# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring import json import logging import re from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, PropertyMock import arrow import numpy as np import pytest from telegram import Chat, Message, Update from freqtrade import constants from freqtrade.commands import Arguments from freqtrade.data.converter import ohlcv_to_dataframe from freqtrade.edge import PairInfo from freqtrade.enums import CandleType, MarginMode, RunMode, SignalDirection, TradingMode from freqtrade.exchange import Exchange from freqtrade.freqtradebot import FreqtradeBot from freqtrade.persistence import LocalTrade, Order, Trade, init_db from freqtrade.resolvers import ExchangeResolver from freqtrade.worker import Worker from tests.conftest_trades import (leverage_trade, mock_trade_1, mock_trade_2, mock_trade_3, mock_trade_4, mock_trade_5, mock_trade_6, short_trade) from tests.conftest_trades_usdt import (mock_trade_usdt_1, mock_trade_usdt_2, mock_trade_usdt_3, mock_trade_usdt_4, mock_trade_usdt_5, mock_trade_usdt_6, mock_trade_usdt_7) logging.getLogger('').setLevel(logging.INFO) # Do not mask numpy errors as warnings that no one read, raise the exсeption np.seterr(all='raise') CURRENT_TEST_STRATEGY = 'StrategyTestV3' TRADE_SIDES = ('long', 'short') def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption('--longrun', action='store_true', dest="longrun", default=False, help="Enable long-run tests (ccxt compat)") def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "longrun: mark test that is running slowly and should not be run regularily" ) if not config.option.longrun: setattr(config.option, 'markexpr', 'not longrun') def log_has(line, logs): """Check if line is found on some caplog's message.""" return any(line == message for message in logs.messages) def log_has_re(line, logs): """Check if line matches some caplog's message.""" return any(re.match(line, message) for message in logs.messages) def num_log_has(line, logs): """Check how many times line is found in caplog's messages.""" return sum(line == message for message in logs.messages) def num_log_has_re(line, logs): """Check how many times line matches caplog's messages.""" return sum(bool(re.match(line, message)) for message in logs.messages) def get_args(args): return Arguments(args).get_parsed_arg() # Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29881236/how-to-mock-asyncio-coroutines def get_mock_coro(return_value): async def mock_coro(*args, **kwargs): return return_value return Mock(wraps=mock_coro) def patched_configuration_load_config_file(mocker, config) -> None: mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.configuration.configuration.load_config_file', lambda *args, **kwargs: config ) def patch_exchange( mocker, api_mock=None, id='binance', mock_markets=True, mock_supported_modes=True ) -> None: mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange._load_async_markets', MagicMock(return_value={})) mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.validate_pairs', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.validate_timeframes', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.validate_ordertypes', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.validate_stakecurrency', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.validate_pricing') mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.id', PropertyMock(return_value=id)) mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.name', PropertyMock(return_value=id.title())) mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.precisionMode', PropertyMock(return_value=2)) if mock_markets: if isinstance(mock_markets, bool): mock_markets = get_markets() mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.markets', PropertyMock(return_value=mock_markets)) if mock_supported_modes: mocker.patch( f'freqtrade.exchange.{id.capitalize()}._supported_trading_mode_margin_pairs', PropertyMock(return_value=[ (TradingMode.MARGIN, MarginMode.CROSS), (TradingMode.MARGIN, MarginMode.ISOLATED), (TradingMode.FUTURES, MarginMode.CROSS), (TradingMode.FUTURES, MarginMode.ISOLATED) ]) ) if api_mock: mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange._init_ccxt', MagicMock(return_value=api_mock)) else: mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange._init_ccxt', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.exchange.Exchange.timeframes', PropertyMock( return_value=['5m', '15m', '1h', '1d'])) def get_patched_exchange(mocker, config, api_mock=None, id='binance', mock_markets=True, mock_supported_modes=True) -> Exchange: patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock, id, mock_markets, mock_supported_modes) config['exchange']['name'] = id try: exchange = ExchangeResolver.load_exchange(id, config) except ImportError: exchange = Exchange(config) return exchange def patch_wallet(mocker, free=999.9) -> None: mocker.patch('freqtrade.wallets.Wallets.get_free', MagicMock( return_value=free )) def patch_whitelist(mocker, conf) -> None: mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.FreqtradeBot._refresh_active_whitelist', MagicMock(return_value=conf['exchange']['pair_whitelist'])) def patch_edge(mocker) -> None: # "ETH/BTC", # "LTC/BTC", # "XRP/BTC", # "NEO/BTC" mocker.patch('freqtrade.edge.Edge._cached_pairs', mocker.PropertyMock( return_value={ 'NEO/BTC': PairInfo(-0.20, 0.66, 3.71, 0.50, 1.71, 10, 25), 'LTC/BTC': PairInfo(-0.21, 0.66, 3.71, 0.50, 1.71, 11, 20), } )) mocker.patch('freqtrade.edge.Edge.calculate', MagicMock(return_value=True)) # Functions for recurrent object patching def patch_freqtradebot(mocker, config) -> None: """ This function patch _init_modules() to not call dependencies :param mocker: a Mocker object to apply patches :param config: Config to pass to the bot :return: None """ mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.RPCManager', MagicMock()) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.RPCManager._init', MagicMock()) mocker.patch('freqtrade.freqtradebot.RPCManager.send_msg', MagicMock()) patch_whitelist(mocker, config) def get_patched_freqtradebot(mocker, config) -> FreqtradeBot: """ This function patches _init_modules() to not call dependencies :param mocker: a Mocker object to apply patches :param config: Config to pass to the bot :return: FreqtradeBot """ patch_freqtradebot(mocker, config) config['datadir'] = Path(config['datadir']) return FreqtradeBot(config) def get_patched_worker(mocker, config) -> Worker: """ This function patches _init_modules() to not call dependencies :param mocker: a Mocker object to apply patches :param config: Config to pass to the bot :return: Worker """ patch_freqtradebot(mocker, config) return Worker(args=None, config=config) def patch_get_signal( freqtrade: FreqtradeBot, enter_long=True, exit_long=False, enter_short=False, exit_short=False, enter_tag: Optional[str] = None, exit_tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ :param mocker: mocker to patch IStrategy class :return: None """ # returns (Signal-direction, signaname) def patched_get_entry_signal(*args, **kwargs): direction = None if enter_long and not any([exit_long, enter_short]): direction = SignalDirection.LONG if enter_short and not any([exit_short, enter_long]): direction = SignalDirection.SHORT return direction, enter_tag freqtrade.strategy.get_entry_signal = patched_get_entry_signal def patched_get_exit_signal(pair, timeframe, dataframe, is_short): if is_short: return enter_short, exit_short, exit_tag else: return enter_long, exit_long, exit_tag # returns (enter, exit) freqtrade.strategy.get_exit_signal = patched_get_exit_signal freqtrade.exchange.refresh_latest_ohlcv = lambda p: None def create_mock_trades(fee, is_short: Optional[bool] = False, use_db: bool = True): """ Create some fake trades ... :param is_short: Optional bool, None creates a mix of long and short trades. """ def add_trade(trade): if use_db: Trade.query.session.add(trade) else: LocalTrade.add_bt_trade(trade) is_short1 = is_short if is_short is not None else True is_short2 = is_short if is_short is not None else False # Simulate dry_run entries trade = mock_trade_1(fee, is_short1) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_2(fee, is_short1) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_3(fee, is_short2) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_4(fee, is_short2) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_5(fee, is_short2) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_6(fee, is_short1) add_trade(trade) if use_db: Trade.commit() def create_mock_trades_with_leverage(fee, use_db: bool = True): """ Create some fake trades ... """ if use_db: Trade.query.session.rollback() def add_trade(trade): if use_db: Trade.query.session.add(trade) else: LocalTrade.add_bt_trade(trade) # Simulate dry_run entries trade = mock_trade_1(fee, False) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_2(fee, False) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_3(fee, False) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_4(fee, False) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_5(fee, False) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_6(fee, False) add_trade(trade) trade = short_trade(fee) add_trade(trade) trade = leverage_trade(fee) add_trade(trade) if use_db: Trade.query.session.flush() def create_mock_trades_usdt(fee, use_db: bool = True): """ Create some fake trades ... """ def add_trade(trade): if use_db: Trade.query.session.add(trade) else: LocalTrade.add_bt_trade(trade) # Simulate dry_run entries trade = mock_trade_usdt_1(fee) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_usdt_2(fee) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_usdt_3(fee) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_usdt_4(fee) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_usdt_5(fee) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_usdt_6(fee) add_trade(trade) trade = mock_trade_usdt_7(fee) add_trade(trade) if use_db: Trade.commit() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def patch_coingekko(mocker) -> None: """ Mocker to coingekko to speed up tests :param mocker: mocker to patch coingekko class :return: None """ tickermock = MagicMock(return_value={'bitcoin': {'usd': 12345.0}, 'ethereum': {'usd': 12345.0}}) listmock = MagicMock(return_value=[{'id': 'bitcoin', 'name': 'Bitcoin', 'symbol': 'btc', 'website_slug': 'bitcoin'}, {'id': 'ethereum', 'name': 