair, False)['bid'] profit_percent = trade.calc_profit_percent(rate=current_rate) profit_all_coin.append(trade.calc_profit(rate=Decimal(trade.close_rate or current_rate))) profit_all_percent.append(profit_percent) best_pair = Trade.session.query(Trade.pair, sql.func.sum(Trade.close_profit).label('profit_sum')) \ .filter(Trade.is_open.is_(False)) \ .group_by(Trade.pair) \ .order_by(sql.text('profit_sum DESC')) \ .first() if not best_pair: return (True, '*Status:* `no closed trade`') bp_pair, bp_rate = best_pair # FIX: we want to keep fiatconverter in a state/environment, # doing this will utilize its caching functionallity, instead we reinitialize it here fiat = _FIAT_CONVERT # Prepare data to display profit_closed_coin = round(sum(profit_closed_coin), 8) profit_closed_percent = round(sum(profit_closed_percent) * 100, 2) profit_closed_fiat = fiat.convert_amount( profit_closed_coin, stake_currency, fiat_display_currency ) profit_all_coin = round(sum(profit_all_coin), 8) profit_all_percent = round(sum(profit_all_percent) * 100, 2) profit_all_fiat = fiat.convert_amount( profit_all_coin, stake_currency, fiat_display_currency ) num = float(len(durations) or 1) return (False, {'profit_closed_coin': profit_closed_coin, 'profit_closed_percent': profit_closed_percent, 'profit_closed_fiat': profit_closed_fiat, 'profit_all_coin': profit_all_coin, 'profit_all_percent': profit_all_percent, 'profit_all_fiat': profit_all_fiat, 'trade_count': len(trades), 'first_trade_date': arrow.get(trades[0].open_date).humanize(), 'latest_trade_date': arrow.get(trades[-1].open_date).humanize(), 'avg_duration': str(timedelta(seconds=sum(durations) / num)).split('.')[0], 'best_pair': bp_pair, 'best_rate': round(bp_rate * 100, 2) }) def rpc_balance(fiat_display_currency): """ :return: current account balance per crypto """ balances = [ c for c in exchange.get_balances() if c['Balance'] or c['Available'] or c['Pending'] ] if not balances: return (True, '`All balances are zero.`') output = [] total = 0.0 for currency in balances: coin = currency['Currency'] if coin == 'BTC': currency["Rate"] = 1.0 else: if coin == 'USDT': currency["Rate"] = 1.0 / exchange.get_ticker('USDT_BTC', False)['bid'] else: currency["Rate"] = exchange.get_ticker('BTC_' + coin, False)['bid'] currency['BTC'] = currency["Rate"] * currency["Balance"] total = total + currency['BTC'] output.append({'currency': currency['Currency'], 'available': currency['Available'], 'balance': currency['Balance'], 'pending': currency['Pending'], 'est_btc': currency['BTC'] }) fiat = _FIAT_CONVERT symbol = fiat_display_currency value = fiat.convert_amount(total, 'BTC', symbol) return (False, (output, total, symbol, value)) def rpc_start(): """ Handler for start. """ if get_state() == State.RUNNING: return (True, '*Status:* `already running`') else: update_state(State.RUNNING) def rpc_stop(): """ Handler for stop. """ if get_state() == State.RUNNING: update_state(State.STOPPED) return (False, '`Stopping trader ...`') else: return (True, '*Status:* `already stopped`') # FIX: no test for this!!!! def rpc_forcesell(trade_id) -> None: """ Handler for forcesell . Sells the given trade at current price :return: error or None """ def _exec_forcesell(trade: Trade) -> str: # Check if there is there is an open order if trade.open_order_id: order = exchange.get_order(trade.open_order_id) # Cancel open LIMIT_BUY orders and close trade if order and not order['closed'] and order['type'] == 'LIMIT_BUY': exchange.cancel_order(trade.open_order_id) trade.close(order.get('rate') or trade.open_rate) # TODO: sell amount which has been bought already return # Ignore trades with an attached LIMIT_SELL order if order and not order['closed'] and order['type'] == 'LIMIT_SELL': return # Get current rate and execute sell current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair, False)['bid'] from freqtrade.main import execute_sell execute_sell(trade, current_rate) # ---- EOF def _exec_forcesell ---- if get_state() != State.RUNNING: return (True, '`trader is not running`') if trade_id == 'all': # Execute sell for all open orders for trade in Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).all(): _exec_forcesell(trade) return (False, '') # Query for trade trade = Trade.query.filter(sql.and_( == trade_id, Trade.is_open.is_(True) )).first() if not trade: logger.warning('forcesell: Invalid argument received') return (True, 'Invalid argument.') _exec_forcesell(trade) return (False, '') def rpc_performance() -> None: """ Handler for performance. Shows a performance statistic from finished trades """ if get_state() != State.RUNNING: return (True, '`trader is not running`') pair_rates = Trade.session.query(Trade.pair, sql.func.sum(Trade.close_profit).label('profit_sum'), sql.func.count(Trade.pair).label('count')) \ .filter(Trade.is_open.is_(False)) \ .group_by(Trade.pair) \ .order_by(sql.text('profit_sum DESC')) \ .all() trades = [] for (pair, rate, count) in pair_rates: trades.append({'pair': pair, 'profit': round(rate * 100, 2), 'count': count}) return (False, trades) def rpc_count() -> None: """ Returns the number of trades running :return: None """ if get_state() != State.RUNNING: return (True, '`trader is not running`') trades = Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).all() return (False, trades)