'Ethereum', 'symbol': 'eth', 'website_slug': 'ethereum'} ]) mocker.patch.multiple( 'freqtrade.rpc.fiat_convert.CoinGeckoAPI', get_price=tickermock, get_coins_list=listmock, ) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def init_persistence(default_conf): init_db(default_conf['db_url'], default_conf['dry_run']) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def default_conf(testdatadir): return get_default_conf(testdatadir) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def default_conf_usdt(testdatadir): return get_default_conf_usdt(testdatadir) def get_default_conf(testdatadir): """ Returns validated configuration suitable for most tests """ configuration = { "max_open_trades": 1, "stake_currency": "BTC", "stake_amount": 0.001, "fiat_display_currency": "USD", "timeframe": '5m', "dry_run": True, "cancel_open_orders_on_exit": False, "minimal_roi": { "40": 0.0, "30": 0.01, "20": 0.02, "0": 0.04 }, "dry_run_wallet": 1000, "stoploss": -0.10, "unfilledtimeout": { "entry": 10, "exit": 30 }, "entry_pricing": { "price_last_balance": 0.0, "use_order_book": False, "order_book_top": 1, "check_depth_of_market": { "enabled": False, "bids_to_ask_delta": 1 } }, "exit_pricing": { "use_order_book": False, "order_book_top": 1, }, "exchange": { "name": "binance", "enabled": True, "key": "key", "secret": "secret", "pair_whitelist": [ "ETH/BTC", "LTC/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "NEO/BTC" ], "pair_blacklist": [ "DOGE/BTC", "HOT/BTC", ] }, "pairlists": [ {"method": "StaticPairList"} ], "telegram": { "enabled": True, "token": "token", "chat_id": "0", "notification_settings": {}, }, "datadir": str(testdatadir), "initial_state": "running", "db_url": "sqlite://", "user_data_dir": Path("user_data"), "verbosity": 3, "strategy_path": str(Path(__file__).parent / "strategy" / "strats"), "strategy": CURRENT_TEST_STRATEGY, "disableparamexport": True, "internals": {}, "export": "none", "candle_type_def": CandleType.SPOT, } return configuration def get_default_conf_usdt(testdatadir): configuration = get_default_conf(testdatadir) configuration.update({ "stake_amount": 60.0, "stake_currency": "USDT", "exchange": { "name": "binance", "enabled": True, "key": "key", "secret": "secret", "pair_whitelist": [ "ETH/USDT", "LTC/USDT", "XRP/USDT", "NEO/USDT", "TKN/USDT", ], "pair_blacklist": [ "DOGE/USDT", "HOT/USDT", ] }, }) return configuration @pytest.fixture def update(): _update = Update(0) _update.message = Message(0, datetime.utcnow(), Chat(0, 0)) return _update @pytest.fixture def fee(): return MagicMock(return_value=0.0025) @pytest.fixture def ticker(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 0.00001098, 'ask': 0.00001099, 'last': 0.00001098, }) @pytest.fixture def ticker_sell_up(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 0.00001172, 'ask': 0.00001173, 'last': 0.00001172, }) @pytest.fixture def ticker_sell_down(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 0.00001044, 'ask': 0.00001043, 'last': 0.00001044, }) @pytest.fixture def ticker_usdt(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 2.0, 'ask': 2.02, 'last': 2.0, }) @pytest.fixture def ticker_usdt_sell_up(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 2.2, 'ask': 2.3, 'last': 2.2, }) @pytest.fixture def ticker_usdt_sell_down(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bid': 2.01, 'ask': 2.0, 'last': 2.01, }) @pytest.fixture def markets(): return get_markets() def get_markets(): # See get_markets_static() for immutable markets and do not modify them unless absolutely # necessary! return { 'ETH/BTC': { 'id': 'ethbtc', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'base': 'ETH', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'contractSize': None, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 100000000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000, }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, 'leverage': { 'min': 1.0, 'max': 2.0 } }, }, 'TKN/BTC': { 'id': 'tknbtc', 'symbol': 'TKN/BTC', 'base': 'TKN', 'quote': 'BTC', # According to ccxt, markets without active item set are also active # 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'contractSize': None, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 100000000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000, }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, 'leverage': { 'min': 1.0, 'max': 5.0 } }, }, 'BLK/BTC': { 'id': 'blkbtc', 'symbol': 'BLK/BTC', 'base': 'BLK', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'contractSize': None, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 1000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000, }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, 'leverage': { 'min': 1.0, 'max': 3.0 }, }, }, 'LTC/BTC': { 'id': 'ltcbtc', 'symbol': 'LTC/BTC', 'base': 'LTC', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'contractSize': None, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 100000000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000, }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'XRP/BTC': { 'id': 'xrpbtc', 'symbol': 'XRP/BTC', 'base': 'XRP', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'contractSize': None, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 100000000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000, }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'NEO/BTC': { 'id': 'neobtc', 'symbol': 'NEO/BTC', 'base': 'NEO', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'contractSize': None, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 100000000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000, }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'BTT/BTC': { 'id': 'BTTBTC', 'symbol': 'BTT/BTC', 'base': 'BTT', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': False, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'contractSize': None, 'precision': { 'base': 8, 'quote': 8, 'amount': 0, 'price': 8 }, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 1.0, 'max': 90000000.0 }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': None }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': None }, 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'ETH/USDT': { 'id': 'USDT-ETH', 'symbol': 'ETH/USDT', 'base': 'ETH', 'quote': 'USDT', 'settle': None, 'baseId': 'ETH', 'quoteId': 'USDT', 'settleId': None, 'type': 'spot', 'spot': True, 'margin': True, 'swap': True, 'future': True, 'option': False, 'active': True, 'contract': None, 'linear': None, 'inverse': None, 'taker': 0.0006, 'maker': 0.0002, 'contractSize': None, 'expiry': None, 'expiryDateTime': None, 'strike': None, 'optionType': None, 'precision': { 'amount': 8, 'price': 8, }, 'limits': { 'leverage': { 'min': 1, 'max': 100, }, 'amount': { 'min': 0.02214286, 'max': None, }, 'price': { 'min': 1e-08, 'max': None, }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, 'info': { 'maintenance_rate': '0.005', }, }, 'LTC/USDT': { 'id': 'USDT-LTC', 'symbol': 'LTC/USDT', 'base': 'LTC', 'quote': 'USDT', 'active': False, 'spot': True, 'future': True, 'swap': True, 'margin': True, 'linear': None, 'inverse': False, 'type': 'spot', 'contractSize': None, 'taker': 0.0006, 'maker': 0.0002, 'precision': { 'amount': 8, 'price': 8 }, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.06646786, 'max': None }, 'price': { 'min': 1e-08, 'max': None }, 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'XRP/USDT': { 'id': 'xrpusdt', 'symbol': 'XRP/USDT', 'base': 'XRP', 'quote': 'USDT', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'taker': 0.0006, 'maker': 0.0002, 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'contractSize': None, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 1000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000, }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'NEO/USDT': { 'id': 'neousdt', 'symbol': 'NEO/USDT', 'base': 'NEO', 'quote': 'USDT', 'settle': '', 'baseId': 'NEO', 'quoteId': 'USDT', 'settleId': '', 'type': 'spot', 'spot': True, 'margin': True, 'swap': False, 'futures': False, 'option': False, 'active': True, 'contract': False, 'linear': None, 'inverse': None, 'taker': 0.0006, 'maker': 0.0002, 'contractSize': None, 'expiry': None, 'expiryDatetime': None, 'strike': None, 'optionType': None, 'tierBased': None, 'percentage': None, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'limits': { "leverage": { 'min': 1, 'max': 10 }, 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 1000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000, }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'TKN/USDT': { 'id': 'tknusdt', 'symbol': 'TKN/USDT', 'base': 'TKN', 'quote': 'USDT', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'contractSize': None, 'taker': 0.0006, 'maker': 0.0002, 'precision': { 'price': 8, 'amount': 8, 'cost': 8, }, 'lot': 0.00000001, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': 100000000000, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': 500000 }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.0001, 'max': 500000, }, 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'LTC/USD': { 'id': 'USD-LTC', 'symbol': 'LTC/USD', 'base': 'LTC', 'quote': 'USD', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'contractSize': None, 'precision': { 'amount': 8, 'price': 8 }, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 0.06646786, 'max': None }, 'price': { 'min': 1e-08, 'max': None }, 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'XLTCUSDT': { 'id': 'xLTCUSDT', 'symbol': 'XLTCUSDT', 'base': 'LTC', 'quote': 'USDT', 'active': True, 'spot': False, 'type': 'swap', 'contractSize': 0.01, 'swap': False, 'linear': False, 'taker': 0.0006, 'maker': 0.0002, 'precision': { 'amount': 8, 'price': 8 }, 'limits': { 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'amount': { 'min': 0.06646786, 'max': None }, 'price': { 'min': 1e-08, 'max': None }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, 'info': {}, }, 'LTC/ETH': { 'id': 'LTCETH', 'symbol': 'LTC/ETH', 'base': 'LTC', 'quote': 'ETH', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'swap': False, 'linear': None, 'type': 'spot', 'contractSize': None, 'precision': { 'base': 8, 'quote': 8, 'amount': 3, 'price': 5 }, 'limits': { 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'amount': { 'min': 0.001, 'max': 10000000.0 }, 'price': { 'min': 1e-05, 'max': 1000.0 }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.01, 'max': None } }, 'info': { } }, 'ETH/USDT:USDT': { 'id': 'ETH_USDT', 'symbol': 'ETH/USDT:USDT', 'base': 'ETH', 'quote': 'USDT', 'settle': 'USDT', 'baseId': 'ETH', 'quoteId': 'USDT', 'settleId': 'USDT', 'type': 'swap', 'spot': False, 'margin': False, 'swap': True, 'future': True, # Binance mode ... 'option': False, 'contract': True, 'linear': True, 'inverse': False, 'tierBased': False, 'percentage': True, 'taker': 0.0006, 'maker': 0.0002, 'contractSize': 10, 'active': True, 'expiry': None, 'expiryDatetime': None, 'strike': None, 'optionType': None, 'limits': { 'leverage': { 'min': 1, 'max': 100 }, 'amount': { 'min': 1, 'max': 300000 }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, } }, 'precision': { 'price': 0.05, 'amount': 1 }, 'info': {} }, 'ADA/USDT:USDT': { 'limits': { 'leverage': { 'min': 1, 'max': 20, }, 'amount': { 'min': 1, 'max': 1000000, }, 'price': { 'min': 0.52981, 'max': 1.58943, }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, } }, 'precision': { 'amount': 1, 'price': 0.00001 }, 'tierBased': True, 'percentage': True, 'taker': 0.0000075, 'maker': -0.0000025, 'feeSide': 'get', 'tiers': { 'maker': [ [0, 0.002], [1.5, 0.00185], [3, 0.00175], [6, 0.00165], [12.5, 0.00155], [25, 0.00145], [75, 0.00135], [200, 0.00125], [500, 0.00115], [1250, 0.00105], [2500, 0.00095], [3000, 0.00085], [6000, 0.00075], [11000, 0.00065], [20000, 0.00055], [40000, 0.00055], [75000, 0.00055] ], 'taker': [ [0, 0.002], [1.5, 0.00195], [3, 0.00185], [6, 0.00175], [12.5, 0.00165], [25, 0.00155], [75, 0.00145], [200, 0.00135], [500, 0.00125], [1250, 0.00115], [2500, 0.00105], [3000, 0.00095], [6000, 0.00085], [11000, 0.00075], [20000, 0.00065], [40000, 0.00065], [75000, 0.00065] ] }, 'id': 'ADA_USDT', 'symbol': 'ADA/USDT:USDT', 'base': 'ADA', 'quote': 'USDT', 'settle': 'USDT', 'baseId': 'ADA', 'quoteId': 'USDT', 'settleId': 'usdt', 'type': 'swap', 'spot': False, 'margin': False, 'swap': True, 'future': True, # Binance mode ... 'option': False, 'active': True, 'contract': True, 'linear': True, 'inverse': False, 'contractSize': 0.01, 'expiry': None, 'expiryDatetime': None, 'strike': None, 'optionType': None, 'info': {} }, 'SOL/BUSD:BUSD': { 'limits': { 'leverage': {'min': None, 'max': None}, 'amount': {'min': 1, 'max': 1000000}, 'price': {'min': 0.04, 'max': 100000}, 'cost': {'min': 5, 'max': None}, 'market': {'min': 1, 'max': 1500} }, 'precision': {'amount': 0, 'price': 2, 'base': 8, 'quote': 8}, 'tierBased': False, 'percentage': True, 'taker': 0.0004, 'maker': 0.0002, 'feeSide': 'get', 'id': 'SOLBUSD', 'lowercaseId': 'solbusd', 'symbol': 'SOL/BUSD', 'base': 'SOL', 'quote': 'BUSD', 'settle': 'BUSD', 'baseId': 'SOL', 'quoteId': 'BUSD', 'settleId': 'BUSD', 'type': 'future', 'spot': False, 'margin': False, 'future': True, 'delivery': False, 'option': False, 'active': True, 'contract': True, 'linear': True, 'inverse': False, 'contractSize': 1, 'expiry': None, 'expiryDatetime': None, 'strike': None, 'optionType': None, 'info': { 'symbol': 'SOLBUSD', 'pair': 'SOLBUSD', 'contractType': 'PERPETUAL', 'deliveryDate': '4133404800000', 'onboardDate': '1630566000000', 'status': 'TRADING', 'maintMarginPercent': '2.5000', 'requiredMarginPercent': '5.0000', 'baseAsset': 'SOL', 'quoteAsset': 'BUSD', 'marginAsset': 'BUSD', 'pricePrecision': '4', 'quantityPrecision': '0', 'baseAssetPrecision': '8', 'quotePrecision': '8', 'underlyingType': 'COIN', 'underlyingSubType': [], 'settlePlan': '0', 'triggerProtect': '0.0500', 'liquidationFee': '0.005000', 'marketTakeBound': '0.05', 'filters': [ { 'minPrice': '0.0400', 'maxPrice': '100000', 'filterType': 'PRICE_FILTER', 'tickSize': '0.0100' }, { 'stepSize': '1', 'filterType': 'LOT_SIZE', 'maxQty': '1000000', 'minQty': '1' }, { 'stepSize': '1', 'filterType': 'MARKET_LOT_SIZE', 'maxQty': '1500', 'minQty': '1' }, {'limit': '200', 'filterType': 'MAX_NUM_ORDERS'}, {'limit': '10', 'filterType': 'MAX_NUM_ALGO_ORDERS'}, {'notional': '5', 'filterType': 'MIN_NOTIONAL'}, { 'multiplierDown': '0.9500', 'multiplierUp': '1.0500', 'multiplierDecimal': '4', 'filterType': 'PERCENT_PRICE' } ], 'orderTypes': [ 'LIMIT', 'MARKET', 'STOP', 'STOP_MARKET', 'TAKE_PROFIT', 'TAKE_PROFIT_MARKET', 'TRAILING_STOP_MARKET' ], 'timeInForce': ['GTC', 'IOC', 'FOK', 'GTX'] } }, } @pytest.fixture def markets_static(): # These markets are used in some tests that would need adaptation should anything change in # market list. Do not modify this list without a good reason! Do not modify market parameters # of listed pairs in get_markets() without a good reason either! static_markets = ['BLK/BTC', 'BTT/BTC', 'ETH/BTC', 'ETH/USDT', 'LTC/BTC', 'LTC/ETH', 'LTC/USD', 'LTC/USDT', 'NEO/BTC', 'TKN/BTC', 'XLTCUSDT', 'XRP/BTC', 'ADA/USDT:USDT', 'ETH/USDT:USDT', ] all_markets = get_markets() return {m: all_markets[m] for m in static_markets} @pytest.fixture def shitcoinmarkets(markets_static): """ Fixture with shitcoin markets - used to test filters in pairlists """ shitmarkets = deepcopy(markets_static) shitmarkets.update({ 'HOT/BTC': { 'id': 'HOTBTC', 'symbol': 'HOT/BTC', 'base': 'HOT', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'type': 'spot', 'precision': { 'base': 8, 'quote': 8, 'amount': 0, 'price': 8 }, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 1.0, 'max': 90000000.0 }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': None }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.001, 'max': None } }, 'info': {}, }, 'FUEL/BTC': { 'id': 'FUELBTC', 'symbol': 'FUEL/BTC', 'base': 'FUEL', 'quote': 'BTC', 'active': True, 'spot': True, 'type': 'spot', 'precision': { 'base': 8, 'quote': 8, 'amount': 0, 'price': 8 }, 'limits': { 'amount': { 'min': 1.0, 'max': 90000000.0 }, 'price': { 'min': 1e-08, 'max': 1000.0 }, 'cost': { 'min': 0.001, 'max': None } }, 'info': {}, }, 'NANO/USDT': { "percentage": True, "tierBased": False, "taker": 0.001, "maker": 0.001, "precision": { "base": 8, "quote": 8, "amount": 2, "price": 4 }, "limits": { 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'amount': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, "id": "NANOUSDT", "symbol": "NANO/USDT", "base": "NANO", "quote": "USDT", "baseId": "NANO", "quoteId": "USDT", "info": {}, "type": "spot", "spot": True, "future": False, "active": True }, 'ADAHALF/USDT': { "percentage": True, "tierBased": False, "taker": 0.001, "maker": 0.001, "precision": { "base": 8, "quote": 8, "amount": 2, "price": 4 }, "limits": { 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'amount': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, "id": "ADAHALFUSDT", "symbol": "ADAHALF/USDT", "base": "ADAHALF", "quote": "USDT", "baseId": "ADAHALF", "quoteId": "USDT", "info": {}, "type": "spot", "spot": True, "future": False, "active": True }, 'ADADOUBLE/USDT': { "percentage": True, "tierBased": False, "taker": 0.001, "maker": 0.001, "precision": { "base": 8, "quote": 8, "amount": 2, "price": 4 }, "limits": { 'leverage': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'amount': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'price': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, 'cost': { 'min': None, 'max': None, }, }, "id": "ADADOUBLEUSDT", "symbol": "ADADOUBLE/USDT", "base": "ADADOUBLE", "quote": "USDT", "baseId": "ADADOUBLE", "quoteId": "USDT", "info": {}, "type": "spot", "spot": True, "future": False, "active": True }, }) return shitmarkets @pytest.fixture def markets_empty(): return MagicMock(return_value=[]) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def limit_buy_order_open(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_buy', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().int_timestamp, 'price': 0.00001099, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'filled': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0009999, 'remaining': 90.99181073, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def limit_buy_order(limit_buy_order_open): order = deepcopy(limit_buy_order_open) order['status'] = 'closed' order['filled'] = order['amount'] order['remaining'] = 0.0 return order @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def market_buy_order(): return { 'id': 'mocked_market_buy', 'type': 'market', 'side': 'buy', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'price': 0.00004099, 'amount': 91.99181073, 'filled': 91.99181073, 'remaining': 0.0, 'status': 'closed' } @pytest.fixture def market_sell_order(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_sell', 'type': 'market', 'side': 'sell', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'price': 0.00004173, 'amount': 91.99181073, 'filled': 91.99181073, 'remaining': 0.0, 'status': 'closed' } @pytest.fixture def limit_buy_order_old(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_buy_old', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': str(arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).datetime), 'price': 0.00001099, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 90.99181073, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture def limit_sell_order_old(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_sell_old', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'sell', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).isoformat(), 'price': 0.00001099, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 90.99181073, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture def limit_buy_order_old_partial(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_buy_old_partial', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).isoformat(), 'price': 0.00001099, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'filled': 23.0, 'remaining': 67.99181073, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture def limit_buy_order_old_partial_canceled(limit_buy_order_old_partial): res = deepcopy(limit_buy_order_old_partial) res['status'] = 'canceled' res['fee'] = {'cost': 0.023, 'currency': 'ETH'} return res @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def limit_buy_order_canceled_empty(request): # Indirect fixture # Documentation: # https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/example/parametrize.html#apply-indirect-on-particular-arguments exchange_name = request.param if exchange_name == 'ftx': return { 'info': {}, 'id': '1234512345', 'clientOrderId': None, 'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).int_timestamp, 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).isoformat(), 'lastTradeTimestamp': None, 'symbol': 'LTC/USDT', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'price': 34.3225, 'amount': 0.55, 'cost': 0.0, 'average': None, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 0.0, 'status': 'closed', 'fee': None, 'trades': None } elif exchange_name == 'kraken': return { 'info': {}, 'id': 'AZNPFF-4AC4N-7MKTAT', 'clientOrderId': None, 'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).int_timestamp, 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).isoformat(), 'lastTradeTimestamp': None, 'status': 'canceled', 'symbol': 'LTC/USDT', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'price': 34.3225, 'cost': 0.0, 'amount': 0.55, 'filled': 0.0, 'average': 0.0, 'remaining': 0.55, 'fee': {'cost': 0.0, 'rate': None, 'currency': 'USDT'}, 'trades': [] } elif exchange_name == 'binance': return { 'info': {}, 'id': '1234512345', 'clientOrderId': 'alb1234123', 'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).int_timestamp, 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).isoformat(), 'lastTradeTimestamp': None, 'symbol': 'LTC/USDT', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'price': 0.016804, 'amount': 0.55, 'cost': 0.0, 'average': None, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 0.55, 'status': 'canceled', 'fee': None, 'trades': None } else: return { 'info': {}, 'id': '1234512345', 'clientOrderId': 'alb1234123', 'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).int_timestamp, 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).isoformat(), 'lastTradeTimestamp': None, 'symbol': 'LTC/USDT', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'price': 0.016804, 'amount': 0.55, 'cost': 0.0, 'average': None, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 0.55, 'status': 'canceled', 'fee': None, 'trades': None } @pytest.fixture def limit_sell_order_open(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_sell', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'sell', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().int_timestamp, 'price': 0.00001173, 'amount': 90.99181073, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 90.99181073, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture def limit_sell_order(limit_sell_order_open): order = deepcopy(limit_sell_order_open) order['remaining'] = 0.0 order['filled'] = order['amount'] order['status'] = 'closed' return order @pytest.fixture def order_book_l2(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'bids': [ [0.043936, 10.442], [0.043935, 31.865], [0.043933, 11.212], [0.043928, 0.088], [0.043925, 10.0], [0.043921, 10.0], [0.04392, 37.64], [0.043899, 0.066], [0.043885, 0.676], [0.04387, 22.758] ], 'asks': [ [0.043949, 0.346], [0.04395, 0.608], [0.043951, 3.948], [0.043954, 0.288], [0.043958, 9.277], [0.043995, 1.566], [0.044, 0.588], [0.044002, 0.992], [0.044003, 0.095], [0.04402, 37.64] ], 'timestamp': None, 'datetime': None, 'nonce': 288004540 }) @pytest.fixture def order_book_l2_usd(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'symbol': 'LTC/USDT', 'bids': [ [25.563, 49.269], [25.562, 83.0], [25.56, 106.0], [25.559, 15.381], [25.558, 29.299], [25.557, 34.624], [25.556, 10.0], [25.555, 14.684], [25.554, 45.91], [25.553, 50.0] ], 'asks': [ [25.566, 14.27], [25.567, 48.484], [25.568, 92.349], [25.572, 31.48], [25.573, 23.0], [25.574, 20.0], [25.575, 89.606], [25.576, 262.016], [25.577, 178.557], [25.578, 78.614] ], 'timestamp': None, 'datetime': None, 'nonce': 2372149736 }) @pytest.fixture def ohlcv_history_list(): return [ [ 1511686200000, # unix timestamp ms 8.794e-05, # open 8.948e-05, # high 8.794e-05, # low 8.88e-05, # close 0.0877869, # volume (in quote currency) ], [ 1511686500000, 8.88e-05, 8.942e-05, 8.88e-05, 8.893e-05, 0.05874751, ], [ 1511686800000, 8.891e-05, 8.893e-05, 8.875e-05, 8.877e-05, 0.7039405 ] ] @pytest.fixture def ohlcv_history(ohlcv_history_list): return ohlcv_to_dataframe(ohlcv_history_list, "5m", pair="UNITTEST/BTC", fill_missing=True, drop_incomplete=False) @pytest.fixture def tickers(): return MagicMock(return_value={ 'ETH/BTC': { 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'timestamp': 1522014806207, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.207Z', 'high': 0.061697, 'low': 0.060531, 'bid': 0.061588, 'bidVolume': 3.321, 'ask': 0.061655, 'askVolume': 0.212, 'vwap': 0.06105296, 'open': 0.060809, 'close': 0.060761, 'first': None, 'last': 0.061588, 'change': 1.281, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 111649.001, 'quoteVolume': 6816.50176926, 'info': {} }, 'TKN/BTC': { 'symbol': 'TKN/BTC', 'timestamp': 1522014806169, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.169Z', 'high': 0.01885, 'low': 0.018497, 'bid': 0.018799, 'bidVolume': 8.38, 'ask': 0.018802, 'askVolume': 15.0, 'vwap': 0.01869197, 'open': 0.018585, 'close': 0.018573, 'last': 0.018799, 'baseVolume': 81058.66, 'quoteVolume': 2247.48374509, }, 'BLK/BTC': { 'symbol': 'BLK/BTC', 'timestamp': 1522014806072, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.720Z', 'high': 0.007745, 'low': 0.007512, 'bid': 0.007729, 'bidVolume': 0.01, 'ask': 0.007743, 'askVolume': 21.37, 'vwap': 0.00761466, 'open': 0.007653, 'close': 0.007652, 'first': None, 'last': 0.007743, 'change': 1.176, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 295152.26, 'quoteVolume': 1515.14631229, 'info': {} }, 'LTC/BTC': { 'symbol': 'LTC/BTC', 'timestamp': 1523787258992, 'datetime': '2018-04-15T10:14:19.992Z', 'high': 0.015978, 'low': 0.0157, 'bid': 0.015954, 'bidVolume': 12.83, 'ask': 0.015957, 'askVolume': 0.49, 'vwap': 0.01581636, 'open': 0.015823, 'close': 0.01582, 'first': None, 'last': 0.015951, 'change': 0.809, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 88620.68, 'quoteVolume': 1401.65697943, 'info': {} }, 'BTT/BTC': { 'symbol': 'BTT/BTC', 'timestamp': 1550936557206, 'datetime': '2019-02-23T15:42:37.206Z', 'high': 0.00000026, 'low': 0.00000024, 'bid': 0.00000024, 'bidVolume': 2446894197.0, 'ask': 0.00000025, 'askVolume': 2447913837.0, 'vwap': 0.00000025, 'open': 0.00000026, 'close': 0.00000024, 'last': 0.00000024, 'previousClose': 0.00000026, 'change': -0.00000002, 'percentage': -7.692, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 4886464537.0, 'quoteVolume': 1215.14489611, 'info': {} }, 'HOT/BTC': { 'symbol': 'HOT/BTC', 'timestamp': 1572273518661, 'datetime': '2019-10-28T14:38:38.661Z', 'high': 0.00000011, 'low': 0.00000009, 'bid': 0.0000001, 'bidVolume': 1476027288.0, 'ask': 0.00000011, 'askVolume': 820153831.0, 'vwap': 0.0000001, 'open': 0.00000009, 'close': 0.00000011, 'last': 0.00000011, 'previousClose': 0.00000009, 'change': 0.00000002, 'percentage': 22.222, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 1442290324.0, 'quoteVolume': 143.78311994, 'info': {} }, 'FUEL/BTC': { 'symbol': 'FUEL/BTC', 'timestamp': 1572340250771, 'datetime': '2019-10-29T09:10:50.771Z', 'high': 0.00000040, 'low': 0.00000035, 'bid': 0.00000036, 'bidVolume': 8932318.0, 'ask': 0.00000037, 'askVolume': 10140774.0, 'vwap': 0.00000037, 'open': 0.00000039, 'close': 0.00000037, 'last': 0.00000037, 'previousClose': 0.00000038, 'change': -0.00000002, 'percentage': -5.128, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 168927742.0, 'quoteVolume': 62.68220262, 'info': {} }, 'BTC/USDT': { 'symbol': 'BTC/USDT', 'timestamp': 1573758371399, 'datetime': '2019-11-14T19:06:11.399Z', 'high': 8800.0, 'low': 8582.6, 'bid': 8648.16, 'bidVolume': 0.238771, 'ask': 8648.72, 'askVolume': 0.016253, 'vwap': 8683.13647806, 'open': 8759.7, 'close': 8648.72, 'last': 8648.72, 'previousClose': 8759.67, 'change': -110.98, 'percentage': -1.267, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 35025.943355, 'quoteVolume': 304135046.4242901, 'info': {} }, 'ETH/USDT': { 'symbol': 'ETH/USDT', 'timestamp': 1522014804118, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:24.118Z', 'high': 530.88, 'low': 512.0, 'bid': 529.73, 'bidVolume': 0.2, 'ask': 530.21, 'askVolume': 0.2464, 'vwap': 521.02438405, 'open': 527.27, 'close': 528.42, 'first': None, 'last': 530.21, 'change': 0.558, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 72300.0659, 'quoteVolume': 37670097.3022171, 'info': {} }, 'TKN/USDT': { 'symbol': 'TKN/USDT', 'timestamp': 1522014806198, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.198Z', 'high': 8718.0, 'low': 8365.77, 'bid': 8603.64, 'bidVolume': 0.15846, 'ask': 8603.67, 'askVolume': 0.069147, 'vwap': 8536.35621697, 'open': 8680.0, 'close': 8680.0, 'first': None, 'last': 8603.67, 'change': -0.879, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 30414.604298, 'quoteVolume': 259629896.48584127, 'info': {} }, 'BLK/USDT': { 'symbol': 'BLK/USDT', 'timestamp': 1522014806145, 'datetime': '2018-03-25T21:53:26.145Z', 'high': 66.95, 'low': 63.38, 'bid': 66.473, 'bidVolume': 4.968, 'ask': 66.54, 'askVolume': 2.704, 'vwap': 65.0526901, 'open': 66.43, 'close': 66.383, 'first': None, 'last': 66.5, 'change': 0.105, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 294106.204, 'quoteVolume': 19132399.743954, 'info': {} }, 'LTC/USDT': { 'symbol': 'LTC/USDT', 'timestamp': 1523787257812, 'datetime': '2018-04-15T10:14:18.812Z', 'high': 129.94, 'low': 124.0, 'bid': 129.28, 'bidVolume': 0.03201, 'ask': 129.52, 'askVolume': 0.14529, 'vwap': 126.92838682, 'open': 127.0, 'close': 127.1, 'first': None, 'last': 129.28, 'change': 1.795, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 59698.79897, 'quoteVolume': 29132399.743954, 'info': {} }, 'XRP/BTC': { 'symbol': 'XRP/BTC', 'timestamp': 1573758257534, 'datetime': '2019-11-14T19:04:17.534Z', 'high': 3.126e-05, 'low': 3.061e-05, 'bid': 3.093e-05, 'bidVolume': 27901.0, 'ask': 3.095e-05, 'askVolume': 10551.0, 'vwap': 3.091e-05, 'open': 3.119e-05, 'close': 3.094e-05, 'last': 3.094e-05, 'previousClose': 3.117e-05, 'change': -2.5e-07, 'percentage': -0.802, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': 37334921.0, 'quoteVolume': 1154.19266394, 'info': {} }, "NANO/USDT": { "symbol": "NANO/USDT", "timestamp": 1580469388244, "datetime": "2020-01-31T11:16:28.244Z", "high": 0.7519, "low": 0.7154, "bid": 0.7305, "bidVolume": 300.3, "ask": 0.7342, "askVolume": 15.14, "vwap": 0.73645591, "open": 0.7154, "close": 0.7342, "last": 0.7342, "previousClose": 0.7189, "change": 0.0188, "percentage": 2.628, "average": None, "baseVolume": 439472.44, "quoteVolume": 323652.075405, "info": {} }, # Example of leveraged pair with incomplete info "ADAHALF/USDT": { "symbol": "ADAHALF/USDT", "timestamp": 1580469388244, "datetime": "2020-01-31T11:16:28.244Z", "high": None, "low": None, "bid": 0.7305, "bidVolume": None, "ask": 0.7342, "askVolume": None, "vwap": None, "open": None, "close": None, "last": None, "previousClose": None, "change": None, "percentage": 2.628, "average": None, "baseVolume": 0.0, "quoteVolume": 0.0, "info": {} }, "ADADOUBLE/USDT": { "symbol": "ADADOUBLE/USDT", "timestamp": 1580469388244, "datetime": "2020-01-31T11:16:28.244Z", "high": None, "low": None, "bid": 0.7305, "bidVolume": None, "ask": 0.7342, "askVolume": None, "vwap": None, "open": None, "close": None, "last": 0, "previousClose": None, "change": None, "percentage": 2.628, "average": None, "baseVolume": 0.0, "quoteVolume": 0.0, "info": {} }, }) @pytest.fixture def result(testdatadir): with (testdatadir / 'UNITTEST_BTC-1m.json').open('r') as data_file: return ohlcv_to_dataframe(json.load(data_file), '1m', pair="UNITTEST/BTC", fill_missing=True) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def trades_for_order(): return [{ 'info': { 'id': 34567, 'orderId': 123456, 'price': '2.0', 'qty': '8.00000000', 'commission': '0.00800000', 'commissionAsset': 'LTC', 'time': 1521663363189, 'isBuyer': True, 'isMaker': False, 'isBestMatch': True }, 'timestamp': 1521663363189, 'datetime': '2018-03-21T20:16:03.189Z', 'symbol': 'LTC/USDT', 'id': '34567', 'order': '123456', 'type': None, 'side': 'buy', 'price': 2.0, 'cost': 16.0, 'amount': 8.0, 'fee': { 'cost': 0.008, 'currency': 'LTC' } }] @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def trades_history(): return [[1565798389463, '12618132aa9', None, 'buy', 0.019627, 0.04, 0.00078508], [1565798399629, '1261813bb30', None, 'buy', 0.019627, 0.244, 0.004788987999999999], [1565798399752, '1261813cc31', None, 'sell', 0.019626, 0.011, 0.00021588599999999999], [1565798399862, '126181cc332', None, 'sell', 0.019626, 0.011, 0.00021588599999999999], [1565798399872, '1261aa81333', None, 'sell', 0.019626, 0.011, 0.00021588599999999999]] @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def fetch_trades_result(): return [{'info': {'a': 126181329, 'p': '0.01962700', 'q': '0.04000000', 'f': 138604155, 'l': 138604155, 'T': 1565798399463, 'm': False, 'M': True}, 'timestamp': 1565798399463, 'datetime': '2019-08-14T15:59:59.463Z', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'id': '126181329', 'order': None, 'type': None, 'takerOrMaker': None, 'side': 'buy', 'price': 0.019627, 'amount': 0.04, 'cost': 0.00078508, 'fee': None}, {'info': {'a': 126181330, 'p': '0.01962700', 'q': '0.24400000', 'f': 138604156, 'l': 138604156, 'T': 1565798399629, 'm': False, 'M': True}, 'timestamp': 1565798399629, 'datetime': '2019-08-14T15:59:59.629Z', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'id': '126181330', 'order': None, 'type': None, 'takerOrMaker': None, 'side': 'buy', 'price': 0.019627, 'amount': 0.244, 'cost': 0.004788987999999999, 'fee': None}, {'info': {'a': 126181331, 'p': '0.01962600', 'q': '0.01100000', 'f': 138604157, 'l': 138604157, 'T': 1565798399752, 'm': True, 'M': True}, 'timestamp': 1565798399752, 'datetime': '2019-08-14T15:59:59.752Z', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'id': '126181331', 'order': None, 'type': None, 'takerOrMaker': None, 'side': 'sell', 'price': 0.019626, 'amount': 0.011, 'cost': 0.00021588599999999999, 'fee': None}, {'info': {'a': 126181332, 'p': '0.01962600', 'q': '0.01100000', 'f': 138604158, 'l': 138604158, 'T': 1565798399862, 'm': True, 'M': True}, 'timestamp': 1565798399862, 'datetime': '2019-08-14T15:59:59.862Z', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'id': '126181332', 'order': None, 'type': None, 'takerOrMaker': None, 'side': 'sell', 'price': 0.019626, 'amount': 0.011, 'cost': 0.00021588599999999999, 'fee': None}, {'info': {'a': 126181333, 'p': '0.01952600', 'q': '0.01200000', 'f': 138604158, 'l': 138604158, 'T': 1565798399872, 'm': True, 'M': True}, 'timestamp': 1565798399872, 'datetime': '2019-08-14T15:59:59.872Z', 'symbol': 'ETH/BTC', 'id': '126181333', 'order': None, 'type': None, 'takerOrMaker': None, 'side': 'sell', 'price': 0.019626, 'amount': 0.011, 'cost': 0.00021588599999999999, 'fee': None}] @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def trades_for_order2(): return [{'info': {}, 'timestamp': 1521663363189, 'datetime': '2018-03-21T20:16:03.189Z', 'symbol': 'LTC/ETH', 'id': '34567', 'order': '123456', 'type': None, 'side': 'buy', 'price': 0.245441, 'cost': 1.963528, 'amount': 4.0, 'fee': {'cost': 0.004, 'currency': 'LTC'}}, {'info': {}, 'timestamp': 1521663363189, 'datetime': '2018-03-21T20:16:03.189Z', 'symbol': 'LTC/ETH', 'id': '34567', 'order': '123456', 'type': None, 'side': 'buy', 'price': 0.245441, 'cost': 1.963528, 'amount': 4.0, 'fee': {'cost': 0.004, 'currency': 'LTC'}}] @pytest.fixture def buy_order_fee(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_buy_old', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': str(arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).datetime), 'price': 0.245441, 'amount': 8.0, 'cost': 1.963528, 'remaining': 90.99181073, 'status': 'closed', 'fee': None } @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def edge_conf(default_conf): conf = deepcopy(default_conf) conf['runmode'] = RunMode.DRY_RUN conf['max_open_trades'] = -1 conf['tradable_balance_ratio'] = 0.5 conf['stake_amount'] = constants.UNLIMITED_STAKE_AMOUNT conf['edge'] = { "enabled": True, "process_throttle_secs": 1800, "calculate_since_number_of_days": 14, "allowed_risk": 0.01, "stoploss_range_min": -0.01, "stoploss_range_max": -0.1, "stoploss_range_step": -0.01, "maximum_winrate": 0.80, "minimum_expectancy": 0.20, "min_trade_number": 15, "max_trade_duration_minute": 1440, "remove_pumps": False } return conf @pytest.fixture def rpc_balance(): return { 'BTC': { 'total': 12.0, 'free': 12.0, 'used': 0.0 }, 'ETH': { 'total': 0.0, 'free': 0.0, 'used': 0.0 }, 'USDT': { 'total': 10000.0, 'free': 10000.0, 'used': 0.0 }, 'LTC': { 'total': 10.0, 'free': 10.0, 'used': 0.0 }, 'XRP': { 'total': 0.1, 'free': 0.01, 'used': 0.0 }, 'EUR': { 'total': 10.0, 'free': 10.0, 'used': 0.0 }, } @pytest.fixture def testdatadir() -> Path: """Return the path where testdata files are stored""" return (Path(__file__).parent / "testdata").resolve() @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def import_fails() -> None: # Source of this test-method: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481511/mocking-importerror-in-python import builtins realimport = builtins.__import__ def mockedimport(name, *args, **kwargs): if name in ["filelock", 'systemd.journal', 'uvloop']: raise ImportError(f"No module named '{name}'") return realimport(name, *args, **kwargs) builtins.__import__ = mockedimport # Run test - then cleanup yield # restore previous importfunction builtins.__import__ = realimport @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def open_trade(): trade = Trade( pair='ETH/BTC', open_rate=0.00001099, exchange='binance', open_order_id='123456789', amount=90.99181073, fee_open=0.0, fee_close=0.0, stake_amount=1, open_date=arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).datetime, is_open=True ) trade.orders = [ Order( ft_order_side='buy', ft_pair=trade.pair, ft_is_open=False, order_id='123456789', status="closed", symbol=trade.pair, order_type="market", side="buy", price=trade.open_rate, average=trade.open_rate, filled=trade.amount, remaining=0, cost=trade.open_rate * trade.amount, order_date=trade.open_date, order_filled_date=trade.open_date, ) ] return trade @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def open_trade_usdt(): trade = Trade( pair='ADA/USDT', open_rate=2.0, exchange='binance', open_order_id='123456789', amount=30.0, fee_open=0.0, fee_close=0.0, stake_amount=60.0, open_date=arrow.utcnow().shift(minutes=-601).datetime, is_open=True ) trade.orders = [ Order( ft_order_side='buy', ft_pair=trade.pair, ft_is_open=False, order_id='123456789', status="closed", symbol=trade.pair, order_type="market", side="buy", price=trade.open_rate, average=trade.open_rate, filled=trade.amount, remaining=0, cost=trade.open_rate * trade.amount, order_date=trade.open_date, order_filled_date=trade.open_date, ) ] return trade @pytest.fixture def saved_hyperopt_results(): hyperopt_res = [ { 'loss': 0.4366182531161519, 'params_dict': { 'mfi-value': 15, 'fastd-value': 20, 'adx-value': 25, 'rsi-value': 28, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal', 'sell-mfi-value': 88, 'sell-fastd-value': 97, 'sell-adx-value': 51, 'sell-rsi-value': 67, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-bb_upper', 'roi_t1': 1190, 'roi_t2': 541, 'roi_t3': 408, 'roi_p1': 0.026035863879169705, 'roi_p2': 0.12508730043628782, 'roi_p3': 0.27766427921605896, 'stoploss': -0.2562930402099556}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 15, 'fastd-value': 20, 'adx-value': 25, 'rsi-value': 28, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 88, 'sell-fastd-value': 97, 'sell-adx-value': 51, 'sell-rsi-value': 67, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-bb_upper'}, 'roi': {0: 0.4287874435315165, 408: 0.15112316431545753, 949: 0.026035863879169705, 2139: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.2562930402099556}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 2, 'wins': 0, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 2, 'profit_mean': -0.01254995, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': -0.00125625, 'profit_total_abs': -2.50999, 'max_drawdown': 0.23, 'max_drawdown_abs': -0.00125625, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=3930.0), 'stake_currency': 'BTC', 'strategy_name': 'SampleStrategy'}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 2 trades. Avg profit -1.25%. Total profit -0.00125625 BTC ( -2.51Σ%). Avg duration 3930.0 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': -0.00125625, 'current_epoch': 1, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': True, }, { 'loss': 20.0, 'params_dict': { 'mfi-value': 17, 'fastd-value': 38, 'adx-value': 48, 'rsi-value': 22, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal', 'sell-mfi-value': 96, 'sell-fastd-value': 68, 'sell-adx-value': 63, 'sell-rsi-value': 81, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-sar_reversal', 'roi_t1': 334, 'roi_t2': 683, 'roi_t3': 140, 'roi_p1': 0.06403981740598495, 'roi_p2': 0.055519840060645045, 'roi_p3': 0.3253712811342459, 'stoploss': -0.338070047333259}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': { 'buy': {'mfi-value': 17, 'fastd-value': 38, 'adx-value': 48, 'rsi-value': 22, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal'}, # noqa: E501 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 96, 'sell-fastd-value': 68, 'sell-adx-value': 63, 'sell-rsi-value': 81, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-sar_reversal'}, # noqa: E501 'roi': {0: 0.4449309386008759, 140: 0.11955965746663, 823: 0.06403981740598495, 1157: 0}, # noqa: E501 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.338070047333259}}, 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 1, 'wins': 0, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 1, 'profit_mean': 0.012357, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': 6.185e-05, 'profit_total_abs': 0.12357, 'max_drawdown': 0.23, 'max_drawdown_abs': -0.00125625, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=1200.0)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 1 trades. Avg profit 0.12%. Total profit 0.00006185 BTC ( 0.12Σ%). Avg duration 1200.0 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': 6.185e-05, 'current_epoch': 2, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False }, { 'loss': 14.241196856510731, 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 25, 'fastd-value': 16, 'adx-value': 29, 'rsi-value': 20, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal', 'sell-mfi-value': 98, 'sell-fastd-value': 72, 'sell-adx-value': 51, 'sell-rsi-value': 82, 'sell-mfi-enabled': True, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal', 'roi_t1': 889, 'roi_t2': 533, 'roi_t3': 263, 'roi_p1': 0.04759065393663096, 'roi_p2': 0.1488819964638463, 'roi_p3': 0.4102801822104605, 'stoploss': -0.05394588767607611}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 25, 'fastd-value': 16, 'adx-value': 29, 'rsi-value': 20, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 98, 'sell-fastd-value': 72, 'sell-adx-value': 51, 'sell-rsi-value': 82, 'sell-mfi-enabled': True, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal'}, 'roi': {0: 0.6067528326109377, 263: 0.19647265040047726, 796: 0.04759065393663096, 1685: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.05394588767607611}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 621, 'wins': 320, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 301, 'profit_mean': -0.043883302093397747, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': -0.13639474, 'profit_total_abs': -272.515306, 'max_drawdown': 0.25, 'max_drawdown_abs': -272.515306, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=1691.207729468599)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 621 trades. Avg profit -0.44%. Total profit -0.13639474 BTC (-272.52Σ%). Avg duration 1691.2 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': -0.13639474, 'current_epoch': 3, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False }, { 'loss': 100000, 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 13, 'fastd-value': 35, 'adx-value': 39, 'rsi-value': 29, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal', 'sell-mfi-value': 87, 'sell-fastd-value': 54, 'sell-adx-value': 63, 'sell-rsi-value': 93, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-bb_upper', 'roi_t1': 1402, 'roi_t2': 676, 'roi_t3': 215, 'roi_p1': 0.06264755784937427, 'roi_p2': 0.14258587851894644, 'roi_p3': 0.20671291201040828, 'stoploss': -0.11818343570194478}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 13, 'fastd-value': 35, 'adx-value': 39, 'rsi-value': 29, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 87, 'sell-fastd-value': 54, 'sell-adx-value': 63, 'sell-rsi-value': 93, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-bb_upper'}, 'roi': {0: 0.411946348378729, 215: 0.2052334363683207, 891: 0.06264755784937427, 2293: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.11818343570194478}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 0, 'wins': 0, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 0, 'profit_mean': None, 'profit_median': None, 'profit_total': 0, 'profit': 0.0, 'holding_avg': timedelta()}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 0 trades. Avg profit nan%. Total profit 0.00000000 BTC ( 0.00Σ%). Avg duration nan min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': 0, 'current_epoch': 4, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False }, { 'loss': 0.22195522184191518, 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 17, 'fastd-value': 21, 'adx-value': 38, 'rsi-value': 33, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal', 'sell-mfi-value': 87, 'sell-fastd-value': 82, 'sell-adx-value': 78, 'sell-rsi-value': 69, 'sell-mfi-enabled': True, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': False, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal', 'roi_t1': 1269, 'roi_t2': 601, 'roi_t3': 444, 'roi_p1': 0.07280999507931168, 'roi_p2': 0.08946698095898986, 'roi_p3': 0.1454876733325284, 'stoploss': -0.18181041180901014}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 17, 'fastd-value': 21, 'adx-value': 38, 'rsi-value': 33, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 87, 'sell-fastd-value': 82, 'sell-adx-value': 78, 'sell-rsi-value': 69, 'sell-mfi-enabled': True, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': False, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal'}, 'roi': {0: 0.3077646493708299, 444: 0.16227697603830155, 1045: 0.07280999507931168, 2314: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.18181041180901014}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 14, 'wins': 6, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 8, 'profit_mean': -0.003539515, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': -0.002480140000000001, 'profit_total_abs': -4.955321, 'max_drawdown': 0.34, 'max_drawdown_abs': -4.955321, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=3402.8571428571427)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 14 trades. Avg profit -0.35%. Total profit -0.00248014 BTC ( -4.96Σ%). Avg duration 3402.9 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': -0.002480140000000001, 'current_epoch': 5, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': True }, { 'loss': 0.545315889154162, 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 22, 'fastd-value': 43, 'adx-value': 46, 'rsi-value': 20, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'bb_lower', 'sell-mfi-value': 87, 'sell-fastd-value': 65, 'sell-adx-value': 94, 'sell-rsi-value': 63, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal', 'roi_t1': 319, 'roi_t2': 556, 'roi_t3': 216, 'roi_p1': 0.06251955472249589, 'roi_p2': 0.11659519602202795, 'roi_p3': 0.0953744132197762, 'stoploss': -0.024551752215582423}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 22, 'fastd-value': 43, 'adx-value': 46, 'rsi-value': 20, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'bb_lower'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 87, 'sell-fastd-value': 65, 'sell-adx-value': 94, 'sell-rsi-value': 63, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal'}, 'roi': {0: 0.2744891639643, 216: 0.17911475074452382, 772: 0.06251955472249589, 1091: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.024551752215582423}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 39, 'wins': 20, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 19, 'profit_mean': -0.0021400679487179478, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': -0.0041773, 'profit_total_abs': -8.346264999999997, 'max_drawdown': 0.45, 'max_drawdown_abs': -4.955321, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=636.9230769230769)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 39 trades. Avg profit -0.21%. Total profit -0.00417730 BTC ( -8.35Σ%). Avg duration 636.9 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': -0.0041773, 'current_epoch': 6, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False }, { 'loss': 4.713497421432944, 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 13, 'fastd-value': 41, 'adx-value': 21, 'rsi-value': 29, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'bb_lower', 'sell-mfi-value': 99, 'sell-fastd-value': 60, 'sell-adx-value': 81, 'sell-rsi-value': 69, 'sell-mfi-enabled': True, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': False, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal', 'roi_t1': 771, 'roi_t2': 620, 'roi_t3': 145, 'roi_p1': 0.0586919200378493, 'roi_p2': 0.04984118697312542, 'roi_p3': 0.37521058680247044, 'stoploss': -0.14613268022709905}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': { 'buy': {'mfi-value': 13, 'fastd-value': 41, 'adx-value': 21, 'rsi-value': 29, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'bb_lower'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 99, 'sell-fastd-value': 60, 'sell-adx-value': 81, 'sell-rsi-value': 69, 'sell-mfi-enabled': True, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': False, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal'}, 'roi': {0: 0.4837436938134452, 145: 0.10853310701097472, 765: 0.0586919200378493, 1536: 0}, # noqa: E501 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.14613268022709905}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 318, 'wins': 100, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 218, 'profit_mean': -0.0039833954716981146, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': -0.06339929, 'profit_total_abs': -126.67197600000004, 'max_drawdown': 0.50, 'max_drawdown_abs': -200.955321, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=3140.377358490566)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 318 trades. Avg profit -0.40%. Total profit -0.06339929 BTC (-126.67Σ%). Avg duration 3140.4 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': -0.06339929, 'current_epoch': 7, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False }, { 'loss': 20.0, # noqa: E501 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 24, 'fastd-value': 43, 'adx-value': 33, 'rsi-value': 20, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'sar_reversal', 'sell-mfi-value': 89, 'sell-fastd-value': 74, 'sell-adx-value': 70, 'sell-rsi-value': 70, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': False, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-sar_reversal', 'roi_t1': 1149, 'roi_t2': 375, 'roi_t3': 289, 'roi_p1': 0.05571820757172588, 'roi_p2': 0.0606240398618907, 'roi_p3': 0.1729012220156157, 'stoploss': -0.1588514289110401}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 24, 'fastd-value': 43, 'adx-value': 33, 'rsi-value': 20, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'sar_reversal'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 89, 'sell-fastd-value': 74, 'sell-adx-value': 70, 'sell-rsi-value': 70, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': False, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-sar_reversal'}, 'roi': {0: 0.2892434694492323, 289: 0.11634224743361658, 664: 0.05571820757172588, 1813: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.1588514289110401}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 1, 'wins': 0, 'draws': 1, 'losses': 0, 'profit_mean': 0.0, 'profit_median': 0.0, 'profit_total': 0.0, 'profit_total_abs': 0.0, 'max_drawdown': 0.0, 'max_drawdown_abs': 0.52, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=5340.0)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 1 trades. Avg profit 0.00%. Total profit 0.00000000 BTC ( 0.00Σ%). Avg duration 5340.0 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': 0.0, 'current_epoch': 8, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False }, { 'loss': 2.4731817780991223, 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 22, 'fastd-value': 20, 'adx-value': 29, 'rsi-value': 40, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'sar_reversal', 'sell-mfi-value': 97, 'sell-fastd-value': 65, 'sell-adx-value': 81, 'sell-rsi-value': 64, 'sell-mfi-enabled': True, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-bb_upper', 'roi_t1': 1012, 'roi_t2': 584, 'roi_t3': 422, 'roi_p1': 0.036764323603472565, 'roi_p2': 0.10335480573205287, 'roi_p3': 0.10322347377503042, 'stoploss': -0.2780610808108503}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 22, 'fastd-value': 20, 'adx-value': 29, 'rsi-value': 40, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'sar_reversal'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 97, 'sell-fastd-value': 65, 'sell-adx-value': 81, 'sell-rsi-value': 64, 'sell-mfi-enabled': True, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-bb_upper'}, 'roi': {0: 0.2433426031105559, 422: 0.14011912933552545, 1006: 0.036764323603472565, 2018: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.2780610808108503}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 229, 'wins': 150, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 79, 'profit_mean': -0.0038433433624454144, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': -0.044050070000000004, 'profit_total_abs': -88.01256299999999, 'max_drawdown': 0.41, 'max_drawdown_abs': -150.955321, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=6505.676855895196)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 229 trades. Avg profit -0.38%. Total profit -0.04405007 BTC ( -88.01Σ%). Avg duration 6505.7 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': -0.044050070000000004, # noqa: E501 'current_epoch': 9, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False }, { 'loss': -0.2604606005845212, # noqa: E501 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 23, 'fastd-value': 24, 'adx-value': 22, 'rsi-value': 24, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal', 'sell-mfi-value': 97, 'sell-fastd-value': 70, 'sell-adx-value': 64, 'sell-rsi-value': 80, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-sar_reversal', 'roi_t1': 792, 'roi_t2': 464, 'roi_t3': 215, 'roi_p1': 0.04594053535385903, 'roi_p2': 0.09623192684243963, 'roi_p3': 0.04428219070850663, 'stoploss': -0.16992287161634415}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 23, 'fastd-value': 24, 'adx-value': 22, 'rsi-value': 24, 'mfi-enabled': False, 'fastd-enabled': False, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': True, 'trigger': 'macd_cross_signal'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 97, 'sell-fastd-value': 70, 'sell-adx-value': 64, 'sell-rsi-value': 80, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': True, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-sar_reversal'}, 'roi': {0: 0.18645465290480528, 215: 0.14217246219629864, 679: 0.04594053535385903, 1471: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.16992287161634415}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 4, 'wins': 0, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 4, 'profit_mean': 0.001080385, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': 0.00021629, 'profit_total_abs': 0.432154, 'max_drawdown': 0.13, 'max_drawdown_abs': -4.955321, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=2850.0)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 4 trades. Avg profit 0.11%. Total profit 0.00021629 BTC ( 0.43Σ%). Avg duration 2850.0 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': 0.00021629, 'current_epoch': 10, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': True }, { 'loss': 4.876465945994304, # noqa: E501 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 20, 'fastd-value': 32, 'adx-value': 49, 'rsi-value': 23, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'bb_lower', 'sell-mfi-value': 75, 'sell-fastd-value': 56, 'sell-adx-value': 61, 'sell-rsi-value': 62, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal', 'roi_t1': 579, 'roi_t2': 614, 'roi_t3': 273, 'roi_p1': 0.05307643172744114, 'roi_p2': 0.1352282078262871, 'roi_p3': 0.1913307406325751, 'stoploss': -0.25728526022513887}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 20, 'fastd-value': 32, 'adx-value': 49, 'rsi-value': 23, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': False, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'bb_lower'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 75, 'sell-fastd-value': 56, 'sell-adx-value': 61, 'sell-rsi-value': 62, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-macd_cross_signal'}, 'roi': {0: 0.3796353801863034, 273: 0.18830463955372825, 887: 0.05307643172744114, 1466: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.25728526022513887}}, # noqa: E501 # New Hyperopt mode! 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 117, 'wins': 67, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 50, 'profit_mean': -0.012698609145299145, 'profit_median': -0.012222, 'profit_total': -0.07436117, 'profit_total_abs': -148.573727, 'max_drawdown': 0.52, 'max_drawdown_abs': -224.955321, 'holding_avg': timedelta(minutes=4282.5641025641025)}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 117 trades. Avg profit -1.27%. Total profit -0.07436117 BTC (-148.57Σ%). Avg duration 4282.6 min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': -0.07436117, 'current_epoch': 11, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False }, { 'loss': 100000, 'params_dict': {'mfi-value': 10, 'fastd-value': 36, 'adx-value': 31, 'rsi-value': 22, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'sar_reversal', 'sell-mfi-value': 80, 'sell-fastd-value': 71, 'sell-adx-value': 60, 'sell-rsi-value': 85, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-bb_upper', 'roi_t1': 1156, 'roi_t2': 581, 'roi_t3': 408, 'roi_p1': 0.06860454019988212, 'roi_p2': 0.12473718444931989, 'roi_p3': 0.2896360635226823, 'stoploss': -0.30889015124682806}, # noqa: E501 'params_details': {'buy': {'mfi-value': 10, 'fastd-value': 36, 'adx-value': 31, 'rsi-value': 22, 'mfi-enabled': True, 'fastd-enabled': True, 'adx-enabled': True, 'rsi-enabled': False, 'trigger': 'sar_reversal'}, 'sell': {'sell-mfi-value': 80, 'sell-fastd-value': 71, 'sell-adx-value': 60, 'sell-rsi-value': 85, 'sell-mfi-enabled': False, 'sell-fastd-enabled': False, 'sell-adx-enabled': True, 'sell-rsi-enabled': True, 'sell-trigger': 'sell-bb_upper'}, 'roi': {0: 0.4829777881718843, 408: 0.19334172464920202, 989: 0.06860454019988212, 2145: 0}, 'stoploss': {'stoploss': -0.30889015124682806}}, # noqa: E501 'results_metrics': {'total_trades': 0, 'wins': 0, 'draws': 0, 'losses': 0, 'profit_mean': None, 'profit_median': None, 'profit_total': 0, 'profit_total_abs': 0.0, 'max_drawdown': 0.0, 'max_drawdown_abs': 0.0, 'holding_avg': timedelta()}, # noqa: E501 'results_explanation': ' 0 trades. Avg profit nan%. Total profit 0.00000000 BTC ( 0.00Σ%). Avg duration nan min.', # noqa: E501 'total_profit': 0, 'current_epoch': 12, 'is_initial_point': True, 'is_best': False } ] for res in hyperopt_res: res['results_metrics']['holding_avg_s'] = res['results_metrics']['holding_avg' ].total_seconds() return hyperopt_res @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def limit_buy_order_usdt_open(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_buy_usdt', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'buy', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().int_timestamp, 'price': 2.00, 'amount': 30.0, 'filled': 0.0, 'cost': 60.0, 'remaining': 30.0, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def limit_buy_order_usdt(limit_buy_order_usdt_open): order = deepcopy(limit_buy_order_usdt_open) order['status'] = 'closed' order['filled'] = order['amount'] order['remaining'] = 0.0 return order @pytest.fixture def limit_sell_order_usdt_open(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_sell_usdt', 'type': 'limit', 'side': 'sell', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().int_timestamp, 'price': 2.20, 'amount': 30.0, 'cost': 66.0, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 30.0, 'status': 'open' } @pytest.fixture def limit_sell_order_usdt(limit_sell_order_usdt_open): order = deepcopy(limit_sell_order_usdt_open) order['remaining'] = 0.0 order['filled'] = order['amount'] order['status'] = 'closed' return order @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def market_buy_order_usdt(): return { 'id': 'mocked_market_buy', 'type': 'market', 'side': 'buy', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'price': 2.00, 'amount': 30.0, 'filled': 30.0, 'remaining': 0.0, 'status': 'closed' } @pytest.fixture def market_buy_order_usdt_doublefee(market_buy_order_usdt): order = deepcopy(market_buy_order_usdt) order['fee'] = None # Market orders filled with 2 trades can have fees in different currencies # assuming the account runs out of BNB. order['fees'] = [ {'cost': 0.00025125, 'currency': 'BNB'}, {'cost': 0.05030681, 'currency': 'USDT'}, ] order['trades'] = [{ 'timestamp': None, 'datetime': None, 'symbol': 'ETH/USDT', 'id': None, 'order': '123', 'type': 'market', 'side': 'sell', 'takerOrMaker': None, 'price': 2.01, 'amount': 25.0, 'cost': 50.25, 'fee': {'cost': 0.00025125, 'currency': 'BNB'} }, { 'timestamp': None, 'datetime': None, 'symbol': 'ETH/USDT', 'id': None, 'order': '123', 'type': 'market', 'side': 'sell', 'takerOrMaker': None, 'price': 2.0, 'amount': 5, 'cost': 10, 'fee': {'cost': 0.0100306, 'currency': 'USDT'} }] return order @pytest.fixture def market_sell_order_usdt(): return { 'id': 'mocked_limit_sell', 'type': 'market', 'side': 'sell', 'symbol': 'mocked', 'datetime': arrow.utcnow().isoformat(), 'price': 2.20, 'amount': 30.0, 'filled': 30.0, 'remaining': 0.0, 'status': 'closed' } @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def limit_order(limit_buy_order_usdt, limit_sell_order_usdt): return { 'buy': limit_buy_order_usdt, 'sell': limit_sell_order_usdt } @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def market_order(market_buy_order_usdt, market_sell_order_usdt): return { 'buy': market_buy_order_usdt, 'sell': market_sell_order_usdt } @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def limit_order_open(limit_buy_order_usdt_open, limit_sell_order_usdt_open): return { 'buy': limit_buy_order_usdt_open, 'sell': limit_sell_order_usdt_open } @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def mark_ohlcv(): return [ [1630454400000, 2.77, 2.77, 2.73, 2.73, 0], [1630458000000, 2.73, 2.76, 2.72, 2.74, 0], [1630461600000, 2.74, 2.76, 2.74, 2.76, 0], [1630465200000, 2.76, 2.76, 2.74, 2.76, 0], [1630468800000, 2.76, 2.77, 2.75, 2.77, 0], [1630472400000, 2.77, 2.79, 2.75, 2.78, 0], [1630476000000, 2.78, 2.80, 2.77, 2.77, 0], [1630479600000, 2.78, 2.79, 2.77, 2.77, 0], [1630483200000, 2.77, 2.79, 2.77, 2.78, 0], [1630486800000, 2.77, 2.84, 2.77, 2.84, 0], [1630490400000, 2.84, 2.85, 2.81, 2.81, 0], [1630494000000, 2.81, 2.83, 2.81, 2.81, 0], [1630497600000, 2.81, 2.84, 2.81, 2.82, 0], [1630501200000, 2.82, 2.83, 2.81, 2.81, 0], ] @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def funding_rate_history_hourly(): return [ { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": -0.000008, "timestamp": 1630454400000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": -0.000004, "timestamp": 1630458000000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T01:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0.000012, "timestamp": 1630461600000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T02:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": -0.000003, "timestamp": 1630465200000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T03:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": -0.000007, "timestamp": 1630468800000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T04:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0.000003, "timestamp": 1630472400000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T05:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0.000019, "timestamp": 1630476000000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T06:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0.000003, "timestamp": 1630479600000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T07:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": -0.000003, "timestamp": 1630483200000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T08:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0, "timestamp": 1630486800000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T09:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0.000013, "timestamp": 1630490400000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T10:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0.000077, "timestamp": 1630494000000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T11:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0.000072, "timestamp": 1630497600000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T12:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": 0.000097, "timestamp": 1630501200000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T13:00:00.000Z" }, ] @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def funding_rate_history_octohourly(): return [ { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": -0.000008, "timestamp": 1630454400000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T00:00:00.000Z" }, { "symbol": "ADA/USDT", "fundingRate": -0.000003, "timestamp": 1630483200000, "datetime": "2021-09-01T08:00:00.000Z" } ] @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def leverage_tiers(): return { "1000SHIB/USDT": [ { 'min': 0, 'max': 50000, 'mmr': 0.01, 'lev': 50, 'maintAmt': 0.0 }, { 'min': 50000, 'max': 150000, 'mmr': 0.025, 'lev': 20, 'maintAmt': 750.0 }, { 'min': 150000, 'max': 250000, 'mmr': 0.05, 'lev': 10, 'maintAmt': 4500.0 }, { 'min': 250000, 'max': 500000, 'mmr': 0.1, 'lev': 5, 'maintAmt': 17000.0 }, { 'min': 500000, 'max': 1000000, 'mmr': 0.125, 'lev': 4, 'maintAmt': 29500.0 }, { 'min': 1000000, 'max': 2000000, 'mmr': 0.25, 'lev': 2, 'maintAmt': 154500.0 }, { 'min': 2000000, 'max': 30000000, 'mmr': 0.5, 'lev': 1, 'maintAmt': 654500.0 }, ], "1INCH/USDT": [ { 'min': 0, 'max': 5000, 'mmr': 0.012, 'lev': 50, 'maintAmt': 0.0 }, { 'min': 5000, 'max': 25000, 'mmr': 0.025, 'lev': 20, 'maintAmt': 65.0 }, { 'min': 25000, 'max': 100000, 'mmr': 0.05, 'lev': 10, 'maintAmt': 690.0 }, { 'min': 100000, 'max': 250000, 'mmr': 0.1, 'lev': 5, 'maintAmt': 5690.0 }, { 'min': 250000, 'max': 1000000, 'mmr': 0.125, 'lev': 2, 'maintAmt': 11940.0 }, { 'min': 1000000, 'max': 100000000, 'mmr': 0.5, 'lev': 1, 'maintAmt': 386940.0 }, ], "AAVE/USDT": [ { 'min': 0, 'max': 50000, 'mmr': 0.01, 'lev': 50, 'maintAmt': 0.0 }, { 'min': 50000, 'max': 250000, 'mmr': 0.02, 'lev': 25, 'maintAmt': 500.0 }, { 'min': 250000, 'max': 1000000, 'mmr': 0.05, 'lev': 10, 'maintAmt': 8000.0 }, { 'min': 1000000, 'max': 2000000, 'mmr': 0.1, 'lev': 5, 'maintAmt': 58000.0 }, { 'min': 2000000, 'max': 5000000, 'mmr': 0.125, 'lev': 4, 'maintAmt': 108000.0 }, { 'min': 5000000, 'max': 10000000, 'mmr': 0.1665, 'lev': 3, 'maintAmt': 315500.0 }, { 'min': 10000000, 'max': 20000000, 'mmr': 0.25, 'lev': 2, 'maintAmt': 1150500.0 }, { "min": 20000000, "max": 50000000, "mmr": 0.5, "lev": 1, "maintAmt": 6150500.0 } ], "ADA/BUSD": [ { "min": 0, "max": 100000, "mmr": 0.025, "lev": 20, "maintAmt": 0.0 }, { "min": 100000, "max": 500000, "mmr": 0.05, "lev": 10, "maintAmt": 2500.0 }, { "min": 500000, "max": 1000000, "mmr": 0.1, "lev": 5, "maintAmt": 27500.0 }, { "min": 1000000, "max": 2000000, "mmr": 0.15, "lev": 3, "maintAmt": 77500.0 }, { "min": 2000000, "max": 5000000, "mmr": 0.25, "lev": 2, "maintAmt": 277500.0 }, { "min": 5000000, "max": 30000000, "mmr": 0.5, "lev": 1, "maintAmt": 1527500.0 }, ], 'BNB/BUSD': [ { "min": 0, # stake(before leverage) = 0 "max": 100000, # max stake(before leverage) = 5000 "mmr": 0.025, "lev": 20, "maintAmt": 0.0 }, { "min": 100000, # stake = 10000.0 "max": 500000, # max_stake = 50000.0 "mmr": 0.05, "lev": 10, "maintAmt": 2500.0 }, { "min": 500000, # stake = 100000.0 "max": 1000000, # max_stake = 200000.0 "mmr": 0.1, "lev": 5, "maintAmt": 27500.0 }, { "min": 1000000, # stake = 333333.3333333333 "max": 2000000, # max_stake = 666666.6666666666 "mmr": 0.15, "lev": 3, "maintAmt": 77500.0 }, { "min": 2000000, # stake = 1000000.0 "max": 5000000, # max_stake = 2500000.0 "mmr": 0.25, "lev": 2, "maintAmt": 277500.0 }, { "min": 5000000, # stake = 5000000.0 "max": 30000000, # max_stake = 30000000.0 "mmr": 0.5, "lev": 1, "maintAmt": 1527500.0 } ], 'BNB/USDT': [ { "min": 0, # stake = 0.0 "max": 10000, # max_stake = 133.33333333333334 "mmr": 0.0065, "lev": 75, "maintAmt": 0.0 }, { "min": 10000, # stake = 200.0 "max": 50000, # max_stake = 1000.0 "mmr": 0.01, "lev": 50, "maintAmt": 35.0 }, { "min": 50000, # stake = 2000.0 "max": 250000, # max_stake = 10000.0 "mmr": 0.02, "lev": 25, "maintAmt": 535.0 }, { "min": 250000, # stake = 25000.0 "max": 1000000, # max_stake = 100000.0 "mmr": 0.05, "lev": 10, "maintAmt": 8035.0 }, { "min": 1000000, # stake = 200000.0 "max": 2000000, # max_stake = 400000.0 "mmr": 0.1, "lev": 5, "maintAmt": 58035.0 }, { "min": 2000000, # stake = 500000.0 "max": 5000000, # max_stake = 1250000.0 "mmr": 0.125, "lev": 4, "maintAmt": 108035.0 }, { "min": 5000000, # stake = 1666666.6666666667 "max": 10000000, # max_stake = 3333333.3333333335 "mmr": 0.15, "lev": 3, "maintAmt": 233035.0 }, { "min": 10000000, # stake = 5000000.0 "max": 20000000, # max_stake = 10000000.0 "mmr": 0.25, "lev": 2, "maintAmt": 1233035.0 }, { "min": 20000000, # stake = 20000000.0 "max": 50000000, # max_stake = 50000000.0 "mmr": 0.5, "lev": 1, "maintAmt": 6233035.0 }, ], 'BTC/USDT': [ { "min": 0, # stake = 0.0 "max": 50000, # max_stake = 400.0 "mmr": 0.004, "lev": 125, "maintAmt": 0.0 }, { "min": 50000, # stake = 500.0 "max": 250000, # max_stake = 2500.0 "mmr": 0.005, "lev": 100, "maintAmt": 50.0 }, { "min": 250000, # stake = 5000.0 "max": 1000000, # max_stake = 20000.0 "mmr": 0.01, "lev": 50, "maintAmt": 1300.0 }, { "min": 1000000, # stake = 50000.0 "max": 7500000, # max_stake = 375000.0 "mmr": 0.025, "lev": 20, "maintAmt": 16300.0 }, { "min": 7500000, # stake = 750000.0 "max": 40000000, # max_stake = 4000000.0 "mmr": 0.05, "lev": 10, "maintAmt": 203800.0 }, { "min": 40000000, # stake = 8000000.0 "max": 100000000, # max_stake = 20000000.0 "mmr": 0.1, "lev": 5, "maintAmt": 2203800.0 }, { "min": 100000000, # stake = 25000000.0 "max": 200000000, # max_stake = 50000000.0 "mmr": 0.125, "lev": 4, "maintAmt": 4703800.0 }, { "min": 200000000, # stake = 66666666.666666664 "max": 400000000, # max_stake = 133333333.33333333 "mmr": 0.15, "lev": 3, "maintAmt": 9703800.0 }, { "min": 400000000, # stake = 200000000.0 "max": 600000000, # max_stake = 300000000.0 "mmr": 0.25, "lev": 2, "maintAmt": 4.97038E7 }, { "min": 600000000, # stake = 600000000.0 "max": 1000000000, # max_stake = 1000000000.0 "mmr": 0.5, "lev": 1, "maintAmt": 1.997038E8 }, ], "ZEC/USDT": [ { 'min': 0, 'max': 50000, 'mmr': 0.01, 'lev': 50, 'maintAmt': 0.0 }, { 'min': 50000, 'max': 150000, 'mmr': 0.025, 'lev': 20, 'maintAmt': 750.0 }, { 'min': 150000, 'max': 250000, 'mmr': 0.05, 'lev': 10, 'maintAmt': 4500.0 }, { 'min': 250000, 'max': 500000, 'mmr': 0.1, 'lev': 5, 'maintAmt': 17000.0 }, { 'min': 500000, 'max': 1000000, 'mmr': 0.125, 'lev': 4, 'maintAmt': 29500.0 }, { 'min': 1000000, 'max': 2000000, 'mmr': 0.25, 'lev': 2, 'maintAmt': 154500.0 }, { 'min': 2000000, 'max': 30000000, 'mmr': 0.5, 'lev': 1, 'maintAmt': 654500.0 }, ] }